C++ :: Pointers And Arrays - Program To Display Sorted List And Average Of Scores With Appropriate Headings

Apr 22, 2014

I am writing a class that dynamically allocates an array that holds a user-defined number of test scores (test scores go from 0 to 10 both included). Once all the test scores are entered and validated (values only between 0 and 10, both included), the array should be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. Another function should be called that calculates theaverage of all the scores.The main program should display the sorted list of scores and the average of the scores with appropriate headings.

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C++ :: Test Scores Program With Pointers - Calculate Average?

Apr 7, 2013

I have created a program that allows for a user-defined number of test scores as input. After the user enters these scores, the program calculates the average test score. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
double getAverage(double*, int);

[Code] .....

I am having trouble with the final part of my program. How do I pass the array of test scores to a function that calculates how many people got an A (90+) on the test? The final output should look like this:

The average of those scores is:
The number of A grades is:

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C :: Using Arrays - Program That Prompts For And Reads In Test Scores

Feb 11, 2013

Write a program that prompts for and reads in test scores. You may assume that valid test scores will be integer values between 0 and 100. You may also assume that the user will not enter more than 35 test scores. Use a preprocessor directive to define this value. User input will be complete when the user enters a -1 for the test score. When all of the test scores have been entered, the program will print out the scores. Use a while or do-while loop to read in the values. Use a for loop to print out the values.

Sample output:
Enter test score 1: 88
Enter test score 2: 67
Enter test score 3: 74
Enter test score 4: 94
Enter test score 5: 79
Enter test score 6: 56
Enter test score 7: -1
Number of scores entered: 6
Test scores entered : 88 67 74 94 79 56

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C/C++ :: Average Scores For Diving Competition

Aug 27, 2014

float total, avg, max, min;
float judge[4];
int index;
int array[2];
int main() {
total = 0.0;

[Code] ....

At a diving competition, the mark given to each diver is awarded as follows:

There are a number of judges and each judge gives a mark and the final mark is found by leaving out the highest mark and the lowest mark and calculating the average of the rest.

Write a C program that reads in the number of judges at the competition and then reads in a mark for each judge. Perform the necessary calculations and display the highest mark, the lowest mark and the final mark.

The following data checks must be carried out in the program:

a)the number of judges must be from 4 to 8

/>each judge can give a mark from 0.0 to 10.0 (a real number that may include fractions)

If an invalid amount is entered, the program must ask for an acceptable value to be entered instead.

Note: this program does not need an array. However, you can use an array if you want to.

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C++ :: Using Array Of 5 Scores And Calculate Average / Highest And Lowest Score

Apr 11, 2013

it compiles and runs, it gives me the average and the highest score but says lowest is 0 even though 0 is never entered.

Write a program which uses an array of 5 scores and calculates the average score, the highest score and the lowest score.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int getHighest(int [], int);
int getSmallest(int [], int);
double getAverage(int [], int);
int count;
int numbers;

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: Generate Class Average For Entered Test Scores

Jan 14, 2013

Below is the program I have written yet I can't seem to get it to work right.

// Purpose: generate a class average for entered test scores
// Input: # of tests, test scores
// Output: total number of tests, average score of tests

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//declare variables
short numberOfTests = 0;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Getting Test Scores Using Pointers

Jan 12, 2014

I'm trying to basically have a user input the amount of test they want averaged, then have the user input the test scores. Send the test scores to a function and have them ordered in ascending then send it to another function that averages it. When I wrote the function I keep getting the address back instead of the actual values.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void arrSelectSort( int* [], int);
void arrAverage(int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Display Scores On Notepad

Mar 16, 2014

I have a problem on my program. I want to display the scores on notepad. I can display it but the problem is every time I play the game the previous score got erased and replaced by the new one.Here's my code.

cout<<" Enter your name: ";
cout<<" Your name is "<<a<<" and your score is "<<right<<endl<<endl;
ofstream MyFile ("score.txt");
MyFile << a <<" "<<right;
MyFile.close ();

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C++ :: Output Data From Two Sorted Arrays Into One File?

Apr 7, 2013

I am trying to output data from two sorted arrays into one file(which should also be sorted). The program works for most of the data, but after it reaches a certain record begins outputting garbage. I'm sure part of the problem is that I don't know what to include in my while loop that outputs to the file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Dynamic Creation Of Arrays Of Pointers To Arrays Of Pointers

Apr 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes a 32bit address and a data to store at this address.

I'm wanting to take the 32 bit memory address eg 0x12345678 and split it
into 4 x 2 bytes
12, 34, 56, 78

then each of the 4 entries is at most a 256 entry array.eg

So in this example, 0x12 points to 0x34 in the second array, which points to 0x56 in the third array, which finally points to 0x78 in the last array. This last array holds the actual data.

