C++ :: Design ID To Store Vectors For CAD Program?

Mar 3, 2012

Let's say we have entities like lines and circles. And each entity can have a pen attached. And a pen is a color and line width. All entities needs to be manipulated through a operations interface. All entities added to the program needs to be added through using a factory pattern.

So we end up something like (pseudo code)

class Line // for immutable objects {
} class MutableLine extends Line //for mutable lines {
} MutableLine line=factory->newLine(20,20,50,50); // Create a new line entity


So, essentially I want no code to be able to operate directory on entities, unless during creation of the object (color, layer, line width etc...) so I am planning to create Mutable versions of all entities besides the immutable versions.

When requested for selected entities or all entities, I am planning to return a list of immutable objects and in fact I am planning to return a new copy so it's not possible to operate on anything directly.

The reason is that I am planning to create different storage backends swell, so I can operate on entities in a database, or shared memory... stuff like that. At least to hide the internals and provide a stable API.

My questions are:

How can I make sure that people don't do 'tricks' casts for example to a mutable version to change objects directly?

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C++ :: Design A Class To Store Measurements - Unresolved Externals Error

Jul 8, 2013

Assignment: Design a class to store measurements. The class should have two data items, feet and inches, both integers. The class must make sure that the number of inches never gets below zero or above 11. If inches is outside that range, adjust feet accordingly. (Yes this means feet might be a negative number.)

Create a default constructor and one which receives one integer, a number of inches.

Overload the following operators: addition, subtraction, equality, inequality, incrementation (both pre and post) (should add one to inches), and output (in the form of: F’I”)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class measurements {

int inches;
double feet;

[Code] ....

I am getting a LNK2019 error and an LNK1120 errors:

Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

Error 2 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

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C++ :: How To Store The Same Instance Of One Object In Multiple Vectors

Feb 4, 2015

If I have a class object and multiple vectors, how do I make sure I store the same instance of that object in both vectors? For instance:

Object object;
std::vector<Object> vectorOne;
std::vector<Object> vectorTwo;

Are the objects in both vectors the same instance of the object? Like if I called vectorOne[0].setValue(somethingDifferent); would the value be changed for the object in both vectorOne and vectorTwo? If not, how do I make sure that I only have one instance of the object I'm trying to store in multiple vectors?

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C/C++ :: Vectors And Strings - How To Store Added Business / Sorting It And Displaying List

Feb 18, 2014

Basically I need to make a program which asks for a business name and then keeps asking for more until user doesn't want to. Once more than 1 business is enter it should display the business and sort it alphabetically and keep displaying them each time another is added. I am lost on how to store the added business, sorting it and displaying the list.

Here is what I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string business_name;
char selection;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Design A Program For A Machine?

Jul 10, 2014

My need is that i need to design a program for a machine. The machine takes "x"qty of load, refines 30% of it and sends back the 70% to the initial position. after how many times, does the qty of the load refined will be equal to the initial load and how many times does it need tot be refined?

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C# :: Program Design - Database Search Engine

Apr 12, 2014

I am building a semi-complicated program and the focus of it will be on the search engine. The current plan is for it to search an online database after keywords and receive a list of responses organized by relevance.

I want to minimize the stress on the server by handling as much of the process on the client side as possible so I wonder how best to split up the tasks.

So far my idea is to have the client send the search term to the server who then compare it with its registry. Collecting the 30 or so most relevant hits it sends it back along with additional information from each entry. Requesting additional hits will be decided by sending a simple int value telling which page its filling up.

Simple example:

"Search word" gets processed by the client to account for spelling errors, context etc (based on what I can implement by myself). An Int value gets added (0 for page 1, 1 for page 2 etc...). The request gets sent to the server who can immediately run the search without processing the search word since that was handled in the client. It locates hits and order them by relevance then send out the information batch decided by the Int.

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C++ :: Design And Implement A Program That Consists Of Two Classes?

May 15, 2013

I am trying to design and implement a program that consists of two classes. The Base class A is purely for supporting class B. I do not want to be able to create an object of class A. When object B is created it inherits from class A.

What is the best way to achieve this?

