C++ :: Connecting To SMS Server?

Nov 11, 2013

I'm currently in the middle of designing a program for some project. one part of the program is to send reminding SMS messages to the employees.

I have already subscribed to a SMS provider that has SMS integration - API. But now I'm wondering how will I be able connect to the SMS server and be able to send messages?

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C++ :: Connecting Client And Server App

May 30, 2013

I need to create a client and server program. The client will have a GUI that will display all the available servers (since more than one will be running) in a list box.

I’m guessing a TCP connection will be the best method here, but how will the client find the servers to connect to? I won’t know the IP address of the server because anyone could take the server program and run it on their computer and the client would have to find it.

Is there some way to make the server send some kind of signal that only the client application will be to connect to? So the server will be sending out a signal, the client finds the signal and connects to the server. Is this possible?

i also need to be able to store the IP address the client selects so when the client application is run again it will automatically connect to the server that was stored.

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C :: Connecting To SMS Server And Send Messages

Nov 11, 2013

I'm currently in the middle of designing a program for some project. one part of the program is to send reminding SMS messages to the employees.

I have already subscribed to a SMS provider and they gave me an access to a control panel (aspx). But now I'm wondering how will I be able connect to the SMS server and be able to send messages?

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C# :: Connecting Two Programs?

Jan 19, 2015

I have a mobile application for android coded in javascript and a windows form coded in c#. I want my mobile app to send some data to the c# program. It is fine if the transmission is not secure. I searched the net. I found a site called pastebin.com. Unfortunately it provides api for posting and reading data. However I want something, where I can store,read as well as EDIT the data.

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C++ :: Connecting GUI To Program?

Feb 3, 2012

So I have my GUI far along enough to start incorporating my program, but I am hesitant to start because I want to be careful to do it in an effective and easy to manage way.

The code so far for the GUI alone is about 2100 lines, and I estimate it will be about 8000-10000 lines long when the program is complete. The code for the actual program (without GUI), is about 6000 lines long so far, and will probably get up to about 10,000 when I've added most of what I intend.

Is it a good idea to have the GUI portion, or at least some of it in a separate source file? If you were to do this, how would you? Obviously you can only have one main function. Would you have a file just for the main function, a header file with all the necessary includes and global variables, and put different portions of the rest in separate files.

Concerning the GUI; In my main function, if you click a button, a function connected to that button is called. Inside that function, I may have code to hide many other buttons while this button is selected; Also to manage effects which see visually which button is selected. My program so far has like 70 different GUI objects which all get modified, hidden, shown, etc in different circumstances, and multiple menus.

My question; what's the most reasonable way to do this? Right now all my buttons, and their associated objects are all global. Is this reasonable? Is there an exception to the globals are bad rule in cases like this?

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C++ :: Connecting To Database Using Drivers

Apr 8, 2013

How to connect my c++ code to any database using drivers.

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C++ :: Connecting Rooms In Grid Map

Apr 1, 2013

I have a map that is full of 4+ rooms each with one randomly selected door on one of its sides. I need to create a tunnel connecting all of the doors together. I'm not sure the best way to do this A* seems to complicated for me to do at the moment and I cannot think of a way to connect these rooms.

My world is currently a vector<vector<Tiles>> and the tiles contain entities like tunnel, wall, stair, floor, etc.

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C++ :: Connecting 2 Computers Over Internet

Oct 19, 2014

I'm trying to make my 1v1 game playable online and I would like to have the 2 players connected directly rather than trough a server.

The problem I'm having is that I don't have any experience with server client communication or internet libraries in c++

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C++ :: Connecting Event With A Key On Keyboard?

May 17, 2013

I am gonna make a simple game in c++. I need a way how to use a particular key on the keyboard ,when I hit the key certain function should be called.

For movement of cursor on screen I want to connect arrow keys.

