C++ :: MergeSort With Sentinels And Order Pointers Not Values

Apr 20, 2014

I'd like to do a MergeSort with sentinels and order the pointers, not the values!

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
stampa (int *n) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Iterate 2D Matrix In Order To Exchange Columns And Rows Using Pointers

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to iterate a matrix in order to exchange rows and columns element by element. Although the function that exchanges the rows has come out well, i don't seem to figure out how to do the same on columns.The columns switch for a matrix like

1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3

if i try to switch column 3 and 2,is:

1 3 2
1 3 2
1 2 3

Here are both of the functions:

void interchange_rows(int *p,int n,int r1,int r2){
    int temp;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
[Code] ......

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C++ :: How To Put Values Of Array In Numerical Order

May 20, 2014

im trying to make a statistics program and i have an array holding all the users numbers. The array has 10 elements and i was wondering how i could put these elements in order from smallest to largest.

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C :: Order Values Of Int Array Only Between Two Index Numbers

Mar 16, 2013

I have 2 arrays, one of doubles and other of integers, the doubles have the result of division of two numbers and the array with the ints have numbers that will refer to another array, but it is not important for this problem.

An example:
doubles array: (12,44;12,44;7,22; 12,44)
ints array: ( 4 , 2 , 3 , 1 )

now using my quicksort function i will organize the array of doubles from the higher to the lower, and the ints array will follow the order of the doubles array, the result is :

doubles array: (12,44;12,44;12,44; 7,22)
ints array: ( 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 )

Well, when i have values in the doubles array that are equal, i need to check the ints array and order the ints values, but only the ints that in the doubles array are equals, the final result will be:

doubles array: (12,44;12,44;12,44; 7,22)
ints array: ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 1 )

How i can order the ints array only between an interval that is given by the interval of numbers that are equals in the doubles array?

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C++ :: Reading Values In Order In File And Assign?

Apr 12, 2014

My game is a sort of RPG with stats, money etc. I just recently added a save/load system using writing to a file. I initially got writing to a text file to work, then I got loading to work too.I eventually was able to read numbers from the file and assign them to integer variables in order.

My issue was I wanted to check if a save file existed, if it did, load it up, if it did not, go to character creation. I had a lot of trouble with this and after trying different code snippets to work I finally got it to check if a file existed, and execute the appropriate code.

My issue now is my code USED to go through each entry and assign variables in order.

Like the first number in the text file would be for the variable money, and it would read it, assign to to int money and scroll to down to the next variable for player strength, assign to to playerstr variable and so on. After making the tweak for loading it no longer functions like this, and makes the last entry in the text file the value for everything.

Here's my code:

Save Code:

ofstream savegame;
savegame.open("C:/Sounds/savegame.dat", ios::trunc);
savegame << money << endl;
savegame << playerstr <<endl;


I barely get how this code works, how can I tweak it to go through the file in order and assign variables one at a time?

At the current moment, it assigned the playerstr value to both money and playerstr int. But the save file being created lists the correct values in order.

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C++ :: Sorting Elements Of Array In Order From Highest To Lowest Values

Jul 6, 2013

I am writing a function called swap that sorts the elements of an array in order from highest to lowest values where they descend and ascend. A particular thing about this function is that swap does NOT re-arrange elements in the array so it just uses a second array of indexes for the elements in the original array and then swap sorts the second array based on the values in the original array. A sorted version of the original array can then be produced with these sorted indexes. You can declare and initialize the original array without any user input.

For example, int arr[10] = {1, 5, 22, 14, 6, -5, 7, 9, 12, 15 };

Header of the function swap must be as shown below: void swap(int array[],int swapedIndexes [], int size, char mode) When mode is 'a', the function sorts the array in the ascending order, and when mode is 'd', the function sorts it in the descending order. int swappedIndexes[5];swap(array,swappedInde… 5, 'a');

So far I have this code that randomly generates arrays of 10 elements and I found the max and min, but I am confused on what to do about the swapping part? Also, how to make the numbers ascend or descend in numerical order?? Here is what i have done so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int min(int [],int);
void max(int [],int , int &);
void main()
{ srand(time(0));

[Code] .....

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C :: Setting Values To Pointers

Apr 5, 2014

This function below takes a pointer as an argument. What I expect to happen is, since expr++ has higher precedence than *expr, that is, the primary expression operators have higher precedence than the unary operators, pointer arithmetic should occur where we increment to the second address pointed to by dbuf, and then we should dereference the value at that address. Given that logiv, when i print dbuf[3] it should print the value pointed to at the 4th address in dbuf. However, the value it returns is 0x0 not 0x3. Why doesn't it dereference the value 0x3?

Code: void dfill(unsigned char *dbuf)
dbuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(4);
memset(dbuf, 0, 4);
*dbuf = 0x0;
*dbuf++ = 0x1;
*dbuf++ = 0x2;
*dbuf++ = 0x3;
printf("dbuf val: 0x%x
", dbuf[3]);

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C++ :: Assigning Physical Values To Pointers In VC++?