After successfully doing 0x12345678, say I might get a read for 0x1234AABB. So, the first and second pointers already exist, but I then have to create and write to dynamically created arrays.

The arrays need to have all entries set to NULL so that i know whether to follow the pointers to overwrite a previously entered value or create new arrays and pointers.

It all looks good and simple in the pseudo code I've written up but I'm having trouble coding it. I'm currently trying to deal with the first entry case, ie all array elements are NULL, but I'm getting confused with the pointers and creation of new arrays.

void cpu::store(unsigned int mem_add,unsigned int mem_val) {
int first = (mem_address&4278190080)>>24;
int second = (mem_address&16711680)>>16;
int third = (mem_address&65280)>>8;
int fourth= (mem_address&255);

[Code] .....

A1 has been declared as
int* A1[256] ;

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C++ :: Write A Program That Uses Arrays To Calculate Sum And Display It

Nov 4, 2013

SO Im supposed to write a program that uses arrays to calculate the sum and display it. I keep getting the error that says the sum has to be initialized.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Function prototype
int sumArray(int);
const int NUM_ELEMENTS = 5;

[Code] .....

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C :: Sorted Linked List

Apr 2, 2013

I been ask to create a sorted linked list module, and to test each function with 1 unit, 2 +.so i wrote my addtofront function( we have to use the same as the teacher)


struct MyList{
char * name;
Sorted * AddmyChar;
struct MyList * next;


but i cant seem to test it because it always display a seg fault.... i dont know what i did wrong....how do i call this function in main to display a string i want?

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C :: Function That Merge Content Of Two Sorted Arrays Of Double Type Values

Nov 4, 2013

I need to write a function that will merge the content of two sorted arrays of type double values. The function should not assume that both its input parameter arrays are the same length.

Here is my program so far - I know there is alot of errors and mistakes:


void merge(int firstArray[],int secondArray[],int size) {
int mergedArray[size],i=0,j=0,k=0;
while(i<size||j<size) {
if(i==size) {


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C++ :: Declaring A Display Function Prototype Only That Displays A Student Test Scores In The Format

Oct 28, 2013

so in declaring a display function prototype only that displays a student test scores in the format (student name tab number of scores tab test scores )

is this right?

#include <string>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{


and also how do we call the display function if it is in a class from the header file onto the main cpp file.

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C :: Sorted List - Why Value Of Void Pointer Change

Feb 16, 2014

I have a the following in a header file.


struct SortedList{
void * data;
struct SortedList * next;
struct SortedList * previous;
int (*compareFunc)(void *, void *);
void (*destructor)(void *);

[Code] ....

In a .c file, I implemented the SLCreate function.

SortedListPtr SLCreate(CompareFuncT cf, DestructFuncT df){
struct SortedList item;
item.data = NULL;
item.next = (struct SortedList *) malloc(sizeof(struct SortedList));

[Code] ....

In main.c, I try to do the following:

SortedListPtr list = SLCreate(&compareInts, &destroy);

A bunch other code that does not alter list or it's contents at all.

struct SortedList item = (*list);
void * data = item.data;
if (data != NULL) {
printf(Why did data become not null???
"); }

How come my variable data became not null anymore when I haven't altered it at all....

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C :: Sorted Linked List - Crashes On Malloc

Sep 29, 2013

So I've been working on a sorted linked list homework assessment and I've been stuck on a problem for a while now. Below is my code for inserting a new object into the linked list, for some reason it keeps crashing whenever I try to malloc temp. (between the "checkpoint" and "after malloc" printf statements) .


int SLInsert(SortedListPtr list, void *newObj){
SortedListPtr curr = list;
SortedListPtr temp = NULL;
if(list->obj == NULL) /*if the list is empty insert obj into the first node*/ {
list->obj = newObj;

[Code] ....

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C :: List Of Words That Need To Be Read In From A File And Then Sorted

Apr 4, 2013

I'm given a list of words that need to be read in from a file and then sorted. I was given a certain way to do it .

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
void print_ar(char x[][MAX], int size);
int strcomp(char x[], char y[]);
int strlength(char x[]);
void selection_sort(char c[][MAX], int size);
void strcopy(char x[], char y[]);

[Code] ...

Here are some words from the list


I cannot figure out what is wrong at the moment. .

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C/C++ :: Adding Linked List In Sorted Order

Sep 22, 2014

I am currently trying to add to a linked list in sorted order but I have reached an impasse. I can get it to add in sorted order if it belongs in the beginning or second in the list. If i were to type in 9 then 4 i would get 49, but if i type in 5 it changes it to 559. I'm just at a loss and need some sort of direction.

