C :: Basic Array Pointers Program

Feb 4, 2014


#include <stdio.h>
void Swap(int *x, int *y);
int *Largest(int *array, int size);
int main()
int a, b, i;
int c[10];
int maxaddress;


My swap function works fine, but I am trying to find the ADDRESS of the largest element in my array and I am getting an error using gcc on my "return &largest;" and my printf line in my main function.How can I fix this and return the address of the largest?

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C :: Create Array Of Pointers To Pointers Which Will Point To Array Of Pointers

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to create an array of pointers to pointers which will point to array of pointers (to strings) I tried


int i;
char *string[]={
"my name is dave",
"we like to dance together",
"sunny day",


the app keeps crashing , I don't know how to make the array-elements to point to another array-elements..

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C++ :: Create Program That Displays Median Of Array Using Pointers

Feb 27, 2013

The assignment is to create a program that displays the median of an array using pointers. Assume the array is already in ascending or descending order.I'm getting errors currently on the bottom two "return median;" statements.The code that I have so far is as follows...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char again;
int getMedian(int*, int);
const int constant = 100;


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C++ :: Basic Encryption And Decryption Program

Sep 29, 2013

I am having trouble with an assignment. The assignment consists of a basic encryption and decryption program already written for me, I just have to write the encryption function. What we have to get the program to do is enter an integer and a text, and get the program to increment each letter in the text by the integer given. I did this by using a for loop and incrementing each value in the string by the integer.

However, I still can't get it to decrypt and I need the program to work with only a-z letters (if I increment each letter by 3 and I have the letter Z, it should go to Z+3 = C).

I attached the description of the attachment and below are the codes: The first file does not need to be edited.

/*******************Programming Assignment 1***************/
/****************Caesar's substitution cipher**************/
/*****************YOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FILE**************/
/****Substitute alphabets in a string using rotation key***/
/****Leave all other characters unchanged******************/
/****Confirm correct encryption by decrypting**************/

[Code] ......

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C# :: Created A Simple Basic Program That Uses Sockets

Feb 22, 2012

I have created a simple basic program that uses sockets but it can only handle one connection, how do I make it so it handles multiple connections?

Server code:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;


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C/C++ :: Too Many Types In Declaration In A Basic Structure Program

May 18, 2014

This is my program

struct date
{int dd,mm,yy;}  

[Code] ....

Error in Line 11:Too many types in declaration

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C/C++ :: Can't Get Basic Input / Output Program To Work

Feb 29, 2012

im trying to write a program that prompts the user to enter three numbers and then prints them vertically (each on one line), first forward and then reversed. this is how the design should look:

enter three numbers: 1 43 54

your numbers fowards:


your numbers backwards:


this is what i have thus far when it comes to code....
#include <stdio>  
int main (void) {
// local declarations 
int a;
int b;
int c


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C :: Create A Basic Soccer Points Projection Program

Nov 12, 2014

I'm basically trying to create a program that will project a soccer teams points for the whole season. Here are the basics:

Total games: 38
Win: 3 pts
Draw: 1 pt
Loss: 0 pts

My program compiles fine, but inevitably crashes right before the if statement..


int main(void)
float ppg, games_played, games_left, points_earned, pts_proj;
char team_one;


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C++ :: How To Send Yahoo Mail Using Basic Socket Program

Aug 6, 2014

I am trying to send yahoo mail using socket program.

Using the commands like ehlo, starttls, auth login, data,.,quit.

but starttls is error. yahoo close itself. one more thing i use this same method for gmail is working.

The problem is we must enable the ssl authentication. Like System.net mail in .net package smtp.enablessl=true. how i enable ssl authentication in starttls in c++ program

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C/C++ :: Error In Basic Username / Password Verification Program

May 16, 2014

I tried to build a basic username-password verification program; I already have 2 text documents, usr.txt and pass.txt in which username and password are stored. Then have written this program to check the username and password, but every time it says Access Denied.

Here's what I have written:

void main()


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C/C++ :: Basic 2D Array Displaying Output?

Feb 23, 2014

I been for trying to create 5x5 2d array that

basically display first column, last column , and diagonally (like " N " display). but i cant get it to work.
this is what i have so far.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
char Test[5][5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


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C++ ::  basic Polymorphism - Parent / Child Class Based Program

Oct 19, 2014

I am making a very basic parent/child class based program that shows polymorphism. It does not compile due to a few syntax errors reading "function call missing argument list. Lines 76 and 77, 81 and 82, and 86 and 87.

using namespace std;
class people {
virtual void height(double h) = 0;
virtual void weight(double w) = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Basic Array Based Binary Tree

Oct 20, 2013

I've been working on this assignment and but I know that I'm not handling my array properly.

using namespace std;
class binaryTree {

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Make Array Of Structures For Basic Contact List In A Phone

Oct 17, 2013

So for class I have to make an array of structures for a basic contact list in a phone.

I understand the bones of the program and how to go about doing most of it but as far as arrays of structures go I am blind.

struct phone
char FirstName[16];
char LastName[16];
int Number[11];
struct phone numbers[friends]; //friends is a variable assigned by the user What I am a bit confused about is say the user enters 30 as how many friends they have. How would I assign a value to the 3rd struct for LastName?

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C++ :: Allocating Array Of Pointers To Dynamically Allocated Array?

Jan 18, 2014

I'm trying extremely hard to understand pointers and I have the basic concept down.. I feel as though my knowledge of dynamically allocated pointers and pointers in general is not enough to understand the logic behind what I'm trying to do. The problem is that the donations array must be able to accept any number of donations. I've made it do just that, but there is also an array of pointers which must each point to the same element in the donations array. The program works if I assign int *arrPtr[100] for example, but it does not work if I try to dynamically allocate it to accept the same number of elements for donations entered by the user. Here it's the snippet

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes


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C/C++ :: Payroll Program Net Pay By Pointers

May 15, 2014

My objective is to write a payroll program that among other things sorts the net pay by using pointers. I've already written most the program and have written a working program that sorts the net pay just not by pointers. So What I'll be posting below is my program so far without the pointer sort function.

