C++ :: Compare Two Strings To See Which Comes First In Alphabetical Order

Oct 14, 2013

How would you compare two strings in an if statement to determine which comes first in alphabetical order?

Try and keep it simple because i am currently new to the language

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C :: Arrange Set Of Names In Array In Alphabetical Order

Oct 25, 2013

I am having problem with comparing first letter of every wordso that i can arrange them in array.

/*22/10/13 15:30
Arrange set of names in an array in alphabetical order
main( ) {
int x,a,i=0,j;
char *temp, *str[]={

[Code] ....

I am getting unexpected output here :


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C++ :: String Array Sorting Into Alphabetical Order

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to read information in from a file, each line of which contains a name in the form 'last, first middle'. I can successfully open the file and read it into an array that is roughly 2500 string in size. The problem comes when I try to sort the array into alphabetical order. I am using a sorting algorithm that we were instructed to use, found in our book. It is shown in the code. I would add the file that needs to be opened, but it is a few thousand lines long.

The error I am getting is:
Unhandled exception at 0x00A28628 in PeopleSearch.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00CC400C.

and I know it has to do with the sorting algorithm from using break points and running the program with that section commented out. I am stumped to why it is giving this error, as it seems that it is trying to access the array outside of the bounds of the array, but it shouldn't be

Here is my code:


using namespace std;
int main() {
string NameArray[2500], filename; //declare array and file to open

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Swap Function To Put String In Alphabetical Order

Nov 10, 2013

So I been working on this c++ project and I need to be able to take three seperate strings and send them to function to put them in alphabetical order through a-z and use the swap function to return them in order. I been searching for problems like this but I haven't fame across any. I can copy my code onto here as well as a more detailed description of what I'm needing to do onto here if needed.

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C++ :: Sorting Vector String In Alphabetical Order

Oct 26, 2013

I know there is a function in algorithm class called sort() but I need to sort ignoring the case of the alphabet

Is there any function that does that?

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C++ :: How To Sort And Print Out Object By Surname In Alphabetical Order

Oct 2, 2013

A link list problem, i need some how to sort and print out an object by surname in alphabetical order.

i have a try to do that by this code not working for swamping i should i go about that?
May another way of swapping using pointer instead?

void functions::printdata() {
for(node* temp1=head;temp1!=NULL;temp1=temp1->next) {
for(node* temp2=head;temp2!=NULL;temp2=temp2->next) {


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C :: How To Sort Strings As Alphabetical

Nov 25, 2014

I'm trying to sort strings as alphabetical but somewhere i have error.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char s[100][20];
int num;
char temp[20];
int i,j;


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C++ :: Compare Two Strings Of Numbers

Jan 4, 2014

I am trying to figure out how to go about comparing two strings of numbers. I have two files that both contain numbers 1-50, one file has multiple repeating numbers while the other one just has 1-50.

I want to compare the files and count how many of each number a occurred and make a chart with * next to the number. First I figured I would use the strings like an array and compare them using nested loops. Then I noticed I have single and double digit numbers. The numbers in the files are printed as:

1 44 5 34 4
2 22 7 55 4
...... etc

Compared too:

I thought about using string stream and converting the string to int but wouldn't it just be a huge number when set to the int variable? Then I thought about a array initialized with 1-50 and compared to the file but I still have the issue with single and double digit numbers.

My question is how can I just read one number at a time, either double or single digit?

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C++ :: Can't Compare Char Strings

Jun 13, 2013

I have two char* that have the same data in (hypothetically).

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "data", B;
B = Buff.at(0)

Where Split is a function that I made to split a string (Line in this case) into a char* vector, this string contains a line from a file. Line is char* too. The weird problem is when Buff data stored in its 0 position is given to B... because B is equal to A (hypothetically) but when this is compared to do certain functions they doesn't match!

Here an example:

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "map", B;
B = Buff.at(0) // Buff.at(0) should be "map" and is apparently "map"


NOTE: I didn't use switch to compare Cmd because I want it separately for easier debugging.

Is there something wrong with my codes?? or what happened here with those hex values before the string in my variables?

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C++ :: Rules To Compare Two Strings Object

Sep 1, 2014

In my book I have the following example : Code:

std::string str = "Hello";
std::string phrase = "Hello world";
std::string slang = "Hiya"; and i have these two rules to compare 2 strings object :

if two strings have different lenghts and if every character in the shorter string is equal to the corresponding character of the longer string, than the shorter string is less than the longer string.

if any characters at corresponding positions of two strings differ, then the result of the string comparison is the result of comparing the first character at wich the strings differ then my book says : if we apply the rules of the comparison we know that phrase is greater than str( ok i've understood this ) and that slang is greater than both slang and phrase ( why ?)

explain me rule number two ? in phrase and slang the characters differ and the first character that differ is not H so why my book says slang is bigger than phrase ?

