C# :: External Window Paint / Draw Hook?

Jan 13, 2014

Is there any way that I can call a function/receive an event whenever an external window (not any of my forms) repaints/draws?

If you create a GDI+ graphics object and give it the HWND of another window that refreshes a lot like a web browser, anything with animated graphics, your draws and the windows draws are out of sync which creates an intense flicker effect.

Googling this issue only brings up results for handling when my own form repaints...

My idea is that I could just redraw my GDI stuff whenever the form redraws, this is indeed possible?

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C# :: Draw Single Pixel On Window

Mar 27, 2014

Im new to c#. In c++ I have made a window and painted it with dots and concentric circles, like a radar PPI screen. Trying to do this in c#, I can't find how to draw a single pixel on the window.

Also, what should I be drawing on: the form, panel, picturebox...?

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C/C++ :: Draw Sprite On The Window Of Third Party Application

May 8, 2014

How can I draw a sprite/graphic on the window of an third party application? E.g. I want to draw a graphic beneath each tab of Firefox for additional information. The position of the sprite needs to be relativ to the position of firefox, so if you move firefox, the sprite moves with it.

The solution needs to work on mac and pc. So I'll use a crossplatform framework like c++ boost or something.

Of course I can get the position and then just redraw it. But what's the best way to draw it?

Just found a tool which does what I need. Basically a HUD like this: [URL] .... The boxes with the numbers are what I need.

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Visual C++ :: How To Start Process Without Loading Global Hook

Apr 21, 2014

I had created a global hook by SetWindowsHookEx with WH_CALLWNDPROC. It is used to create a new toolbar button in specific window in the specific (3rd party) program (named HOOKEE.exe for example), and it works perfectly fine most of the time. Normally HOOKEE.exe is launched by double clicking the shortcut icon on desktop. But this program could be also launched in another way (provided by the provider of HOOKEE.exe), with this new way, HOOKEE.exe is by conhost.exe (on Windows 7), and then I could see (via ProcessMonitor) my hook is loaded by conhost.exe, but not the process HOOKEE.exe. In my understanding global hook would be loaded by whatever process, I have no idea on the exception, and what conhost.exe does to the HOOKEE.exe.

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C++ :: Hook HW Interrupts In Flat Memory Mode With DOS32/A

Jul 23, 2012

I have a question about how to hook HW interrupt in flat memory mode...

@ about my application...
- application is created by combining Watcom C and DOS32/A.
- application is written for running on DOS mode( not on OS mode )
- with DOS32/A now I can access >1M memory and allocate large memory to use...(running in flat memory mode !!!)

@ current issue...
- I want to write an ISR(interrupt service routine) for one PCI card. Thus I need to "hook" the HW interrupt.
- Ex. the PCI card's interrupt line = 0xE in DOS. That means this device will issue interrupt via 8259's IRQ 14.

But I did not how to achieve my goal to hook this interrupt in flat mode ?

@ resource I found...
- in watcom C's library, there is one sample using _dos_getvect, _dos_setvect, and _chain_intr to hook INT 0x1C...
I tested this code and found OK. But when I apply it to my case: INT76 ( where IRQ 14 is "INT 0x76" <- (14-8) + 0x70 )
then nothing happened...
* I checked HW interrupt is generated but my own ISR did not invoked...

Do I lose something ? or are there any functions I can use to achieve my goal ?

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C# :: How To Paint Particular Dates In DatePicker WPF

Oct 7, 2014

I want that my DatePicker look like this:

The idea is for example if you a owner of Travel Agency and have website, when client want to go direct on your adrress in city that he or she can see on website that every weekend agency dont work(red color in calendar), other days they work(green) except of period 10.11-20.11 when they have vacation(numbers in calendar from 10.11-20.11 will be in yellow color).

I want to implement painting particular days in calendar by some logic.I suppose that I need to create my own class and inherit DatePicker from WPF, but what to override to get this if the inheritance DatePicker is the solution?

Attached image(s)

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Visual C++ :: How To Paint On A Tabcontrol

Nov 24, 2012

How to paint on a tabcontrol? I tried to take the window handle or the tab handle but none of them works.

#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <gdiplus.h>
using namespace Gdiplus;
VOID OnPaint(HDC hdc)
Graphics graphics(hdc);


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Visual C++ :: Canvas Like MS Paint?

Jun 13, 2013

Whenever we open MS Paint we see selected white background on which do the paint.

So, I would like to know what we call it and how we can create the same canvas using Visual C++.

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C++ :: Painting Company - Calculate Amount Of Paint Required For Every Contract

Dec 15, 2014

You work for a painting company. Your job is to calculate the amount of paint needed for every contract assigned to the company. This time, you need to paint an outside wall. The dimensions of the wall are 5 X 7m. The window is a circle with the radius of 1m. Write a program that would calculate the following:

The amount of paint needed knowing that you need 1 gallon per 10 square meters. The amount of time to complete the job knowing that it takes 1 hour per 10 square meters to prepare the surface, 5 minute per square meter to pant it and 5 minute per square meter to clean up the area.

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C Sharp :: Open Image In Paint Mode After That How To Apply Graphics

Aug 21, 2012

How to open a image in paint mode after that how to apply graphics to that opened image in paint mode.I am attached a image i want to draw a center line in that image..

Attached Images point1.jpg (12.9 KB)

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C/C++ :: How To Hook Function From Same Process And Get Address Of Caller Function

Apr 27, 2013

I need to do it to avoid calling a function of my process from injected code.

So would like to hook this function to check whether the call is from the current module or it is from an external module, then I compare the address of the instruction who did the call with the module address range.

