C# :: Get ID Value Of Newly Created Row In MySQL Visual Studio

Apr 3, 2014

im trying to get the row id created when inserting, ive tried ; SCOPE_IDENTITY(), get_last_identity() adding it to the end of my query string but get nothing back, it doesnt even add row to database. ive also tried adding a stored procedure but it doesnt even have the option in adding that when i right click to add it,(i thinks its because im using microsoft Access MySql)

public static Boolean checkoutOrder(string CustomerEmailId) {
DateTime CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
DateTime ShippedDateDate = DateTime.Now;
string CustomerId = CustomerEmailId;
OleDbConnection myConnection = GetConnection();

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: MySQL Database Connecting Through LAN

Dec 2, 2013

I was created the mysql database in my Pc. This database connecting with vc++ code Using MySQL C++ Connection Example in Visual Studio. I done this work in single PC. It's working good. i viewed the table values using vc++ application.

But now want to connecting the database through lan connection. I refered the below link but i'm not clear.Step # 5 Grant access to remote IP address

For your reference, (I installed)

PC1 - visual studio 2003, mysql 5.6 for win32 & mysql connector (Ver : mysql-connector-c++-1.0.5-win32), OS : XP SP2, IP :

PC2 - mysql 5.6, OS: XP SP3, IP: 192,168,100.9

Table created in PC2, database name "test". server = 'localhost', user = 'root', passwd = "".

I like to connect PC1 & PC2 through Lan & access the table using vc++ code.

How can i view PC2's database table values in PC1?

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Visual C++ :: MySQL Connector Data Dump?

Jul 31, 2013

I wrote an application so I can manage the products for my e-commerce site. It uses MySQL 64 bit. Problem is some of my stores have in excess of 3 million products. The files that contain the data are all CSV. I parse the lines... format the data... write to table. On most of the stores which contain 10 - 60 thousand products it only takes max 3 min to write it all in. I have been running it on this one store for 6 hours now and it has barely made a dent. I know there are almost 3mil products in this one but it should be going much faster given what the speed was for the 60K stores. Is there a faster approach to handling a massive dump like this? I should also add that there are quite a few indexes. These indexes are there for ordering and fulltext search once the products have been activated on the site. I cannot create the table without the indexes and add them later since there is already preexisting data that is using the indexes.

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Visual C++ :: PIC To PC Using MFC Visual Studio Through Serial Communication

May 28, 2014

The project is about reading data from PIC and display the data on the dialogue created by the MFC GUI of Visual studio 2010. There are 4 data need to be displayed (2 weight and 2 angle). the data will be display on the edit control box on the dialogue.

I have try to solve the COMPort and Readdata issues many times, but I'm fail. I have read many sources and implement the source codes... They are never work....

The detail about the issues that I need to solve is clearly mentioned on the main dialogue.cpp. Take a look to an uploaded zip file that I have attached.

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C++ ::  How To Use QT With Visual Studio

Aug 15, 2014

I heard that you can't use it with express, but that doesn't seem right... Can you use it with Codeblocks, at least? I just hate the Qt Creator IDE. I don't like the UI... all I want to do is code Qt. I don't care much for the GUI editors.

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Visual C++ :: MFC Dialog Based Application Connect With MYSQL

May 20, 2014

I'm using VS 2012. Installed MYSQL 5.6, C++ Connector 1.1.3. Created a sample table using mysql. Now i like to create a connect between mysql and MFC dialog. Using this, i was try to connect.

Server Explorer -> Data Connection -> Add Connections ->MYSQL Database -> Addconnection

To get the connection, i want to enter the connection settings like:

server host name = localhost, user name =root, password=

If I pressed any letter in the keyboard means add connection dialog was closed automatically.

How to connect mysql(localhost) with MFC Dialog?

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Visual C++ :: Read Particular Record In A Table Quickly Using It From MYSQL

Nov 13, 2014

How can i read particular record in a table quickly via VC++ from MYSQL?

I have a table like


Database name: test & Table name : Profilemaster
| 1 | APPLE1 |
| 2 | APPLE2 |
| 3 | APPLE3 |
| 4 | APPLE4 |
| 5 | APPLE5 |

My code is here, I was read all profilename from MYSQL database and load it to a combobox.

How can i read a particular record and store it to combobox?

void MainScreen::OnreadProfileName() {
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CDatabase database;
CString SqlString;
CString sDsn;
CString pname;


How can i execute this query and get the following result


| 1 | APPLE1 |

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C++ :: Visual Studio Linker

Jan 4, 2013

I wrote a routine in one C++ file and I decided to break it up into some smaller more manageable C++ files. When I copied the variables out of the first one and into the new smaller file (same solution), everything compiles fine but I get a ton of linker errors saying the variables have already been defined in another (the previous) file. Using Visual Studio 2008.

