C/C++ :: Too Many Types In Declaration In A Basic Structure Program

May 18, 2014

This is my program

struct date
{int dd,mm,yy;}  

[Code] ....

Error in Line 11:Too many types in declaration

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C/C++ :: Error C237 Identifier - Redefinition Different Basic Types

Jun 17, 2014

I am having this error where it declares two of the same identifier, but I cannot figure it out.

Error C237 states:

The identifier is already declared.


// C2371.cpp
int main() {
int i;
float i; // C2371, redefinition
float f; // OK

Though in my code I cannot find a redefinition anywhere.

#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

[Code] ....

My complete Error states as this:

Error3error C2371: 'TextureManager::load' : redefinition; different basic type line:4
Error2error C2556: 'TextureManager TextureManager::load(std::string,int,int,int,int,SDL_Renderer
*,SDL_RendererFlip)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'bool TextureManager::load(std::string,int,int,int,int,SDL_Renderer *,SDL_RendererFlip)' line: 4
Error1error C2628: 'TextureManager' followed by 'bool' is illegal (did you forget a ';'?) line:3

IDE: Visual Studio 2012

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C++ :: Error - Two Or More Data Types In Declaration Specifiers

Nov 24, 2014

i have the following error defines.h:14:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers, the begining define.h source code is (the line 14 is in red):

/* $Id: defines.h 3492 2011-09-18 20:44:09Z nekral-guest $ */
/* some useful defines */
#ifndef _DEFINES_H_
#define _DEFINES_H_


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C :: How Arguments Handled If Passing Parameters Are Different Types Compared To Declaration

Jun 12, 2014

Suppose if i write a test program like

void function1(unsigned int var1);
int main(void) {
void function1(unsigned int var1) {
printf("%d", var1);

The output is -3. how it happens the argument is unsigned but iam passing signed but still prints the signed value. My bigger question is how the arguments are handled if the passing parameters are different types compared to declaration.

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C++ :: Basic Encryption And Decryption Program

Sep 29, 2013

I am having trouble with an assignment. The assignment consists of a basic encryption and decryption program already written for me, I just have to write the encryption function. What we have to get the program to do is enter an integer and a text, and get the program to increment each letter in the text by the integer given. I did this by using a for loop and incrementing each value in the string by the integer.

However, I still can't get it to decrypt and I need the program to work with only a-z letters (if I increment each letter by 3 and I have the letter Z, it should go to Z+3 = C).

I attached the description of the attachment and below are the codes: The first file does not need to be edited.

/*******************Programming Assignment 1***************/
/****************Caesar's substitution cipher**************/
/*****************YOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FILE**************/
/****Substitute alphabets in a string using rotation key***/
/****Leave all other characters unchanged******************/
/****Confirm correct encryption by decrypting**************/

[Code] ......

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C :: Basic Array Pointers Program

Feb 4, 2014


#include <stdio.h>
void Swap(int *x, int *y);
int *Largest(int *array, int size);
int main()
int a, b, i;
int c[10];
int maxaddress;


My swap function works fine, but I am trying to find the ADDRESS of the largest element in my array and I am getting an error using gcc on my "return &largest;" and my printf line in my main function.How can I fix this and return the address of the largest?

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C# :: Created A Simple Basic Program That Uses Sockets

Feb 22, 2012

I have created a simple basic program that uses sockets but it can only handle one connection, how do I make it so it handles multiple connections?

Server code:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;


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C/C++ :: Can't Get Basic Input / Output Program To Work

Feb 29, 2012

im trying to write a program that prompts the user to enter three numbers and then prints them vertically (each on one line), first forward and then reversed. this is how the design should look:

enter three numbers: 1 43 54

your numbers fowards:


your numbers backwards:


this is what i have thus far when it comes to code....
#include <stdio>  
int main (void) {
// local declarations 
int a;
int b;
int c


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C :: Create A Basic Soccer Points Projection Program

Nov 12, 2014

I'm basically trying to create a program that will project a soccer teams points for the whole season. Here are the basics:

Total games: 38
Win: 3 pts
Draw: 1 pt
Loss: 0 pts

My program compiles fine, but inevitably crashes right before the if statement..


int main(void)
float ppg, games_played, games_left, points_earned, pts_proj;
char team_one;


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C++ :: How To Send Yahoo Mail Using Basic Socket Program

Aug 6, 2014

I am trying to send yahoo mail using socket program.

Using the commands like ehlo, starttls, auth login, data,.,quit.

but starttls is error. yahoo close itself. one more thing i use this same method for gmail is working.

The problem is we must enable the ssl authentication. Like System.net mail in .net package smtp.enablessl=true. how i enable ssl authentication in starttls in c++ program

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C/C++ :: Error In Basic Username / Password Verification Program

May 16, 2014

I tried to build a basic username-password verification program; I already have 2 text documents, usr.txt and pass.txt in which username and password are stored. Then have written this program to check the username and password, but every time it says Access Denied.

Here's what I have written:

void main()


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C++ ::  basic Polymorphism - Parent / Child Class Based Program

Oct 19, 2014

I am making a very basic parent/child class based program that shows polymorphism. It does not compile due to a few syntax errors reading "function call missing argument list. Lines 76 and 77, 81 and 82, and 86 and 87.

using namespace std;
class people {
virtual void height(double h) = 0;
virtual void weight(double w) = 0;

[Code] ....