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C/C++ :: How To Get Rid Of Lists And Vectors In Program

Apr 16, 2015

I want to get ride off lists and vectors in this program i also don't want to use classes, just want to use strings functions and structures...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
struct contact {
string name;
int studentiD;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: List Of Vectors (vector Of N Vectors Of M Elements)

Mar 19, 2014

I create a list of vectors (a vector of n vectors of m elements).

std::vector <std::vector <int> > vsFA (n, std::vector<int>(n));

How I assign values? I try below, but not worked

void armazenaFA( std::vector <int> &vFA) // this function only knows about vFA
{ vsFA[n] [m]= simTime().dbl();

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C++ :: Program Crashes While Printing Data From Vectors

Nov 23, 2013

I have a local student and international student class inherit from student class. read and print are virtual functions. After i have set all the member variables when i wan to print out all the student information, my program crashes.

Code: int main()
clsUniversityProgram objProgram[3];
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Stock Market Program - Sorting With Vectors

Sep 29, 2013

I'm writing a program of a stock market where i read from a file and sort with symbols and percent gain/loss. I have completed sorting with symbols but having trouble establishing the percent gain loss. First i designed and implemented the stock object. call the class stockType. main components of a stock are the stock symbol, stock price and number of shares. Second we have to create a list of stock objects. call the class to implement a list of stock objects stockListType. To store the list of stocks, i declared a vector and called the component type of this vector stockType. Because the company requires me to produce the list ordered by percent gain/loss, i need to sort the stock list by this component.

However, i'm not to physically sort the list by component percent gain/loss; instead i should provide a logic ordering with respect to this component. To do so i added a data member, a vector to hold the indices of the stock list ordered by the component percent gain/loss and i called this array indexByGain. I am going to use the array indexByGain to print the list. The elements of the array indexByGain will tell which component of the stock list to print next. I have trouble going about how to implement the function sortStockGain(). Below is my entire code and the txt file. I have sort symbols working but dont know how to implement the sort by gain.

Below is my entire code:

[#ifndef STOCKTYPE_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;
class stockType

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Reverse Sentence - How To Make Program Non Case-sensitive Using Vectors

May 25, 2014

I had been tasked to create a program that reverses a word i.e.


How to make my program non case-sensitive using vectors?

// BackWardsSentence.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string BackWords (string sentence);
int BackSentence (string sentence);
string BackWords1 (string sentence);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Create Two Vectors And Then Loop Through The Vectors

Sep 19, 2014

This is probably a very basic question, but I need to create two vectors and then loop through the vectors and output each pair that is found.

The user will input min1 and max1 with step1 for the first vector and min2 and max2 and step2 for the second vector. Then the loops will go through and return the combinations will return each pair of the two vectors.

So if I input min1=1 and max1=10 and step1=1 and same for vector two the return would be:


This is for part of a homework assignment, but I can't continue on the assignment without first getting this simple part to work.

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C++ :: How To Store Objects To Program

Nov 14, 2013

I've started programming my little program called vLibrary (program I want to make for the library in my city) and after I m done with console application I will try to implement wxWidgets.My program will be able to add new users to the system, new books and new librarians.

Now, I m confused what data types to use and how to store objects (newly created users, books etc) to my program so later on they can log in the system etc. Logic of the program is completely clear to me but I m not sure how to make array of objects and store them in memory or in a certain file, how to store password and make some kind of encryption etc.which data structure from STL should I use and how.

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C/C++ :: Program Which Ask For X Numbers And Store Them In Array

Nov 22, 2014

This is in c. Write a program which asks for X numbers, and stores them in an array.

The program then asks the user to enter a number to look for, and tells the user how many times that number appears in the array of numbers (if any), and the array index which contain the number

Make an array of the indexes where the number was found, and then format your output to match my output.

Sample Run:

How many numbers would you like to enter: 5

Please enter a number:1
Please enter a number:2
Please enter a number:3
Please enter a number:4
Please enter a number:2

The numbers you enter were: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2
Please enter a number to find: 2
The number appears 2 times, at array ellements with indexes 1, 4

Press any key to continue . . .

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C :: Gradebook Program - How To Store And Access Data

Jun 15, 2013

How I would store all the data. Also how would I access it after I store it. Side Note we are not allowed to use structures or objects.

For the purposes of this gradebook you should first provide a menu with the following options

-Add a new course Add a new student to a course Add grades for a student in a course Print a list of all grades for a student in a course Print a list of all students in a course Compute the average for a student in a course Compute the average for a course Store Gradebook (to a disk file) Load Gradebook (from a disk file)
-Each of these menu items should correspond to a function you will write.
-For the basic program each student will be represented by an ID number And each course by a course number
-Grades will be whole numbers only (no fractional part)

As indicated in the menu you will need to store and load using a disk file so that the data is retained.

