C# :: MVP Design Pattern On Simple Windows Form Application

Nov 1, 2014

I'm building a Windows Form Application using MVP Design Pattern; the application is quite simple, it just calculates the sum of two number; So I have a form in which are located tree textbox: number1 number2 and result, plus a button to perform the action.

interface ICalcView {
string firstN { get; set; }
string firstN {get; set;}
string result { get; set; }

[Code] ....

Do you think that is a good base to start? Any code example to understand the execution flow and how to handle events?

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C++ :: How To Use String Variable In Windows Form Application

Jun 15, 2013

How to use string variable in windows form application?

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express And where to include libraries?

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C/C++ :: Read Encrypted File Windows Form Application

Sep 27, 2013

I need to be able to actually read my encrypted file..

I have the decryption code and works perfectly when running it through console app c++.

But, the way I decrypt is to decrypt from a file, and create a new file which is decrypted.

I can't use that kind of code in my program in windows form app c++..

I need to read the encrypted text file and decrypt it in memory while using it for my program..

Some links to my codes I use at the moment.

My decryption coded in console application: [URL] ....

My decryption code edited for form application (Did not do anything) [URL] ....

And this is the code I tried to read after it got decrypted (Reading file written in combobox_selectedindexchange: [URL] ....

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C Sharp :: Displaying Image In Windows Form Application

Nov 8, 2012

i want to open image in windows from application but it's not showing the image. here is my code/////

using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
dlg.InitialDirectory = "c:";
dlg.Title = "Open Image";


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C# :: Windows Form Application Using Visual Studio To Fetch Data From Web?

Aug 19, 2014

I want to write my own application which would fetch some data from a web site. I need to parse the HTML code of the web site and get the data.

About the application:A form (main form) that will contain data arranged in rows. Some of the data comes from a web site and some of it comes from a database.The data that comes from the web site needs to be updated every few seconds so I need to keep fetching the data from the web site.The main form will contain a button "add" which when clicked will add a new row. New data can be added to this row by the user.

I am not sure what to use for this. I have been writing the application as a Windows Form Application (Visual C#) but I do not know whether this is the best choice. Should it be a windows form application or web application? Should I use something else?

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C Sharp :: How To Save Back Color In Windows Form Application

Sep 28, 2012

I wrote this code behind a button
And I wrote this code in Form Load as well
this.BackColor = Color.FromName(File.ReadAllText("dlg.txt"));
but I got an error and I dont know what is this.... "Control does not support transparent background colors"

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C++ :: Selecting Design Pattern For Validation

Jan 21, 2015

I am looking into some design pattern which works for validation.

I thought about using strategy but not sure whether its correct or not

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C++ :: Design Pattern For Function Operation

Dec 11, 2014

Any design pattern allows to describe operation like the following.

MyFunctionObject f;
//Init f...
MyFunctionObject g;
//Init g...
MyFunctionObject h = f(g) + g;

[Code] .....

I'm interested in design pattern which permits to model this kind of structure, if there's of course...

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C++ :: Design Pattern For Dynamic Function Parameter

Oct 26, 2014

I need to design an interface(a function prototype) that takes an argument which is used to pass information.
The information can be passed by independent modules and third party softwares and hence can vary today and in future.

Basically, the function interface(arg1, info)caters a niche service to many independent applications and needs to process based on requirements passed by applications in the argument(info, in example).

I am looking for a design pattern for the function parameter - info.

Should I use a void pointer that can be casted to respective application specific class in the function ? will this be a good C++ design ?

or should I take this parameter to be a pointer to a generic abstract class that points to the respective application specific specialization ?

Do we have some design pattern to address this so as to handle other unforeseen challenges ?

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C/C++ :: Design Pattern For Extensible Function Parameter

Oct 26, 2014

I need to design an interface(a function prototype) that takes an argument which is used to pass information.

The information can be passed by independent modules and third party softwares and hence can vary today and in future.

Basically, the function interface(arg1, info) caters a niche service to many independent applications and needs to process based on requirements passed by applications in the argument(info, in example).

I am looking for a design pattern for the function parameter - info.

Should I use a void pointer that can be casted to respective application specific class in the function ? will this be a good C++ design ?

or should I take this parameter to be a pointer to a generic abstract class that points to the respective application specific specialization ?

Do we have some design pattern to address this so as to handle other unforeseen challenges ?

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C# :: Design Pattern For Task Notification System

Feb 24, 2014

I am looking a good design pattern that takes a combination of a Observer Design Pattern and Command Design Pattern.

Observer Design Pattern:

Subject - ISystem
ConcreteSubject - "Different Types of Systems"
Observer - INotifier
ConcreteObserver - "Different Types of Notifier's"

Command Design Pattern: Used to create a task. "Different Types of Task" ....

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C++ :: State Design Pattern - Calling A Class Member

Oct 17, 2013

In the following code example of the State Design Pattern, in the main code at the bottom it defines an instance of class Machine, and then calls Machine::off;. Why doesn't it instead call fsm.off;?

Machine fsm;


Then I tried imitating that by adding a class Abba, and then doing:

Abba a;

but that didn't work. Why?

