C :: Finding Intersection Points Of Two Ellipses

Oct 16, 2014

Today i am going find out solution of two ellipses intersection points using C programming, I solved using geometry equation substitute method but i am not unable to do same thing in C programming.I am talking example as following two ellipses (x^2)/4+y^2=1 , ((x-2)^2)/4+y^2=1

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C++ :: Finding Intersection Point Between A Plane And A Line

Mar 25, 2013

I'm following this example on finding the intersection point between a plane and a line. (it's about three quarters down) [URL] .....

However this seems to only show how to solve u.

1. I don't understand what u is.
2. How do I find out the intersection point, in terms of (x, y, z)?

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C++ :: Finding Angle From 3 Points

Nov 10, 2013

I am making a game and I am trying to rotate an image so that it is always pointing at the player. I have two lines, the first point of both of them is on the image and the second point of one line is on the last position of the player, and the second point of the other one is on the current position of the player. To rotate the image I need to get the angle between the two lines. how I can get that angle with only the points from the lines?

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C/C++ :: Find Maximal Points Among Given N Points

Nov 3, 2014

Example: In a 2-D space, point A=(a1,a2) is bigger than point B=(b1,b2), if a1>b1 and a2>b2.

How do I write a presudo code to find all the maximal points among the given n points?

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C :: Intersection Of 2 Arrays

Jan 12, 2015


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int a[10],b[10],c[10],i,j,k,n,m;
printf ("Enter the size of the first vector: ");
scanf ("%d", &n);

[Code] .....

Now, this is what I've been able to do so far, i know it's very basic but I just started learning programming! I tried different methods found on internet but none of them work for me. I want to find the intersection of arrays a & b then put them in array c(or just display them?)

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C++ :: Equations And Intersection Point

Aug 17, 2013

Program which accepts two lines and and determines their intersection point and whether they lie within a circle, also given interactively. I'm racing against time and I've racked my skull to no avail

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C++ :: How To Program Boolean Union And Intersection

Jun 19, 2014

It involves some discrete mathematics. Any code snippet to get me started?

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C++ :: Find Intersection / Union And Difference Of Two Sets

Feb 17, 2014

The program is to find intersection,union and difference of two sets. The program take the input correctly but after it crashes with the message that some exe is not working...

using namespace std;
void Input(int *A, int*B, int size1, int size2)
//input function {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sweep Line Algorithm Applied To Segment Intersection?

Apr 26, 2013

I need updating binary search three. I am working on implementation of Bentley-Ottoman algorithm for finding intersections of line segments in the plane. Code I designed works properly for all, but certain types of triangles. What is happening is that one intersection inside the triangle is never detected due to a fact that segments which intersect in that point never become neighbors in binary search tree.

class segment{
double x1,y1,x2,y2;
int name;


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C++ :: Angle Between Two Points

Apr 19, 2014

i'm working on a robotics project, to move the robot from it's current position to target position i need to calculate the angle first before i can move the robot.this the code I use to calculate the angle:

double cal_angle ( int current_x , int current_y , int tar_x , int tar_y )
return atan2(tar_y - current_y, tar_x - current_x);
int main ()


as u can see the angle between x4,y4 to x1,y1 should be 3.14 (180)however , the result are correct as long as the distance from the current position to target position > 1 (not sure actually).

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C++ :: Distance Between 2 Points Equation

Apr 14, 2013

Write a program that creates the output shown in the Output Layout section below. The program should create 2 points with x and y coordinates as integers, prompt the user to input the x and y values for one of the points and randomly set the other (-99 to 99 range) and output the length of the radius line segment and the area of the circle that radius defines. The program should then end. Include an SDM for the program and any other appropriate documentation.

Special Calculations:
Distance between 2 points equation:
√((p0x – p1x)2 + (p0y – p1y)2) (This requires use of the math library)

Output Layout: (bold text represents user input)

Please enter the location of your first point.
Enter a value from -99 to 99 for your x coordinate: -2
Enter a value from -99 to 99 for your y coordinate: 17

The location of your second randomly set point.
Your x coordinate: 45
Your y coordinate: -89

The length of the radius line segment from point one to point two is 115.
The area of the circle with a radius of 115 is 41546.33.


int pAx;
int pAy;
int pBx;
int pBy;

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C++ :: Sorting 2D Points Clockwise

Nov 7, 2013

I have 2D points written in {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, .....}

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<double> vec;
vector<double> vec_ordered;

[Code] .....


6 4
6 3
6 2
6 1
5 5
5 1
4 4
4 1
3 3
3 1
2 2
2 1
1 1

which wrong result

I wanted to make

6 3
6 2
6 1
5 1
4 1
3 1
2 1
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

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C++ :: Calculate Distance Between Two Points

May 15, 2014

It ougth to calculate the distance between two point (p1,p2)

#include "distancia.h"
void main () {
Point p1,p2;


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C++ :: Memory Points Not Working?

Jul 23, 2013

This is the source code.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){


When I type a word, it gives me the first letter of the word, then a symbol, or nothing.

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C++ :: Closest Distance 2D Points?

Oct 29, 2014

In the following code I don't understand why am I splitting the y left and y right.

