C++ :: Removing NULL Values In Text File

Sep 2, 2013

I have a measuring board that writes a .txt file in the following format:

board number;type;NUL;channel;measured value;date and time
DS207;5000007;NUL;0;20251;11.07.2013 12:30:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;1;10159;11.07.2013 12:30:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;4;27.18;11.07.2013 12:30:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;0;20233;11.07.2013 12:35:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;1;10149;11.07.2013 12:35:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;4;27.31;11.07.2013 12:35:02 MESZ
DS207;5000007;NUL;0;20256;11.07.2013 12:40:02 MESZ

I would like to extract and analyse the data but the data behind the NUL entry is not accessible for me maybe due to the fact that NUL normally marks the end of a line. Is there a method to remove the NUL entries in this text file?

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C++ :: Removing All White Space From Line Of Text File?

Jun 30, 2014

this is the code I tried in my code block 10.05.....tried code for removing all white space from a line of a txt file. this is my code it runs but i cant get the result i need.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C/C++ :: Removing Duplicate Values From Map?

Mar 1, 2015

im working on a homework assignment t that should print all pairs of integers that sum to val. I have so far finished except It prints duplicate values (ie (3,1) and(1,3) for values that add to 4) . how can i remove these duplicate pairs of values?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void printPairs( vector<int> numbers, int val){
int i;


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C/C++ :: How To Get Last Line 10 Char In Text File If Last Line Is Null

Aug 24, 2013

I can able to get the last line ten chars but i cant get if the last line is null.

here is my code

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

[Code] ....

here with i have enclosed my file where i am pick my last ten chars ...

Attached Files : log.txt (4.8 KB)

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C++ :: Setting Values Using A Text File?

May 19, 2014

in the following code how would i set a txt file up to where i can have say name = whatever in it and the program will find it and set it to the corresponding global value.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>


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C# :: How To Edit Hex Values Of A Text File

Jan 5, 2015

I have a report that's generated by a piece of software, and (I'm assuming because it was intended for Linux/Unix) when I open to read it in notepad, it has a bunch of funky symbols in it, and incorrect line feed characters instead of returns that windows uses.

I looked at the txt file with a hex editor and can see all the hex codes for the symbols I want deleted. One of the symbols 0A.

How can I do a "find and replace" command but do it with hex codes? These symbols cant be simply placed into my code file because VS does not know how to interpret it.

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C# :: Looping Through Text File And Recalculating Some Values

Jan 20, 2014

I have chosen C# as our language . Students have to enter a name of a recipe, followed by the number of people it will serve, followed by a list of ingredients for a recipe. This, then, needs to be exported to a text file. This bit I am fine with.

They then have to import the file back into C# and recalculate for a new number of people. This is the bit I am struggling with. The calculation is fine, I can do that. The issue is getting it to loop around each column of data to not only perform a calculation (I have just set it up to multiply by an entered value for now). I have set up a text file with the following data in it:

2 grams sugar
350 ml milk
4 tsp lemon
5 tsp vanilla
6 cloves garlic

I want it to come back with, (if multiplied by 2 for example) something like:

4 grams sugar
700 ml milk
8 tsp lemon
10 tsp vanilla
12 cloves garlic

At present, it comes back with

4 grams sugar
4 grams sugar
4 grams sugar
4 grams sugar
4 grams sugar

Code is below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication1{

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Passing Values From Text File To Integer Array

May 24, 2013

I'm trying to passing values from a text file to an array. The values in txt file is;

0 2 3 5
1 2 5
0 1 3 6
1 3 5

I need to store these values in an array like that

int array[?][?]={{0,2,3,5},{1,2,5},{0,1,3,6},{1,3,5}};

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C :: Search Table And Replace Values In Text File

Feb 3, 2015

I have to develop a C program that reads a very complex txt file (output of a calculation code, so full of mixed text and numerical tables), search for a specific table in it and individuate/print or replace a specific value with assigned position in the table.

