C :: Creating Product Inventory File?

Jan 26, 2013

How to make a program in C to create a product inventory file containing pro0duct name, cost and quantity and then read the prouct inventory file.

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C++ :: Creating Inventory - Array With More Than 1 String?

Jul 14, 2014

How would i do this? Im trying to create an inventory but this just will not work, when i do it how i have it originally (as shown below):

cout << "Do you have weapons and armor?: ";
cin >> yEquip;
if (yEquip == 'y') {
cout << endl;
string invintory2[6] =

[Code] ....

the program outputs this:

cout << "Do you have weapons and armor?: ";
cin >> yEquip;
if (yEquip == 'y'){
cout << endl;
string invintory1[6];
[Code] ....

however programing it like this seems very... time consuming.

my other arrays (normal ones that just hold a set of int's) look like this:

int *player[] = {&yhp,&ymp,&ypatk,&ymatk,&yratk,&ypdef,&ymdef,&yrdef,&ydb,&yacc,&ycr,&yas};

Is there any way to do a string array in this way?

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C++ :: Inventory Control Application - Editing Text File

Nov 14, 2014

You are requested to create an inventory control application for a drink stall (give a name to the stall). The application is used to show the list of drinks the stall sells, how many of each item on‐hand and the cost of each item. The records are to be saved and retrieved to/from a binary file called “drinks.txt”. For each drink in the stall, your program is to keep the information as a Record Structure called DrinkRecord. The structure should at least consist of the following:

(1) Item Number
(2) Item Name
(3) Quantity
(4) Unit Price

Your application should have the following features:
(a) Display a drink information
(b) Add a new drink information
(c) Update a new drink information
(d) Delete a drink information
(e) Display all drink information

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>


Everything works fine with minor issues, but I'm having trouble with the editing function. I need to be able to search for a specific drink then be able to edit its contents and print the new contents to the file. I have not created a structure yet. I will do that as soon as possible.

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C++ :: What STL Container Should Be Used For Inventory

Mar 27, 2014

So I'm writing an RPG and I'm in need of an inventory system. Of course as an relatively old member of the forum I know best than just come here and ask so I've already researched quite a bit and I've formulated this idea.

I've kind of conceptualized it like so: I'll have some sort of STL container of a unique_ptr of my base item class. There will be derived item classes. Taking advantage of polymorphism I can then call the new Derivedclass when inserting it in the STL container.

My questions are: What STL container should be used for the inventory(fixed sized)?

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C :: How To Input Inventory For Character

Jan 15, 2015

im working on mine first 2d game and im practicing a lot, how to input my inventory for character ( for items, and others ) So, i just want to let u know that i have :

#define WEAPON_WARAXE (2)
#define WEAPON_DAGGER (3)
#define WEAPON_BOW (5)
#define WEAPON_MAX (6)

So, i want to put this in my shop and if i buy it i want to appear in my inventory, or sell sell trought my inventory.Also i have one define


Which will go instant ( when u create character ) to inventory. And:If i have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 slots ( example ) and i sell item which was on 3rd slot, what will happen with others ? will they just go back for one slot or ?

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C++ :: Adding Inventory Into Game

Sep 2, 2014

I am making a text based rpg for school and im having troubles with it. Ineed to add an inventory into my game and im not to sure as to where or how.. this is what i got for player

#ifndef PLAYER_H
#define PLAYER_H
//console Util.h includes <iostream> , <string> and <window.h> and defines
//the NOMINMAX macro. As a result of including ConsoleUtil.h, PLayer will
// also knaow about thoes objects.
#include "ConsoleUtil.h"

[Code] ...

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C++ :: How To Get The Cross Product

Oct 10, 2014

I am trying to compute the cross product of an 1x6 column vector "D" with a 6xN matrix "S".

vector< vector<float> > D(1, vector<float>(6));
vector< vector<float> > S(6, vector<float>(10)); // Example where N = 10
float cProduct = D*S; // ?

The last line fails, so I'm wondering how you would get the cross product?

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C++ :: For Loop To Sum Up Product Of Several Arrays

Feb 2, 2013

I need a for loop that sums up the product of several arrays.

int total = 0;
for (int i=0; index < (columns - 2); index++)
for(int indexFF = 0; indexFF < CG[index + 2] - 1; index++)
for (int indexIN = 0; indexIN < CG[index + 1] - 1; indexIN++, total++)
NRN[CG[index + 1]+indexFF] += FF[total] * NRN[indexIN + CG[index]];

right now "columns" is set to 3

CG[] is an array of 10 integers for "column groups"

for now they are set to:

CG[0] = 0
CG[1] = 3
CG[2] = 4
CG[3] = 3

NRN[] is an array of floating points
NRN uses CG to map its indexes out

0 3 7
1 4 8
2 5 9

FF[] is an array of random numbers basically constants

I need the for loops to sum:

