C++ :: Making Program Involving Pointers

Dec 9, 2014

Write following functions

makingArray: this function will return a double pointer which points to a double array and take one parameter- an integer variable which has a default argument of 5. The argument is the size of the integer array. when the function is called, the users input or default argument will be used for the size of the array. The function will initialize all elements of the array with the 'cin' object.

getTotal: this function will return a double and take two parameters- a double array, which can NOT be modified by this function, and an integer variable for a size of the array. This function will calculate the total of all elements then return a double number which is the total.

main: demonstrate functions( makingArray and getTotal) by calling them in a program

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C/C++ :: Fork Function Involving For Loop?

Sep 26, 2014

what I'm trying to do is create 3 child processes stemming from one parent process. I have figured that out but the problem is my program exits when it get to the third child leaving it orphaned(I think).

This is my code for the first generation of processes:

int i = 0;
pid_t child;
printf("Now .. Forking !!

[Code] .....

I have created a menu GUI that I feel messes with the loop commands, i.e. "Continue". The menu pops up repeatedly after each child process is created. I commented out the block of code for menu which fixed it. I was wondering if there is a way so that I can have the menu not messing with the processing?

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C++ :: Writing Test Programs Involving Constructors

Jan 30, 2014

I am currently trying to write a test program involving constructors. I know what I am about to ask is pretty basic stuff but Visual Studio is not recognizing when I declare strings for some reason. My code isn't completed yet but as I am typing string in to declare the variable in the class Visual Studio is not recognizing string as a usable value.

Code below:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class college {

[Code] .....

Like I said... this is completely unfinished I just need to understand why my strings aren't being recognized.

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C++ :: Untraceable Error In Code Involving Classes

May 12, 2013

I've written a c++ program that contains the following classes: class Shape, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle. All the classes are a subclass of class Shape. They syntax of their definition is fine, I see no visible errors. This is the code:

#include "graphics.h"
//#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const float Pi = 3.141;

float distance (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {

[Code] ....

Now when I declare a variable of each subclass in the main, I get an error on two of the classes.

int main () {
Circle a;
Rectangle b;
Ellipse d;
Triangle c;
int x1, y1;
float length;

[Code] .....

...And there's a bunch of similar if conditions. My compiler gives an error under b and d, i.e. the Rectangle object and the Ellipse object. The error is, "Expected a ';'" . I have quadruple checked every inch of my code and as far as I can tell, there are no missing semicolons. Where this ";" belongs ....

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C/C++ :: How To Write A Function For A Single Turn Involving Die In A Game

May 16, 2014

So basically it consists of implementing a single turn for the game called 'pig' and printing out scores and probabilities of those scores. So this is what I have thus far :

int randomNum (int min, int max) {
return min + rand () % (max - min + 1);
} int singleTurn (int holdValue) {
int totalRoll = 0;
int score = 0;
do {
score = randomNum(1,6);


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C :: Making Program For Comparing Strings

Oct 16, 2013

I know there is a function for comparing string but i am making it to just improve my concepts.error : 2 is coming as answer when i put same sting in both place.


char str1[] = "hello" ;
char str2[]= "hello" ;
int q;
q = xstrcmp(str1,str2);


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C/C++ :: Making A Program That Gives All Primes Below A Given Number

Oct 8, 2014

I'm trying to understand why this won't work, the output i get is a list of even numbers. I'm trying to get all prime numbers below the number thats scanned in.

#include <stdio.h>
int isPrime(int number);
int main(){


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C :: Making Calculator Program Using Only Getchar And Putchar

Mar 21, 2014

I have to make a calculator program that has 5 different functions (this is obviously the easy part, once all the input is assigned to their respective variables), which are addition, subtraction, mod, multiplication and division (negatives are not allowed, and must be error-checked; spaces must be ignored). I need to take the equation from the user, echo it back and then solve the problem.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>


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C/C++ :: Making Program That Solve Two Times Difference?

Oct 19, 2012

I need to make a program which solove difference between two interested times in format hh:mm i made it but it doesn't give me right answers for all times for example it can't solve times like 23:50 and 0:15 and it says that difference is 23:35 and no 00:25

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C++ :: Making A Program Read A Word In Backwards / Reverse?

Feb 26, 2014

Lets say I have my name "Kevin".

What would the program be so it reads "niveK"?

How to write the program for that?