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Visual C++ :: How To Sort Combobox After It Has Been Created

Feb 1, 2013

I have a combobox which doesn't have the CBS_SORT style and after adding some items I'd like to offer the ability for the user to sort it alphabetically by clicking on a given button. How can I sort the combobx after it has been created and some items added to it ?

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C :: Code Keeps Exiting With 0 When Run On Visual Studio

Mar 26, 2013

Whenever i run this on Visual Studio, it keeps exiting with code 0

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h" // NULL defined here
#include "stdlib.h" // malloc function here
#include <string.h> //for handling strings
#include <ctype.h>

char reg_num[21]; //used in get_new_value

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Creating / Using GUI With Visual Studio 2013

Jan 24, 2015

How to create/use a graphical interface. Especially since Microsoft has removed Windows Form Application support from Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.

I know that Windows Form Application is still supported with C#, but C# is definitely not an option as the program I am developing is heavily depended on some of C++'s more advanced features not present in C#.

Is there an alternative to Windows Form Application? I would definitely prefer one, as I doubt that some workarounds would work for long. What are common ways to create a GUI application in C++? There certainly must be some ways. In Java one would use something like JFrame.

Crossplattformcompatibility: The program I am creating is a Microsoft Windows program only. So I don't care if it runs on Linux or Mac. It only has to run from Windows 7 onward. So if there are more than one standard ways to create a GUI, I would prefer the one working best for Windows.

By the way, I am using Visual Studio 2013.

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C :: Multi User Chat Over TCP/IP In Visual Studio

Jun 1, 2014

I want to have a multi user chat over TCP/IP. I already have the code for both the server and the client and so far I am able to send messages from the client to the server. Now I want to make it a multi user chat. I am executing the codes using Visual studio's Command prompt(not Windows Command Prompt). I have read somewhere that we have to use select() function.

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C/C++ :: Create A Directory / Folder Using It In Visual Studio

Jan 26, 2014

C-> Visual studio 2010-> windows 7

How to create a directory / folder.( to browse/save my files to a directory.) how to specify the path?

I googled , but i cant able to find appropriate as it is showing all in the C#, C++ , objective C. But not in C.

Here i am writing a sample program to my POS device .problem here is it is not taking mkdir(direct/dir.h header file)function. Any alternative is there to make a directory?

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C/C++ :: How To Take Data Input From Message Box In Visual Studio

May 28, 2014

is it possible to take integer or char data type on message box to V C++?

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Visual C++ :: Using Fstream To Open A File Created Only During Runtime?

Nov 20, 2012

I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 and I'm trying to use fstream to open and read a file that is created only during runtime. This file is written by another function running on another thread, and my program will keep trying to "open" the file until it can be opened, i.e. after it's created, then read 3 numbers from it and execute the rest of its code.

The file test.txt has the content


My program that polls and opens the file is as follows:

ifstream fin;
std::string tfile, snum1, snum2, snum3;
long int num2, num3;
printf("Begin prog %s
", tfile.c_str());


I executed the program by

Code: test_prog.exe "C: est.txt"

and waited about 3 seconds before putting the test.txt file into C:

My output was

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
snum1 =
num2 = 0 num3 = 0
End of prog

The test.txt file disappears after I refresh the C: folder.

So the values for snum1, num2 and num3 are all wrong, as if the file was not read correctly.

If I put a while fin.good() loop after printf("fin is open "); for that entire block (until printing the values of num2 and num3), then I get

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
End of prog

How can I correctly read a file that is only created during runtime?

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C++ :: Template Function Overloading Resolution Different In Visual Studio And GCC

Jun 13, 2014

I stumbled upon an unexpected difference between GCC and VisualStudio: Different overloaded functions are called in the following example:

// -------- can assume this is located in 'tool.h' file --------------
// Fwd declaration support foo( const int& ) gets called as expected by both compilers
// void foo( const int& n );

template< typename T >
void foo( const T& n ) {

[Code] ....

What happens: I expected that by calling bar(1) compiler will notice both versions of foo() and call the best match, in this case foo(const int&). That is not the case.

Note that overloaded foo(const int&) is below bar(). It seems that at that point GCC does not see overloaded version, and happily calls template version. Visual studio on the other hand has no problem finding them both.

