C++ :: Compiler And Linker Errors For Linked List Class And Application

Aug 31, 2014

I am trying to write a program that will take a list of integers from a file and write them to another text file. I've been banging my head at this for days trying to get it to compile as it is riddled with linker and compiler errors.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class linkedList {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Stl Sort With List - Compiler Errors

Jul 26, 2013

When I call stl sort with a vector in the following,

int main() {
vector<int> items;
sort(items.begin(), items.end(), greater<int>());
return 0;

It works. But if I call stl sort the same way with a list, there is compiler errors.

int main() {
list<int> items;
sort(items.begin(), items.end(), greater<int>());
return 0;


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C++ :: Doubly-Linked List And Referencing Errors?

Oct 4, 2014

We had to convert a single-line text editor which uses arrays to one that uses OOP and double-linked lists and I have been doing it in steps. I have, for the sake of convenience, put my headers, implementation and main all in one file.

I'm compiling this program in Hercules (the getch function uses C code).

I keep getting the error from the compiler saying "Undefined Symbol" for functions:

insertNode(char, Node);

The full message is: ld: fatal: Symbol Referencing Errors. No output written to a.out collect2: ld returned with 1 exit status.

// A fake single line text editor program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
//#include "main.h"
typedef char Letter;


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C++ :: Mathematical Library - OOP Linker Errors?

Apr 21, 2014

I've just started coding a "Mathematics" library for my own, just to practice some OOP concepts, but sadly I didn't get too far with it before the first errors appeared. That is, I created a Matrix.H and Matrix.CPP file (separate class) in a "Linear Algebra" folder.

However, when I run the code I get the following (linker?) error:

#include <iostream>
#include "Matrix.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Matrix<int> A(7,5);
int row[] = {5, 10, 9, 11, -5};

[Code] ....

I am using Visual Studio 2012 (stating this in case it could be related to the reason for which I get the error).

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C++ :: Compiler / Linker Differences In Visual Studio Conversion?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a project that is essentially a hot pot of C/asm (naked functions etc). The code gets injected into another EXE. It works fine when compiled in Visual C++ 6 but when compiled in Visual Studio 2008 it compiles fine but falls over in use.

Are there certain settings I need to look out for? I have optimization disabled and as far as I can tell the command line options for compiler/linker are the same (given the differences).

I have opened both builds in IDA and the 2008 build has more import and offset jumps are in different places.

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C++ :: Generic Linked List Compilation Errors / Incompatible Pointer Type

May 19, 2014

I am trying to write a generic linked list in c, but for some reason i keep getting errors saying "incompatible pointer type. This is the code and erros:

#ifndef SLIST_H
#define SLIST_H
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
void *data;
slist_elem *next;


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C++ :: How To Get Return Value Back From A Thread - Unintelligible Linker Errors

Dec 27, 2014

I've been trying to figure out how to get a return value back from a thread, and found all kinds of info on promises, futures, packaged_somethings, async, ....

Here's one of my failed attempts at promises/futures: [URL] ....

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Visual C++ :: SEH Handler Cause Compiler Warnings And Errors

Jan 24, 2014

I use a SEH handler in my code, like this:
.. Some codes ...
but get the following compiler errors:

1>e: est.cpp(3310): warning C4509: nonstandard extension used: 'CMyClass::Test' uses SEH and 'iterator' has destructor
1> e: est.cpp(3290) : see declaration of 'iterator'
e: est.cpp(3450): error C2712: Cannot use __try in functions that require object unwinding

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Visual C++ :: Reach Top Class Inherits From Goal Class - Linker Error

Dec 10, 2012

Linker error.

First off the error

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ReachTop<class Character>::ReachTop<class Character>(class Character *)" (??0?$ReachTop@VCharacter@@@@QAE@PAVCharacter@@@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'gReachTop''(void)" (??__EgReachTop@@YAXXZ)Main.objDecisionTest

Reach Top class inherits from Goal Class

Goal Class

#ifndef _GOAL_H
#define _GOAL_H
#include "Action.h"
#include <list>
template <class T>
class Goal

[Code] ....

Code to create

Character* gCharacter = new Character(1, gWorld);
Goal<Character>* gReachTop = new ReachTop<Character>(gCharacter);

I can provide the character class and its inheritance aswell if you like.

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C# :: Implement Existent Compiler To Application?

Aug 31, 2014

I want to implement an existent compiler to my Visual C# application.The compiler should run code written in C#,Java,C++ and Lua. How do I do that?

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C++ :: Splitting In A Linked List Class

Mar 9, 2013

I'm trying to develop a program that stores a list of hw assignments in the form of "Date,Assignment name,grade". I have functions that add,remove, and delete from a list, but I would also like to search and delete a particular date found in the list. From here, split - Splitting a string in C++ - Stack Overflow I've tested Evan Teran's method to split a string, but I'm unsure of how to implement it in my code.