What I need to do to finish my program is figure out how to add pointers to sort net pay into it.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>//file input output stream
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
int readalldata(long int id[], string fname[], string lname[], int hoursworked[], float hourlyrate[], int n);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Using Pointers In Stack Program

Sep 7, 2014

I am trying to use pointers in a stack program. But i am failing. my push function takes in the array,item im pushing, the reference to the top, and the size of the array.

void push(char stack[], char item, int *top, int max_size) {
if(&top==(max_size-1)) {
printf("Stack is Full");
} else {
} return;

And in the main function i pass a randomly pick char value, print it first , and pass it to the array using the push function

#define STACK_SIZE 10
#define STACK_EMPTY -1
int main(){
char s[STACK_SIZE];
int s_top = STACK_EMPTY; // The index of the top of the stack
int *top= s_top;
int max_size=STACK_SIZE;

[Code] .....

I know I am not referencing and dereferencing correctly and probably other stuff also. but i get these 2 errors:

stack.c: In function "push":
stack.c:23:9: warning: comparison between pointer and integer [enabled by default]

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Initialize Array Of Pointers To Array Of Characters

May 21, 2014

I am trying to initialize an array of pointers to an array of characters, I can do it in 3 lines but I really want to do it in one line at the same time keeping the #define.

3 lines initialization (can compile)
#define A 1
#define B 2
char row1[] = {A|B, B, A};
char row2[] = {B, A};
char *test[]= {row1, row2};

1 line initialization (failed)
char *test[] = { {A|B, B, A}, {B, A} }; // <- how do i do this??

I do not want this because it waste ROM space
char test[][3] = { {A|B, B, A}, {B, A} };

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C :: Program To Use Void Pointers In A Function

May 14, 2014

As part of my ongoing c programming education, I have written a program to use void pointers in a function,


#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_NUMBERS 10
size_t size(void *object);
int main(void) {


Now I think that the result 4 is the size of the pointer, so I'm confussed as why it doesn't give me the same result as 40.

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C++ :: Making Program Involving Pointers

Dec 9, 2014

Write following functions

makingArray: this function will return a double pointer which points to a double array and take one parameter- an integer variable which has a default argument of 5. The argument is the size of the integer array. when the function is called, the users input or default argument will be used for the size of the array. The function will initialize all elements of the array with the 'cin' object.

getTotal: this function will return a double and take two parameters- a double array, which can NOT be modified by this function, and an integer variable for a size of the array. This function will calculate the total of all elements then return a double number which is the total.

main: demonstrate functions( makingArray and getTotal) by calling them in a program

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C/C++ :: Using Pointer Of Pointers In A Stack Program

Sep 14, 2014

i wrote a program using pointers in a basic stack program below is the pop and push functions and their calls in main. basically getting random numbers and converting to char characters and inserting them into an int array.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


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C++ :: Test Scores Program With Pointers - Calculate Average?

Apr 7, 2013

I have created a program that allows for a user-defined number of test scores as input. After the user enters these scores, the program calculates the average test score. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
double getAverage(double*, int);

[Code] .....

I am having trouble with the final part of my program. How do I pass the array of test scores to a function that calculates how many people got an A (90+) on the test? The final output should look like this:

The average of those scores is:
The number of A grades is:

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C :: Array Of Pointers To A Struct?

May 10, 2013

I am working on an assignment identical to another post from a couple years ago, for reference here is the thread:

array of pointers to structures sorting addresses by zip code

They way it is written on that thread is almost identical to the way the teacher implied to have it done (only wrote part of the input block). But I am having an error:

When it gets to the output section it outputs then next name along with the zip code... I tried strncpy and strxfrm but both cause more problems than they did work.

The last part of the project is to have the output put out in order of least zip code to most zip code (00000<99999), so this is causing me a real problem and I do not see what exactly is making this happen.

Here is my code (we dont HAVE to use gets but professor suggested using it for this assignment, next lab is to rewrite this using files and fgets rather than I/O redirection):

header.h Code: #ifndef lab_6b_7b_Header_h
#define lab_6b_7b_Header_h
//header file intiating other headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct{


I have not started the sorting code because I cannot get past this, but once I have proper zip codes I am sure I can make a sort function no problem.

I am using xcode with some breaks to read variables as various points and do not notice anything wrong until it makes it to the output functions, although this page briefly pops up between input and output functions when the breaks are up:

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C :: Array Of Pointers To Strings

Mar 6, 2015

I'm wondering how to access Buffer 1 and 2 via the pointer array;

char *BufPtrs[3];
char Buffer1[64];
char Buffer2[64];
BufPtrs[0] = Buffer1;
BufPtrs[1] = Buffer2;
BufPtrs[2] = NULL;

I thought that if I were to access Buffer1 via BufPtrs[0], I would simply just put an * to it before printf()-ing or store it in a char[] (equivalent to a string).

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C :: Array Containing Pointers To Structures?

Aug 9, 2013

How do I store pointers to a struct in an array ? I am using sprintf to concatenate some values together and then output it to an array in its 1st argument. A portion of my code is shown below.


int count = 0;
struct addx {
int a;


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C++ :: Using Array Of Pointers To Objects?

Sep 27, 2013

I've created an Array of pointers to objects using:

Person ** A = new person * [arraysize];

When I intend to access a specific person do I have to do this? :

something = A->[i];

and when I want a specific object within my struct do I have to do this? :

something_else = A->[i]->random_int;

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