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C++ :: Take Values From Text File And Store Them In Variable And Use For Later Calculation

Nov 8, 2013

I have a text file in the form

5502 5202.3
1523 2536.1
1254 1256.2
17846 8956.2 and so on

left one is time and right one is pressure, I need to show the time value as it is but i need to use the pressure value to calculate air speed. I don't know how to use the strings to pick up the list properly. I did the calculation formula for the air speed but i can't pick the pressure value up from the text file. here's what i did:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: How To Assign Values From Text File To Structure Of Arrays

Sep 5, 2014

have to do an election program in C.

There are 7 candidates and 365 votes in total. I need to do this using an array of structures. I need to read from a text file each of the names of the candidate and the number of votes they get. At the end i need to output the winner of the election.

Here is a sample of my code so far

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct candidates {
char name[20];
int votes;


Here is a sample of my text file:

Robert Bloom
John Brown
Michelle Dawn
Michael Hall
Sean O’Rielly
Arthur Smith
Carl White

1 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 7 4 4 5 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Each candidate gets +1 vote for their number electionCandidate[0] for each one he gets one vote and so on for the rest. 365 voters in total.

I was able to input the name for each Candidate from the text file. Now the problem is putting each vote to the corresponding candidate. Also any vote that is above 7 is a spoilt vote which i am trying to count in the above code. The code compiles but it crashes.

I am using while(!feof) but it seems that its not working or this is not the correct way.

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Visual C++ :: How Simplicity Read Text File Which Contain One Or Three Values

Oct 21, 2012

Text file can conain one or three integer values in string. How correctly and simplicity read this string?

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C/C++ :: File I/O And Removing Duplicates

Nov 18, 2014

I have a program that's supposed to read in a file with comma seperated values. This file contains duplicates. The goal is to write a new file that does not contain any of the duplicates. I've successfully written the code to read in a file and create a new, identical file, but I'm failing at deleting the duplicates.

The format of each line in the file is: index,first_name,last_name,address,city,state,zip_code

Example: 1,John,Savage,579 Lone Street,Providence,RI,02903

As a requirement for the assignment, I've defined a Person class:

//File: Person.h
struct Person {
string index;
string first_name;
string last_name;

[Code] .....

This code writes the file I want (overlooking the duplicates) if I implement my equality operator as follows:

bool operator ==(const Person &a, const Person &B)/>
return false; //placeholder

Obviously this doesn't get the job done, since it will never detect a duplicate. The problem is that whenever I try to write any meaningful code, the program writes an empty file. The idea I've been trying to implement is to compare each of the members of Person like this:

bool operator ==(const Person &a, const Person &B)/>
//if two Person objects have equivalent names, they are duplicates
return ( (a.first_name == b.first_name) && (a.last_name == b.last_name) )

At first I thought the program was working just as before, but then deleting each line of the file as the result of an error in my code. However, I tried troubleshooting the problem by adding in

cout << a.last_name;

to parts of my code so I could see the value in certain places. Whenever I add this line or try to access a member of Person, the program writes a blank file.

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C/C++ :: Removing Characters From CSV File That Should Contain Only Numbers

Apr 3, 2014

I currently have a .csv file that should only contain numerical values however there are errors in some columns that mean there is text included. I am wondering what the best way of going about removing these characters would be.

I am looking at using : str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), 'xxxxxxx'), str.end());

For this I will need to read my data into a string and then remove the alphabet from that string. I am currently doing this like so (I use the '?' as a delimiter because I know there are none in my file).

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
string Weather_test;
char chars[] =

[Code] ....

The problem with this is I don't know what to do around the chars[!eof] part.

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C++ :: Null Terminator Same As Null And Through False Value?

Feb 18, 2014

I am looking at one of the functions of an exercise:

void escape(char * s, char * t) {
int i, j;
i = j = 0;
while ( t[i] ) {
/* Translate the special character, if we have one */
switch( t[i] ) {


Notice the while loop evaluates the current value in t to true or false. When we hit the null terminator, does that get evaluated as 0 and hence evaluates as a falsy value so the while loop exits?

