C Sharp :: How To Output Items In A Listbox

Mar 31, 2013

What codes in c# will output items in a list box?

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C# :: Removing Items From ListBox

Mar 5, 2014

I'm working on creating a windows form with a listbox, textbox, and 2 buttons (add,remove). I need a way of removing every string matching the contents of the textbox from the listbox. Here's what I have:

for (int i=0;i<listBox1.Items.Count;i++)

Seems to work, but I need a way to show a error message once the user clicks 'remove' and no items in the listbox match.

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C# :: How To Size ListBox Height To Items

Jul 24, 2014

Is there a way to set the height of a listBox to show all of the items without having to kick in the vert scrollbars? I've searched on this question but can't find how to do this.

I want to kind of auto-size my listBox height to accommodate my items (within reason and perhaps set a max height which would kick in the vert scroll bars.

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C++ :: Saving Listbox Items Into Text File

Jan 17, 2013

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

How can i edit CStdioFile to let me open the file while the program is running.

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C# :: Find And Select Multiple Items In ListBox?

Apr 18, 2014

I have a listbox that retrieves a bunch of values. I'm able to selectAll, Select None and Select Individual items. I'm not able to search the ListBox and select based on String value.

I have tried creating a for and if loop, but it will only select a single item (first item) in my ListBox.

private void btnSelectCAD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Find CAD Line Patterns that Begin with IMPORT:
string mySearchString = "IMPORT";
// Search Listbox starting from index -1:
int index = lstLinePatterns.FindString(mySearchString, -1);


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C Sharp :: Move Items In ComboBox?

May 17, 2012

I have a data-bound ComboBox and I populate a DataSet with the values returned from a SQL query.
        public DataSet CompanyArray(DataSet dataSet) {
            SqlConnection connection = InstancesTest.IDataInterface.DefineConnection();  
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
            command.CommandText = "usp_CompanyArray";
            command.CommandTimeout = 20000;


All this works fine. The reason I populated it in an array was so that I could sort the items alphabetically. I know I could just do an "order by" in SQL but I chose this route.

What I'm after is putting a "Please Select" at index 0 in the ComboBox. How can I move this value to the top of the list, without reordering the sorted list?And I don't really want to insert a "Please Select" as a first row in a database table.

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C Sharp :: Unable To Successfully Submit List Of Authors From Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

I need to add either one author or a list or array of authors to my sql table. Here is the code that is used to insert the authors into the table:

The code from the listbox:

<asp:ListBox runat="server" ID="AuthorList" DataTextField="AuthorName" 
            DataValueField="AuthorName" DataSourceID="Authors"  SelectionMode="Multiple"/>    

Datasource code:

<asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="ds_InventoriedAuthors" 
SelectMethod="GetAuthors" TypeName="CntyLibrary.Inventory.Authors" InsertMethod="AddAuthors">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="AuthorID" Type="Int32" QueryStringField="id" />

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Listbox Item Display - How To Add Column From File To Combobox

Oct 4, 2012

How to display the item in listbox,which are selected from three combobox.

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C Sharp :: How To Set Rootpath Of Application Which Is Path Of A Selected Item In Listbox

Apr 4, 2013

I want to set the rootpath of an executable application. This rootpath should be the same as the path of an item that I select from a ListBox. The code for selecting the item is as follows.

namespace Menu {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {  
        private Button button;
        private ListBox listBox1;
        private string selecteditem;

[Code] ....

Now what I want is: Whatever I get the output as in the :

Console.Writeline(path + selecteditem),

I would want to set this as a rootpath for an application so as to do rest of the measurements or steps only in that path/folder. Is it possible to do something like this?

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C Sharp :: Cancellation Of Duplicate Values - Display Match Items In ListView

Feb 4, 2013

How to display the record that match for the duplicate items in a Listview. I use C# with linq queries.

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C# :: Moving Listbox Selection To New Listbox In New Form?

Sep 11, 2014

Okay so i have everything right accept transfering the selectedindex from listbox in form1 to listbox in form2. I am using the below string item to hold the selected line of the list box, with the intent of recalling and then adding it into the form2 listbox. I get a not implemented error and i can't figure out why. I know the information is moving with the variable item, it just doesn't get printed out to the new listbox.

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string item = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
Form2 form2 = new Form2();


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C Sharp :: Access Database Is Copying To Output Directory On Its Own

Oct 4, 2014

I have an extremely annoying problem, I am inserting data into an access database and now i have noticed that it is copying itself to the bin/debug folder on ts own and yet i have set "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy never"

But without fail, it is copied! It is making any attempted updates to the database's information invalid since its not updating at all.