Full code example:

// StatePattern.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Machine {
class State *current;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Singleton Design Pattern - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Jan 17, 2013

I have the following code where I use the singleton design pattern, but I get the warning:

warning C4715: 'CM::Instance' : not all control paths return a value

CM& CM::Instance() {
DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE);
switch(dwWaitResult) {

[Code] ....

How can I fix this warning?

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C++ :: Singleton Design Pattern - Why Copy Constructor Not Made As Private

Jul 9, 2014

I was going through Singleton design pattern and get to know that objects can be created only by static function of that class and constructors are make private.

My question is, why assignment operators are not made private through which we can create a copy of already existing object.

I tried below code and assignment works, so I have new object sc3. I know that its referring to memory of sc1 but finally I was able to create object without using static function.

Also, why copy constructor not made as private.

Below is code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Singleton {
static bool instanceFlag;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Simple Integer Pattern Algorithm - Value Transformation

Mar 19, 2012

In code, I need to transform these values:

256 becomes 0
128 becomes 1
64 becomes 2
32 becomes 3
16 becomes 4
8 becomes 5
4 becomes6

Is there some way to express this mathematically so that I do nto have to use a table lookup? I know this sounds like I am an idiot, but I can not figure out an obvious algorithm.

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C# :: Keypad In Windows Form

Jan 7, 2015

How to make a keypad in my windows form? Need to finish my project at school...ATM machine app..

It is just the keypad part. Do i put 10 buttons and add a textbox...

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C++ :: Windows Form Display Error

Mar 20, 2014

I'm fairly new to visual C++ programming in a windows form and the code displayed below works fine. However my issue is as soon as the program is running it will display "failure" on label7 as soon as the button is clicked. I understand why it is doing this as "a" is not in the textbox at this time so it reads the else line and displays the message. When I enter "a" in the textbox everything works fine and label7 changes to the right message.

private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
label1->Text = "Question 1: test";
label2->Text = "A. test";
label3->Text = "B. test";
label4->Text = "C. test";


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C# :: Controls In Windows Form Won't Show

Feb 21, 2015

I created a simple calculator in Win App. When I played it, the form is displayed blank. Not a single control is shown.

The only thing I've done differently is adding a Coded UI Test in my test project. This is the first time I'm going to try to add a coded UI test so I wonder if that's the cause for this.

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C# :: Windows Form Applications Using Methods?

Sep 30, 2014

I need to write a windows form application that allows the user to enter a credit card number and credit card type and then determines whether it is a valid number using the following rules:

1.) the first number is:

a. 4 for visa
b. 5 for master card
c. 37 for american express
d. 6 for discover

2.) passes the mod 10/ luhn check, which is calculated as:

a. from right to left, multiply every other digit by 2. when doubling a digit results in a two digit number, add the numbers to get

a single digit. ( like 6 * 2 = 12 therefore 1 + 2 = 3).

b. add all the single digits from 2a

c. add all the odd places from right to left in the card number

d. sum the results fro steps 2b and 2c

e. if the resulting number in 2c is divisible by 10, the card number is valid otherwise it is invalid.

The chapter is introducing methods so that is the main thing i will be using for each step.

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C# :: Retrieve Geolocation In Windows Form

Feb 25, 2015

how would i recieve the latitude and longitude from this xml

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader
("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=" + postcode);

it should reurn the array

the php code is :

$url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' . $search_code . '&sensor=false';
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
$lat = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$lng = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
return array($lat,$lng);

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C# :: Export Windows Form To Excel?

May 3, 2015

I want to export the windows form in which text box,label and gridview ,gridview export to excel is working fine,but i need to export the whole form as such to excel.Is there any option to select Panel : This is my code:

private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
sfd.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xls)|*.xls";


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C Sharp :: How To Keep Windows Form On Top Of Other Programs

May 10, 2012

I am using a windows application to start other processes. I am looking for a way to keep the form itself as the topmost program until it is closed, allowing the other programs enough load time.

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C Sharp :: Loading OBJ In Windows Form

Nov 3, 2012

I'm animating a human hand made in blender, so I allredy the hand, but I don't know how can I load this .obj to a windows form aplication that I'm working on. I need to load this .obj and animated .....

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Visual C++ :: Developing A Form Application?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a HTML code and i need to developing a form application.

issue: i have a html code and a database table , how to put this together with code and link them and peu them on server ...

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C++ :: Using Variables To Access Objects In Windows Form

Dec 4, 2014

Alright, so I'm making a windows form with a few hundred buttons, and one button will change color based on data the program receives over a socket. This is what I have, and it kind of works, but I don't want to have to make another if statement for all 260 buttons.

void hitmiss(std::string u){
std::string^ ind = reccdata2();
if (u == "button6"){
if (ind == "1"){
this->button6->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->textBox2->Text = L"hit";

[Code] .....

What I want to do is make it more like

void hitmiss(System::String^ u){
std::string^ ind = reccdata2();
if (ind == "1"){
this->u->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->textBox2->Text = L"hit";

[Code] ....

But it returns the error that u is not a part of Form1.

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C# :: Create A Windows Form That Acts Like A Taskbar?

Apr 6, 2014

I am trying to create a windows form that acts like a windows taskbar. So i found this on the web Link so i have tried using it.

But when i try and edit the form in the form designer in visual studio none of the changes i have made appear when i debug the form. It just appears as a blank grey box at the top of my screen. What am i doing wrong?

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