C++ :: Two Dimensional Array In Form Application - Memory Corrupt

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using C++ Form Application in Visual Studio 2010. I defined a new two dimentional array. like this "static int dizi[26][26];" I want to change the value when I clicked the button1. For example, I can change as dizi[2][3]=1. But I couldn't change like in this code. dizi[a][b]=1 didn't happen.

Error is... "access violation exception was unhandled. attempted to read or write protected memory. this is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

for(int i=1;i<=26;i++){
for(int uzun=1;uzun<=26;uzun++){
else break;

[Code] ....

I don't use zeroth variable here.So, It started from 1. My problem is variable can't be changed.I can't assign a value to variable. I have to use 'ogrenci[i].ders[j]'s index for dizi array in this code. It's really weird.

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C++ :: Program That Prints Out Memory Addresses Of Each Element In Two Dimensional Array

Jun 21, 2013

the question is; Write a program that prints out the memory addresses of each element in a two-dimensional array. Check to see if the values printed out make sense to you based on the way I explained it before.

Below is the code I have done. I am having problems printing the "-" sign to keep formatting with the board when the user enter in different dimensions other than [4][4].


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printTable (int x, int y) {
int **p_p_twoDimension = new int* [y];
for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) {
p_p_twoDimension[i] = new int [x];}


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Visual C++ :: Developing A Form Application?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a HTML code and i need to developing a form application.

issue: i have a html code and a database table , how to put this together with code and link them and peu them on server ...

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C++ :: How To Use String Variable In Windows Form Application

Jun 15, 2013

How to use string variable in windows form application?

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express And where to include libraries?

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Visual C++ :: Converting Code To CLI Form Application?

Jun 10, 2013

As a starter project I want convert a Neural net app from "AI Techniques for Game Programming (2002 Buckland)" to a Visual C++ CLI Forms application. I have created the interface and now I have to rewrite the in/output routines, amongst other things.

First question I have has to do with variable initialization used by Buckland. Code looks like this:

Excerpt from header file (CNeuralNet.h):

//define neuron struct
struct SNeuron
//the number of inputs into the neuron
int m_NumInputs;
//the weights for each input


Question I have: what is the the function of ": m_NumInputs(NumInputs+1)" after the method declaration? Buckland does this in many places in his code. In this case it's a struct, but he does it with classes too.

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C# :: MVP Design Pattern On Simple Windows Form Application

Nov 1, 2014

I'm building a Windows Form Application using MVP Design Pattern; the application is quite simple, it just calculates the sum of two number; So I have a form in which are located tree textbox: number1 number2 and result, plus a button to perform the action.

interface ICalcView {
string firstN { get; set; }
string firstN {get; set;}
string result { get; set; }

[Code] ....

Do you think that is a good base to start? Any code example to understand the execution flow and how to handle events?

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C# :: How To Set Login And Logout Time In Window Form Application

Apr 6, 2015

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace WindowsPrincipalTrial {
public class Program

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Read Encrypted File Windows Form Application

Sep 27, 2013

I need to be able to actually read my encrypted file..

I have the decryption code and works perfectly when running it through console app c++.

But, the way I decrypt is to decrypt from a file, and create a new file which is decrypted.

I can't use that kind of code in my program in windows form app c++..

I need to read the encrypted text file and decrypt it in memory while using it for my program..

Some links to my codes I use at the moment.

My decryption coded in console application: [URL] ....

My decryption code edited for form application (Did not do anything) [URL] ....

And this is the code I tried to read after it got decrypted (Reading file written in combobox_selectedindexchange: [URL] ....

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C Sharp :: Displaying Image In Windows Form Application

Nov 8, 2012

i want to open image in windows from application but it's not showing the image. here is my code/////

using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
dlg.InitialDirectory = "c:";
dlg.Title = "Open Image";


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C# :: Windows Form Application Using Visual Studio To Fetch Data From Web?

Aug 19, 2014

I want to write my own application which would fetch some data from a web site. I need to parse the HTML code of the web site and get the data.

About the application:A form (main form) that will contain data arranged in rows. Some of the data comes from a web site and some of it comes from a database.The data that comes from the web site needs to be updated every few seconds so I need to keep fetching the data from the web site.The main form will contain a button "add" which when clicked will add a new row. New data can be added to this row by the user.

I am not sure what to use for this. I have been writing the application as a Windows Form Application (Visual C#) but I do not know whether this is the best choice. Should it be a windows form application or web application? Should I use something else?

