C :: Dynamic List Of Characters

Oct 17, 2014

i just need clarification on if this is what is considered a dynamic list of characters, i don't want a linked list.


struct dlist {
int size;
int maxsize;
char *datafield;

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C# :: How To Order A Dynamic List

Nov 11, 2014

I have to following:

List<string> keyList = new List<string>();
keyList = data.First().Keys.ToList();

I also have a table with a column called display_order which i need to use in the order by

I have tried:

keyList = data.OrderBy(s => s.).ToList();
keyList = data.First().OrderBy(keyList).ToList();
orderBy = "Display_Order asc";
keyList = data.First().OrderBy(orderBy).ToList();
keyList = data.First().OrderBy().ToList();
keyList = data.First().OrderBy(keyList.display_order).ToList();

Am I missing something?

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C :: Dynamic Array Of Linked List

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to create an dynamic array (lno) This array will store addressess of different Linked list. What exactly I want is:- Take N Number of Linked List user want to create> eg. 2 now It will create 2 linked list for which I am trying to allocate memory.


struct node{
int data;
struct node *next;

lno[0] Node 0's first address stored in ln[0] lno[1] Node 1's first address stored in ln[1] Here is the code in which I am facing problem with error Illegal structure Operation


struct node
int data;
struct node *next;


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C++ :: Linked List And Dynamic Allocate

Sep 22, 2012

I'm learning now linked list and dynamic allocate. I don't know how can I answer the program writing exercises.

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C++ :: Dynamic Data Structures (Linked List)

Oct 26, 2013

I need an explanation of what linked lists are. How the nodes are been defined and used, especially in an object oriented programming. With a code example.

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C++ :: Fill Value Of Dynamic Array Of Dynamic Arrays?

Jan 4, 2013

I'm writing a program in which I have to use a matrix to represent a file in code. because it's a file, the size of the matrix is undefined, and therefore the matrix has to be dynamic. I found out that my compiler doesn't like dynamic multidimensional arrays, so I was thinking of this matrix as a dynamic (monodimensional) array of other dynamic (monodimensional) arrays. My program (and thus this example) uses unsigned chars.

unsigned char variable=something;
unsigned char**matrix=new unsigned char*[lenghtOfMainArray];
for(int rowNumber=0;rowNumber<lenghtOfArray;rowNumber++)


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C++ :: Dynamic Memory Is Affecting Non-dynamic Values

Oct 7, 2014

i'm implementing a playerclass for a game.. in the game there are multiple player types, weapons ect.. i just wanted to turn my players weapons into a dynamically allocated c_str. once i added my: Destructor, Copy Constructor and Overloaded Assignment Operator. My initial values became corrupted and i cannot fix them.

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "player2.h"
#include "dice.h"
#include "gamespace.h"


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C :: How To Print Characters But No String Just Array Of Characters

Mar 20, 2014

so my question is i want to print characters,no string just an array of characters,i do this but it s not working,maybe i have to put the '' at the end?


int main() {
int i;
char ch[5];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {


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C/C++ :: Find The Common Characters Between Two String Characters

Jul 6, 2014

Im supposed to find the common characters between two string characters, assuming that the user wont input duplicate letters like ddog. When I run my code I get an output of a question mark upside down. Here is my code with comments on what each part is supposed to do

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char str1[20], str2[20],remp = '';
int size1,i,j,temp;
printf ("Input the first string");


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C/C++ :: Check For Set Of Characters In Array Of Characters?

Mar 26, 2014

I have an array of characters. I am trying to find "houston". The only way I can think of to do this is to use a for loop and check each individual character. Is there an easier way to do this?

char string[] = "Fishing tourism miami atlanta dallas houston";

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C++ :: Why Does HP / Microsoft STL List Use Same Structure For List Head And Node

Apr 23, 2013

From HP / Microsoft (Visual Studio C++) <list>:

struct _Node
{ // list node
_Genptr _Next; // successor node, or first element if head
_Genptr _Prev; // predecessor node, or last element if head
_Ty _Myval; // the stored value, unused if head

The stored value is wasted space for the list head. Is there any advantage to implementing list using the same structure for a list head and node?

