C++ :: Shared Memory To Make Objects Of Application Persistent?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a question concerning shared memory (in linux-environment). In our company we currently have an application that is restarted once in a while. There are multiple instances running of this application (on different physical machines), and all access the same centralized database. Because of IO and Network bottleneck the start gets very slow, and takes about 10 Minutes. Besides some new data, most of the data stays the same, so reading from the database again is quite redundant. An idea is to write all relevant object to a shared memory segment, when the application is shut down. A second dummy process attaches to the same shared memory (just so that some process is still attached). If the application is restarted, it is attached again to its shared memory, and reads it to its own adress range again. There might occur a difference regarding the data so it might me necessary to load some new data afterwards, but that is different problem.

The current idea is to serialize all Objects (could be about 1-2 Gigabyte) with Apache Thrift, and write them into shared memory. With Thrift the data is more or less ordered, so creating the objects anew is possibly easier (not sure here).

My Question is:

- Does it even make sense to consider shared memory in this scenario. I've read a lot stuff about in the last few days, and for now I don't see big disadvantages (except if the application crashes, in this case I've to read from database again). On the other hand I don't know how to really implement this functionality (as I'm no experienced Developer)

- Should I aim for Boost::Interproces, considering even memory mappable files, or stay with the traditional shmat (and stuff..)?

- I guess 1-2 Gigabyte shared memory will be necessary. This amount is only needed in the gap between application shutdown and restart. Will the sheer amount of needed shared memory be a problem (all examples I found just used a few Bytes or Kilobytes)

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C++ :: Moving Objects To Shared Memory

Feb 9, 2013

I am not so experianced with c++ myself, but I need to evaluate if a certain idea might work.

I am working with a system for automation purposes that is running on a realtime OS in parallel to windows. Windows and the RTOS exchange data via shared memory. The application in the RTOS is compiled in C++. Now I would like to be able to influence the some data manipulation tasks in the RTOS application without changing the code of the RTOS application. So a concept like calling a dll.

My idea was to create a class with virtual methods in the RTOS application. The objects that are used should then be created on the Windows side with the same class prototype, but specific implementation of the virtual methods. The objects should then be moved to the shared memory, where they are used by the RTOS application.

Is something like this possible or am I completly on the wrong path?

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C++ :: Shared Memory Between Processes

Apr 13, 2014

Say now I have a dll, loaded and run by a 32bit program. One of the things that I access from the program in the dll are several 1024x1024 int buffers. However I would like to put some data into those buffers from a external process. And I would like a separate thread in that external process for each buffer. Is there any way I can make that memory space accessible to the external process so I can use my own multi threaded memory transfers to pass that data over provided I ensure that the original process doesn't try to do anything with that data? And I would like to do this without resorting to the Read/WriteProcessMemory functions which are not threadsafe. In short, I want to set up direct memory access between the 2 programs without creating any intermediate shared memory buffers ie I want to set permissions for an existing memory space. Is this possible?

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C++ :: File Handling Vs Shared Memory?

May 27, 2014

In interprocess communication(IPC) when processe have to share data among each other,why cant they all connect to one single file and share data with basic file handling functions such as read and write?

Why do we need

shared memory(shmget shmat(),shmdt()..etc)
mapped memory(mmap(),munmap()..etc)


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C :: How To Store Array Of Structure At Shared Memory

Jan 16, 2014

I have one requirement to store an array of structure at shared memory. Also the shared memory should have one counter to store number of elements in the array.

I tried to look at some placed but didn't find anything relevant.

So my first question, is it possible that we can store two things on same shared memory. And second if not then how to achieve the same?

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C :: Initialize 1D Or 2D Array In Shared Memory (POSIX)

Dec 8, 2014

I am trying to initialize a 2D char array of strings into POSIX shared memory to be shared between 3 other processes. There are plenty of tutorials on how to use a pointer to share a single string or an integer between processes, but I could find no examples on how to initialize 1D or 2D arrays using mmap(). I have posted what I have so far below. It is the first program, which creates the shared memory object and initialize the array char files[20][2][100] with the value files[0][0][0] = ''. What is the proper method to initialize and share an array in C?

(program initializes shared memory object and array)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[]){

[Code] ......

