C++ :: How To Put Values Of Array In Numerical Order

May 20, 2014

im trying to make a statistics program and i have an array holding all the users numbers. The array has 10 elements and i was wondering how i could put these elements in order from smallest to largest.

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C++ ::  Sorting Array To Numerical Order?

Nov 25, 2014

I need to find the Mean, median, mode, and make a histogram of a 99 value array. How ever my sorting function is not sorting the array at all how can I fix this.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <cctype>


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Visual C++ :: Writing A Function That Sort Elements Of Array In Numerical Order?

Oct 17, 2014

I have to write a function called sortMe that sorts the elements of an array in numerical order from highest to lowest values (descending order) or vice versa (ascending order).

The assignment asks to: NOT re-arrange elements in the array; instead, it uses a second array, an array of indexes for the elements in the original array and then sortMe sorts the second array based on the values in the original array. A sorted version of the original array can then be produced with these sorted indexes.

Header of the function sortMe must be as shown below:

void sortMe(int array[],int sortedIndexes [], int size, char mode)

When mode is 'a', the function sorts the array in the ascending order, and when mode is 'd', the function sorts it in the descending order.

Declare and initialize the array array.

Declare the array sortedIndexes but do not initialize it. You are going to play with the array sortedIndexes in the function sortMe.


int array[5]={3, 5,-1,10,0};
int sortedIndexes[5];
sortMe(array,sortedIndexes, 5, 'a');

After the function call, the elements of the array sortedIndexes should be: 2,4,0,1,3.

notice that the function does not e-arrange the elements in the array.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void sortMe(int[], int, char);
void main() {
int arr[6] = { 14, -5, 5, 0, 22, -99 };


how to use the other array.

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C :: How To Make Function Which Gives Back Two Numerical Values

Nov 3, 2014

How make function which gives back two numerical values. I think needs using structure. now i try found my c book.

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C :: Order Values Of Int Array Only Between Two Index Numbers

Mar 16, 2013

I have 2 arrays, one of doubles and other of integers, the doubles have the result of division of two numbers and the array with the ints have numbers that will refer to another array, but it is not important for this problem.

An example:
doubles array: (12,44;12,44;7,22; 12,44)
ints array: ( 4 , 2 , 3 , 1 )

now using my quicksort function i will organize the array of doubles from the higher to the lower, and the ints array will follow the order of the doubles array, the result is :

doubles array: (12,44;12,44;12,44; 7,22)
ints array: ( 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 )

Well, when i have values in the doubles array that are equal, i need to check the ints array and order the ints values, but only the ints that in the doubles array are equals, the final result will be:

doubles array: (12,44;12,44;12,44; 7,22)
ints array: ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 1 )

How i can order the ints array only between an interval that is given by the interval of numbers that are equals in the doubles array?

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C :: Program To Accept Only Numerical Values And Gives Error If Character Or Symbol Entered

Nov 11, 2013

How can i make my program to accept only numerical values and gives a error notice if a character or a symbol is entered???

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C++ :: Sorting Elements Of Array In Order From Highest To Lowest Values

Jul 6, 2013

I am writing a function called swap that sorts the elements of an array in order from highest to lowest values where they descend and ascend. A particular thing about this function is that swap does NOT re-arrange elements in the array so it just uses a second array of indexes for the elements in the original array and then swap sorts the second array based on the values in the original array. A sorted version of the original array can then be produced with these sorted indexes. You can declare and initialize the original array without any user input.

For example, int arr[10] = {1, 5, 22, 14, 6, -5, 7, 9, 12, 15 };

Header of the function swap must be as shown below: void swap(int array[],int swapedIndexes [], int size, char mode) When mode is 'a', the function sorts the array in the ascending order, and when mode is 'd', the function sorts it in the descending order. int swappedIndexes[5];swap(array,swappedInde… 5, 'a');

So far I have this code that randomly generates arrays of 10 elements and I found the max and min, but I am confused on what to do about the swapping part? Also, how to make the numbers ascend or descend in numerical order?? Here is what i have done so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int min(int [],int);
void max(int [],int , int &);
void main()
{ srand(time(0));

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Sorting Numerical Array Error

Nov 25, 2013

Why this wont run? I'm getting the cant convert int* to const char error but i do not know why?

I'm trying to create a program that creates an array of 100 ints between 0 and 250 and then sorts them using a separate function, I've gotten this far

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;
void quicksort (int *items, int len);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Implementing Template Operator - Numerical Array

Jun 19, 2012

I what to implement to my Template operator * . There is <Template> Array which purpose is container like vector for classes. There is class Point, each object of contain two coordinate x and y.

1. I wanna fill Array with objects from Point class
2. Multiply each objects from this vector to a factor
3. And print all this bunch of objects ()...

Compile error :
1>------ Build started: Project: HP_4.2b_Ex2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1> main.cpp
1>main.cpp(21): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'Point' to 'Array<Type>'

[Code] ....

