C++ :: Saving Listbox Items Into Text File

Jan 17, 2013

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

How can i edit CStdioFile to let me open the file while the program is running.

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C# :: Removing Items From ListBox

Mar 5, 2014

I'm working on creating a windows form with a listbox, textbox, and 2 buttons (add,remove). I need a way of removing every string matching the contents of the textbox from the listbox. Here's what I have:

for (int i=0;i<listBox1.Items.Count;i++)

Seems to work, but I need a way to show a error message once the user clicks 'remove' and no items in the listbox match.

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C# :: How To Size ListBox Height To Items

Jul 24, 2014

Is there a way to set the height of a listBox to show all of the items without having to kick in the vert scrollbars? I've searched on this question but can't find how to do this.

I want to kind of auto-size my listBox height to accommodate my items (within reason and perhaps set a max height which would kick in the vert scroll bars.

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C Sharp :: How To Output Items In A Listbox

Mar 31, 2013

What codes in c# will output items in a list box?

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C# :: Find And Select Multiple Items In ListBox?

Apr 18, 2014

I have a listbox that retrieves a bunch of values. I'm able to selectAll, Select None and Select Individual items. I'm not able to search the ListBox and select based on String value.

I have tried creating a for and if loop, but it will only select a single item (first item) in my ListBox.

private void btnSelectCAD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Find CAD Line Patterns that Begin with IMPORT:
string mySearchString = "IMPORT";
// Search Listbox starting from index -1:
int index = lstLinePatterns.FindString(mySearchString, -1);


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C# :: How To Save Text From Listbox To The Txt File

Apr 19, 2014

I tried to save some data from my listbox to the text file, but didn't work... I think I tried many combination for code but still didn't work. what to do?

FileStream fs = new FileStream("tx.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(fs);
sr.Write(listBox1.Text); //there is that problem, but I'm not sure how to write for success

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C# :: Saving Variables To Text File

Jan 26, 2015

I started with C# 2 days ago, but i have made 3 "games". Its something like Cookie Clicker, very simple and very easy.

But I have problem with saving the game. I want to save values of variables to text file when i click on button, and when i click on another button i want to values of variables load. Just simple save system. How it works and so.

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C/C++ :: Decrypting From Text File And Saving To New One

Apr 24, 2015

I'm very new to c and c++ and am currently working on a Caesar cipher that grabs encrypted text from a txt file and decrypts it onto a new txt file. My code builds fine in CodeBlocks and when I run it, there is a new txt file created but it stays blank.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Saving Text Stored In Array To TXT File?

Sep 2, 2013

how to save text stored in an array to a txt file. can sum1 how to save the text in an array to a file/txt file......

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C++ :: Saving Array Data Into Text File

Dec 4, 2013

I have a program that saves all information temporarily into memory (into the array), however, I need a permanent save solution. I have the full program working correctly, formatted perfectly, but it's missing the file array to file output.

Essentially, whenever I'm presented with the menu I'll be able to add entries, search by last name, show the entire list, and exit and save. Whenever I select option 4 the program should save to a file "address_book.txt". Whenever I reload the program, it should load from "address_book.txt" and populate the array with the preexisting data.

My question is focused on how and where I should implement the file output. What I have thus far:

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h> //Required to use string compare
#include <fstream> //Eventually used to store array into file
using namespace std;
class AddBook{

[Code] ....

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C# :: GDI Error When Saving To Text

Jun 23, 2014

The code posted in the spoiler is for a text file that I am saving text in. I get a 0x80004005 GDI Error on the line in the second code block. Data.BadgeData is a string[,].

-Its Where the code is at

public void SaveData()
string FileData = Data.FileLocation + @"BadgeData.Txt", Temp = string.Empty, FolderData = Data.FileLocation +@"ID" ;


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C# :: Using Listbox To Change Image In Picture Box And Text In Label

Mar 21, 2012

My goal is to have couple of items in the listbox and when highlighting one item a image in the picturebox should appear, and so on for each item in the listbox.I just don't know how to change image depending on selected item in the listbox instantly.Also when i highlight item a text in label should be like in highlighted item in listbox.

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C++ :: Text Based RPG Game - Saving Integers And Strings

Jul 14, 2013

I am working on a text-based RPG game and I want to allow the player to save his progress. So I need to save several integers and a string. And my problem starts here "How can I save integers and load them?". I read the tutorial but I dont understand. I need to write a function to save game?

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C# :: Moving Listbox Selection To New Listbox In New Form?

Sep 11, 2014

Okay so i have everything right accept transfering the selectedindex from listbox in form1 to listbox in form2. I am using the below string item to hold the selected line of the list box, with the intent of recalling and then adding it into the form2 listbox. I get a not implemented error and i can't figure out why. I know the information is moving with the variable item, it just doesn't get printed out to the new listbox.