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C++ :: How To Draw A Polygon

Nov 16, 2013

I am fairly new to c++, and I want to be able to draw a polygon. When I have searched for how to draw one, the only thing i can find is scripts doing things like this:


I doubt that c++ is that primitive, and I'm looking for something like the c++ equivalent of this python script:

Syntax: draw.polygon((20,20)(30,30)(50,30)(20,40)(20,20), fill(green))

I am using a mac os 10.9

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C :: Draw A Grid Using The Characters?

Aug 20, 2013

I'm trying to create a grid using the following characters: !, @, #, $, &.

It's an 8 x 8 grid, and should contain the characters in no particular order (trying to create a Bejeweled-like game).

I already defined the width and length to be 8, so:

#define WIDTH 8
#define LENGTH 8


void makegrid(char grid[])
int j;
int k;
for ( j = -1; j < LENGTH; j++ )
for ( k = -1; k < WIDTH; k++ )
/* I don't know what to type here anymore :( */
} }

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C++ :: OpenGL - Draw On Top Of Image

Jun 22, 2014

This is my first time using opengl and I am experimenting with adding/drawing polygons/points/etc. on top of a PPM image. The image is already loaded when the application runs. My attempt to draw a square is from lines 30 - 35. The program runs but the square is not present. Just the image.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int n;
int m;
int *image;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Draw A 3D Snake In OpenGL

Jan 3, 2014

i want to draw a 3D snake in opengl.. i can't get nothing out of my search to make a start.. how it is made

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C++ :: How To Draw Lines With Different Colors

Nov 8, 2014

I want to write a function called DrawLineSegments.This function must change the color of lines at every corner where the corner angle is greater than 60 deg (Assume that there is a function called checkangle). The color sequence must be black, red, green, blue, and repeat this sequence after the fourth color.

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C++ :: Draw 2D Bar Chart According To 10 Or 15 Numbers?

Nov 26, 2013

I want to draw a 2D bar chart according to 10 or 15 numbers in c++. How can i do it? Which i need components?

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C++ :: How To Draw A Magnifying Glass

Jul 11, 2013

I want to draw a magnifying glass using graphics.h which is used mostly as "Search" icon. But, I am having problems in making the rectangle attached to the two circles (one inscribed on another) . I have also included the screenshot (made in powerpoint) on how the output will look like, enen I've made most of the part, except the search icon (magnifying glass).

The Link for the screenshot is : [URL] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Draw Shapes Using Loop

Apr 11, 2014

How can I draw thus shape using loop for
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5

Also this shape

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C# :: How To Draw More Than One Line In WPF Using Array

Jul 8, 2014

I used the following code. I called a method named lets_draw

private void lets_draw() {
int i,z;
z = 40;
Line[] line = new Line[20];
for(i=1;i<=10;i++) {

[Code] ....

But it showed the following message

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in SkeletalTracking.exe
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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C++ :: How To Draw Unoccupied Value From Array

Jan 5, 2015

Let's say there are three slots in my array (3 pieces of hardware to be used). If one worker comes in, it takes an instrument, and I tag it as used on random basis. Next, the next worker comes in, it takes another unused instrument randomly and so on. When the first worker finishes using that instrument, he returns it back to the inventory. How should I write such code in C++?

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C :: Draw Magen David Star

Apr 18, 2014

problem to draw magen david star ,i find code that draw pyramid of starts. how can i modify this code to receive magen david star ?

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int rows, star, spaces;
char bukva='A';
int number_of_stars = 6;
int number_of_rows = number_of_stars;


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C++ :: Program That Can Draw Total Of Passed Value

Feb 4, 2014

Draw the total of a passed value, or value in general, without checking how many values there are individually.

Here's a pseudo-example:

int aliens = 10; // This should be changed as desired.
void drawaliens(int value) {
aliens.draw(value); // Instead of having a test of how many to draw, draw the amount there is from one check

I want to draw the amount of aliens passed or called to the alien draw function.

However, I don't want the function to check every possible value of aliens which could be passed before drawing, and just check the value once and draw that value.

IF x ALIENS, DRAW x ALIENS instead of...

.... and so on.

If there can be hundreds of aliens, it seems impractical to check every single possible value before drawing, and just check the value and draw that value.

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C++ :: 3D Graphics Programming Using SDL - Draw A Cube?

Apr 24, 2014

Ive been experimenting with 3d graphics by using SDL only and lines to draw 3d shapes (no OpenGL or extension libraries, just pure math),

Ive used this page mainly to guide me on perspective projection but i have no luck [URL] ....

Ive been trying to draw a cube, but instead it gives me a mirrored dual triangular pyramids

This code here rotates the object as seen from the equations in this link: [URL] ....

double aX, aY, aZ;
for ( i = 0; i < model->qLength; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
aX = model->quadArr[i].pointArr[j].x;
aY = model->quadArr[i].pointArr[j].y;
aZ = model->quadArr[i].pointArr[j].z;

[Code] .....

generally, i project it onto a 2d plane using: [URL] .....

double dx, dy, dz, dX, dY, dZ;
int bx, by, bX, bY;
for ( i = 0; i < model->qLength; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {

[Code] .....

I understand that my code is very messy and unoptimized, but im just concentrating on getting the core concepts to work with my code

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C++ :: Draw The Same Sprite Multiple Times (SDL)?

Sep 7, 2014

I have a question about SDL and drawing sprites (SDL surfaces). My idea is that the user can create a wall of separate sprites by create one sprite each time in the current mouseX and mouseY position, when the user push down the e-key. The problem is that I have no idea how I could draw the same sprite multiple times without to delete the previous one.

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C++ :: Draw 2D Grid With Blank Cells?

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to draw a 2d grid array for a battleships game. I need the grid to have a border around each cell, how to do this. so far my code is:

using namespace std;
int main(){
int grid[5][5] = {{0}};

[Code] .....

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