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C :: Shared Memory / Cannot Read Last Element In A Struct

Jun 27, 2014

I have trouble reading the last element in a struct.I do get the correct value for the first two elements. In my example that is:

a = 11 and c = H
however I get:
b = 0
but I am expecting b=2

I got two files to handle this.The first one is writing data to memory -


#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


why I cannot get correct value for the third element in my struct?In the second file where I'm reading from memory I allocate some space. Is this incorrect in some way? I'm running this on a Linux machine.

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C :: How To Apply Mutex Lock On Shared Memory

Jul 11, 2014

I was trying to put mutex lock on shared memory but my code is not working. What I want is that if some process is putting something on shared memory segment, other process should not be able to access that segment. For testing , I create a server program which put data in shared memory and client program which access the data.

To test it, I put break point after:


But I see that client program was able to access shared memory.

Below is code:

Server: Code: pthread_mutex_t init_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
char c;


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C/C++ :: Shared Memory Project Not Getting Accurate Count For Processes

Jan 30, 2014

I'm working on a project that is supposed to create 3 processes. Process 1 should count from 1 to 100,000. Process 2 from 1 to 200,000. Process 3 from 1 to 300,000. I've written the basic code of it but my processes aren't printing out very accurate numbers.

Here's my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* change the key number */
#define SHMKEY ((key_t) 8450)
typedef struct


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C/C++ :: Know That Data Written To Shared Memory Segment In Unix Is Stored Properly

Mar 8, 2012

I am trying to write a client/server application that takes input to an array of structures from the user,stores the data in a shared memory segment and then writes the same to a file when I close the application. How do I get started? And how do I ensure that the server stores the data correctly? Also, the server needs to be a concurrent server that accepts connections from multiple clients.

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C++ :: Filling Memory Causes Application Crash

Jul 5, 2012

I have a question about allocating 2MB memory then filling it...

@ Platform:
=> DOS, and application is compiled/linked via Watcom C + DOS32/A (...memory model is "flat" mode)

@ phenomenon:
1. I allocate 2M memory by calloc() function. Then I got "!NULL" and it means allocating 2MB memory is ok( right ? )
2. then I tried to "fill" this 2MB memory by for loop(one byte by one byte) like below:

for( DWORD i=0; i<0x200000; i++) {
*((BYTE *)(A[0].B[0]->C) + i ) = 0x5A; // C is 4-byte address value

here :
* DWORD means "unsigned long(4-byte)" and 0x200000 means "2MByte"
* in actual case the value of pointer(to allocated memory) is 3019AF3C(~768MB) <- running in flat mode...

3. after filling this range of memory(2MB) the application crashed...

@ my observations:
1. if allocating 2MB and no fill(no write data to memory) => OK
2. if allocating 2MB and just fill the former 32 bytes => OK
3. if allocating 4KB and fill all => OK

my question is: why can't I filling this 2M memory totally "even memory allocation succeeds" ?

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C++ :: Make Logger For GUI Application?

Sep 12, 2014

I'd like to make a logger for my GUI application. I currently use std::cout and std::cerr, but I'd like to replace these with an arbitrary buffer which isn't connected to stdout or stderr. My requirements are:

1. On the user-side, the usage should be identical to any ostream object (including support for std::endl).

2. When std::flush is received, it "signals" my logger so I can run this line of code:
LogWindow->setText( mybuf.str() )

I think I need to extend a std::basic_stringbuf<char>, but which virtual method do I need to implement in order to print to my custom window?

My first attempt is this. I'm testing with std::cout, but the output is empty and running in the debugger doesn't trigger a breakpoint in my sync() method.

#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
class MyBuffer : public std::streambuf


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C++ :: How Class Objects Stored In Memory

Aug 23, 2014

For example when I have:

Class A{
B objectB;

Now when I instantiate the object of class A like:

A objectA;//option 1
A* pObjectA = new A();// option2

How is objectB stored in memory (stack heap etc.) for both options??

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C :: Make Console Application Run As Service

Sep 20, 2013

I'm trying to make this run as a service so that kbhit can be interacted with even when the console is out of focus. How would I do this?

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C++ :: Two Dimensional Array In Form Application - Memory Corrupt

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using C++ Form Application in Visual Studio 2010. I defined a new two dimentional array. like this "static int dizi[26][26];" I want to change the value when I clicked the button1. For example, I can change as dizi[2][3]=1. But I couldn't change like in this code. dizi[a][b]=1 didn't happen.

Error is... "access violation exception was unhandled. attempted to read or write protected memory. this is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

for(int i=1;i<=26;i++){
for(int uzun=1;uzun<=26;uzun++){
else break;

[Code] ....