If I introduce a forward declaration of foo( const int& ) before bar(), both compilers call that version correctly. Unfortunately, that is not a solution for my problem here.

Template version is part of a library while overloaded is part of the user code. Both would be located in different (header) files and I would not like to impose #include order to the users or to be dependant on it.

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C++ ::  Visual Studio 2012 - How To Get Remainder From A Very Simple Division

Apr 10, 2013

So I am using Visual Studio 2012 Professional, this is C++ code. I am just trying to get the remainder from a very simple division. Nothing difficult, heres the code:

double getProbability(){
int rd = random();
int max = numeric_limits<int>::max();
double result = rd % max;
cout << "Probability: " << result << "
return result;

When I look at the values in debug I get:

max 2147483647
rd 1804289383
result 1804289383.0000000

That is completely wrong. The answer should be 0.840188. What is going on here?

random() just returns a number from a vector that was prepopulated with "random" integers. Not really random, but that isn't all that important. What is important is why on earth is a % operation returning such a huge number. I assigned the values to variables so I could look at them in the debugger. I know I am going to probably get a thousand different ways that I could do this "better" but again, that isn't what I am looking for. I would just like to know why the % operation is doing what it is doing?

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C++ :: Compiler / Linker Differences In Visual Studio Conversion?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a project that is essentially a hot pot of C/asm (naked functions etc). The code gets injected into another EXE. It works fine when compiled in Visual C++ 6 but when compiled in Visual Studio 2008 it compiles fine but falls over in use.

Are there certain settings I need to look out for? I have optimization disabled and as far as I can tell the command line options for compiler/linker are the same (given the differences).

I have opened both builds in IDA and the 2008 build has more import and offset jumps are in different places.

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C++ :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working In Visual Studio 2013

Feb 6, 2015

I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 on a new laptop. On my old one I could press things like ctrl + F7 to compile and ctrl + F5 to start without debugging however now it isn't responding when I type those commands. Nothing happens at all. How to change this? I googled "keyboard shortcuts not working in Visual Studio 2013" but per the usual Google comes up with garbage search results that do not pertain at all.

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C++ :: Simple LED Type Display Visual Studio 2008

Jul 3, 2013

looking for a simple LED type control for Visual Studio 2008. I just need a control that I can add to the toolbox where I can pass a parameter to define the colour. This is an MFC based application. how to add a new control to the toolbox. I have been programming in 'C' for many years but find some of the IDE's confusing as to how to do things (as above)

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C/C++ :: Setting Up GLFW In Visual Studio 2013 Correctly?

Feb 27, 2015

I believe I set up everything correctly. I linked the library folder, the includes, and included the libraries needed. It still comes up with an error that it can't find the functions or something like that.

The error:

Do I need to include the DLL some way? I tried adding it to the build directory and the EXE directory, but it did not work. My code is just a small test.

#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
int main() {
if (glfwInit() == false) {

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Show Only Date Not Time In Visual Studio

Feb 1, 2013

How to show only current date not time in webforms in visual studio as for date and time code is

Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();

What for only date not time

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Visual C++ :: Making A Little Quiz Application In Studio 2008?

Jun 10, 2013

I've been trying to make a little quiz application that takes questions from a file and them presents question by question on a static pannel, a few buttons that have the possible answers on them written as the questions go, and on the bottom a little place where we can see whats our score.when we finish the quiz, the score gets writen in a data.dat file and thats that.

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Visual C++ :: Window Created By Calling Create - DestroyWindow Function?

Jan 17, 2013

If a window is created by calling Create, the function DestroyWindow must be called to destroyed it at the end?

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C++ :: Visual Studio 2010 - Which Header File Contains Mmap And Munmap

Feb 11, 2013

i am using visual studio 2010 for my work. Which header file contains the mmap and munmap functions? i am trying to map a file into the memory.

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C++ :: How To Write Boost Unit Test In Visual Studio 2010

Apr 16, 2014

I'm new to c++ and boost library also. I need to test a function of my library. For example

// Functions.hpp
int add(const int x, const int y);
int add(const int x, const int y)
return (x + y);

Now i need to test add function using boost. I need the result or output in below style. What all settings do i need to do in VS 2010 and how i should include boost test in the project.

==== Run unit tests ====
Running 2 test cases...
./mytest.cpp(13): error in "SimpleTestInMainTestingModule": check 1 == 2 failed
Test suite "Master Test Suite" failed with:
1 assertion out of 2 passed
1 assertion out of 2 failed
1 test case out of 2 passed
1 test case out of 2 failed

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