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C :: Linked List / Adding Element To Beginning Of List

Dec 31, 2014


// Write a function called insertEntry() to insert a new entry into a linked list.

Have the procedure take as arguments a pointer to the list entry to be inserted (of type struct entry as defined in this chapter), and a pointer to an element in the list after which the new entry is to be inserted.

// The function dveloped in exercise 2 only inserts an element after an existing element in the list, thereby prenting you from inserting a new entry at the front of the list.

(Hint: Think about setting up a special structure to point to the beginning of the list.)

#include <stdio.h
struct entry1 {
int value;
struct entry1 *next;


This is a working version of the exercise, but I don't think I'm doing what's asked. I was able to add an element to the beginning of the list using an if statement, not creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list. How would I go about creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list to add a new element at the beginning of the list?

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C# :: Display List Of MSMQ Messages In A List Box

Jan 20, 2015

I'm trying to display a list of MSMQ messages in a list box based on a drop-down list holding the environment.So i've setup the binding and i know that the list loads but nothing shows up in the list? I should be setting like a display member or something but i'm not entirely sure

const String msmqAccelaDev = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:tcc-intsrvTCCIntegration.MSMQ.Service.Dev/TCCMessagingService.svc";
const String msmqAccelaProd = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:tcc-intsrvTCCMSMQFail";
const String msmqAccelaTest = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:tcc-intsrvTCCIntegration.MSMQ.Service.Test/TCCMessagingService.svc";
String currentQueue = "";
private void environmentChange()


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C++ :: Dynamic Class Name?

Sep 4, 2013

I just wondering if there's a way in C++ to get classes dynamically which have the same base class? I mean, instead of creating switch statement to create multiple classes, I would like to use a single line to create any of these classes.

//Instead of:
switch(class_type) {
case type_1:
SubClass_1 obj = new SubClass_1();


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C++ :: Linked List Delete List?

May 30, 2013

I'm working on a linked list and was wondering how this looks to everybody else for a deleteList function.

void deleteList(Node* head)
Node* iterator = head;
while (iterator != 0)


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C :: Dynamic Arrays And Pointers

Feb 11, 2013

I am having troubles with dynamic arrays and pointers. All the errors are of that kind. I think when I am assigning malloc to an array we assign to its address.

/*Create an array of genes of the large matrix*/
gene_t gene,gene1,gene2;
gene=malloc(INITIAL*sizeof(gene2)); Code:
while(...) {
if (gene_num==current_size){

[Code] .....

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C :: Dynamic 2D Array To Function?

Jul 15, 2013

Int** d = malloc( ROWS * sizeof(int*));
for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
d[i] = malloc(COLS * sizeof(int));

My question is, in a function declaration, why do I not have to specify the number of columns. How is this different than when I pass a static 2D array to a function, in which I must declare the function parameter with the number of columns.

Code: void fx(int d[][COLS]);
Code: void fx(int **d);

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C :: Dynamic Linked Lists

Oct 14, 2013

In our homework assignment it states to, "write a set of dynamic linked lists" and so on. Now, the problem I'm confusing myself is at the storage inside of each node. To my understanding, each node contains the prev and next nodes, but also a pointer to the data, in this case being a string. He has asked us to manage these strings as rows of chars such as

char[0] = c // first node being addressed here
char[1] = a
char[2] = t
char[3] =
char[4] = d // second node starting here
char[5] = o
char[6] = g
char[7] =

I have written my code where each node is holding a string, not separated as shown above... my question is to how you can build your doubly linked list where each node is being address a set of chars.

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C :: Dynamic Memory Allocation

Jul 14, 2013

I have declared a global variable as pointer. The program performs certain number of iterations. After every iteration, the size of memory required for the pointer changes and this pointer variable is to be accessed by different functions. Now, here is my doubt:If I allocate the memory for this global variable in a function, will the contents of the memory be lost once I exit that function. In my opinion, it should not be the case as the dynamic memory allocation takes place in "heap" and should not be affected by the call of functions.