Here are so limiting values in defining your data structures: Maximum Number of students (total) 100 Max number of courses 25 Max number of courses per student 4 Max number of grades per student per course 10

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C++ :: How To Store Variable In Memory When Program Is Closed

Nov 3, 2013

How do you store a variable in memory so that it isn't changed when the program closes? I don't have any experience with this and am just wondering how it is possible. I am creating a program and want it to store your preferences and scores. In a simple program, everything is just reset and I don't want this for my program. How do I store a variable so that it stays the same, but can be changed even when the program is turned off?

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C++ :: Program To Store Results In Two-dimensional Array

Apr 6, 2013

5. Four experiments are performed and each experiment produces four test results. The results are tabulated as shown below. Write a program to store these results in a two-dimensional array, A[4][5], then use a nested for-loop to compute the average of the test results for each experiment and store it in the 5th column of the array. Print the array.

1st experiment results: | 23.2 | 34.8 | 53.7 | 19.5 |
2nd experiment results: | 34.8 | 42.9 | 28.6 | 35.4 |
3rd experiment results: | 24.5 | 29.5 | 32.0 | 19.3 |
4th experiment results: | 36.8 | 31.6 | 43.7 | 29.5 |

6. Using the srand( ) and rand ( ) C++ library functions, fill an array of 1000 numbers with random numbers that have been scaled to the range of 1 to 100 inclusive. Then determine and display the number of random numbers having bvalues between 1 and 50 and the number having values greater than 50. What do you expect the output counts to be?

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C++ :: Program To Store 10 Decimal Numbers In Array

Sep 24, 2014

Write a program which stores 10 decimal numbers in an array. For these numbers accept input from the users. Once the array is populated do the following:

Display each elements of the array
Display the sum of all the elements of array

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C++ :: Write Program That Ask His Or Her Name And Store It In Character Array

May 28, 2013

write a program that ask his or her name and store it in a character array

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C++ :: Store Related Data Of Program Into External File?

May 14, 2013

How is it possible to store the related data of a program C++ into an external file (like as .txt) and retrieve it?

I want to write c++ program that can contain data members " id and phone"

like as
class profile {
private: int id,phone;
void retriever() {
cout<<"Enter your ID: ";
cout<<"Your Phone number is "<< phone;

avoiding formats in above class, purpose is to store data already in txt file with different id and phone numbers and it is to be retrieved by matching id number to txt file and viewing its related phone number.

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C++ :: Write A Program To Store Marks Obtained By 50 Students?

Feb 28, 2014

Q.1 Write a program to store marks obtained by 50 students. Initialise the array having passed to a function initilise() having passed the array as parameter. Write another function which should take this array as parameter and return the highest score from the array. you have to write the proper function call, prototype and definition for each function.

And this is the program which i wrote and got errors: -

#define s 50
void init(int m[s]);
void display(int m[s]);
void find_max(int max, int m[s]);
void main(){
int max;


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C/C++ :: Program To Store Info About Students And Then Display To Screen

Oct 7, 2014


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>


I have to write a program that stores information about students and displays results (Formated). Example-

Inputs ( # of students, First and Last name of student, the gender, age, and hieght. (height inputed as inches and outputed as feet and inches))

Student 2
Jett, Joan Female
100 years old 5' 7"

Ive been falling behind a little due to working late and barely having time for my school work. Coming across several issues, one being an error with GENDER (Error C4700: uninitialized local variable 'gender' used:). As well as how to format the end result, i understand that u have to use #include <iomanip>, but am confused on how to format correctly.

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C++ :: Program Read In 15 Integers From User Then Store And Print Out Numbers

Apr 29, 2014

I want to write a program to read in 15 integers from the user, and then store them in a 5x3 array, and print out the numbers as a 3x5 array.

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C/C++ :: Write Program That Calculate Students CGPA And Store In To File Name

Jan 16, 2015



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C :: Display Current Time And Date In Program And Use Variable To Store Each Of Values

Feb 16, 2013

i need to display the current time and date in my program and use variable to store each of the time values like

a = 10
b = 29
c = 31

printf(``%d : %d : %d``, a,b,c);

which then give the output as - 10:29:31

How to save the time in variables in C....

i am using C in windows 7 and my complier is Bloodshed Dev C++

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