C++ :: Convert To Int Part Of 1000 Digit Long Number Defined In Char Array

Jan 28, 2015

How do I convert just the number from position 4 to 15 from this char array and convert to int and save to variable

char numbers[]="54155444546546545643246543241465432165456";

the real char got 1000 digits this is just example how do i convert chars from numbers[4] to numbers[15] and save them as one number ? in this case i will get int x = 5444546546545643 as u can see char numbers as a example above

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C :: Convert A Long Int Into Char Array?

Feb 21, 2013

Without lossing information?

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C++ :: Convert 8-digit Binary Number To Decimal Number?

Jul 6, 2013

Code: Complete the program below which converts a binary number into a decimal number. Sample outputs are shown belowComplete the program below which converts a binary number into a decimal number. Sample outputs are shown below.

Sample Output 1:

8-bit Binary Number => 11111111
Decimal Number = 255

Sample Output 2:

8-bit Binary Number => 10101010
Decimal Number = 170

Sample Output 3:

8-bit Binary Number => 101010102
Number entered is not a binary number

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num;


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C++ :: How To Assign Char Array As User Defined String Object

Apr 17, 2014


Here STRING is a user defined class. how to assign a constant char array "FOOBAR" to string object? Copy constructor need to be same class type as parameter. and overloading assignment operator also need to be same class type. I think 'friend' can let pass another type of object rather than STRING to do operation on overloaded '=' operator. How could it be done if it is possible at all?

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C :: How To Get Each Digit Of A Number From Array

Apr 14, 2013

I have an array join[], some of its elements are single digit and some are numbers. I want to print the output in single digit form.Like in below code

int join[3]= {12,0,3};
int split;
int j;
for (j=0;j<3; j++) {

[Code] ....

My code won't consider array element "0". How can i fix it for that too.

Code: I want output should be like

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C/C++ :: Swap A Digit From A Number With Another Digit Using Function

Oct 26, 2014

Write a function which will take 3 arguments. The function needs to return a new number which is formed by replacing the digit on a given position in the number with a digit which is carried as an argument (the position in the number is counted from right to left, starting with one). Write a main program which will print the newly formed number.

A function call of 2376, 3 and 5 should return the number 2576
A function call of 123456, 4 and 9 should return the number 129456

What I succeeded to do so far:
Figure out the logic for swapping the digit and write working code for it (in the main function).

What I failed to do so far:
Write a function which will return the desired result.

What is my problem:
I tried writing a function to do this, but as you see from my calculations, my result is divided in 3 parts. I don't know how to return more variables from a function.


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int inputNumber, swapPosition, swapDigit;
scanf("%d%d%d", &inputNumber, &swapPosition, &swapDigit);
int i, numberPart1 = inputNumber;
for (i = 1; i <= swapPosition; i++)

[Code] ...

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C/C++ :: Input Hex Number / Convert To Char And Display To Monitor

Sep 9, 2014

What I'm trying to do is have the user input a hex number this number will then be converted to a char and displayed to the monitor this will continue until an EOF is encountered.I have the opposite of this code done which converts a char to a hex number. The problem I'm running into is how do i get a hex number from the user I used getchar() for the char2hex program. Is there any similar function for hex numbers?

this is the code for the char2hex program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char myChar;
int counter = 0;
while(EOF != (myChar = getchar())) {
if (myChar == '')

[Code] .....

This is what i want to the program to do except it would do this continuously

int main() {
char myChar;
printf("Enter any hex number: ");
printf("Equivalent Char is: %c",myChar);
return 0;

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C :: How To Convert Part Of String And Integer

Jan 2, 2014

I'm having a problem converting part of a string to an integer.I used strtok to seperate my string and I have also a function for atoi but how to apply it to my strtok function.What i need is to change the char *years to an int.Have a look of what I got:

int main() {
char sentence[]="trade_#_2009_#_invest_#_DEALING";
char *word=strtok(sentence, "_#_");
char *year=strtok(NULL, "_#_");; // assigning NULL for previousely where it left off
char *definition=strtok(NULL,"_#_");
char *synonyms=strtok(NULL,"_#_");


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C++ :: Convert Int To Char Array

Jun 7, 2012

I want to convert int to char array for get the total of digits like this..


int total;
char charnum[2] = (char)total; //this is the problem
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <2; i++)
{ num += charNum[i] -48;}
cout << num;

If total was 42 i want to get output as 6. for this purpose i want to convert int to char.