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Visual C++ :: Recursion Involving Tree With Many Branches And All Branches Need To Be Stored?

Dec 22, 2014

I want to store all the result which are basically 8 points generated after every time function GenTestPoint is called.

how to store all the points generated i.e 4096+512+64+8 points. However, I mainly need the 4096 points which are generated at the end. I am new to programming, not much familiar with pointer and all stuff.

Its start from level 1.

Level 1 = 8 Points;
Level 2 = 64 points;
Level 3 = 512 Points;
Level 4 = 4096 points;

8 points will be calculated only when if statement is true. But it's fine in the worst case all the statements are true and at the end we will get 4096 points. Just consider that all the if statements are true and I am getting 4096 points at the end which I need to store in some GLOBAL Variable.

I need this 4096 points at the end.

void GenTestPoint(Vec3f test, float level) {
float new_denominator = pow(2.0f,level);
Vec3f result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8;
Vec3f result11, result12, result13, result14, result15, result16, result17, result18;
result1 = (test.x - 1/new_denominator, test.y - 1/new_denominator, test.z - 1/new_denominator);


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C/C++ :: Payroll Program Net Pay By Pointers

May 15, 2014

My objective is to write a payroll program that among other things sorts the net pay by using pointers. I've already written most the program and have written a working program that sorts the net pay just not by pointers. So What I'll be posting below is my program so far without the pointer sort function.

What I need to do to finish my program is figure out how to add pointers to sort net pay into it.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>//file input output stream
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
int readalldata(long int id[], string fname[], string lname[], int hoursworked[], float hourlyrate[], int n);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Using Pointers In Stack Program

Sep 7, 2014

I am trying to use pointers in a stack program. But i am failing. my push function takes in the array,item im pushing, the reference to the top, and the size of the array.

void push(char stack[], char item, int *top, int max_size) {
if(&top==(max_size-1)) {
printf("Stack is Full");
} else {
} return;

And in the main function i pass a randomly pick char value, print it first , and pass it to the array using the push function

#define STACK_SIZE 10
#define STACK_EMPTY -1
int main(){
char s[STACK_SIZE];
int s_top = STACK_EMPTY; // The index of the top of the stack
int *top= s_top;
int max_size=STACK_SIZE;

[Code] .....

I know I am not referencing and dereferencing correctly and probably other stuff also. but i get these 2 errors:

stack.c: In function "push":
stack.c:23:9: warning: comparison between pointer and integer [enabled by default]

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Change Making Program Prints Correct Values But Prints Them In Loop

Jan 27, 2015

I have a program that makes change from an amount. It works fine, but the output is the correct output looped over and over. I have tried everything, but it still doesn't work. For example, a amount of 98 should print

3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickles
3 pennies
but instead it prints
3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies

Why it's doing this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int coinscount(int& amount, int value) {
int tracker = 0;
int amountdimes = amount;


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C :: Program To Use Void Pointers In A Function

May 14, 2014

As part of my ongoing c programming education, I have written a program to use void pointers in a function,


#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_NUMBERS 10
size_t size(void *object);
int main(void) {


Now I think that the result 4 is the size of the pointer, so I'm confussed as why it doesn't give me the same result as 40.

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C :: Basic Array Pointers Program

Feb 4, 2014


#include <stdio.h>
void Swap(int *x, int *y);
int *Largest(int *array, int size);
int main()
int a, b, i;
int c[10];
int maxaddress;


My swap function works fine, but I am trying to find the ADDRESS of the largest element in my array and I am getting an error using gcc on my "return &largest;" and my printf line in my main function.How can I fix this and return the address of the largest?

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C/C++ :: Using Pointer Of Pointers In A Stack Program

Sep 14, 2014

i wrote a program using pointers in a basic stack program below is the pop and push functions and their calls in main. basically getting random numbers and converting to char characters and inserting them into an int array.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


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C++ :: Test Scores Program With Pointers - Calculate Average?

Apr 7, 2013

I have created a program that allows for a user-defined number of test scores as input. After the user enters these scores, the program calculates the average test score. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
double getAverage(double*, int);

[Code] .....