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C++ :: Writing Data To A File - ETX Null

Aug 19, 2013

I am trying to write one data to my file(myfile.#abc).

FILE * pFile;
int iLast Col=3;
fopen_s (&pFile,_T("myfile.#abc"), "w+");
fwrite ((char *)&iLastCol,1,2,pFile);
fclose (pFile);

Inside file ia getting a value like this


What is mean by ETX,Like that some other variable I amgetting [SUB],[STX]etc.what is this?

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C :: Original Text File / Generate Another File With Text Content In Upper Case

Nov 29, 2014

Code software that, from an original text file, generate another file with the text content in upper case.For exemple:





My code so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


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C# :: Session Is Null But Not Null?

Mar 31, 2015

When you login to my site my loginservice which is done by ajax and json make a session called context.Session["Name"]. With BreakPoints it shows that everything is good and the variables are in place. However when I use Session["Name"] it comes out as null.

I will add my code at the bottem not

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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C :: Possible To Mix Characters And Integer Values In A Text Document

Jul 23, 2013

I was just wondering whether or not it is possible to "mix" characters and integer values in a text document that is to be read by C.

I am to read and use values for length around the hip, neck and such, however, most of the tutoring examples I am finding online seem to strictly deal with either integers or characters alone.

Basically my text file looks a bit like:

Abdominal length: 90.000
Neck length: 26.500
and so on

So, before I move further into this subject, is it possible at all to isolate and use only the double values or will I have to format my text file differently?

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C/C++ :: Program That Opens Text File And Checks Usernames Listed In Text Files?

Jun 5, 2014

I want to make a program that opens a text file and checks the usernames listed in the text files to see if the names are registered on a site such as twitter. How easy would this be to make, what things would I need to know?

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C++ :: Getline - Get Text File And Read Only First 100 Lines Of Text Content

May 31, 2013

I am trying to get text file and read only first 100 lines of the text content using c/c++. how can i do it?

is it something like string line;


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C++ :: Filter Text Enclosed In Specific Tags From Text File?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a huge text file in following format:

{Bunch of text


I want to extract Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4,..., Text600 in the output file. How can i achieve this?

/* BTW, I am not getting my homework done here. I am an ex-programmer, who has now moved to marketing for some time now, and today, I encountered this problem, which I believe can be solved easily through programming. */

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C/C++ :: Delete Text From File And Than Shift The Rest Of The Text Upward

Aug 31, 2014

i want to create 100 gmail accounts instantaneously....what i want from you guys is i have written a program that create a text file i want that once i give the program the imput of 1 it should delete the first 3 lines from the file i.e. the first account details coz that is already been created and shift the rest of it 3 lines upwards after that i'll write a javascript that will automatically fill and create the accounts with those names in web browser.....my lil program is here:

#‎include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>


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C++ :: Extracting Specific Lines Of Text From A Text File

Aug 2, 2014

I have a text file called (Test.txt) with the following text:

This is line one
This is line two
This is line three

How do I go about writing a program that will print a line of text (e.g. "This in line two" on the console screen?

All I can seem to do is display the entire text file.

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C :: Read A Line From Screen / Takes ASCII Values From Entered Text And Edit It

May 10, 2013

This is a small program that reads a line from the screen, takes the ASCII values from the entered text, and edits it. Next, the ASCII values are reinterpreted (am i misspelling?) as text, and displayed. However, my final output has (allways?) at least 7 characters, even if you enter only one. I'm also trying to accomplish, that the part of the string which isn't filled, will be printed empty. In spaces.

compiled with -std=c99.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int maxsize;
printf("How long is your message?

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Show Results From Values In Text Boxes On Clicking Or Pressing Tab Button

Feb 21, 2013

I am developing application software.entering two textbox value,while click or pressing tab button in third textbox, the result needs to show in third textbox.

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