C++ :: Design And Implement A Program That Consists Of Two Classes?
May 15, 2013
I am trying to design and implement a program that consists of two classes. The Base class A is purely for supporting class B. I do not want to be able to create an object of class A. When object B is created it inherits from class A.
Design, implement, and test a class that represents an amount of time in minutes and seconds. The class should provide a constructor that sets the time to a specified number of minutes and seconds. The default constructor should create an object for a time of zero minutes and zero seconds. The class should provide observers that return the minutes and the seconds separately, and an observer that returns the total time in seconds (minutes x 60 + seconds). Boolean comparison observers should be provided that test whether two times are equal, one time is greater than the other, or one time is less than the other. (You may use RelationType and function ComparedTo if you choose). A function should be provided that adds one time to another, and another function that subtracts one time from another. The class should not allow negative times (subtraction of more time than is currently stored should result in a time of 0:00). This class should be immutable.
this is one of my main errors: Error1error C2653: 'Time' : is not a class or namespace namec:userskdesktop oane statecisp 1610visual studioschapter 12 assignmentchapter 12 assignmentchapter 12 assignment.cpp131Chapter 12 Assignment
I am trying to implement 2-D Linked Lists using classes. My program works fine for 1-D Linked List but I am having trouble understanding the syntax for using 2-D Linked Lists.
I working on a big program, and it involves character arrays. What I want my function to do is create a seperate array that consists of the same number of "*" as there are letters in the word from the text file. For example, if the word sarc was up, the function show make ****. This was my attempt at it. I managed to reach this far. I can only fit in one "*". This is part of jumble game program I'm trying to make, and its in C language.
insert Code: void partialWord(char current[]){ int n; int i; n = strlen(current); for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ current[i] = strcpy(current,"*"); } printf("%s ", current); }
My need is that i need to design a program for a machine. The machine takes "x"qty of load, refines 30% of it and sends back the 70% to the initial position. after how many times, does the qty of the load refined will be equal to the initial load and how many times does it need tot be refined?
Let's say we have entities like lines and circles. And each entity can have a pen attached. And a pen is a color and line width. All entities needs to be manipulated through a operations interface. All entities added to the program needs to be added through using a factory pattern.
So we end up something like (pseudo code)
class Line // for immutable objects { .. .. } class MutableLine extends Line //for mutable lines { } MutableLine line=factory->newLine(20,20,50,50); // Create a new line entity
So, essentially I want no code to be able to operate directory on entities, unless during creation of the object (color, layer, line width etc...) so I am planning to create Mutable versions of all entities besides the immutable versions.
When requested for selected entities or all entities, I am planning to return a list of immutable objects and in fact I am planning to return a new copy so it's not possible to operate on anything directly.
The reason is that I am planning to create different storage backends swell, so I can operate on entities in a database, or shared memory... stuff like that. At least to hide the internals and provide a stable API.
My questions are:
How can I make sure that people don't do 'tricks' casts for example to a mutable version to change objects directly?
I am building a semi-complicated program and the focus of it will be on the search engine. The current plan is for it to search an online database after keywords and receive a list of responses organized by relevance.
I want to minimize the stress on the server by handling as much of the process on the client side as possible so I wonder how best to split up the tasks.
So far my idea is to have the client send the search term to the server who then compare it with its registry. Collecting the 30 or so most relevant hits it sends it back along with additional information from each entry. Requesting additional hits will be decided by sending a simple int value telling which page its filling up.
Simple example:
"Search word" gets processed by the client to account for spelling errors, context etc (based on what I can implement by myself). An Int value gets added (0 for page 1, 1 for page 2 etc...). The request gets sent to the server who can immediately run the search without processing the search word since that was handled in the client. It locates hits and order them by relevance then send out the information batch decided by the Int.
Design a C++ Program to implement the following functions:
a.)the function for bubble sorting : int bubblesort(int*a,int size). b.)the function for merge sorting : int mergesort(int*a,int size). c.)the function for generating array of random elements: int generate(int*a,int size) which calls the function rand() in c++. d.)Test both bubble sorting and merge sorting with 10,100,1000,10000,100000 and 1000000,4000000 integers.
The integers are from the array generated by part c).calculate the time spent in calling each sorting.you may use a function in <time.h>to get the current time. Draw curves to compare the speed performance between the two functions. The merge sorting algorithm implementation must use recursion. you are expected to define a global array for holding result from merging two arrays.otherwise,it may cause a lot extra money in recursion.
Hint 1:use the following format to calculate the time cost for bubble sort.
{…….. Time1=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>); Bbblesort(….) Tme2=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>); Time_cost=the difference between time 1 and tim2; ……. } Print your program and test results
/* It will read in a infix expression from a text file.check if the parentheses in the input expression are balanced.convert the infix expression into a postfix expression and evaluate the expression.*/
int main() { string expression; string postfixExpression; double result; testBalanced();
In this program the intention is to create a menu driven program for a pizza restaurant. I have to use a class called Pizza and have to include at least three public functions; one is called SetSize, another one is called Display, and the last one is called ComputePrice. A small pizza is worth $10, a medium is $14, and a large is $17. Each topping is worth 2 dollars. I know that the program runs correctly, but I have doubts over the classes and function actually being utilized correctly or at all.
