C++ :: XML Serializer - How To Convert Float Into String

Dec 11, 2012

I am working with a XML serializer. I wonder if I am creating a text element (xerces). But the value I am after is a float, how do I convert it into a std::string ....

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C++ :: Convert Float To String?

May 17, 2014

I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if i have 356.26 it should output the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars my program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.

void convertNetPay(float netPay, char *netPayString)
int numHuns, numTens, numOnes;
char OnesTable[9][8]={"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};


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C :: Convert Float To String In Order To Use Strlen Function

Apr 4, 2013

Any really simple way of converting the following float to a string so I can take strlen()?

float a = 53213421;


I have looked up solutions but they are either too long or they confuse me.

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C/C++ :: Cannot Convert Float To Float Assignment

Jun 8, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>


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C++ :: Convert Value To Clamped 0.0 - 1.0 Float

Feb 26, 2013

What would be a reliable way to do this? I need to convert RGB components to float values between 0.0 and 1.0 so 0 is 0.0 and 255 is 1.0.

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C++ :: How To Convert Float To Array

Feb 23, 2013

how to covert float value to array get any sessegation to convert the value

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C/C++ :: How To Convert Float To Unsigned Int

Jan 15, 2013

when you convert 1.7 to unsigned int, it becomes 1 or 2?

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C++ :: How To Convert A Number Float In A Range

Aug 19, 2014

How do you convert a number float in a range of -10.0f to 17.0f to a eqivalent number in the range of 0.0f to 1.0f?The code does not work well. floaty is the float to change.

//change range to 0..1
diamond[x][y] = (floaty - minY) / (maxY - minY);

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C/C++ :: How To Convert Entered ASCII Value To Float

Sep 29, 2012

Converting ascii value entered by user.

How to convert it to float basic of c programming techniques only ....

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C++ :: Converting String Value Into Float

Feb 21, 2015

In my project i have to take the string valve and convert it into float

For example
100 will be 100.00
100.0012 will be invalid
100.00 will stay as it is
99 will be 99.00

I am thinking of using stof but i m stuck on how to set the precision of 2 ....

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C++ :: Float / Double To String Conversion

Oct 22, 2013

I want a code that can convert floating/double value into string/char array(char arr[]) and also it can be run on Boreland C++ 5.02

Here I've a code but it doesn't show all the numbers. Instead, it's showing in exponential form which I don't want!!

int main() {
char* str = new char[30];
float flt = 2.4567F;
sprintf(str, "%.4g", flt );
cout<<str<<endl; //Exponential form even after 6 digits without decimal
return 0;

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C++ :: Converting String Variable To Float

Apr 11, 2014

I would like to convert a string variable to float.When acquiring data from text file, I use:

while( getline( ifs, temp )) {
string::size_type stTemp = temp.find(separateur);


the matrix that I obtain is of type vector<Vec> where Vec is a vector of strings.I want to convert each element of matrixe to a float.

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C++ :: Converting String To Char And Float

Nov 15, 2013

So I have to convert ("a499.9") into a char and a float while ignoring the a.

I have the string stored in a buffer and found how to get the char, 4. But I don't know how to get 99.9 as a float.

Here is my code so far.

#include <string>
using namespace std;
main() {
buffer = "a499.9";

[Code] ....

My output:


How to get that double out?

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C++ :: Converting Time String To Float?

Jun 5, 2013

I have a vector<string> of times that I want to convert to vector<double>. The time string is in the form 00:00.000. Is there a STL or something like it algorithm or function to do this, otherwise what would be the best way to do this with a function.

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C++ :: Making Float To String Function

Jan 23, 2015

I have this:

void reverse(char *in, int isize) {
char t = 0;
for( int a = 0; a < isize / 2; a++ ) {
t = in[a];
in[a] = in[(isize - 1) - a];
in[(isize - 1) - a] = t;
[Code] .....


The function i made is working fine, exacly how cout << float is working. The problem is i think my function is not really effective. By that i mean my function is doing alot of useless stuff to do what i want and there have to be a better way.

The rule is that you can not use other functions, only playing with loops and operators.

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Visual C++ :: Converting Float To String?

May 16, 2014

I have an assignment that is due on monday I am stuck on this function. I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if i have 356.26 it should output the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars my program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.

void convertNetPay(float netPay, char *netPayString) {
int numHuns, numTens, numOnes;
char OnesTable[9][8]={"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};
char ResultString[10+1];


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C/C++ :: Unlimited Number Of Arguments - Float To String Conversion

Mar 21, 2015

So, I'm supposed to do : Create a function with unlimited number of arguments, which forms a dynamic string based on the following form (%d, %s, %f, %lf, %c), with the following prototype:

char*create(char*form, ...);

The function is supposed to have the following output:

create("Peter is %d years old and is in %s-%c class.",7,"second",'A');
-> Peter is 7 years old and is in 7-A class.
create("His GPA is %lf.",4.96);
-> His GPA is 4.96.
create("His favourite subject is math!");
-> His favourite subject is math!

