I would like to write a program that gives you a few default values. Now you can keep these values by pressing the enter key or you can change them by just typing in new ones and confirm the new values by pressing the enter key again.
Thats as far as i got on my own but it doesn't really work. what i can do to fix this.
#include<stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int getInt(int min, int max); int main () { int a[3] = {3,4}; int b; int code;
I'm trying to get my program to read a series of comma delimited values from a file into a vector. However, I am unsure how to actually go about doing this. I've posted my best guess below but it's really just a stab in the dark and I always receive a compiler error.
Write a template that accepts an argument and returns its absolute value. The absolute entered by the user, then return the total. The argument sent into the function should be the number of values the function is to read. Test the template in a simple driver program that sends values of various types as arguments and displays the results.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class integertemplate> integertemplate totalint (integertemplate integers) { cout << "How many integer values do you wish to total? "; cin >> integers;
I want to add this piece of code to a project. I have created a vector from values entered by a user. I want to then subtract each value from each other from the beginning to the end. For example if a user enters 10,4,3 the program will subtract the values in that order 10 - 4 - 3 and output 3 as the solution. I figured how to do it with addition but can't get it to output for subtraction.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std;
I'm trying to print values from a vector of a struct and I don't really know how to do that. Here is a simple code that I have for now to test how to add data to the vector then attempt to print it out.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <deque> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct Employee//employee data
I have a class that uses std::vector. I push back class objects onto the vector but when I try to cout the data members (with get functions) I get garbage values.
Here is the class:
#ifndef JOBS_H #define JOBS_H #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; class Jobs{
[Code] ....
I know I am missing the implementation of several functions but I'm just testing my vector to see if it is working and it isn't. The getBlockValue() function should output 0 for each job. When I push back one object the output is 0. When I push back 2 objects the output is 0. However when I push back 3 objects I get random values. Why is this? I thought vectors were dynamic?
I am writing a program to play rock paper scissors, and I am trying to get a vector to store the result of a given round of play, and output it as a declaration as to who won. I can't figure out how to store the values in the vector properly, and how to use the vector as an argument to output the result of play.
write a c++ program that reads an unknown number of integer values and then print count, sum and average of odd values, even values, positive values, negative values!!
I've been working on a homework assignment that randomly generates integers and populates them into an array (array1). The program is then supposed to:
1.) copy those values to a second empty array (array2)
2.) sort the values already in array1 (using an inline function)
3.) enqueue the unsorted integers from array2 into a heap vector
4.) a third empty array (array3) is supposed to be populated with those unsorted integers (by dequeuing them from the heap), sorted in reverse order.
But no matter what I do, I always get garbage values like these:
I've tried using both a standard random number generator:
array1[i] = rand()%100+1;
And the d_random.h file my instructor gave us, but nothing works.
Here's the code from all 3 files:
Code: #include <iostream> // Provides cin, cout #include <cstdlib> // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS, rand, srand #include "d_random.h"//Provides random number generator #include "Heap.h" using namespace std; // Use C++ Standard namespace //Elements in each array. const int arrayLength = 15;//100;
I am trying to seed a vector with 52 values ranging from 1 to 52. I already have the code written to seed the vector bu how to keep from repeating the same values from being seeded. This is for a five card stud game.
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<cstdlib> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<ctime> using namespace std;
Now asking for streams. Calling getAvailableStreams. Giving so many streams: 2, 2 got so many streams: 0
Why am I getting 0 streams when I exist the method? I just had 2 streams in availableStreams while I was inside the method, where have they disappeared?
I'm trying to increment the values in a vector, not the vector size, based on variable input. Basically I have a vector of size 10, and all of its values are initialized at zero. The program counts the frequency of numbers 0-9 in a four digit user input. This is what I have (I want it to work so badly but the compiler says that I'm using a pointer to a function used in arithmetic):
for (int i=0; i < num_slots; ++i) { ++guess_frequency[guess[i]]; }
I just want to know if you can increment values within a vector:
I have a function that rotates a vector 90 degrees. Only problem is, i never get negative values. For some strange reason, no matter what i do, the value of x is positive. And even if the x is negative. Once i put it into direction (struct with 2 values x and y) it turns again to positive. Im using VSC++2013 ultimate. At first direction was SDL_Point, so i thought it was SDL problem, but now it seems its something else.
if (c == '-') { int x = direction.y; x *= -1; int y = direction.x; direction = { x, y }; }
I was wondering if this was even possible and if so, how do I do it.
else if (speech.ToLower().Contains("truck") && speech.EndsWith(number)) { Here I would like to see if my speech had ended with any of the values i would have stored in the string "numbers". If it did, I would like to just take the value and add it to a new string called whatever }
I have tried this a million different ways and I cant get it to work. I'm not even sure how I would go about storing tons of different numbers in one string, or if that's even possible.
Goal: Write a program that compares the values stored in the first array to the user inputted values in the second array.
In order to fix this error: [URL]...
I had to change my array initialization to one with a star in front of it:
char a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"}; to: char *a1[]={"a","d","b","b","c","b","a","b","c","d","a","c","d","b","d","c","c","a","d","b"};
I also changed my 2nd array to one with a star in front of it: char *a2[20];
What does this mean exactly? Putting a star in front of an array?
Also, I am now getting an "unhandled exception" when I try to get input for my 2nd array:
Write a menu driven program that will fill grid with values between 1 and 100. Begin the program by declaring a array of type int. Then present the user with the following menu
Enter 1 to add Enter 2 to edit Enter 3 to delete Enter 4 to search Enter 5 to display Enter 0 to Quit
Each item of the menu must be implemented as a function. The program should Only allow values between 1 and 100
Always ask the user to apply coordinates for the cell to be changed
Flag an error when try to delete or edit a cell with a zero (0)
Flag an error when try to add to a cell that is not blank
Display the complete and nicely formatted grid when option 5 is selected