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string item = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
Form2 form2 = new Form2();


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C# :: Listbox File Populate Filtered With Regex

Sep 27, 2014

i found somewhere online this code that populate my listbox with file names. Now is it anyhow possible to filter those names before it gets populated by regex ?


private void PopulateListBox(ListBox lsb, string Folder, string FileType)
DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(Folder);
FileInfo[] Files = dinfo.GetFiles(FileType);
foreach (FileInfo file in Files)

Call on form load:

PopulateListBox(listBox1, Application.StartupPath, "*.exe");

Now is there way to add regex for filename?

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C :: Saving Into A Txt File

Feb 12, 2014

FILE *Ptr_file;
Ptr_file =fopen("output.txt", "w");
struct person {
char arcFName[50],arcMName[50],arcLName[50],cGender[2];
int nDay[2],nMnth[2],nYear[4];

[Code] .....

Alright I wrote this code, i know there's some mistakes but how do you go about saving its output into a txt file?

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C :: Splitting TXT File Items Into 2 Different Arrays

Oct 21, 2014

im new to programming and new to C, just started with arrays and im somewhat stucked, where i have a .txt file which contains items and prices. I want the items and the prices split into 2 different arrays

The .txt looks like that:

orange 0.89
banana 0.79
apple 0.59

I now want to split the items in a char items[100][100] and float prices[100]. how to split this, preferably with fscanf ?

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C/C++ :: Saving 2D Array To Dat File

Mar 16, 2015

I know how to save/open files but im just confused on where to write the code for it in this block of code :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int NUM_MONTHS = 12;// Number of months
const int NUM_CATEGORIES = 6;// Number of categories

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Encrypting Contents From File And Saving To Another File

Mar 17, 2013

Right now I'm working on an assignment where I need to take the data from on file encrypt it by adding 5 to each byte and then save it to a user specified location. I think I'm close to having it done but I've run into a hick up. After I get the user input for where the encrypted data should be saved the program seems to never end. This is the code I have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream input;
ofstream output;


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C Sharp :: Listbox Item Display - How To Add Column From File To Combobox

Oct 4, 2012

How to display the item in listbox,which are selected from three combobox.

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C++ :: Adding Items From File To Vector Of Class

Oct 10, 2013

how to add a list of information from a file to a vector of a class. Here is my code:

#include <vector>
#include <string>


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C/C++ :: Cannot Display Items In File To Do A Receipt And Use Padding

Oct 21, 2014

#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

string padLeft(string,char,int);
string padRight(string,char,int);
string fromMoneyToStr(double);

[Code] ....

And don't know how to use padding functions so I can space my receipt.

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C :: Saving Information From A File To Struct

Jan 12, 2014

I want to take the informaition from this file and save it into a struct the file conteins name age year (in char) and a grade it is somthing like this

Nikos Tolis 19 A 8
Iwanna Nikolaou 20 B 9
Kwstas Doukas 20 Β 6
Georgios Pappas 19 A 7
Iwannis Lekatis 20 Β 7
Nikos Ntoumas 19 A 5
Maria Oikonomou 20 B 6
Kwstas Argyrou 19 A 10
Irw Ntouma 20 B 8
Leuteris Doukas 19 A 6

I want to read till i found the '32' the space in ascii here is my code so far

struct students
char *name;
int age;

[Code] ....

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C :: Saving Output Of Program As TXT File

Feb 21, 2015

My project involves writing a c program to generate a set of 70 decimal numbers. I want to save the output (these 70 numbers) as a txt file. I tried the following:

1. prt scr of output screen and pasting it in notepad. NOT WORKING
2. going to DOS SHELL and doing the following:
NOT WORKING. Text file is generated, but it does not contain output. It just says:
illegal command: output.exe

What do I do?

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C++ :: Saving Object To File And Then Loading It

Jan 29, 2013

Why my code is not working?

class Person{
char name[80];
short age;
void get_data();

[Code] .....

This is a simple example from and old Lafore C++ book, with a few tweaks by me. The point is simple. Save object person to a *.dat file, exit the program, then start up program again, open up *.dat file, and load contents.

The first problem is the compiler is printing a bunch of Asian characters to the file (is this normal?)

The second problem is, it's not loading the object as it should, giving me a bunch of gibberish.

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C++ :: Saving Unicode Data To TXT File

Sep 13, 2013

I have a problem when i try to save unicode to a .txt file.

I need to store in a file names that will have letters like "ăĂâÂșȘțȚîÎ"

wchar_t name []=L"ăĂâÂșȘțȚîÎ";
FILE* fang;
fang= _wfopen( L"test.txt",L"wt+,ccs=UNICODE");
fwprintf (fang, L"%ls ",name);

When i open my text file i get this: ??âÂ????îÎ

if i use
I get the same result

and for
I get a runtime eroror "invalid file open mode"

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