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C :: Creating Dynamic String?

Mar 6, 2015


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char * form(char *format, ...);


So, this is the code i have problem with, as far as i can see, function form actually does the same thing that printf does.It probably puts all of the arguments sent to the function together into one string.

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C :: Dynamic Variable In A Structure

Feb 16, 2015

After i set the value in the first structure owners name, i set the cats name equal to it. but when i change the value in the first structure it doesn't change the value in the second structure.

So i need the dogs owners name to be equal to the cats owners name

So if i change the value of the dogs owner it also changes the value of the cats owner.

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct structDog {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Multilevel Dynamic Container

Mar 6, 2013

I am trying to come up with a way to make use of a "multilevel dynamic" container. I am parsing a file to grab some pieces of data. Lets say the first field of data I find I push into an array. At the same time lets I wish to create 2 cascaded sublevels. So an element in Modules is a pointer to the Types vector associated with that module and each element in Types is a pointer to a vector of Data. This concept should be similar to memory paging.

Modules Types Data
____ _____ ______
|____|------> |_____| ---------->|______|
|____| |_____| |______|
|____| |_____| |______|
|____| _____ ______
|____|------> |_____|----------->|______|
|____| |_____| |______|

Obviously this becomes very hair quickly so it is obvious that I need to dynamically create and destroy vectors (if I do it this way). Should I just create pointers using the new operator?

Here is some of my code if it is even worthwhile to read:

class Parser {
//storage arrays
vector <string> modules;
vector <string> terminal_type;
vector <string> tag_type;
vector <string> data;

[Code] ....

parse this stuff and nicely organize it.

If you take the first one, "max_logvar" is a module so everything between < and > is associated with that module.

symb is unimportant for now.

then "proterm" is a "module type" so then module now needs a module type container but I may have more than one of those.

so then I break it down by "Input" and "Output" where each of those can have the integer values (just in an array where each position will be set) that are in the fields to the right.

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C++ :: Dynamic Memory Errors

Feb 15, 2013

I am new to C++ language and I am still learning.I'm doing basic stuff to better understand dynamic memory. I was wondering why I keep getting memory issues.*/

#define SIZE 15
class word {
char* str;


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C++ :: Dynamic Size Of A Matrix

Apr 24, 2013

My purpose is to fill a matrix with random numbers. As you can see in the code, I defined a matrix called sim_matrix (which should be filled), but the dimensions of such matrix is given by the parameters that we introduce in the constructor. Because we don't know the size of such matrix until we give these parameters through the constructor. I'd like to know how to declare such matrix, or how to modify the size,...

The header of my file MonteCarlo.h is:

/* MonteCarlo.h */

using namespace std;
class MonteCarlo {
MonteCarlo(int n_paths, int n_simulations);

[Code] ......

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C++ ::  Reference To Dynamic Object

Jan 13, 2014

All entities need to be stored in the dynamic memory. I managed to force this by making the constructor private and by adding a static method which dynamically creates an object and returns a pointer. But it is most likely that the user will want to make them dynamically and we still have the following problem.

entity* player = entity::create();

You get the point, having to dereference the pointer before each call becomes painful. So I thought about this... Instead of returning a pointer, I can return a reference. Then the code is much cleaner.

entity& test = entity::create();

// do stuff...
// more stuff...

test.destroy(); // deletes the dynamic object

I put this code between brackets. That's because we must make sure the reference test doesn't exist after destroy is called, because destroy() makes it invalid. This is fully functional and won't cause any problem as long as the user doesn't forget to never call any method on a destroyed entity. But it's evil code. Would you risk it, or is there another way around?

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C++ :: How To Get Size Of Dynamic Array

Jun 12, 2013

I remember in C++, when a dynamic array is allocated, the size of this array is stored right before the array in memory. Therefore compiler knows exactly how long, when this array is deleted.

Do all compilers store the size this way? Is it a safe method to get the size of a dynamic array?

Here is a example code, it works fine on Visual Studio 2012.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class dummy {
dummy() {
cout<<"dummy created"<<endl;


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