C++ :: Basic Array Based Binary Tree

Oct 20, 2013

I've been working on this assignment and but I know that I'm not handling my array properly.

using namespace std;
class binaryTree {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Basic Parts Of Text Based RPGs?

Oct 22, 2013

How you'd type yes or no scenarios for a text based RPG? And I mean a really basic like 'you see ..... what do you do?'. Also, how would you finish a code like this.

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C++ ::  basic Polymorphism - Parent / Child Class Based Program

Oct 19, 2014

I am making a very basic parent/child class based program that shows polymorphism. It does not compile due to a few syntax errors reading "function call missing argument list. Lines 76 and 77, 81 and 82, and 86 and 87.

using namespace std;
class people {
virtual void height(double h) = 0;
virtual void weight(double w) = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Convert Array To Balance Binary Tree

Jul 2, 2014

So if I have an array how do I convert it to a balance binary tree?

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C/C++ :: Find Maximum Element From A Tree (not A Binary Tree)

Oct 31, 2014

I want to find maximum element from a tree (not a binary tree ) ???? ...using c language...

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C :: Binary Game - Using Values With Some Basic Logical Operations

Apr 24, 2014

When things at work get overwhelming, it's not unusual for me to briefly "escape" by writing small programs simply for fun. A few days ago, I had an idea for a "binary game". I completed the first draft of it yesterday.

The idea is simple. The game uses 8-bit values. At the start of the game, a random "target" value is generated. The player is dealt a "hand" of seven values. The object is to use the values in your hand, along with some basic logical operations, to create the "target" value. While the idea is simple, the game itself can be quite difficult.

Here is an example of the output:

Code: --------------------
T: 1111 1100 (0xFC)
0: 0000 0000 (0x00)
1: 1100 1110 (0xCE)
2: 1010 0011 (0xA3)
3: 1100 0101 (0xC5)
4: 1011 1111 (0xBF)
5: 1010 1011 (0xAB)
6: 0001 1011 (0x1B)
7: 0001 1011 (0x1B)

: Looking at the first column:
- 'T' is the "target" value
- '0' can be thought of as the "game board" - this is the value that needs to match the target value for a win
- '1' - '7' are the values in your "hand"

You can apply logic AND ('A'), OR ('O'), or XOR ('X') to a value in your hand with the value on the "game board". You are also allowed to apply logic to two values in your hand to create a new value for your hand. When a value from your hand is used, it is removed.

Some examples of the commands:

A30 --- apply logic AND to value #3 in your hand, and the "game board" value
O23 --- apply logic OR to value #2 in your hand and value #3 in your hand
X70 --- apply logic XOR to value #7 in your hand, and the "game board" value

You can also be dealt new values (as long as there's room in your hand) with the '+' command. 'H' or 'h' prints the help, and 'Q' or 'q' exits the game.

I haven't thoroughly tested it yet, since I just finished it a yesterday, but so far it looks good. The program itself uses only standard C.

I was dickering with the idea of supporting more logical operators (NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, shift), but I like the simplicity and resulting difficulty of the current implementation.

During initial testing, I realized it's possible to have doubles in your hand. Also, it's quite possible to be dealt the target value directly, which means that you could potentially win with one move, chance permitting. At first I thought about defending against these conditions, but came to the conclusion that it is fine as is - chances of an instant win are small, and if it does occur, would still be an enjoyable experience. Besides, if you're dealt the target value after the "game board" value has been modified.

Also, I did not allow a value of "zero" in the players hand. This was originally because I thought it would be of little use (though I've been reconsidering this). This also means that if two values in the hand are combined and result in zero, both values are removed and no new value is added. This was originally a bug, but I think I'll just reclassify it as a feature

So far, I found that the best strategy is to avoid modifying the "game board" value, and just play with the values in your hand. If you can get the target value in your hand, you just OR it with the "game board" and you're done.