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C# :: Form Gets Locked Up When Connecting To Database

Aug 17, 2014

I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server Database, but when I click my button1 my entire form just locks up and nothing happens! I have to click the "Stop" button to stop the form from running in Visual Studio! I'd at least expect to receive an error if some of the connection string was wrong.

Here is my code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
public void connection() {
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection();

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: MySQL Database Connecting Through LAN

Dec 2, 2013

I was created the mysql database in my Pc. This database connecting with vc++ code Using MySQL C++ Connection Example in Visual Studio. I done this work in single PC. It's working good. i viewed the table values using vc++ application.

But now want to connecting the database through lan connection. I refered the below link but i'm not clear.Step # 5 Grant access to remote IP address

For your reference, (I installed)

PC1 - visual studio 2003, mysql 5.6 for win32 & mysql connector (Ver : mysql-connector-c++-1.0.5-win32), OS : XP SP2, IP :

PC2 - mysql 5.6, OS: XP SP3, IP: 192,168,100.9

Table created in PC2, database name "test". server = 'localhost', user = 'root', passwd = "".

I like to connect PC1 & PC2 through Lan & access the table using vc++ code.

How can i view PC2's database table values in PC1?

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C++ :: Downloading File From Web Server?

Jul 4, 2014

I cant seem to get it to write out the correct size to the .gif file,the original is 3kb but the new one i write to finishs with 1kb.

cout << "Connected"<< endl;
std::string sendbuffer = "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.1
// std::string buffer2 = "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.1

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Access To SQL Server Without ODBC

Feb 21, 2013

I need to connect and manipulate a DB in SQL Server 2008, but need to have high performance too, so, I want to develop an class in C++ that connect direct to DBMS, in a low level, without using ADO, ODBC or OLEDB.

I found this API [URL] .... which proposes to do exactly what I want, but I need to develop it by myself.

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C++ :: Multithreaded Server And Client

Apr 28, 2014

I need the code for multithreaded server and client code. one server and two or more client connect to server.

Without fork(),semaphore(),etc

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C++ :: Can Be Used For Server Side Programming

Nov 28, 2013

I know this question must have been asked before, but the problem that I am facing is that I am using a library PoDoFo to parse PDF files. It seems that it is only compatible with C++.

Now I want the application to be web-based. That is, the user uploads a PDF file on the server, the server parses it and the parsed content is then sent back to the user.

Is such a thing possible with C++, or maybe any good work-arounds? Or should I look at server-side scripting languages like PHP and their respective libraries?

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C++ :: Web Server Malloc Memory Error

Dec 1, 2014

I am writing a very basic database in C++ and I am accessing the data from a web browser. I am using the opensource Mongoose web server code....

I have an issue...

The way the DB works is this: on starting, the DB loads a json file of all of the data into it. I have a class called DatabaseLoader that does this - it is the class that gets rewritten depending on the data structure of the json.

This is passed to vectors (vector<Node*> and vector<Edge*>) as references from Graph object.

Once the DatabaseLoader has finished it can be destroyed and any memory allocated objects it created (except the ones in those two vectors).

From then on, the Graph object is in charge of all of the elements in the database that are stored in the two vectors. When the user browses to htpp:// they see the json representing each object in the vectors.

All good so far....

However, when I repeatedly hit refresh in my browser (and call me insane...) at quite a fast speed I get this error:

main(29855,0x7fff76763310) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f98b2829408: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[1] 29855 abort ./main testing.json

It seems to me this would be if I tried to "delete" and object twice, or if one of my objects was overwriting memory somewhere. However I am not recreating anything, I am just looping over the vectors and printing out the content. When I refresh slowly, I dont see this happen - i did it quite a lot of times, but when I do it fast I think it is happening.

So is there any possibility of me hitting the c++ web server to quickly and it is trying to process the data twice, causing some sort of memory error - i.e do I need to implement threading or something??

I can paste code, but there is quite a lot now....