(closest distance between 2 points in 2D)

Am I splitting the y left and y right so that I can concatenate them afterwards and then build the strip,only according to these concatenated halves ?

PS : Finding the min. distance between sorted x right and x left works fine , only problem is with the strip.

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct Point2D {
double x;
double y;


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C++ :: QuadTree - Should Non-Leaf Nodes Contain Points

Oct 25, 2013

I'm implementing a quad tree for an assignment, and I'm not sure if every node should contain a list of pointers to every Point in its sub tree (implying the root node will contain all Points), or if only leaf nodes should contain the Points.

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C :: Calculating Distance Between Two Points (x And Y Vars)

Feb 23, 2013

As homework we were assigned to enter the following code to calculate the distance between two points on the x and y plane. The program should ask the user to enter two points then should calculate the distance between two points and print the distance on the screen.

My program will compile correctly but when attempting to run the actual program it doesnt do anything and some how completely skips over my main function...


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
struct point {
float x;
float y;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sphere Center And Radius From 4 Points

Jun 22, 2013

Any class or library that can to calculate the center and radius of a sphere from 4 known points on its surface?

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C++ :: Returning Pointer That Points To Array

Mar 5, 2013

I have a program that is trying to find all factors of an integer given. It needs to be done in a recursion function. Right now i have code similar to just getting the prime factors of a integer.

unsigned int * find_factors_using_recursion(unsigned int x ) {
unsigned int * factor = new unsigned int[];//do i put x in here ?
for(unsigned int i = 2; i < x; ++i) {
if(x % i == 0) {
find_factors_using_recursion(x / i);
*factor = (factor[i] = i);
} }
return factor;
delete [] factor;

When i cout the *factor = (factor[i] = i) it gives me the prime numbers of the integer passed into the function but when I return the pointer it only returns one of the prime numbers. I'm new to c++, how to return pointers from functions that would be great with an example to go with it.

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C++ :: Calculate Midpoint And Distance Between Two Points

Sep 25, 2013

I'm creating a quick program to calculate midpoint and distance between two points. I'm having a little trouble. This is the program:

//This program is a start to solve basic coordinatre plane distances and midpoints
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[]){
cout << "This is a calculator to find distance and the midpoint between two points. " ;


the problem is that the output for both equations is wrong, it doesn't do the math properly and I assume it has to do with the variable types I'm using but am not sure. P.S. I am using the latest version of DEV-C++

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C++ :: Randomly Remove Points From Array?

Feb 19, 2013

I was wondering if there was a way to set up a code with an array of variable dimensions that removed random points on that array i.e.


then randomly remove a point:


and then be able to repeat this process until all points are removed.

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C++ :: Calculate Steepness Or Incline From 3 To 4 Points (XYZ)

Jan 26, 2015

How to calculate steepness or incline from 3 to 4 points in a 3D(xyz) point?

I'm trying to calculate steepness to determine if i can or cannot place objects on a super steep elevation in a 3D game?

My initial thinking was to add up all angles then divide by 4? I'm not a match major and I am not finding any information online.

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C/C++ :: Conditional Multiple Entry Points?

Nov 16, 2014

I'm playing with my final year project, building a game boy emulator in C, and I wanted to try out something to streamline my code base. I'm building against Win32, GNU C and Googles Native Client.There are no platform specific headers or functions in use. What I'm trying to do is have a file that conditionally includes the entry point (so _tmain for Windows etc) based on a preprocessor directive being set/not-set.

[note] I realise I could write both entry point classes in one file and use the preprocessor directive in there, but it's not as neat as a single file calling in one or the other. I figure this should work because I can conditionally include headers for Win/NaCl (providing the signatures match, of course).

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C# :: Resize Quadrilateral Image According To New Points

Nov 22, 2014

I have a bit map which I wants to re-size according to new point. But on Paint Event Method getting error not Implemented.

CODE Under Paint Event Method

private void pictureBox3_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
Point[] destinationPoints = {new Point(200, 20),new Point(110, 100),new Point(250, 30), new Point(250, 30) };
Image image = new Bitmap("D:\APP\Resources\MyPic.Png");
// Draw the image mapped to the parallelogram.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, destinationPoints);

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C :: How To Check If Return Value Actually Points To Pascal Triangle

Nov 27, 2013

I have been trying for hours to create a specific prototype program that determines a pascal's triangle for a give number of rows. However, prototype must have the return type of int**. I just recently learnt about pointers, why my attempt of the function doesn't work. As well, i am not sure how I can check if my return value actually points to the pascal triangle.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int **getPascalTriangle(int n)


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C++ :: Function That Calculates Euclidean Distance Between Two Points

Feb 24, 2015

I am trying to write a function that calculates the Euclidean distance between two points described by
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = √(𝑥1 − 𝑥2)2 + (𝑦1 − 𝑦2)2
Input Prompt
Enter x1, y1, and x2, y2:
Output Prompt
The distance is XXXX.XXX

Replace XXXX.XXX with the calculated distance precise to three decimal points.

Will this be a smilier input to the same forum that wasted posted a few years ago on this site?

Here is the link... [URL]..

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