Sep 9, 2013

The problem may only apply to VC++ compiler - ??.

Cannot do this:

const unsigned int Port = 0x900E0000;
unsigned int *pData = Port; //Error - can't convert from int to int*.


const unsigned int PORT = 0x900E0000;
const unsigned int PORT_PTR = ((unsigned int *)0x900E0000);
unsigned int *pData = PORT_PTR; //No Error.

I found no way to do it but the above.

Ex., you cannot do:

pData = (unsigned int *)0x900E0000;

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C++ :: Initializing Pointers To Memory Addresses Or Values?

Aug 31, 2014

What is the difference between initializing pointers to a memory address using the address operator like int *pointer = &x; or initializing it to a value like int *pointer = x; .. in other words how does p and q point to the same memory address in:

const int ARRAY_LEN = 100;
int arr [ ARRAY_LEN ];
int *p = arr;
int *q = &arr[0];

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C++ :: Passing Data Structures To Function Pointers And Get Values

Sep 26, 2014

typedef struct example_dt_struct {
int a;
float b;
char* c;
typedef void(*func)(example_dt_struct *s, int e, int f);
void f(func *n){}

how can i use example_dt_structure with my function pointer into f()

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C++ :: Correct Values Passed To The Pointers - Memory Corruption

Apr 26, 2012

My project is say that it has memory leaks. When I view it in the debugger, it shows the correct values being passed to the pointers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
bool ConfigGetEntry( char *pcFile, char *pcNameMust, char* &pcResult ) {
char pcBuffer[ 512 ];

[Code] ....

Its saying that i have memory corrupting at..

if ( !ConfigGetEntry( pcFile, pcName, pcRet ) ) return _strdup( pcDefault );

Also is it normal to have a bad pointer then point data into it to then clear that of the bad pointer. To have valid data now in that pointer.

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C++ :: Returning Values Or Using Pointers To Redefine Variables Passed As Arguments?

Feb 28, 2014

Which is more efficient in functions? Returning values or using pointers to redefine variables passed as arguments?

I mean either using:

void ptr_Func(int *x)
*x = *x+1


int ptr_Func(int x)
return x + 1;

In terms of speed, memory use etc.I want to know general efficiency, I know it will obviously vary with different uses and circumstances.

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C :: Create Array Of Pointers To Pointers Which Will Point To Array Of Pointers

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to create an array of pointers to pointers which will point to array of pointers (to strings) I tried


int i;
char *string[]={
"my name is dave",
"we like to dance together",
"sunny day",


the app keeps crashing , I don't know how to make the array-elements to point to another array-elements..

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C++ :: Comparing Char Pointers To Integer Pointers

May 21, 2013

I am a little confused while comparing char pointers to integer pointers. Here is the problem:

Consider the following statement;
char *ptr = "Hello";
char cArr[] = "Hello";

When I do cout << ptr; it prints Hello, same is the case with the statement
cout << cArr;

As ptr and cArr are pointers, they should print addresses rather than contents, but if I have an interger array i.e.
int iArr[] = {1, 2, 3};

If I cout << iArr; it displays the expected result(i.e. prints address) but pointers to character array while outputting doesn't show the address but shows the contents, Why??

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C++ :: Read Unknown Number Of Integer Values And Then Print Count Sum And Average Of Odd Values

Apr 9, 2014

write a c++ program that reads an unknown number of integer values and then print count, sum and average of odd values, even values, positive values, negative values!!

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C++ :: Dynamic Creation Of Arrays Of Pointers To Arrays Of Pointers

Apr 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes a 32bit address and a data to store at this address.

I'm wanting to take the 32 bit memory address eg 0x12345678 and split it
into 4 x 2 bytes
12, 34, 56, 78

then each of the 4 entries is at most a 256 entry array.eg

So in this example, 0x12 points to 0x34 in the second array, which points to 0x56 in the third array, which finally points to 0x78 in the last array. This last array holds the actual data.

After successfully doing 0x12345678, say I might get a read for 0x1234AABB. So, the first and second pointers already exist, but I then have to create and write to dynamically created arrays.

The arrays need to have all entries set to NULL so that i know whether to follow the pointers to overwrite a previously entered value or create new arrays and pointers.

It all looks good and simple in the pseudo code I've written up but I'm having trouble coding it. I'm currently trying to deal with the first entry case, ie all array elements are NULL, but I'm getting confused with the pointers and creation of new arrays.

void cpu::store(unsigned int mem_add,unsigned int mem_val) {
int first = (mem_address&4278190080)>>24;
int second = (mem_address&16711680)>>16;
int third = (mem_address&65280)>>8;
int fourth= (mem_address&255);

[Code] .....

A1 has been declared as
int* A1[256] ;

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C++ :: Write A Program That Replaces Values In A Vector With Their Absolute Values

Dec 4, 2013

This is my code: [tag]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C :: Save Values From A Char Buffer Into Integer Values Of A Struct?