This all started when i installed crystal reports and it asked me to make a duplicate of the database in order to utilize data-sets that were created for certain reports.

Why this is happening? I cannot test my application properly at all.

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C# :: Using Array In Listbox?

Jun 2, 2014

My main form I have the following code

public MainForm([ImportMany] IEnumerable<AudioPlugin> content)


However, when I add to the listbox as shown above in my main form code the results all show on the same line. My understanding was that they should all be treated as separate because of foreach loop but apparently that is incorrect. I have seen mixed things online some showing that its required to use AddRange instead of Add, however, after literally hours of trying to make this work I am still coming up with nothing. I can't seem to get any code to work using the AddRange or am I finding any way to output each results on a separate line.

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C++ :: Listbox SendMessage Not Working

Jun 25, 2013

I have a problem with SendMessage. Anything I send doesn't show up but instead empty lines appear. What is wrong with my code?

int wmId, wmEvent;
HDC hdc;
TCHAR greeting[] = _T("Hello, World!");
wchar_t listBoxStr[15];


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C# :: Invert ListBox Selection?

Apr 18, 2014

I have my ListBox working and I'm able to select the items I want to keep. I'm trying to now get the Invert of the current selection for the items to delete.

I tried using:

if (lstLinePatterns == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < lstLinePatterns.Items.Count; i++)
lstLinePatterns.Items[i].Selected = !lstLinePatterns.Items[i].Selected;

is giving me an object error.

Is there an easy way to just inverse current selection?

Current Code:

private void btnSelectNonRvt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Unselects any Items to Prevent Infinite Loop
lstLinePatterns.SelectedIndex = -1;


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C# :: Clear A Listbox From A Class?

Jun 5, 2014

I need to clear a listbox from a class other than the form where it exists. Why this isn't working? I'm getting no error messages when I compile and I am seeing the Console.WriteLine text I also added in the same function. I can call this function from within my form and it behaves as expected. I tried setting the listbox to public despite the fact I wasn't getting protection level errors but that made no difference.

Just to clarify what I'm doing here... I have a form that includes a panel of user controls from another class. So there is a listbox on OtherClass and the listbox is in MyForm. Heres my code:


public void ClearListBox() {
} OtherClass
private void listBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
MyForm mf = new MyForm();

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C# :: Two Checked Listbox - One Interacts With Other

Aug 31, 2014

I am working on a Windows From application on Visual Studio 2010 where i need to use two checkedlistbox that interacts one with the other one. Let say that the first checkedlistbox is for world regions (i.e.):

South America

And let say that the second checkedlistbox is for Countries (i.e.):


(all of this belongs to Europe region)

What we need to do is that when the user check on any world region it automatically checks all the countries on that region in the second checkbox, and vice versa if the users check any country on the second checkedlistbox it automatically seconds the region on the first one.

I know that is possible in Java and we know how to do it, but i don't know if C# supports this and how to do it. I was looking on the class information in the microsoft website: [URL] .... but not a concrete example on how to do it.

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C# :: Listbox Loop - Getting Value Of Both Cards

Apr 3, 2015

I have a lstYourHand that has two cards in it, I loop through the listbox to get the values of both cards. I take the string value of the listbox item (strCardVal) and use a switch to give it an integer value (intCardVal). For some reason, when I run the code, the message Box at the end gives me the value 0 as a result, it does not register me giving it a value in the switch statement. My code is below:

Int32 intCardVal = 0;
String strCardVal;
Int32 intLoopCounter1;
for (intLoopCounter1 = 0; intLoopCounter1 == 1; intLoopCounter1++) {
strCardVal = lstYourHand.SelectedItem.ToString();

[Code] .....

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C# :: Cannot Set Font Size For A Listbox

Jun 24, 2014

I was working with a richTextBox on setting its font, color and size. I found examples and got that to work. It seems like a kludge to me just to get the size set.

So, now I need to do the same for a listBox. I got the font and color set but cannot get the font size set.

The error I am getting is on line 6 below: listBoxTopLevelChecklist.Font.Size = fontDialog.Font.Size;

VS 2013 Express tells me this property (font.size) is read-only. That was the same error I got on the richTextBox until I found way using the .SelectionFont structure, but the listBox doesn't support that. So, I'm stuck.

Line 8 on is working finr for the richEditBox.