NRN[0] = 0.5
NRN[1] = 0.75
NRN[2] = -1
NRN[3] = NRN[0]*FF[0] + NRN[1]*FF[1] + NRN[2]*FF[2]
NRN[4] = NRN[0]*FF[3] + NRN[1]*FF[4] + NRN[2]*FF[5]
NRN[5] = NRN[0]*FF[6] + NRN[1]*FF[7] + NRN[2]*FF[8]
NRN[6] = -1
NRN[7] = NRN[3]*FF[9] + NRN[4]*FF[10] + NRN[5]*FF[11] + NRN[6]*FF[12]
NRN[8] = NRN[3]*FF[13] + NRN[4]*FF[14] + NRN[5]*FF[16] + NRN[6]*FF[17]
NRN[9] = -1

NRN, FF and CG are the only things in other code that I can't change in the loops

when I debug it index goes to 3 and overflows its memory. which it shouldn't because columns = 3 so "index < (columns - 2)" should stop at 1

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C++ :: Create Inventory System Using Classes And Objects?

Jan 13, 2015

I'm trying to create an inventory system in C++ using classes and objects. Here is what I have now


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>


Basically what I want my inventory system to become is this: [URL] Each slot can hold an item.

Basically this inventory system should be able to do what RS Inventory system can do. (Hold items, Use items, Equip Items (No need for moving item))

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C++ :: Program That Prints A Discounted Product

Sep 29, 2014

So I need to make a program that reads distance and number of days of a person that is buying a ticket. If distance is greater than 1,000 kilometers AND the person stays more than 7 days, the discount is 30% of the ticket. The cost per kilometer is $1300. Print the ticket with discount.

I used variable distance as float because it will be multiplied with 0.3 for the discount... not sure if I'm right on that.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float distance;
int days;

[Code] .....

I tried another way but haven't done it in code...

ask for distance
ask for days

Ticket= (Dist x 2 x $1300)
If (dist>1000) && (days>7)

cout<<Ticket=Ticket * 0.3;
else { cout<<Ticket;

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C++ :: Kronecker (direct) Vector Product

Feb 19, 2013

How to code the Kronecker/direct product of two vectors??

The direct product of the vectors a and b is given as the matrix below (note "x" refers to x with a circle around it and is the symbol for a Kronecker product):

(a1, a2,..., an) "x" (b1, b2,...,bn) = [a1b1, a1b2,..., a1bn]
[a2b1, a2b2,..., a2bn]
[ . . . . ]
[ . . . . ]
[ . . . . ]
[anb1, anb2,..., anbn]

The way I have coded the rest of the program is such that the matrix shown here is represented by a vector of length equivalent to the number of elements in the matrix. So I want the Kronecker product to give me a vector of length n^2 (where n is the number of elements in each initial vector).

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C :: Inventory Program - Entering Amounts With Two Decimal Places

Jun 7, 2013

So my inventory program runs fine as far as I can tell. Except when entering "Amounts" with more that 1-precision . ie

Amount Entered : 25.99 // Problem
Amount Entered : 25.9 // No Problem

When entering say 25.99, the rest of the file is jibberish. but 25.9, the rest of the file is fine

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct toolRecord{
int record_num;
char tool_name[16];
int quantity;
double price;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Two Dimensional Array - Find Empty Inventory Slots

Feb 9, 2013

I made two dimensional array to represent my (game) inventory. Slot is empty if its value is 0 and 1 if not.

Now i need to find if i can put new item in my inventory that can take up 4x2 slots. I tried this but it doesn't work as i expected:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
const int inventorySlotRows = 5;
const int inventorySlotColumns = 5;
int arr[inventorySlotRows][inventorySlotColumns] =

[Code] .....

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C# :: Update Initial Values Once User Has Added To Inventory

Apr 10, 2015

I am having some trouble creating a listbox in visual studio. I declared an array, set initial values, and now I would like to be able to update those values. It is a pizza inventory app, so I need to update the initial values once the user has added inventory. This is the code I have for the "Update Inventory" button:

// read in value and convert to double
double dblInput = Convert.ToDouble(txtInput.Text);
// loop through ingredients and add inventory to selected ingredient
for (int i = 0; i < dblInventory.Length; i++) {
// is item at i checked for update?
if(lstInventory.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)


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C++ :: Compute Area Of A Triangle Using Cross Product

Jan 8, 2015

I have to write some cpp program which computes area of a triangle using cross product,we give 3 vertices as R2 and 3 edges as double.

I am beginning like this;

#include <iostream>
#include "R2.h"
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double area ( R2 *A,double *z)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculate Product Of 4 Vertical Values In Matrix

Jun 1, 2013

I am attempting to create a program which calculates the product of 4 vertical values in the matrix. The numbers are supposed to be randomly generated and the size of the matrix is given through the command window.