I don't use zeroth variable here.So, It started from 1. My problem is variable can't be changed.I can't assign a value to variable. I have to use 'ogrenci[i].ders[j]'s index for dizi array in this code. It's really weird.

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C/C++ :: 64bit Application Crashes Due To Unknown Memory Corruption In Linux

Dec 15, 2012

The application that I ported from 32 bit linux to 64 bit linux is crashing due to unknown memory corruption Also some time teh address is printed in 32 bit only as below


any reason why this is happening?

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C++ :: How To Make Array Of Objects For Class

Aug 18, 2013

class A {
A (int);
int get (int,int);

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C++ :: Make A Default Constructor Having Other Class Member Objects

Nov 7, 2014

class Date
Date(int=1, int=1, int=1990);
class Person
Person(string="", string="", Date=NULL);
class RealEstateAgent:Public Person
RealEstateAgent(string="",string="",Date=NULL,Date=NULL,int=NULL, double=0.0);


how can I assign default values with Customer object and RealEstateAgent?

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C# :: Server Application Using Tcp Protocol And Then Establish Connection With A Client Application

Nov 29, 2014

What happens if I make a server application using tcp protocol and then establish connection with a client application but the server crash and then the client send data. Will the data be lost or the system will continue trying to send it?

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C# :: How To Start Application And Automatically Pass Input To That Application

May 9, 2012

I want to create an application that starts an application and passes input to that application. I know how to start a process using the classes in System.Diagnostics, but I don't know how to pass data to the process.

For example, and this is just an example, I would like to be able to automatically start an application that requires a username and password and automatically enter the username and password. Of course, that might open the door to security vulnerabilities, but that's not the point of the exercise.

How to implement the functionality I described? Is there a general way to go about doing this or does it depend entirely on the idiosyncrasies of the application in question?

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C++ :: Shared Pointer Dropping?

Sep 19, 2014

Is their a way to completely drop a shared_ptr. Then it will delete the memory and NULL all pointers linking to it?

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C++ :: Multithreading - How To Modify Shared Object

Aug 24, 2014

class MyOwner {
int m_count;
bool b_locked;

[Code] ....

I am using an API where I create many MyObjects on the heap, and the API uses a separate thread to send messages to each object. Each MyObject contains a pointer to MyOwner.

Suppose I want to keep a count of all messages received in all MyObjects: How can I do this in a thread safe way?

I am assuming that the code I have written above will not be safe--at the very least it seems that it would potentially miss message counts when it was locked--not the worse case scenario for me. I am most concerned about not causing the application to crash.

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C++ :: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Nov 11, 2013

i'm writing a lexer, and i want to use boost::regex for it. im sure im using it right (just in case though)

if(regex_search(Start, End, Match, regex(""[^"]*""), Flags))


someone told me to download the latest source and build that so i did, by unzipping it, cding to the source, running ./bootstrap.sh, ./b2, and finally ./b2 install. when i compile i get no errors but when i run it i get ./jade: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_regex.so.1.55.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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C++ :: How To Create Pros And Cons Of Shared Libraries

Aug 18, 2014

I want to know:

1. Pros and cons of shared libraries
2. How to create them(any tutorial link or book will be good)
3. Compare static libraries to dynamic ones

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C++ :: Shared Library Throws Exception But Not Caught

Jan 10, 2013

A test program of mine loads a shared library (.so file). A function call in the shared library throws an exception that I am trying to catch in the main function of my test program. (I know that exception is being thrown for sure, I wrote the library to do that.)

However in the main program, the exception is not being caught. The flow of program goes past the catch block like no error has occurred. I am using g++ and I load the shared file using -l option. Only trying to load the program statically I got the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmy-shared-library
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Why the exception is not getting caught.

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C++ :: Shared Library Export And Calling Convention?

Aug 13, 2013

I want to create a simple shared library that exports a simple C API, just like llvm-clang.

The library should be compilable with any compiler and be used by a variety of languages, again just like clang.

For visual studio that is:

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl myfunc(int arg);

The __cdecl is the issue here: i cannot seem to find a compiler agnostic way of specifying the use of cdecl.

So i went to see how my favorite C API libraries (ie clang) handle it.

none of them specify a calling convention at all!

#define CINDEX_LINKAGE __declspec(dllexport)
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_disposeIndex(CXIndex index); //exported

how does that work? How does the compiler know to use __cdecl and how would i link to it dynamically without that knowledge?

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