List.h Code: #ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class List{

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Sequence Class With Linked List?

Apr 10, 2014

my data structures and algorithms professor gave us the following assignment. We are to reimpliment a class we wrote earlier in semester called sequence(which holds a sequence of floats) using a linked list. However I am having trouble with the class's copy constructor and assignment operator, specifically when the sequence is not empty.

links to google drive files

node header file
test program
sequence implmentation
sequence header file

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C++ :: Linked List Class Node Implementation

Mar 26, 2014

I am studying this sample code for linked list class node implementation. I am not 100% sure how this code keeps track of the head node. Here's what I know so far, and if you want to add/correct anything feel free to do so:

class Node {
Node(); // constructor of class node without arguments
Node(int, Node*); //constructor with arguments of int type and a pointer node type
Node* next() const;
void setNext(Node*); //member fun, returning a pointer of node type
void setKey(int);

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Setting Up Linked List Class With Templates?

Dec 2, 2013

I am trying to implement a linked list using a class template, however each of my classes that I want in the list all inherit from an Account class. I have attempted to template the linked list class as account however Ive come into errors I can't resolve. How I can go about this?

The error exists within the customer.cpp class where it says

14IntelliSense: a value of type "Account *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "CurrentAccount *"f:Further C++Assignment with TemplatesAssignmentCustomer.cpp229Assignment

Customer class:

#ifndef CUSTOMER_H
#define CUSTOMER_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Account.h"
#include "AccountLinkedList.h"

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Making New Class Instance And Adding To Linked List

Oct 31, 2013

I have a .cpp file which contains 5 smaller defined classes. In my missile class I have a default constructor and a constructor that I invoke

class Missile{
bool isHuman;


My issue is when creating and adding the pointer object; it doesn't seem to create a new instance of the class-the Missile objects all share the same xPos value which is always the first xPos when the "fire" command is given. The "Missile *missile = new Missile(xPos, yPos, true);" line does not seem to create a new instance of the object with different variables but instead creates a new object with the same variables. Is it necessary for me to always make a separate .cpp and .h file for any class I want to create multiple instances of or can I keep the smaller classes in the same file and still create a new separate instance of the class?

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C++ :: Compiler Time Checker - Invalid Application Of Size Of To Function Type

Nov 30, 2014

I have this piece of code from the book "Modern C++ Design" that checks for compile-time error. When i tried to compile it, i get the error "invalid application of size of to function type". How to make this compiler-time checker work?

template<bool> struct CompileTimeChecker{
template<> struct CompileTimeChecker<false> {};

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Remove Linker Error In CPP Programs With A Class

Jun 3, 2014

how to remove the linker error as mentioned above..

i have created a simple program in C++ as given below

void add(int a,int b);


i saved it with name PIYUSHAN.cpp.after compiling above program, it shows no errors, that means it get compiled successfully. but when I try to run this program it shows Linker error :

Undefined symbol add(int,int) in module PIYUSHAN.CPP
Linker error : Undefined symbol sub(int,int) in module PIYUSHAN.CPP
Linker error : Undefined symbol mul(int,int) in module PIYUSHAN.CPP
Linker error : Undefined symbol div(int,int) in module PIYUSHAN.CPP

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C++ :: Creating A Class That Would Implement Concept Of Double Linked List Like A Queue

Jun 15, 2013

Well, basically, what I've been doing was creating a class that would implement the concept of Double Linked List, but that would behave like a queue ( the STL implementation is deque, or Double Ended Queue ).

The problem occured when I have been trying to generalize the class using templates. I mean, why use only integers ? Why not double or char or what not ?

Worked perfectly before including all the template stuff..

// Source.cpp <=> Main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "DList.h"
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
DList<int> *list;
list = new DList<int>();

[Code] .....

The errors returned by the compiler:

Error1error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument listc:usersjumperdesktopc++ otherdouble linked listdouble linked listdlist.h6
Error2error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument listc:usersjumperdesktopc++ otherdouble linked listdouble linked listdlist.h6

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C/C++ :: Creating Singly Linked List / Loading Class Type Array

Aug 6, 2014

I've written this class and struct to create a singly linked list. The data is stored in the binary file which I've opened and read. I'm trying to load said data into a class type array. The errors I'm getting are "incompatible types in assignment of 'StatehoodInfo' to char[3]" Lines 130-134 is what I was working on.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring> //For char[] string functions

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Variable Belonging To Base Class - Tell Compiler Consider This To Be Derived Class?

Oct 12, 2013

I have an example where I have a variable belonging to a base class, but I would like to tell the compiler that it actually belongs to a derived class. How can I do this?