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Pizza { private:
I got an assignment at school asking for a program that can implement functions that store, get and deletes text/binary data to a given memory area. We are supposed to make kind of like a tiny-mini OS..any links to some tutorials or explanations hon ow to understand this and be able to make a program like this on my own?
I manged eventually to bring it together. now there are 5 files which are using classes, constructors and destructors and there can be letters in the expression that can have assigned values. Newnode, struct node and all that fine and dandy stuff made sense, this doesn't. What needs to be done in those empty functions in arethmetic_expression.cpp? It was going well until I reached createxpressiontree{ in th arithemetic_expression.cpp and those constructors in there. At that point I missed my structures and was totally confused by the constructors. I know constructors are supposed to create objects, but then I dont know what i am creating the object for and what that object is supposed to do.
I have an array of (Student)classes created in Manager.h, which contains a new instance of class Name (name),(in Student.h)How would I go about accessing the SetFirstName method in Name.cpp if I was in a class Manager.cpp? I have tried using Students[i].name.SetFirstName("name");
// In Manager.h #include"Student.h" class Manager {
I have two Form Employee and Instructor, here Employee is super class of instructor.
public class Instructor: Employee { //Instructor class }
I am able to access all property of Employee inside instructor class but with these some textbox and button design inside Employee design is also getting inherited inside Instructor design and i don want this and i want to maintain the parent-child relationship between Employee and Instructor.
I want to write a command line parsing library that is very flexible in terms of parsing style but I'm not able to design a mechanism that satisfies this requirements.
Generally i want to have a class that contains all the necessary information about how the command line has to be parsed.
Code: // draft class style { public: enum class type { // the basic style type
[Code] ....
Need completing the draft shown above, because for every basic style type there is an own set of extensions that applies only to this one specific style type.
Code: // how a style object should be created style parsing_style(style::type::posix, style::extension::gnu|style::extension::subcommand);
How to design the class. (using c++11 features like std::enable_if is fine)
1. Design 1: Have an independent class to handle everything and "friend" it with the users. Pro: Only 1 interface needed and we can switch interface easily. Con: There is a lot of inter-class data which destroys encapsulation
class CalibratorXML; class Device{ string sourceLabel; string destLabel; vector<CalPoint> calPoints; friend class CalibratorXML;
I have a Class called 'DataManager' which contains a list of my 'DataItem' objects (this are created by an XML file).
I have also created some custom controls which, among other things, has a property to link it to a "DataItem" object.
My question is, is it possible to create an instance of my DataManager class at design time (which runs all the code as it would at run time to create all the DataItems from the XML)?
I want to do this so that I can update my DataItem property in my custom controls to use a UITypeEditor which then allows me to link to a DataItem at design time.
Consider the situation where you're writing a cross-platform library that has functions for creating and manipulating windows. To create a window suitable for OpenGL rendering on Windows you need to call a bunch of different functions such as GetModuleHandle, RegisterClass, CreateWindow, SetPixelFormat, GetDC, wglCreateContextGetDC and so on. All of these functions can potentially fail in one way or another and the Windows documentation doesn't even attempt to list all the different error codes that these functions return.
Let's say your function for creating a window is called create_window(). What kind of error message should you return if any of these platform specific functions fail? It could be something as simple as MultiByteToWideChar failing for some reason when you convert the UTF-8 string your API uses internally to the UTF-16 string that the Windows API expects. I've read that you're not supposed to leak implementation details from your API but what are you suppose to return when an encoding conversion fails that is supposed to be completely transparent to the user of your library?
I've decided to simply return an error code indicating a platform specific error in those cases because there's no way I can anticipate all the different errors that the Windows API might return. The problem with that is that almost all the errors end up being platform errors and without a way to actually tell what the error is then you're basically saying that some unknown error happened. That's not very useful. You could have a function called get_platform_error() that you call to obtain the exact platform error that occurred, but I'm not a fan of such a design and I've had enough trouble with GetLastError() style error handling as it is.
An alternative to that is to create a struct that represents errors and have a field in it where you can store platform specific errors. I believe this is what Apple do with their NSError error object but I'm not sure how I feel about that approach.
Assuming you implement a way to return the platform specific error code then the next part is obtaining a string that describes the error. Your library can obviously not implement error strings for every single error code that Windows might return so you're forced to use FormatMessage. The problem with that function is that you can't force it to return error messages in a specific language and it's not even guaranteed that you can get an English translation of the error string. I don't want to display error messages that mixes English with the current language the operating system uses so how do I solve this problem?
Are there any good open source libraries I could study? The ones I've looked at so far have subpar error handling at best. Many of them don't even check the return values from platform specific functions.