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C++ :: Create Binary Search Tree Template To Be Used To Create AVL Tree

Feb 10, 2013

For my data-structures class, I am attempting to create a binary search tree template to be used to create an AVL tree. I've written a Generic_Tree template for the BST to inherit from, and before I jump into implementing the AVL tree I'm testing the BST member functions. Everything was compiling fine until I added the BST insert() function. Now, I'm getting the following error message from my linker:

undefined reference to 'BST<void>::insert(int, void*)'

Stemming from the call in main line 16.

my makefile compiles with:
g++ -Wall -g Generic_Tree.cpp BST.cpp barfing.cpp main.cpp


template < typename NODE_DATA, unsigned MAX_KIDS >
class Tree {
struct NODE {
NODE_DATA* contents;
Tree* child[MAX_KIDS];
Tree* parent;

[Code] ....

I'm use to c and havn't used classes or templates before (except for declaring instances of them). The whole syntax is mystifying to me,.

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C++ :: Printing A Binary Tree?

Feb 1, 2014

It only prints out the root in an infinite loop.

Code: void Btree::printTree(Node* tree)
if (tree != NULL)
std::cout<<" "<< tree->key;

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C++ :: Search Binary Tree

Aug 12, 2014

It has been a while since I built a binary tree from scratch so I decided to do it. Everything works fine but this one function. When I enter a number to search it just keeps running and allowing me to keep enter numbers.

void tree::search(int key,Node* leaf) {
if (leaf == NULL) {
std::cout<<"The tree is empty

[Code] ......

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C :: Function Max In Binary Tree

May 28, 2013

I have a problem with the C code . I created two functions, one that runs through the tree inorder, the other that returns the maximum value in the tree. The problem is when I use in the main the method "max", which goes in a loop and not print anything on the screen . If I remove the call to method "max" it works fine. Here's the code:


#define bool int
/* A binary tree tNode has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct tNode {


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C++ :: Binary Tree Source?

Jul 12, 2013

I just want to ask if some of you know good source for learning about Binary Trees.

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C/C++ :: Searching A Binary Tree?

Mar 1, 2015

I've almost got my code working. My issue is, if I type in either one of the first two id numbers, it finds the person and displays as it's supposed to, however if I type any of the last 6 id numbers it says id not found. I've been staring at this forever and can't see what I'm missing />/> ps, I haven't added in all my comments yet Binary tree template

//Binray tree template class


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C/C++ :: How To Print Binary Tree

Jan 14, 2015

I want to print binary tree in this form on screen

2 3
/ /
4 5 6 7
/ /
8 9 10 11

This is the code for creating Binary Tree:

struct node
int data;
struct node *right;
struct node *left;
struct node *root = NULL;
int main ()
struct node *child, *temp;


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C++ :: Create A Binary File Based On HEX Data

Apr 24, 2013

I want to create a binary file based on some hex data :

Ex Input Hex :54313032202020303030

Out put like :6      

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C++ :: Generate A Binary String Based On Hex Data

Apr 23, 2013

Generate a binary ascii characters(weird character ) based on Hex:54313032202020303030 data in C++

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C++ :: How To Build Binary Tree With Values

Dec 29, 2013

I am not sure how to build the tree with values:

struct Node *root = 1 root->left = 2
root->right = 3
root->left->left = 4;
root->left->right = 5;

Everything should be right except the main(). How to demonstrate this program correctly?

#include <iostream>
#include <stack> // std::stack

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Copy Control Of Binary Tree

May 17, 2013

I have implemented a copy control version of binary tree.. As I am a Beginner. I think i have made my mistake.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class TreeNode{
TreeNode(const std::string &val):value(val),count(new int(1)){}
TreeNode(const TreeNode& rhs):value(rhs.value),count(count),left(rhs.left),right(rhs.right){++*count; }

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Binary Search Tree With Templates?

Oct 27, 2014

I am trying to implement BST using templates. This is the code that i have written.

Code: template <class T>
struct node
struct node *left;


There are no errors but the program hangs. What is the mistake with this program ?