Jul 3, 2013

I'm attempting to save values from a char buffer into integer values of a struct.

This is what resides in the buffer "STD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " and this is my sscanf call

sscanf(buffer, "STD %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
", &dt_struct.date,

I then print the values back out in a string using sprintf.

sprintf(t_string, "STD %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
", dt_struct.date,

But this is what I get:
STD 0 0 2 0 0 0 2

Instead of what I want:
STD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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C++ :: Dequeuing Integer Values From Heap Results In Garbage Values

Apr 8, 2015

I've been working on a homework assignment that randomly generates integers and populates them into an array (array1). The program is then supposed to:

1.) copy those values to a second empty array (array2)

2.) sort the values already in array1 (using an inline function)

3.) enqueue the unsorted integers from array2 into a heap vector

4.) a third empty array (array3) is supposed to be populated with those unsorted integers (by dequeuing them from the heap), sorted in reverse order.

But no matter what I do, I always get garbage values like these:

I've tried using both a standard random number generator:

array1[i] = rand()%100+1;

And the d_random.h file my instructor gave us, but nothing works.

Here's the code from all 3 files:


#include <iostream> // Provides cin, cout
#include <cstdlib> // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS, rand, srand
#include "d_random.h"//Provides random number generator
#include "Heap.h"
using namespace std; // Use C++ Standard namespace
//Elements in each array.
const int arrayLength = 15;//100;

[Code] ....

Why I'm getting those garbage values?

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C# :: Making String Equal Many Different Values Then Compare Those Values

Dec 18, 2014

I was wondering if this was even possible and if so, how do I do it.

else if (speech.ToLower().Contains("truck") && speech.EndsWith(number))
Here I would like to see if my speech had ended with any of the values i would have stored in the string "numbers". If it did, I would like to just take the value and add it to a new string called whatever

I have tried this a million different ways and I cant get it to work. I'm not even sure how I would go about storing tons of different numbers in one string, or if that's even possible.

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C/C++ :: Compare Values Stored In First Array To User Inputted Values In Second Array

Oct 19, 2014

Goal: Write a program that compares the values stored in the first array to the user inputted values in the second array.

In order to fix this error: [URL]...

I had to change my array initialization to one with a star in front of it:

char a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"};
char *a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"};

I also changed my 2nd array to one with a star in front of it: char *a2[20];

What does this mean exactly? Putting a star in front of an array?

Also, I am now getting an "unhandled exception" when I try to get input for my 2nd array:


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C :: Array Out Of Order Function

Dec 4, 2013

I want to write a function that can accept any arbitrary array of doubles and return the index of the first element that is out of order or -1 if the elements are in order. Why my for loop exists immediately after an element is found to be out of order. What is wrong with my code and why?

int out_of_order(double stuff[], int size)
int i;
//run through entire array


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C++ :: How To Get Numbers In Order But Not Changing Name It Goes With

Mar 13, 2014

SO lets say I have a file that says

10 tennent
9 Eccleston
12 Capaldi
11 Smith

How do I get the number's in order but not changing the name it goes with? SO here is how I started it

# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <sstream>
# include <set>
# include <list>
# include <string>
# include <cctype>
# include <vector>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Does Order Of Declaration Matter

Jul 25, 2013

I have recently found this article: URL.....In their example, by declaring variables in other order, they saved 8 bytes. However, shouldn't compiler take care of it? Is it true, and should I declare variables more carefully?

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C++ :: Randomizing Order Of If-else Statements

Dec 11, 2013

The purpose of doing this is so that the top of the if statements is not preferred over the bottom. I tried assigning enum values to each case. Then choose a random integer r from 0 to the size of the std::list myList containing those enum elements. The enum value is found using it = std::next (myList, r). Then if the if statement corresponding to that enum value is false, then myList.erase (it), and repeat the process with the newly reduce myList. It works, and everything seems nicely randomized. But it is disappointing much slower than when I used the original if-else statements (it is being applied hundreds of times).

Here is a snippet of my code (I decided not to use switch statements because it looked too clumsy):

std::list<FacingDirection> guyFacingDirections = {Positive_x, Negative_x, Positive_y, Negative_y, Positive_xPositive_y, Positive_xNegative_y, Negative_xPositive_y, Negative_xNegative_y};
while (true) {
const int r = rand() % guyFacingDirections.size();

[Code] .....

There is a crowd of girls. Each guy will choose a girl, and then choose a facing direction to dance with his chosen girl. But not all facing directions are possible if someone is standing at the spot he wants to stand at to get his desired facing direction. Without randomizing the if-else statements, most of the guys will end up facing the same direction, which I don't like.

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C++ :: DLL Search Directory Order

Aug 29, 2013

I was working on a program. "hey if this program were to be published it would be bad for people to see all dll files are in the exe directory"....

So I wondered if there is a way to make compiler see a folder in the same directory with exe file which holds all dll files?

Also look at some programs and saw they have a dll folder which holds dll files....

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