I've managed to do the following :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char *create(char *form, ...) {
char *res =(char*)calloc(1,1),*pos_int,*pos_float,*pos_str,pos_char,*pos_long;

[Code] ....

The part with %d and %s string was not that hard, but now I'm supposed to convert %f and %lf to string, I've tried using sprintf but I've had no luck so far, another problem is the fact that I've gotta use lists to complete the task. I've been trying to convert float to string for the past 2 hours, but I'm drawing a blank now.

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C/C++ :: How To Split A String Into Various Types (integer / Float / Char)

Nov 28, 2012

I'm reading lines from a text file in C++ which contains integer + string + float number(like 3,67 with comma) + string in this order. I need the float number to sort the lines but I couldn't manage to separate the data into the types I can use so far. I tried different kind of functions and the best I could do was such a code;

void main (){
     ifstream records;
    int id;
    string line;
    char name[100];
    float gpa;

[Code] ....

This fails at reading the floating number which has comma in it and then last string is read as string starting with the comma and rest of the number. An output example is:

698 John 3 ,67

It doesn't read last string on the line as well. I understand that part but simply I need another read but what I want exactly is to separate one line using "tab" as a seperator into proper data types and then using the numbers as integers, and the grades as floating numbers. How Can I do this?

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C# :: Unable To Implicit Convert Type Int To String Though Declared Variables As String

Mar 26, 2014

Ok, so I'm writing this code and when I build it keeps saying cannot implicitely convert type int to string even though I declared my variables as string. Why is it giving me this error?

private static string Repair()
string result="";
string beep;
string spin;
Console.WriteLine("Does your computer beep on startup?:(y,n)");


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C++ :: Debug Error When Taking A String And Casting It To Float With File Stream

May 9, 2014

Debug Error

ProjectsFinal ProjectGrItemDebugGrItem.exe

R6010 - abort() has been called

I was going over this with a friend and it seems as though getline() is not reading anything in and thus throwing the abort error. I'm not sure why this is because I've included the textfile, with the correct name of course, in both the regular file location and the debug folder. I ask for user input and the user then inputs the name of the file they want, I do some required things behind the scenes and display the results for them in a cmd window. I've included pastebin files for both my header and cpp files because it is far to large for one post I shall, however, post the full code in the comments.

Quick Code

The problem occurs on line 159. I'm assuming once this line is fixed, line 163 will have the same problem.

// Read regular price
getline(nameFile, input, '$');
vectorList[count].regPrice = stof(input.c_str());// Casts string to a float
// Read sale price
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
vectorList[count].salePrice = stof(input.c_str());

Pastebin Links : [URL] ....

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C++ :: Convert And Return C Format String To String?

Jun 8, 2014

heres the function:

string ToString ( const char * format, ... )
char buffer[256];


these function do the same of the sprintf() function. but instead we use a variable for add the result, i want to return the result. when i use it:

string f;
f=ToString("hello world");
gives me several errors:
"error: crosses initialization of 'std::string f'"
"error: jump to case label [-fpermissive]"

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Visual C++ :: How To Convert UTF-8 String To Unicode String

Jun 15, 2013

I am using Visual Studio 2008. I just wonder if there are any library function in Windows SDK or MFC, or from third-parties, that can convert a UTF-8 string into Windows Unicode string(used in CString object).

Can MultiByteToWideChar or ATL String conversion macro like A2W to the conversion?

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C++ :: Turning A Limited Float Into Another Float?

Nov 20, 2013

I can do the folowing:

float var1 ;
var1 = 9.12345 ;
printf("%.2f",var1) ;

the output will be 9.12. What if I wanted to save that as another separate float with displaying it on screen?

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C++ :: Convert A Value Into A String?

May 21, 2013

I would like to convert a value into a string, and extract a value from a string. And then call these functions in the main.

template<class T>
string toString (T value) // convert a value into a string {
stringstream ss;

[Code[ .....

Are above functions correct? And how should I call in main?

int main() {
const int SIZE=10;
toString<int> intValue(SIZE); //seems not right
toString<double> doubleValue(SIZE); // seems not right

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C :: Convert String To Arithmetic?

Mar 16, 2014

I've got this string: Code: char * string = "2+2"; I want to get an integer value = 4 from this. How would I go about doing this.

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C :: Convert String To Double

Mar 6, 2015

I want to convert string to double. I refered this strtod() - C Library Function Example


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
const char string[] = "$$GPRMC,013732.000,A,3150.7238,N,11711.7278,E,0.00,0.00,220413,,,A*68";
char term;
const char delims[] = ",";


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