C Sharp :: Alter Size Of Flash Movies?

Nov 5, 2012

I have a flash movie that is bigger than the axShockwaveFlash placeholder that plays it. The axShockwaveFlash placeholder expands to the size of the movie.

I have found a website at [URL] but asp is totaly different from c#.

How can I make the movie shrink to fit in the axShockwaveFlash placeholder?

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C Sharp :: How To Remove All Format Of Video File And Flash File

Dec 11, 2012

I am creating small application using c#.net.I removed all image tag using regular expression no I want to remove all video file and flash file also in source code of webpage.

so far I have tried this ...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Prompt User For Two Characters - Output Movies That Begin With Input

Nov 24, 2014

I have trouble printing out the movies starting with inputing only two letters.

#include <iostream> //cout, cin, endl,getline
#include <fstream> //ifstream
#include <cstdlib> // exit
using namespace std;

const int NUM_MOVIES = 116792;
struct Movie {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Alter User Input

Feb 6, 2013

I have this code here that counts the number of alphabetic letters the user's input,the number of characters total, the number of words and the number of "the" that was used. However now I need to alter the user's input to have two spaces after the end of each period, no spaces between a word or comma and each sentence has to have a capitalized letter and display them at the end. And I'm stuck on the altering part. I briefly started the 2 spaces after each period but it won't display anything.

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()


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C++ :: Possible To Alter Error Messages For A Particular Line?

Apr 23, 2012

Is it possible to alter an error message for a particular line if you think it might fail compilation? GNU specific stuff is okay. The reason I want to do it is because I have this code.

template <size_t S>
struct assertion{}
int main(){
volatile assertion<sizeof(config::input)> asrt = assertion<sizeof(config::output)>();

If the arrays config::input and config:utput are different sizes, I want it to be clear that that's what needs to be fixed. Is there an __attribute somewhere that will allow me to do that?

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C++ :: Why Return Reference Doesn't Alter The Other Variable

Jun 1, 2014

Suppose i have a function:

int & f1(int & p) {
return p;
void main() {
int a,b;
b = 10;
a = f1(b);
a = 11;

why when i change a, b doesnt change? a is supposed to be an alias of b right?

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C Sharp :: Array Size Limitation Is Too Small

Mar 24, 2013

I am having difficulty with arrays because of the limitation of the size of the arrays that I can declare. I need sizes that are very large and windows or C# does not allow me to create bigger than the following for example:

public static int[] gaPoints = new int[20000000000000000000 + 1];

I get an error message saying that "integral size is too large".

I need to be able to declare sizes that are even much larger than the abovementioned size.

How can I circumvent this problem?

Do I have to use something other than arrays?

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C Sharp :: Split A File In Equal Size According To Its Bytes

Apr 10, 2013

how to split a file in equal size and when clicking on split button it split the files as well as encrypt split parts and the size information are automatically stored in groupbox and save all splitted files in folder.

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C Sharp :: Setting Custom Paper Size Of Crystal Report?

Sep 20, 2014

I want to print a report half sheet in A4 size..

I tried to change paper size in coding and in properties also but no use..so what is the correct code to change as custom size of report.

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C Sharp :: Get Specific Folder Size Information From NAS / NTFS Location After Mapping

Sep 26, 2012

How to measure a NAS (NTFS) free space/total space and used space? Few more details: I have the needed code to map the NAS location (serverNameshared_folderfoldersub_folder) into the local server where I am running my applciation but I can only get the needed statistics above for the whole NAS, I need to know the statistics for a specified folder on the NAS, how can I do that?

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C Sharp :: How To Shrink Size Of Word Documents By Changing Format Settings

Jul 31, 2012

I've created a solution who exported Access reports (graphics/tables) to a Word- and a PDF-format. Therefor I use PDFSharp and PDFFocus.

The PDF document is okay. But the Word-document looks good. Only the size of the Word-document, it has to send by e-mail, is much too big (17MB).

I have to open the Word document again to change the PageSettings to be sure, that the page-margins and the print orientation are correct.

using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;  
namespace PageSetup {
    class TestPageOrientation {
        static void Main(string[] args)

[Code] .....

I don't know how it works in the Word-library source. But I've tried WdOrientation.wdOrientPortrait and once I was surprised. I saw this page in Landscape-format.

I think there is something wrong with my document sections, because the documents (with a lot of tables, graphics and a image) is much too big. And that's only after using this method.

So my next question is: How can I shrink the size of this Word document?

And what do I have to do to limit the amount of format-settings in this word-document?

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C++ :: Reduction Of The Flash Footprint

Nov 26, 2014

I'm currently involved in an embedded (cortex M3) C++ project where we're about to run out of flash.

A quick check of the map file give that, in our case, the destructors consume about 10-15% of the available space. Since we're allocating all things that are needed at startup but never delete anything (both a requirement & also impossible due to the lack of a proper memory manager) the thought of getting rid of all destructors in the target build is appealing.

I know that this question is somewhat crazy/desperate but is there a safe way of telling gcc not to emit any code for destructors? If so, can that be made in such a way that a linker error catch for instance mistakes such as creating an object on stack?