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C :: Convert Char Array To String

Oct 15, 2013

Currently I have:

char my_array[4] = { '1', '2', '3', '4' };

how do I convert the above to a string of: "1234"

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C :: How To Convert A String Into 2D Char Array

Mar 8, 2013

.I have this string that I need to convert into a 2d char array like this:

String str= "A,E,B,I,M,Y#N,R,C,A,T,S";

I know how to use delimiter and split string and I know how to convert but only from string to char[].I need something like this:

Input: String str= "A,E,B,I,M,Y#N,R,C,A,T,S";

Output: [A] [E] [B] [I] [M] [Y][N] [R] [C] [A] [T] [S]

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C :: Convert Char Array To Double

Mar 6, 2015

How to convert char array into double?,i.e. store char array values into a single double variable. Below is the code that i'm working. Im extracting the value "2255.1682" from char array gpsdata1. I used while loop, extracted the value and stored in "myChar", but i want to store it in double variable "lat1".

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
unsigned char gpsdata1[]="$GPGGA,091310.000,2255.1682,N,11356.3605,E,1,4,1.62,164";
char myChar;
double lat1;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Convert Numbers From Char Array

Jan 27, 2015

i want to convert in loop for example this

char number[]="54465465445646848640";

and in loop convert these element to int one by one.

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C/C++ :: Convert String To A Char Array?

Apr 29, 2015

How do I convert a string of unknown length to a char array? I am reading strings from a file and checking if the string is a Palindrome or not. I think my palindrome function is correct, but do I do something like char [] array = string.length(); ??

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>


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C++ :: Convert Uint8 Array To Unsigned Char Array?

Mar 2, 2012

I have the following code which attempts to assign a u_int8 array of 256 to an unsigned char[256]:

unsigned char testData[256]=pSample->data;

I get the compilation error:

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const uint8_t [256]' to 'unsigned char [256]'

What is the safe way to cast or convert here?

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C++ :: Program To Convert Int To Char Array Without Symbol

Apr 17, 2014

I'm writting program and need to convert int ot char array without simbol. I have tryed snprintf , but his returns array full of simbols if it is initilized elsware return full of garbidge. Is there any elegent way to aceave this? What I'm trying to aceave is liek this:

char buffer[10];
int temp = 1231423;
// Do conversation...
// After conversation char array should look like this
// 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 _ _ _
// without simbol

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C :: Convert Scanf Output To Long Double And Discard The Last Newline

Apr 18, 2014

My goal is to read a one line file of a comma separated numbers into a floating point array. The numbers have up to 25 positions after the decimal. I'm having two issues with the following code.

1) atof() seems to be returning zeros every time. Why?

2) The last number includes the new line character. How do I get rid of it?

Note that I adapted the scanf command from here: The power of scanf() - [URL], and don't completely understand it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//The following will be calculated in the real program.
#define DIM 1
#define N 8
int main()


In the "real" program, N is calculated and known before reading in the file and the file will always have 2 times N numbers.

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Visual C++ :: Read A File Which Is 51563 Char Long?

Nov 15, 2014

I'm trying to read a file which is 51563 char long ( a jpeg pic )

but whenever I open it :

std::ifstream ifs(file);
std::string pub((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
cout << pub;

I only get like 500 chars, so I tryed a lot of different funcs until I finally realized that they reached the end of file "early" well it thinks that one of the chars in it is an end of file and it's located at the start. So I really don't know what to do with it because every func doesn't see the rest of the file at all.

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C++ :: Convert Positive Integer Into Its English Name Equivalent To Digit?