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C :: Parameter Names Without Types And Conflicting Types In Fgets

Jan 22, 2014

I have this



int check_up(char string[]);
int check_low(char string[]);
void to_up(char string[]);
void to_low(char string[]);

[Code] .....

When I compile this I have the following problems: warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default] in 'to_up(word)'conflicting types in 'to_up' function and to_low function warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default] into_up function error: unknown type name "word" in line 'printf("All uppercase %s. ", word):;'warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration [enabled by default] in 'to_up(word)'and 'to_low(word)' 'note: previous declaration of "to_up" was here in function declaration of to_up function

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C/C++ :: Program To Count Different Types Of Characters

Sep 24, 2014

My goal is to create a program that reads a string and counts how many Uppercase, Lowercase, Spaces, and digits there are in the string. Right now this the output i get.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main() {
int iochar;
char string;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Train Reservation Program - Declaration Terminated Incorrectly

Dec 8, 2013


[Code] .....

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C++ :: Using Enumerations Types In Loops And Conditions - Ignored In Program

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to use enumeration types in my conditions to make a simple program that calculates area of a square or circle depending on users choice then updates the total area and outputs the total area.

The program builds fine. But it ignores all of my loop conditions and i'm not sure why.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Dynamic Password Guessing Program - Conflict Between Data Types

Mar 17, 2015

I'm trying to develop a deeper knowledge of how loops work (and what better way todo that than a dynamic password guesser). My main problem lies with the conflict between data types, as I try to point to a char at a specific index position of the password guess.

See in my code (at line 57):

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
string AlphaNum("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");//62 possible characters
int size = AlphaNum.length();//should be 62

[Code] ....

This is annoying, because strings are arrays of characters themselves.

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C++ :: Creating Binary Tree Program - Allow User To Input Data Types

Apr 23, 2013

In class we were asked to create a C++ BTree program that would allow a user to input the following data types and then store said data in a .txt file:

0. ID 8 bytes

1. First name 30 char

2. Last Name 30 char

3. Street Address one 30 char

4. Street Adress two 30 char

5. City 30 char

6. State 20 char

7. Zip 10 char

8. Country 30 char

(I'm not particularly asking for full code, pseudo code would also be great). I had a great deal of my work done, unfortunately, the computer I was working on crashed, corrupting my files.

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C++ :: Program To Return Structure

Jan 9, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct name {
int first;
int second;

[code] .....

whats wrong in the program i tried to return struct.

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C++ :: Data Structure - Program Using Stacks

Nov 3, 2013

Given a set of different types of paired symbols; determine whether it is balanced or not (the opening and closing version of each type are paired correctly). Any other type of characters may appear in the input will be neglected.

For example:
(**(*[*])****) is balanced, also [{}**[]**()]** is balanced. But ((*{*)*}) is unbalanced as well as [()***[]***{*(*)}.

Write a C++ program that requires a string containing and expression as an input from the user and check for balanced bracket pairs using stack data structure.

Here is my code which give me nothing when I run it.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CustomStack {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program That Uses Priority Structure Squishing Bug

Jun 8, 2014

quishing some bugs, and also how to go about squishing these bugs?

#include "stdafx.h"


Here are the errors after compiling the program.

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C :: Predictive Text Program - Data Structure

Jan 19, 2014

Been given an assignment to create a predictive text program. What data structure I should use for this and the steps I should take when I make the program?

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C++ :: Menu Program As Switch-Case Structure

Feb 13, 2015

I tried to write a menu program as a switch-case structure with a separate function for a switch-case structure itself. The outcome for it currently is an undesired one


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int menu(int answer);
int main()


The output I get is one where it's just an infinite loop of "Bad choice! Please try again later.".

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C/C++ :: Program That Can Read And Edit Structure Arrays

Feb 5, 2015

writing this program where you can search a structure array for existing elements, add new elements to the structure array, and find and display entire elements of the array structure and all.

Right now I am stuck on adding new elements to the structure array.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>


Any methods to displaying the a array structure or editing it ....

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C++ ::  Simple Program To Prepare Result Of N Students Using Structure

Jan 17, 2014

This is the program below..can you spot the errors in it.. I am getting lots of errors...!!

struct student {
char name[10];
int rollnumber,result
float m1,m2,m3,total

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Intuitive Data Structure To Use For Memory Management Program

Mar 21, 2014

I have an assignment that wants me to better understand how certain calls like malloc() and free() work. I'm supposed to have one function that allocates a pool of memory for the program to use (this is the only place where I'm allowed to use the malloc function. Anyplace else is off limits, except when allocating space for data structures.) Another function needs to be defined that allocates memory from this large pool of memory that we have already allocated. A third function needs to free a block of memory when a call from function main is made and a fourth does something else (haven't gotten that far yet.) I'm not sure if it's ok or not, but I'll attach the pdf form that describes all the requirements. If that's not ok, I'll delete it.)

Anyways, when thinking of data structures to use for this particular problem, one doesn't jump out at me as being THE data structure that would be most useful. How I would imagine using it is to store the addresses currently being used as well as the block length of those addresses (so basically, each node of the linkedlist would have a pointer that points to an allocated address and another field that told the size of the allocated block of memory.) How to communicate to the large pool of memory that a certain block of memory has been allocated and shouldn't be used until a free is made on that specific block of memory.

Attached File(s)
pa3.pdf (61.07K)

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