DialogResult result = fontDialog.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK) {
listBoxTopLevelChecklist.Font = fontDialog.Font;
listBoxTopLevelChecklist.ForeColor = fontDialog.Color;
listBoxTopLevelChecklist.Font.Size = fontDialog.Font.Size;

[Code] .....

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C# :: Change Listbox Color?

Dec 22, 2014

I've changed the listbox foreground color to default application background color so I get: [URL] which is fine but when I select any element I get white background/foreground(or whatever it is): [URL]

How can I change this so I will have the same default color in the second case?

It is a windows store app

Xaml code(listbox is at the end):

DataContext="{Binding DefaultViewModel, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"


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C# :: ListBox Values And Arrays?

Sep 18, 2014

I'm making a simple airline reservation. I have two list boxes one has the section (A, B, C, etc) and the other rows (1, 2, 3, etc). I used two different arrays to put the values into the list box via form unload. The problem I can't seem to figure out is how can I update these seats and inform the user if a seat is taken or not. Lets say a customer takes A-1 (only seat taken). If I try to add someone else there it will inform me that seat is taken and to select another one. If all the seats are taken it'll tell me to put customer into the waiting list.

Also one more thing is that each row has 3 seats, so A-1, A-2, A-3 for example. If say A-1, A-2 are taken when I push a button show remain seats it should show A-3 only. I have a lot od struggle using arrays.

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C# :: Run SQL Query For Each Item In Listbox?

Aug 2, 2014

I have a C# WPF program that takes a SQL query and populates a column from an Oracle database into a listbox on the form. I would like to be able to compare all items populated in the listbox, and run a SQL query for each item, populating those values into a different listbox.

So far, I have this code:

string sql2 = "select unique apps.fnd_application_all_view.application_name, fnd_responsibility_vl.responsibility_name, fnd_form_functions_tl.user_function_name, fnd_form_functions.function_name, fnd_form_functions_tl.description, fnd_form_functions.type FROM fnd_compiled_menu_functions, fnd_form_functions, fnd_form_functions_tl, fnd_responsibility, fnd responsibility_vl, apps.fnd_application_all_view WHERE


I would like to be able to basically take the "Responsibility_Name" value from the first listbox (lstResponsibilities), which is already populated, and use those values to in the "sql2" query to find the "Function_Name" and populate "Function_Name" in the second listbox (lstFunctions).

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C# :: Send Value From Class To Listbox?

Mar 3, 2014

i've a function to add many buttons to TabbedPanel like is visible here

public void AddBeverageDrinkstoTabbedPanel(TabPage tp1, ListBox lst1) {
food getbeverage = new food();
string[] bev_product = getbeverage.name1;
FlowLayoutPanel flp1 = new FlowLayoutPanel();
flp1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
foreach (string value in bev_product)


What happens? When i click in any button, want add an specific text to listbox and to do this i builded an method called beverageclick(), with these code:

public void beverageclick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Button b = (Button)sender;//button sender
string value = (string)b.Tag;// value = b.tag (tag of sended button tag = value (value of AddBeverageDrinkstoTabbedPanel) method)

[Code] ....

What is wrong? how can i add an specific value when an button was clicked.

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Visual C++ :: Add To Listbox Thread

Feb 15, 2015

Startthread get called to launch to update list box.

a)is it the only way to pass string to the PostMessage?. my concern is that allocate using new in each iteration each time slows it down a bit.

b)does OnAddToListBox look memory leak free?.

c)What is the best way handle m_pThread at the end?. Any way to improve it?.

UINT CMyDlg::Dump(LPVOID lparam) {
HWND *pHndl = static_cast<HWND *>(lparam);
char buffer[200];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
sprintf_s(buf,"user %d, data %s",i, "Connected");

[Code] ....

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C# :: Listbox Empty When Reopen The Form

Apr 7, 2014

program im creating that is a Mediastore. I have 3 forms one start form where you choose which form you wanna go to Lager or Kassa are the two choices. in these forms i have 1 listbox each that share the same Data. In my Listboxes i have objects of a class called produkts that consist of 3 variables Name,SerialNumber and Price. When i have added these objects to my listbox and they are showing i wanna be able to use my "go back" button to go back to my orginal form where i choose which form i wanna go to and then go to eather my Lager form or my Kassa form and the items are supposed to still there however that is not happening for some reason.

public Lager()


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C++ :: Keeping A Listbox Loaded During Startup?

Jan 17, 2013

how is it done?

ex. mp3player keeps songs loaded

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