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C Sharp :: How To Save Back Color In Windows Form Application

Sep 28, 2012

I wrote this code behind a button
And I wrote this code in Form Load as well
this.BackColor = Color.FromName(File.ReadAllText("dlg.txt"));
but I got an error and I dont know what is this.... "Control does not support transparent background colors"

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C++ :: Concatenate Two 2-dimensional Int Arrays Into One Larger 3-dimensional Array

Jul 31, 2013

How can I concatenate two 2-dimensional int arrays into one larger 3-dimensional array. This question is also valid for the 3-dimensional vectors. I know the command for the one dimensional vector as:

std::vector<int> results;
results.reserve(arr1.size() + arr2.size());
results.insert(results.end(), arr1.begin(), arr1.end());
results.insert(results.end(), arr2.begin(), arr2.end());

and for the one dimensional array as:

int * result = new int[size1 + size2];
copy(arr1, arr1 + size1, result);
copy(arr2, arr2 + size2, result + size1);

But I do not know how to make a 3-dimensional array or vector.

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C++ :: Two Dimensional Multiplication Table - Dynamic Memory Allocation

Jun 17, 2013

This is the question; Write a function that builds a two-dimensional multiplication table with arbitrary sizes for the
two dimensions.

This is what I have done. I have allowed the user to input whatever size table they want by arbitrarily choosing what value they can input. However I cannot get the board to have blank squares. I thought the char would do it.

Code: #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char SQAURE_CHAR = {' '};
const int Board_Size = 14;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Filling Memory Causes Application Crash

Jul 5, 2012

I have a question about allocating 2MB memory then filling it...

@ Platform:
=> DOS, and application is compiled/linked via Watcom C + DOS32/A (...memory model is "flat" mode)

@ phenomenon:
1. I allocate 2M memory by calloc() function. Then I got "!NULL" and it means allocating 2MB memory is ok( right ? )
2. then I tried to "fill" this 2MB memory by for loop(one byte by one byte) like below:

for( DWORD i=0; i<0x200000; i++) {
*((BYTE *)(A[0].B[0]->C) + i ) = 0x5A; // C is 4-byte address value

here :
* DWORD means "unsigned long(4-byte)" and 0x200000 means "2MByte"
* in actual case the value of pointer(to allocated memory) is 3019AF3C(~768MB) <- running in flat mode...

3. after filling this range of memory(2MB) the application crashed...

@ my observations:
1. if allocating 2MB and no fill(no write data to memory) => OK
2. if allocating 2MB and just fill the former 32 bytes => OK
3. if allocating 4KB and fill all => OK

my question is: why can't I filling this 2M memory totally "even memory allocation succeeds" ?

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C++ :: Converting One-dimensional To Two-dimensional Array

Jan 17, 2014

I had a hard question in my C++ final exam and I'm trying to solve it for the last 3 days. I haven't succeded yet! Here is the question: You have a one-dimensional array A[20]={1,2,3,4,...,20} and B[5][4] you have to assign the A array's elements to the B array but there is an order which is: B[5][4] = { { 12, 9, 11, 10 }, { 14, 7, 13, 8 }, { 16, 5, 15, 6 }, { 18, 3, 17, 4 }, { 20, 1, 19, 2 } } and there is a restriction: you can only use ONE for statement, nothing else!

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int A[20] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }; // define A array's elements.
int B[5][4] = { 0 }, k = 1; // define B array and k counter.


I can't narrow the statements to one,This program works perfectly but it shouldn't be that long, we need ONLY ONE FOR statement, not two!

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C/C++ :: Shuffled Deck Of Cards - Corrupt Stack Around Variable

May 21, 2014

I am writing a console application that creates a shuffled deck of cards using pointers and arrays, but I get the error "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'deck' was corrupted" What's the stack? What does this mean and what did I do to cause the stack to be corrupt?

#include "stdlib.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
typedef struct card{
int cval;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Shared Memory To Make Objects Of Application Persistent?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a question concerning shared memory (in linux-environment). In our company we currently have an application that is restarted once in a while. There are multiple instances running of this application (on different physical machines), and all access the same centralized database. Because of IO and Network bottleneck the start gets very slow, and takes about 10 Minutes. Besides some new data, most of the data stays the same, so reading from the database again is quite redundant. An idea is to write all relevant object to a shared memory segment, when the application is shut down. A second dummy process attaches to the same shared memory (just so that some process is still attached). If the application is restarted, it is attached again to its shared memory, and reads it to its own adress range again. There might occur a difference regarding the data so it might me necessary to load some new data afterwards, but that is different problem.