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C++ :: Flash Memory Simulation Using A Code

Jan 23, 2013

I have to simulate flash memory using C++ for a project.

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Visual C++ :: Partitioning USB Flash Drive?

Dec 9, 2014

I have written some code to make two partitions in USB flash drive. When I ran it I am not able to make partitions on usb. What'll be the problem in this code.

/-------------------INITIALIZE AND PARTITION-------------------------------//
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>


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C/C++ :: Writing To Specific Sector In Flash Drive

Apr 22, 2015

I am trying to write a to a specific sector in a flash drive. The problem is that it will only allow me to write to sectors 0 to 15. When I try sector 16 or higher nothing happens, but in sector 0 to 15 is is working fine.

#define BUFFER_SIZE 512
int main(void) {
FILE *volume;
int k = 0;
long long sector = 0;
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Read CSV File From Flash Drive (Ubuntu 12.04)

Mar 26, 2013

I want to read a file from my flash drive called text.csv. However, I cannot even open the port where my flash drive is connected. This is the code that I am using, but I get error since the first part. When I run the program it says "fopen Error". I am using Ubuntu 12.04.

#define SIZE 1
#define NUMELEM 5  
int main(void) {
    FILE* fd = NULL;

[Code] ....

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C :: Retrieving Values That Are Stored To Compact Flash Card

Sep 19, 2013

My specific request is for retrieving values that are stored to a CompactFlash card. I am able to store values (we call them recipes) to the CompactFlash card as .csv file. I just haven't been able to figure out the code to retrieve this information back to the touchscreen.

// Create a new folder if it doesn't exist
//Create the file if it doesn't exist
//open the file
hfile = OpenFile("/recipes/recipe.csv", 2);


Now with that said, I would like to retrieve these values from the .csv file.

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C++ :: Flash Card Type Console Application - Declaring Array Of Hexadecimals

Dec 26, 2013

I'm making a flash card type console application using visual studios 2013. The flash cards contain character that I can display using unicode. So far I am looking at about 200 characters across 2 unicode blocks which I don't want to hard code into my arrays. I thought of initializing my arrays using a loop. The only problem is I don't know how to add in hexadecimal. So is there a way to initialize my array without having to input 200 values my self? Also is hexadecimal addition possible without me having to write a function for it?

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Visual C++ :: Change Frame Window Size According To Increase In Font Size

Nov 27, 2012

Change the frame window size according to font size increases.

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Visual C++ :: Text Size In Screen Is Different From Size In Print Preview?

Feb 1, 2013

I must take an old MFC project in VC++ 6.0 and make changes.

The problem is text size in screen is different from size in print preview.

for example with this font

CFont f50;

And this text

s=_T("Let's try to calculate the size of this text");

and with MM_LOMETRIC map mode

GetTextExtent() returns me:

On screen: (1595,99)
Ink printer + print preview: (1589,100)
PDFCreator + print preview: (1580,100)

comparing with screen size the height is bigger but lenght is smaller. I don't understand.

I can understand that different printers process the fonts in different way and then to have different lenghts. That's not the problem. The problem is I need to simulate in screen the same behaviour i will have on printer because these texts are being aligned in the document, and I don't want to see that the text si aligned different in text than in paper.

What can I do to render the text on screen with the same size I will have on the printer? Print preview is doing it. Should I change the font parameters? is something related with pixels per inch?

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C :: Why Size Of Struct Is Larger Than Sum Of All Size Of Its Members

Jul 11, 2013

I was wondering why, in C, the sizeof of a struct is larger than the the sum of all the sizeofs of it's members. It only seems to be by a few bytes, but as a bit of a perfectionist I fine this a bit annoying.

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C :: Why File Size Of BMP Always Zero

Oct 6, 2013

I've been looking into the file structure of BMP images and everything I'm reading says that the 4 bytes following the signature are designated as the filesize of the bmp file... It's always zero for me regardless of the BMP file. The signature is always correct though.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>


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C/C++ :: Max Size Of Array?

Oct 27, 2014

I'm trying to put all of the words in a text document into an array but this text document is 2,138 kb, and when my program is crashing when I try to put it into an string array. Could the file be too big to put into the array?

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C/C++ :: Different Size Of Values

Nov 10, 2014

The problem is with that a. What is it, a pointer? What's the difference between the a in the main function and the a in the function?

#include <iostream>
#include "Header.h"
using namespace std;
short int capacity(int* a) {
int capacity;

[Code] ....

The function it returns i think the size of the pointer instead of returning the size of my array. I don't think i fully understood pointer arithmetic.

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C++ :: How To See Actual Size Of PTR

Sep 26, 2014

How can I see the actual byte size of the pointer as output in the command prompt?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {


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C/C++ :: Getting The Size Of Array?

Jun 12, 2014

Here is what I've tried:

int numbers[] = {8, 2, 0, 4, 100, 5};
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(numbers); i++){
cout << numbers[i] << endl;

However the results in the console is: 8 2 0 4 ,What am I doing wrong? Am I using the wrong built in function or something? I googled this and one of the links that came up stated to just do something like


but that didnt work for me either...


Also, I know that I just enter the size of the list manually, in this case make i < 6 but I still want to know if there is a built in function or something.

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