And pop -up helper tell that : Error: no suitable user defined conversion from "Point " to Array<Point> exist

#ifndef Array_H
#define Array_H
template <class Type> //Remove the "=double" default parameter.
class Array {
int m_size;
Type* m_data; //m_data should be a pointer, since you want to allocate data to it

[Code] ....

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C++ :: MergeSort With Sentinels And Order Pointers Not Values

Apr 20, 2014

I'd like to do a MergeSort with sentinels and order the pointers, not the values!

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
stampa (int *n) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading Values In Order In File And Assign?

Apr 12, 2014

My game is a sort of RPG with stats, money etc. I just recently added a save/load system using writing to a file. I initially got writing to a text file to work, then I got loading to work too.I eventually was able to read numbers from the file and assign them to integer variables in order.

My issue was I wanted to check if a save file existed, if it did, load it up, if it did not, go to character creation. I had a lot of trouble with this and after trying different code snippets to work I finally got it to check if a file existed, and execute the appropriate code.

My issue now is my code USED to go through each entry and assign variables in order.

Like the first number in the text file would be for the variable money, and it would read it, assign to to int money and scroll to down to the next variable for player strength, assign to to playerstr variable and so on. After making the tweak for loading it no longer functions like this, and makes the last entry in the text file the value for everything.

Here's my code:

Save Code:

ofstream savegame;
savegame.open("C:/Sounds/savegame.dat", ios::trunc);
savegame << money << endl;
savegame << playerstr <<endl;


I barely get how this code works, how can I tweak it to go through the file in order and assign variables one at a time?

At the current moment, it assigned the playerstr value to both money and playerstr int. But the save file being created lists the correct values in order.

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C/C++ :: Compare Values Stored In First Array To User Inputted Values In Second Array

Oct 19, 2014

Goal: Write a program that compares the values stored in the first array to the user inputted values in the second array.

In order to fix this error: [URL]...

I had to change my array initialization to one with a star in front of it:

char a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"};
char *a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"};

I also changed my 2nd array to one with a star in front of it: char *a2[20];

What does this mean exactly? Putting a star in front of an array?

Also, I am now getting an "unhandled exception" when I try to get input for my 2nd array:


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C :: Store Character Array In Reverse Order Then Display Reversed Array

Jun 14, 2013

The program should store a character array in reverse order then display the reversed array. I have also included in the code that will display the actual characters into the array as it loops through. So I know the characters are being stored, but why doesn't it display the entire string when I call it?

int main(){
char str[50];
char rev[50];
printf("Enter Desired Text: ");
scanf ("%[^

[Code] ....

Is it just my compiler?

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C :: Routines Library For Numerical Tasks

Jan 13, 2014

I am looking for C-libraries that would do numerical tasks with special emphasis on numerical differentiation of arbitrary order, numerical integration (Monte Carlo etc.) and interpolation. I would be grateful if you can provide me with some resources. By the way I already have Numerical Recipes but would like to have another resource at hand.

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C :: Array Out Of Order Function

Dec 4, 2013

I want to write a function that can accept any arbitrary array of doubles and return the index of the first element that is out of order or -1 if the elements are in order. Why my for loop exists immediately after an element is found to be out of order. What is wrong with my code and why?

int out_of_order(double stuff[], int size)
int i;
//run through entire array


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C++ :: Floating Point Numbers / Numerical Analysis

Oct 30, 2013

I have the problem of trying to find the smallest natural number that makes two consecutive terms in single precision floating point notation in the riemann zeta function equal. So basically the riemann function of 2 is given by:

sum of 1/(k^2) from k=1 until infinity, so : 1/(1^2) + 1/(2^2) + 1/(3^2) + ...... until infinity.

Now the question asks to stop at the smallest natural number n, at which the sum 1/1^2 + 1/2^2 + ......+ 1/(n^2) is equal to the sum 1/1^2 + 1/2^2 + ..... + 1/((n+1)^2) in single precision floating point notation.

Now well the obvious way to look for n would be on this way:

float i = 1.0;
float n = 1/(i);
float n1 = 1/(i+1.0);
while ( n != n1){
i += 1.0;
n = 1/i;
n1 = 1/(i+1.0);}

But first of all this is obviously completely inefficient and I dont think it will yield a valid answer for any float variable, i.e. I dont think the sum until 1/n^2 and 1/(n+1)^2 will ever differ. I tried it out with the largest possible value of a variable of type float and the values were still seen as unequal in C++. How to do this? Will C++ find a value for n for which the condition holds? Is the compiler or my hardware important for this, i.e. would I get different results on a different pc?