The current idea is to serialize all Objects (could be about 1-2 Gigabyte) with Apache Thrift, and write them into shared memory. With Thrift the data is more or less ordered, so creating the objects anew is possibly easier (not sure here).

My Question is:

- Does it even make sense to consider shared memory in this scenario. I've read a lot stuff about in the last few days, and for now I don't see big disadvantages (except if the application crashes, in this case I've to read from database again). On the other hand I don't know how to really implement this functionality (as I'm no experienced Developer)

- Should I aim for Boost::Interproces, considering even memory mappable files, or stay with the traditional shmat (and stuff..)?

- I guess 1-2 Gigabyte shared memory will be necessary. This amount is only needed in the gap between application shutdown and restart. Will the sheer amount of needed shared memory be a problem (all examples I found just used a few Bytes or Kilobytes)

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C/C++ :: 64bit Application Crashes Due To Unknown Memory Corruption In Linux

Dec 15, 2012

The application that I ported from 32 bit linux to 64 bit linux is crashing due to unknown memory corruption Also some time teh address is printed in 32 bit only as below


any reason why this is happening?

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C :: Assigning One Dimensional Array To Two Dimensional Array

Mar 19, 2014

is it allowed to to like this:

char a[10] = "Lizard";
char b[2][5];
b[0][0] = a[0];
b[0][1] = a[1]; etc?

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C :: How To Copy 3 Dimensional Array Into 2 Dimensional Array

Sep 2, 2013

I have a 3D array that contains 200 strings. I'm trying to copy all these strings into a 2D array. How can this be done? This is what I have so far but it isn't working correctly.

for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
dest[i][j] = source[0][i][j];
} }

The finished product would be with 100 rows, 2 columns.

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C :: Converting One Dimensional Array To Two Dimensional Array

Aug 30, 2013

convert an one dimensional array into a two dimensional array and print like a matrix.

input: 34 50 2 4 90 33 7 80 9
output: A is a 3x3 matrix
34 50 2
4 90 33
7 80 9

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C++ :: Accept Integer Array And Its Size As Arguments And Assign Elements Into 2 Dimensional Array

Jan 10, 2015

Write a program using user-defined function which accepts an integer array and its size as arguments and assign the elements into a two dimensional array of integers in the following format: If the array is 1,2,3,4,5,6, the resultant 2D array is

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 0
1 2 3 4 0 0
1 2 3 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0

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C Sharp :: Create Instance Of Form Into Non Form Class To Access Button / Label

Nov 23, 2014

I have a non form class. I want to update label/ check status of check box etc.. in non form class ( here resides functions that contains logic). How can i do that ?

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C :: 2 Dimensional Array Max And Min

Apr 20, 2013

I was able to get the max to work but I cant get the min. it returnning something like -125863456.

int maxx(int a[][10]);
int minn(int a[][10]);
int main(void){
int array[][10] = { { 2, 7, 6, 8, 4}, {3, 9, 1, 5, 6} };
int max1, min1;

[Code] .....

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C# :: How To Access User Control Form One Of The Child Form

Apr 22, 2014

I hav created mdi parent form that contain one user control. I want to access that user control from one of the child form

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C# :: Login Then Close Form And Open Main Form

Aug 25, 2014

This is more of a Application Design question, Let's say I have Form1(Login), this is opened from Program.cs, when the user enters details, the Event Handler makes a instance of a class, adds the data and stores the instance within Program.cs class.

So the best thing to do here, is to close the Form1(Login) and open Form2(Main) via Program.cs so that I can send the List<Login> object with my Login instance objects to said form. This form will remain open throughout the applications use as it's like the main GUI for all the programs functions.

When I close this form, I may want to save some information before the application is terminated, so I may as well store the Login instances in Program.cs anyway.

Main stepping stone: Multiple (usually around 3 max) users can login this system if need be, which will mean closing Form2(Main) and then opening Form1(Login) so that once Form1 is closed it can recreate the From2(Main) form and pass the new List<Login> to that form.

What's the best way to do this, at the moment i'm creating the Form2 instance like so:

//Detect the Login form being closed
loginForm.Closed += new EventHandler(OnLoginClosed);
//Open the main form when the login is closed
private void OnLoginClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)

[Code] .....

This seems like it will work and do the job, but is there a better and cleaner way? The List<Login> will be passed to Forms which are created via Form2(Main) as this information will be needed. It's just that ive been told not to use Forms for too much data containment.

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