Jul 13, 2014

convert a positive integer code into its english name equivalent for digit. A valid code is of size between four (4) to six (6) digits inclusive. A zero is not allowed in the code.

example : if the input is 234056 the output is : INVALID CODE (PRESENCE OF ZERO)
if the input is 23456 the output is : TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX
if the input is 9349 the output is : NINE THREE FOUR NINE
if the input is 245 the output is : INVALID CODE (3 DIGITS)
if the input is 2344567 the output is : INVALID CODE (7 DIGITS)

step 1 : input code
step 2 : count the number of digits in the code
step 3 : if there is a zero in the code, "INVALID CODE (PRESENCE OF ZERO)" go to step 4
step 4 : if number of digits is mode or equal than 4 and less or equal than 6, go to step 5 else display the following message "INVALID CODE (<number of digits> DIGITS)
step 5 : call a function called digit_name to convert each digit into its
equivalent english name. display the result
step 6 : print the digits in reverse order
eg; if input is 13453, reverse order is 35431

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C :: How To Convert Char Array Into Int Array

Jan 24, 2013

I am writing code to multiply two int arrays and in my one function i am trying to convert the char array into an int array. I have tested many parts however i can not find the problem.


struct integer* convert_integer(char* stringInt){
struct integer *converted = malloc(sizeof(struct integer));
int length, i, *ints;
ints = (int *)malloc(10001 * sizeof(int));
length = strlen(stringInt);
printf("stringInt: %s with length of %d
", stringInt, length);
converted->size = length;


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C++ :: Algorithm To Get The Decimal Part Of A Number?

Jun 12, 2014

I'm writting an algorithm which equals to std::to_string. The inttostring part is fine, and the decimal_part too. But when the number digits > 5, the program loops infinitely.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>


In this code, the program runs ok. But try to add a 5 at decimal_part. What should I do to get this 'decimal_part' ok?

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C/C++ :: Selectively Choose Only Numbers Greater Than 1000 In Array?

Aug 4, 2013

I am doing my assignment that will calculate total tax amount per day and per week and finally sum those up.

One of the requirement is to filter out any number in the array that is less than 1000 to be assigned a value of zero instead of the stored value so as not to add it in the calculation. How to fulfill this requirement.

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C/C++ :: How To Convert Byte Array With Hex Number To Equivalent Decimal Value

Sep 18, 2012

I tried to convert byte array with hex to equivalent decimal value as follows but it gives me unexpected results:

byte hex_arr[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0xab, 0x90};
unsigned long i=0;
i = hex_arr[3] + (hex_arr[2] << 8) + (hex_arr[1] << 16) + (hex_arr[0] << 24);
the output is 4294945680
Correct output should be 109456

but when I try with byte hex_arr[]={0x00,0x00,0x0f,0xff};

it gives correct out put 4095

the correct output works until the hex values is {0x00,0x00,0x7f,0xff}

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C++ :: How To Save Whole Number To Char Array

Jan 31, 2015

char num [] = pow(2,4);

how to save whole number to char array ? (16) so that menas char num [] = "16";

but it must be in this form :

char num [] = pow(2,4);

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C++ :: Converting 4 Digit Number Into BCD Number?

Sep 10, 2014

I'm having trouble converting a 4 digit number into a BCD number, in the program I did below I was able to convert a 2 digit number into BCD, but I do not know how to convert a 4 digit number or how to start it.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])


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C/C++ :: Count Number Of Digits In Long Variable - While Loop

Aug 3, 2014

So I have been given and as part of the solution I need to count the number of digits in a long long variable. To do this I use a while loop, but it is behaving strangely. Here is the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void) {
printf("What is the card number?");
long long card = GetLongLong();
if(card <= 0)

[Code] .....

When I execute the program it asked for the number, but then nothing happens. Of course, my first instinct was that the program was caught in an infinite loop somehow, but could not figure out how. I commented out the while loop and the program completed (albeit returning the incorrect value), so I was further convinced that there was an infinite loop that I was not seeing. I ran the program throug gdb. Strangely, the program did not loop infinitely, instead it got to line 16 [while(card1 > 0] and then just stopped, it was not executing the next line of code at all.

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