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C :: Find Sum Of Depths In Binary Tree

Jun 18, 2013

I need to write a program to find the sum of depths of a binary tree, where a depth is by definition the shortest distance between a node and the root. I am required to code this using recursion.

I was thinking of first coding a helper recursion to find the depth for each node. What would be the best way to do that? If I could move from the node to the root, I believe programming this helper recursion would not be very difficult. Is there a way to progress from the node to the root?

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C :: Binary Tree Insert Function

Mar 31, 2014

I am having trouble writing an insert function for a binary tree.

Here is the structure that I have to use.

I have the print function done, the insert function is the one I am having trouble with,


typedef struct bt_{
int value;
struct bt_ *right;
struct bt_ *left;


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C :: Deleting Binary Tree Node?

Feb 18, 2014

I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...

Tree: (node)->[left child, right child]
(c)->[ ,e]


The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.

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C++ :: Height Or Depth Of Binary Tree

Feb 23, 2014

I'm in interested to know what will be the height of binary tree with say 5 nodes (consider it balanced) is it 2 or 3?

5 13
3 7

and for following tree also:

7 5
2 6 9
/ /
5 11 4

is it 3 or 4?

i'm asking because, not able to find correct/one answer.

the algorithm i find is:

depth(struct tree*t) {
if ( t == NULL) return 0;
return max( depth(tree->left), depth(tree->right) ) + 1;

According to it, ans for second will be 4

But as per image on wikipedia [URL] .... the ans is 3

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C++ :: How To Insert Item Into Binary Tree

Jun 30, 2013

I am trying to write a function that inserts an item into this binary tree in C++.

template <typename T>
struct BTree {
T val;
BTree<T>* left;
BTree<T>* right;
BTree(T v, BTree<T>* l=nullptr, BTree<T>* r=nullptr) :
val(v), left(l), right(r) {}

Here's my attempt.

template <typename T>
void insert(BTree<T>* tree, T item) {
if (tree == nullptr) {
tree = new BTree<T>(item);
} else if (item < tree->val) {
insert(tree->left, item);
} else {
insert(tree->right, item);
} }

I think this function may not be working because I am modifying `tree`, which is a local variable. How do I actually modify the current pointer that `tree` represents, not just `nullptr`?

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C++ :: Reading TXT File Into Binary Tree

May 30, 2013

How to store values from a .txt file delimited with semicolons (;) into a class which is then stored into a Binary Search Tree. After browsing Google for a few hours, and trying various examples of people using Vectors, I just can't seem to get my program to work using Object Oriented Programming with an instance of the class Person.

My two classes are Person, and BinarySearchTree as follows:

class Person{
string first_surname;
string second_surname;
string name;
int ID;

[Code] ....

Ok so my text file saves the data of each person in the same order as the class with each value separated by a semicolon.

i.e. First_Surname;Second_Surname;Name;ID;Telephone;Score;

void fillTree( BinarySearchTree *b) {
string input[7];
Person p;
fstream file("scores.txt", ios::in); // reads text file
if(file.is_open()) {

[Code] ....

I understand that I get an error because a vector is saved as integers, and I am using strings, my question is, any other way to read the .txt file and save each data separated by a semicolon, into the Person class?

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C++ :: Storing 234 Tree In Binary File

Mar 20, 2014

How would I store a 234 tree in a binary file?

I've never worked with trees or binary files before so it is very confusing.

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C++ :: How To Implement binary Tree Using A Class

Aug 23, 2013

I'm trying to implement a binary tree using this class:

class btree {
int key;
btree *left;
btree *right;
btree(){left=NULL; right=NULL;}
void insert(int key);

[Code] ....

gives me the following error:

albero_binario1.cpp: In member function ‘void btree::insert(int)’:
albero_binario1.cpp:34:18: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
albero_binario1.cpp:39:15: error: request for member ‘insert’ in ‘((btree*)this)->btree::right’, which is of non-class type ‘btree*’
albero_binario1.cpp:41:14: error: request for member ‘insert’ in ‘((btree*)this)->btree::left’, which is of non-class type ‘btree*’

what can i do?

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