// base class: R0
// derived class: R1
// see function SetR1 for the problem
class R0 {
int a;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Access Linked List Functions From Stack Class Without Functions

Mar 20, 2014

I'm a little confused by my programming assignment this week. I've been working at it Wednesday and I've made progress but I'm still confused as to how I'm supposed to do this. The class I made is called Stack, and it's derived from a template class called StackADT. We also utilize a class called unorderedLinkedList, which is derived from a class called linkedList.

We're supposed to implement all of the virtual functions from stackADT in the Stack class. The Stack data is stored in a an unorderedLinkedList, so what I'm confused by is how to implement a few of the Stack functions because there are no functions in unorderedLinkedList which we could call to manipulate the data.

As you can see from my attached code, I'm really confused by how I'm supposed to implement the pop() and top() functions, and I also think my initializeList() function is wrong. We don't have any similar functions in unorderedLinkedList to call, so I'm at a loss of how i'd access my unorderedLinkedList. My initial thought was to call the similar functions in the class that unorderedLinkedList was derived from, linkedList, but I'm unsure of this is what we're supposed to do, or if theres actually a way to access my unorderedLinkedList without having to use the functions from the base class.

NOTE: We're not allowed to modify stackADT, unorderedLinkedList, and linkedList.


#include "stackADT.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
template<class Type>
class Stack: public stackADT<Type>{
template <class T>
struct nodeType
T info;
nodeType<T> *link;


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C++ :: Implementing Hash Table - STL List Compiler Error

Jun 5, 2013

I have been implementing a Hash Table class made, and ran into a bit of a problem in my Delete function. I have the hash table made up as

vector<list<HashNode<T,X>>> m_Table

My problem is when I iterate through the vector, and then the list in that current element to try and find the Node I want to delete, the STL list class gives me the error:

Error1error C2678: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'HashNode<T,X>' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

Here's the Delete function:

template <typename T, typename X>
void HashTable<T,X>::Delete(T key) {
HashNode<T,X> Node;
HashNode<T,X> NodeTemp;
list<HashNode<T,X>> temp;
list<HashNode<T,X>>::iterator it;
vector<list<HashNode<T,X>>>::iterator iter;

[Code] ....

Why it's not letting me do the .Remove() function?

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C++ :: Class Not Seen By Compiler?

Sep 18, 2014

I have an issue. VS 2013 isn't recognizing objects that I've declared when I use class functions.I'm getting this error: "Line 14 and 15: Error C2228: left of '.asciiToFpc6' must have class/struct/union"...Here's the relevant code:


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "fpc6.h"


Additionally VS apparently doesn't like my bitwise operators in my class functions and doesn't think they're doing anything. It gives "warning C4552: ['|', '<<', '>>', '&'] : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect" for all of them, but it seems to me the code should work fine and actually accomplish things....

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C++ :: Creating A Linked List Of Common Elements From Two Other Linked Lists

Apr 29, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes two linked lists and creates a third one with only the common elements.

It assumes the first list (the caller) has no dups, but it doesn't seem to be working. The program doesn't crash, it just hangs when it is supposed to display L3 (the third list)..everything else runs and is displayed fine.

template <typename T>
LList <T> LList <T>:: common (LList <T> &B)//common fct
Node <T> *hunter1 = Head;


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C++ :: Simple Class Usage Compiler Error

May 12, 2013

Full disclosure: this is an exercise from "Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours" by Jesse Liberty and Rogers Candenhead. This refers to Chapter 9 (Hour 9 Activity 1)

I created a class called Point, in Point.h

I created a class called Rectangle in Rectangle.h and Rectangle.cpp

If I create an int main() function in Rectangle.cpp (that includes Rectangle.h), I can compile Rectangle.cpp and run the resulting program. Fine.


I create a separate file called main.cpp. I include Rectangle.h. But now the compiler complains.

$ g++ main.cpp -o main
/tmp/cc38JIph.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x26): undefined reference to `Rectangle::Rectangle(int, int, int, int)'
main.cpp:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `Rectangle::getArea() const'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status If I can create a class in Point.h and use it in Rectangle.h, why can I not just use Rectangle in main.cpp?

And the files, of course:

file: main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "Rectangle.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Compiler Will Not Allow To Call A Public Method In Another Class

Feb 23, 2013

I have read the book over and over and I thought I understand "CLASS". But when I applied it and write the code the compiler tells me that there is a compiling error.

1. I have this method addProduct(Product* pProduct) in a Class called ProductRack, the code is in ProductRack.cpp file. The declaration of the Class methods and private variables are in ProductRack.h header file.

2. But when I call a method in the DeliveryCHute Class from the ProductRack Class I get a compiler errors which are these:

A.IntelliSense: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
B.error C2352: 'Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct' : illegal call of non-static member function

And this is causing the error:

if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false)

Project1::ProductRack::addProduct(Product* pProduct) {
// Todo : Implementing
if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false)
return true;

[Code] .....

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