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C/C++ :: Infinite Loop If Non-numerical Character Entered

Jul 28, 2014

it will produce the answer above..when user enter a nonnumerical character it will force the user to reenter again

do {
cout<<"Min of the secret number : ";
cout<<"Max of the secret number : ";

this is my coding but it will auto jump out when i enter non-numeric character

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C++ :: Array In Ascending Order And Average

Mar 19, 2014

I am getting the hang of it pretty well. I created a program that asks the user to input arrays. Now, I need to calculate the average of the inputted arrays, and I need to place them in order from low to high. I have been struggling with doing these two parts for a while now and now decided that the book is not useful, I need some from some actual programmers. I attached my program.

My program printed here!

namespace std;


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C :: Changing Order Of Numbers In Array

Dec 10, 2014

I want to write a programm that will reverse the order of the numbers in an array (e.g. as an input 1,2,3.5,4 and as an output i want 4,3.5,2,1) . But i have to problems:

1) I do not know how to properly change the type of a numbers inside an array from int to float or double, changing int to float in front of the a[10], does not change anything instead the code does not want to compile then.

2) I also want to make an array of a number of elements typed by a user with use of a "do" loop and how to put this parameter in the code.

Here is my code:


// ConsoleApplication3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
int a[10], i, n;
int pom;
do {
printf("number of elements in an array a: n = ");


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C++ :: Sorting Array In Ascending Order

Jan 4, 2014

This code prints 10 20 40 50 30.

#include “stdafx.h”
using namespace std;

int main() {
int anarray[5] = {40,10,50,30,20};
for (int iii=0 ; iii <= 4 ; iii++)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Create A Large Matrix To Be Solved Using Numerical Methods

Jun 24, 2013

I am having a problem on how will I create a large matrix to be solved using numerical methods. Say I have a 500 x 500 matrix and want to find these 500 equations. How will I do it? To be exact, here is a sample problem

| -2 1 . . . . . . . || x1 | |h^2|
| 1 -2 1 . . . . . . || x2 | |h^2|
| 0 1 -2 1 . . . . . || . | | . |
| 0 0 1 -2 1 . . . . || . | = | . |
| . . . . . . . . . 1 || . | | . |
| . . . . . . . . 1 -2||x500| |h^2|

Where h = 1/(n + 1)

Solutions on finding would be gauss elimination, Successive overrelaxation, Jacobi Iteration, biconjugate gradient method and Thomas algorithm. I want to compare the accuracy, with tolerance of 10^-6

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C :: Arrange Set Of Names In Array In Alphabetical Order

Oct 25, 2013

I am having problem with comparing first letter of every wordso that i can arrange them in array.

/*22/10/13 15:30
Arrange set of names in an array in alphabetical order
main( ) {
int x,a,i=0,j;
char *temp, *str[]={

[Code] ....

I am getting unexpected output here :


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C :: Sort Array And Save New Order Of Elements

Sep 25, 2014

So I try to sort an array with qsort and then save the new order, so this means if I have a list like:

4 3 7 2
[0] [1] [2] [3],

after sorting it becomes:

2 3 4 7
[3] [1] [0] [2] <== this is what I want to have!


void qsort_my(int *a, int l, int r, int *array_order) {
int j;
if( l < r ) {
j = split( a, l, r, array_order);
qsort_my( a, l, j-1, array_order);
qsort_my( a, j+1, r, array_order);


But my problem is that the list gets sorted, but the indexes do strange stuff. When I run with this list:

4 8 14 1 2 1 22 12 2 14
Pos: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I get:

1 1 2 2 4 8 12 14 14 22
Pos: 1 0 1 0 0 5 7 6 5 6

And with some printfs I noticed, the first two calls of split it is fine but then strange things start to happen, what I do wrong?

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C++ :: String Array Sorting Into Alphabetical Order

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to read information in from a file, each line of which contains a name in the form 'last, first middle'. I can successfully open the file and read it into an array that is roughly 2500 string in size. The problem comes when I try to sort the array into alphabetical order. I am using a sorting algorithm that we were instructed to use, found in our book. It is shown in the code. I would add the file that needs to be opened, but it is a few thousand lines long.

The error I am getting is:
Unhandled exception at 0x00A28628 in PeopleSearch.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00CC400C.

and I know it has to do with the sorting algorithm from using break points and running the program with that section commented out. I am stumped to why it is giving this error, as it seems that it is trying to access the array outside of the bounds of the array, but it shouldn't be

Here is my code:


using namespace std;
int main() {
string NameArray[2500], filename; //declare array and file to open

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Bubble Sorting Array In Ascending Order

Nov 18, 2014

I'd like to modify this code so that there is 1000 numbers instead of 100, and that they're sorted in ascending order instead of descending order.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
double* sort_array(double* sort) {
for (int a=1; a<100; a++) {


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C++ :: Unable To Output Array In Ascending Order

Sep 13, 2013

I tried to make this code to output an array in Ascending Order but the output is showing weird output like 001fgc123 multiple times instead of the array.

What is wrong with my code?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void ascOrder(int Array[],int length) {
int n=0,i,orderNum=0;
while(n<length) {


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