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C# :: Upload A File To Remote Server

Oct 1, 2012

I managed to upload a file to a remote server with below code:

// Get the object used to communicate with the server.
FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftp://kasunl.worlditsme.com/voo.txt");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;


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C :: Encryption Of Data To Be Sent From Mobile To Server

Mar 8, 2013

I just started to work on a project which is 'Body Area Network'.

What I need to do is to take data from body with some sensor nodes and send it to mobile which would further send the data to a remote server, and I need to add some security (encryption/decryption) on the data.

So I want to know how to send data from mobile after encrypting it to the server and then decrypt it back(on server side).

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C :: Client Not Receiving Time From Server

Sep 2, 2013

I'm building a client server which is communicating.I am trying to use the function recvfrom, but have several bugs, so I might have the recvfrom function in the wrong part of my code.


int talk_with_server(int fd) {
char buf[LEN];
int n = read(fd, buf, LEN);


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C :: Server-client File Transfer Using UDP

Sep 1, 2013

I have to make a server-client file transfer using UDP . I have created a basic server which receives message sent by client . That's all. Now comes the major part :-

1. The message sent by client is the name of file
.2. Now the server checks whether there exists this file or not .
3. If there exists it sends the file to the client and it also keeps the count of the number of requests of file made by the client . Here is the Server Code




The server reads the data from file and writes into it and send to the client , On the other end client receive the data and make duplicate of this file and write into it. But on compiling it gives error in reading the file.

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C++ :: Create And Amend Database Using SQL Server?

Nov 1, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to create and amend a database using the SQL server. How to do this. I just know it's included with the VS Express package.

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C++ :: Retrieve Data / Files From A Server?

Feb 25, 2013

I was wondering if i had to say simply retrieve data from a server whether it be simple plain text for variables or download whole files (FTP), what would be the best method for this? I would imagine there is a pretty big difference between retrieving text and downloading files but im just wondering what the best thing would be to research for both.

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C/C++ :: Send Message From Server To All Client?

May 30, 2014

First of all i create single server single client program and then using thread i make multiple client to connect to server.

csock = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
if((*csock = accept( hsock, (SOCKADDR*)&sadr, &addr_size))!= INVALID_SOCKET ){


The clients send message to the server and server echo back the message to that particular client. But i want that the server will echo back ones's message to all clients. Suppose 5 clients are connected to the server. So whenever one client send a message to the server, the server will send that message to all 5 clients.

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C# :: Stream Video From LAN Server Onto Client PC?

Oct 9, 2014

I have loads of movies on DVD and they are all on my media server, but the media server doesn't actually allow streaming to be done, the movies are just stored in a folder on the desktop.

My goal would be able to host all my movies on my LAN server, then build an application to run on a windows based PC at home, not over the Internet just over LAN. For example, say the server I have at home had all the movies in a folder on the desktop, then when I start the client on another PC or laptop in my house, I could view all the movies, choose which one and then stream it to that client PC. I am using C#.NET WPF visual studio.

Maybe I could use something like VLC player to play the movies but I would want to build an client application to view the movies and search for them on the server where the movies are stored. Also I know there are other media streaming programs out there but I want to develop my own one for my uses.

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C/C++ :: Server Receives Corrupted Data

Feb 27, 2014

I have a problem with this work. It is that when the server send some data to the client it send them correctly but when they arrive to the client all the info are changed and i don't know why, because i print them before the send and they are right, but after they arrive to the client the data doesn't be the same.

here it is the server and client's code. In the code there are some italian words, but there are only constant, so there is a real problem to understand the code.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define FLUSH while(getchar()!='


the problem is in the line 136 of the server and on the line 203 of the client

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C# :: Setup Not Working In Other Systems With Other SQL DB Server

Mar 7, 2014

I developed one windows application in c#.net , this application is not working when i installed the setup in another system with another sql database server-r2. How can solve this. here i had attached my code for reference.

App.config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="SqlCon" value="Data Source=.sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=aathi;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"/>

[Code] ....

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