#include "singly_linked_list.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void add_node(node*& head_ptr, const int& payload){
if (head_ptr == nullptr) {
node* my_node = new node();
my_node->data = payload;


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C Sharp :: Error Concerning Sorted List Not Being Accessible Due To Its Protection Level

Oct 7, 2012

For school we have to create a blackjack game using windows form. I had to store the images of each card into a sorted list so i created a class called cardList and created a constructor which contained the the sorted list called cards. So it looks kinda like this:

public class cardList : Form1
SortedList cards = new SortedList();  
public cardList()


There's probably a few other errors, I'm still trying to figure this whole c# thing out. why the error tells me (on the line that contains c.cards.GetByIndex(cardNumber);) that cards is inaccessible due the its protection level.

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C++ :: Pointers (Average And Median)

Apr 29, 2014

Write a program that can be used to gather statistical data about the number of movies college students see in a month. The program should ask the user how many students were surveyed and dynamically allocate an array of that size. The program should then allow the user to enter the number of movies each student has seen. The program should then calculate the average, and median of the values entered.

My problem is that i keep getting a error box that says:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'sNUM' was corrupted.
and then my program shuts down!

This is what i have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void movAVG(int *, int);
void movMED(int *, int);
int main() {
int sNUM,

[Code] ....

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C :: Sorting List Of Students Based On Their Test Scores

Jan 18, 2014

I need to sort these students based on their test scores.

My biggest problem is with my sort function. I am not sure of the syntax to call the items the proper way. I also don't know how to call the function properly as I know that i can't pass a int to a struct. Also not sure about the z malloc. Just threw that one in there.

struct student{
int id;
int score;
void sort(struct student* students, int n){
/*Sort the n students based on their score*/

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Display Average Of 100 Values?

May 21, 2013

Howe can i display the average of 100 values in c++ 2008....

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C :: Function To Display Students Who Are Above And Below Average

Oct 30, 2013

int calcAbvAvg(int marks[10], int avg) {
int students = 0;
int i;

[Code] .....

I suck at function and linked list. The only problem i am having in this question is the function calcAbvAbg() not working! I want that function to display the students who are above and below average!

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C# :: Display Average Value Of Pixels In The Image

Feb 4, 2013

I have a project which opens an image in PictureBox1, no problem. But the Public Static Color method at the bottom of the code is not working. I was hoping it would display the average value of the pixels in the image. why it is not working?


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;


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C++ :: Average Rating Does Not Display Correctly?

Oct 25, 2013

My program for school works properly, but I cannot seem get the average to compute properly.

#include < iostream >
#include < iomanip >
#include < array >
#include < string >


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C/C++ :: Display Average GPA Of Some Students In A File

Nov 29, 2014

I have learnt about string class, file I/O and pointers. Now I am asked to write a program that includes the above topics, basically testing the ability to use dynamic arrays.

I've got 2 documents, namely "Students.txt" and "EnrollRecords.txt". "Students.txt" includes 40 students' info, which are university ID, programme names and their names. These 40 students are all BEng but from different departments.

E.g. 20141129 BEng(Civil) Tom Jerry

"EnrollRecords.txt" includes 166 data, which are course codes, university ID, respective scores in the test and GPA. In this document, the same student can have several scores of different courses' tests. So their uids repeat in it. And this document only contains the data of the Department of Computer Science. So students exist in the "Students.txt" may not exist in this document.

So my task is that the user enter a name (e.g. John), then the programme will know to find John and his uid, and get all the GPA of the courses that he has taken to calculate the average GPA.

E.g. 20147777 BEng(CompSc) John David //this is a John we are looking for in the "Students.txt"

//line 15 COMP1220 20147777 90 4 //so we find 3 courses in "ErollRecords.txt" that John has taken
//line 50 COMP1500 20147777 85 3.3
//line 88 ENGG2012 2014777 70 2.3

The programme should display :

20147777 3.2

To able to do anything for this task, I am asked to define 4 struct types:

struct Student {
int uid;
string programme;
string name;

[Code] ....

So now I am going to write a function queryD(Database d, string searchName) and any necessary functions in it. I am able to do the search part,

void queryD(Database d, string searchName) {
for (int i = 0; i < d.numberOfStudents; i++) {
if (d.students[i].name.substr(0, searchName.length()) == searchName) {

[Code] ....

But I struggle in how to match the uid in "Students.txt" and "EnrollRecords.txt" . Because there are repeated data for the same student in "ErollRecords.txt". So how am I gonna be able to match the uid and do the calculation? I get stuck in the for loop part...

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