However I seem to have either not pointed my matrix through all of my functions correctly, or my logic is off somewhere as I keep getting this output regardless of the size of matrix I put in:

"the location of the highest horizontal line product is: 5 0 and is the number: 0

The overall max value is 4196352 at the above coordinates."

using namespace::std;
int h_line(int**, int, int);
int v_line(int, int,int);
int diagnol_left(int,int,int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Array Of Structures - Storing Product Information

Nov 5, 2013

I have been dealing with this problem for quite some time, I've been assigned to develop a program that can store products' information within structures (the number of products is undefined). I thought I should use an array of structures, but I don't know how to declare it properly. This is what I thought would work:

struct product {
string name;
string in_stock;
float sale_cost;
int id; }
prod [n]; //n being the undefined number of products the user will register/delete/modify

I already saw an example of array of structures, but it uses a defined number.

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C++ ::  sorting Ascending Order By According To Product Id / Name / Price

Jul 20, 2014

Here is my code below:

using namespace std;
void main() {
fstream file;
string id,name,type,price;


I can't separate and align 4 categories neatly, how to do this solution below(the link of example for sorting Product ID in ascending order): [URL]

By the way,here is the required .txt file(test.txt): [URL]

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C++ :: Program For Used Car Dealer Company To Maintain Cars Inventory And Details

Aug 25, 2014

You are required to write a program for a Used Car Dealer company. In the system you need to maintain the cars’ inventory and details. Each car in the company contains the following details:

• Car Registration Number
• Car Make or Brand
• Car Model
• Car Colour (eg. Silver, Black , Red)
• Year of manufacturing (The year the car was manufacture)
• Engine Capacity (in cc)
• Transmission (manual or automatic)
• Cost of the car (SGD)

The Car Registration Number is in the format of AAA1234 or AA1234A or A1234A which is accordance to the Malaysia car registration format. The A alphabet is in accordance to the registration number for respective in Singapore. (eg. AEW9829 or W1212Y or MCD1177). Note the A and the 1234 total count in the registration number can be less than 3 like AT9829 or BHY280. The Car Make is for the identifying the manufacturer of the car like Honda, Toyota, Proton..etc. The Car Model is to represent the Manufacturers’ respective model like Honda City, Honda Civic, Honda Accord, Toyota Vios, Toyota Camry … etc.

You are required to create menu and operations for:

1) Create a new Car account
2) Edit existing Car account details
3) Remove a car account from the system
4) Search for cars in the system (based on Car Make, Model, Year of manufacturing or Price)
5) Check total inventory in the system

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C++ :: Constructor That Initializes A New Inventory Object With Values Passed As Arguments

Feb 23, 2014

Write a constructor that initializes a new inventory object with the values passed as arguments, but which also includes a reasonable default value for each parameter.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
class inventory {

[Code] ....

I am not trying to get my homewotk done, just to understand my errors. It complies without problem. But doesn't run.

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C :: Calculate Product Of Two Matrices - Segmentation Fault In Program

Oct 29, 2014

New to C Programming, I have a problem with a little program I made that calculates the product of two matrices.

And here is the error I get:

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C Sharp :: Retrieving USB Pendrive Vendor ID / Product ID And Serial Number

Sep 15, 2012

I am trying to retrieve the parameters from externally connected pendrive. I have been using WMI to achieve this but not able to separate the pendrive's parameters from the other USB devices (such as USBcamera,USBHub etc) ....

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C++ :: Creating Accounts And Stores It On CSV File

Jun 20, 2013

What I am trying to do is a small program that creates accounts (User name, age,...), and stores it on a CSV file. And later I can search for a user and edit some information about him (example, his age).

Here is my code:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>

Looking at the "old code" ("void searchaccountold()"), I am sure the problem is on the "while" part ("while (myfile >> name >> age >> money)").

It should work, but it doesnt. I am almost sure the problem lies on the ";"... Because the CSV uses cells, and to pass to the second cell I would normaly need an ";" and in my case I have ">>". I have tryed to change them, to use getline, etc... and didnt work.

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C++ :: Creating Variable Name For Binary File

Dec 11, 2013

I'm attempting to split a large binary file into smaller manageable files for analysis. I've written most of the software but I'm stuck in a couple of places.

1. The binary file is split by looking at a couple of bytes to determine when to create a new file or continue appending to the current new file. The question is when I need to create a new file, how can I dynamically sign it a name? My intention is to rename each subfile by: "original_name" + new section id + ".log".

2. The start of each section is determined by a specific pattern (6 bytes of FF's). I'm running into an issue where the pattern check is checking for 5 bytes instead of 6 because the for..loop doesn't increment for one instance.

I've attached the code I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int append_to_file(FILE *f,long sec_start, long sec_end)

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Creating Script File For Autocad

May 2, 2014

I want to write a visual C++ program to create a script file for Autocad. A script file has the extension .scr

The goal is, to create the file, write information in it and close the file and save it at a specific location. How can I create the file? I have tried the CreateFile function but I can not make it work. I use the Visual C++ express version as a IDE.

The question that I have is: how does the function look like? Which header files should I use and where should I put the include statement?

// PDFScripper.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Form1.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <WinBase.h>
using namespace PDFScripper;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Creating Vector Array And Reading A File

Apr 23, 2013

Creating a Vector Array + Reading a file ....

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