I am having trouble with the final part of my program. How do I pass the array of test scores to a function that calculates how many people got an A (90+) on the test? The final output should look like this:

The average of those scores is:
The number of A grades is:

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C++ :: Create Program That Displays Median Of Array Using Pointers

Feb 27, 2013

The assignment is to create a program that displays the median of an array using pointers. Assume the array is already in ascending or descending order.I'm getting errors currently on the bottom two "return median;" statements.The code that I have so far is as follows...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char again;
int getMedian(int*, int);
const int constant = 100;


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C++ :: Pointers And Arrays - Program To Display Sorted List And Average Of Scores With Appropriate Headings

Apr 22, 2014

I am writing a class that dynamically allocates an array that holds a user-defined number of test scores (test scores go from 0 to 10 both included). Once all the test scores are entered and validated (values only between 0 and 10, both included), the array should be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. Another function should be called that calculates theaverage of all the scores.The main program should display the sorted list of scores and the average of the scores with appropriate headings.

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C :: Create Array Of Pointers To Pointers Which Will Point To Array Of Pointers

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to create an array of pointers to pointers which will point to array of pointers (to strings) I tried


int i;
char *string[]={
"my name is dave",
"we like to dance together",
"sunny day",


the app keeps crashing , I don't know how to make the array-elements to point to another array-elements..

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C++ :: Comparing Char Pointers To Integer Pointers

May 21, 2013

I am a little confused while comparing char pointers to integer pointers. Here is the problem:

Consider the following statement;
char *ptr = "Hello";
char cArr[] = "Hello";

When I do cout << ptr; it prints Hello, same is the case with the statement
cout << cArr;

As ptr and cArr are pointers, they should print addresses rather than contents, but if I have an interger array i.e.
int iArr[] = {1, 2, 3};

If I cout << iArr; it displays the expected result(i.e. prints address) but pointers to character array while outputting doesn't show the address but shows the contents, Why??

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C++ :: Dynamic Creation Of Arrays Of Pointers To Arrays Of Pointers

Apr 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes a 32bit address and a data to store at this address.

I'm wanting to take the 32 bit memory address eg 0x12345678 and split it
into 4 x 2 bytes
12, 34, 56, 78

then each of the 4 entries is at most a 256 entry array.eg

So in this example, 0x12 points to 0x34 in the second array, which points to 0x56 in the third array, which finally points to 0x78 in the last array. This last array holds the actual data.

After successfully doing 0x12345678, say I might get a read for 0x1234AABB. So, the first and second pointers already exist, but I then have to create and write to dynamically created arrays.

The arrays need to have all entries set to NULL so that i know whether to follow the pointers to overwrite a previously entered value or create new arrays and pointers.

It all looks good and simple in the pseudo code I've written up but I'm having trouble coding it. I'm currently trying to deal with the first entry case, ie all array elements are NULL, but I'm getting confused with the pointers and creation of new arrays.

void cpu::store(unsigned int mem_add,unsigned int mem_val) {
int first = (mem_address&4278190080)>>24;
int second = (mem_address&16711680)>>16;
int third = (mem_address&65280)>>8;
int fourth= (mem_address&255);

[Code] .....

A1 has been declared as
int* A1[256] ;

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C++ :: Making A Game With GUI

Feb 27, 2015

Here's my game, what do I need to learn to make a basic GUI? (Easiest way possible for now).

--NOTE, the code was a bit too long for me to post. I can add it if it is necessary. Basically all I want are 4 buttons on the main screen, one that says "Arena," "Store," "Stats," and "Exit."

There will of course be sub menus to each option, but we will get to that later.

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C++ :: Making DLL Of EXE Project

May 28, 2013

I have project that is on c++. it runs fine. i want to use it in my C# application as a dll. i have created its dll and but firing exception of "interprocess communication".

Is this a doable task that creating dll of an exe project and using it in C# application?

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C++ :: Error While Making DLL

Dec 17, 2013

So I tried to find some youtube videos on how to make a DLL, I found one, I also found several topics (like on msdn and stuff), but I have this code


#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")

[Code] ....

And I'm getting these errors:

1>error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static char * PathSocket::cBuffer" (?cBuffer@PathSocket@@0PADA)
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static unsigned int * PathSocket::socket" (?socket@PathSocket@@0PAIA)
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static void * PathSocket::hIDTask" (?hIDTask@PathSocket@@0PAXA)

WHY is there static, and what does dllimport/dllexport does? also there are NO tutorials with variables inside dll >.<

I've been following this [URL] ..... and the video I already lost, however there's no

#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

in the video, why do we have to use that? [URL] .....

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