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C++ :: Compare 2 Dates From Strings / Char Or Int

Mar 16, 2014

i have been trying to compare a date format from SYSTEMTIME and a date from a text file(string).But its not working. I tried to change both to string(using osstringstream),char* and int(using sscanf) to do the comparison but with no luck. its pretty simple all i want to do is get the current system date and compare it with the date from the text file. Below is my code:

char szcurrentDate[MAX_PATH] = "";
char szdate_time[MAX_PATH];
GetLocalTime (&st);
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL,&st,"yyyy-M-d ",szcurrentDate,MAX_PATH); //current system date
//std::ostringstream mm;


note : i tried displaying just szcurrentDate and szdate_time they show the date exactly the same. in string,char* or int formats.

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C/C++ :: How To Compare Strings Ignoring Case

Oct 29, 2014

It should report whether or not, ignoring case, they are the same.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;


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C :: Compare 2 Strings And Print Out 1 If Characters Match And 0 If Not

Oct 29, 2014

This program is supposed to compare 2 strings and print out a 1 if the characters match and a 0 if they dont. It compiles but doesnt give me the correct output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void func();
int main () {
return 0;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Compare A String With A Set Of Strings That Have Been Stored In A File

May 5, 2014

I am trying to compare a string that i have entered with a set of strings that have already been stored in a file. I am using strcmp function but i am not getting the result.

Enter string:");
ptr_file =fopen("abc.text","r");

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Compare Two Strings To See Difference In Int Form

Apr 2, 2013

I want to compare two string, and want to see differeince in int form. For example,

string first_string="0002AE1";
string second_string="0002AE2";

How can i calculate difference between two string? It is obvious difference between above two string is 1/-1, but difference would be 1.

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Visual C++ :: Procedure To Compare 2 Strings With Specific Criteria?

Jul 10, 2013

Procedure to Compare 2 Strings with the following criteria

coding of the following function -

I have absolutely no clue where to start -

Given the following sets of numbers -

1154 1179 2154 2554 2484 2144 4515 1144 1517 4815 1481

Given the Index number of 1154

I want to search the numbers for the Index number of 1154

The search will return a True if I can find 3 or 4 same digits between the Index number and the 8 numbers

The search also have the following criteria -

meaning that -

1154 when compared to 1154 == true
1154 when compared to 1179 == false
1154 when compared to 2154 == true
1154 when compared to 2554 == false
1154 when compared to 2484 == false
1154 when compared to 2144 == false
1154 when compared to 4515 == true
1154 when compared to 1144 == true
1154 when compared to 1517 == true
1154 when compared to 4815 == true
1154 when compared to 1481 == true

the index number can also be of type - 1234, 1123, 1112, 1111

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C/C++ :: Loop To Add Ints / Strings Into Vector In Ascending Order

Feb 24, 2014

The code is supposed to take either an int or a string (and their respective vectors) and insert a given int or string into the vector in ascending order. My code works properly for ints, but it's having a problem with strings.

The order I get with the strings given is


For some reason comparing penguin to banana/great doesn't give the expected result. The template attached only includes the function and the private vectors needed for the function.

template<class T>
class orderedList {
void insert(const T& item);
vector<T> list;
int total = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Strings / Arrays In A User Defined Lexical Order?

May 7, 2013

I previously tried to put strings in an array, but i couldn't modify the first index in the string that is in the array. I changed my code later.


Suggest a function that sorts the inputs vertically according to the order given by the user? I made this one

void order(string order, char index[][15]){
int counter=0,line=0,i=0,j=0;
{for(j=0;j<=15-1;j++) {


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C/C++ :: Array To Sort Strings In Alphabetic Order And Read From Stdin

Mar 20, 2014

I have a pre-declared array which sorts strings to it's alphabetic order and want to change it so it reads from stdin.

char *array[] = {"aaa", "ccc", "bbb", "ddd"}

I tried doing something like this:

for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
scanf("%s", &array[i]);

I just can't bring it to work. Another thing is, the input is a a bunch of strings separated by commas and ends with a period. Since I have to make a working C model which gets translated to assembly language later on I can't use functions like strtok.

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C/C++ :: Syntax For Inserting Strings Into A List Maintaining Alpha Order

Oct 10, 2012

Why the first code snippet inserts properly into a list and the second code snippet does not. The position of the bold expressions are the only differences. iter, s and LS were declared elsewhere in main().

snippet 1.)
while (true) {
    cout << "Enter string (ENTER to exit): ";
    getline(cin, s);
    if (s.size() == 0)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Error Check - Only Alphabetical Inputs

Jan 11, 2015

How can i set up an error check so only letters are entered? I know how to do it for numbers but how to make it so it only allows a-z inputs.

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C/C++ :: How To Sort The Names In Alphabetical Orders

Jul 29, 2014

using namespace std;
int main() {
const int arraySize=20;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Making String Count Numbers / Blanks And Alphabetical Characters

Sep 20, 2014

I'm trying to create a program that counts the amount of alphabetical characters, numbers, blanks and total amount of characters in a string a user gets to enter. The user also quits the program manually by pressing CTRL + D (in linux terminal).

These are the results I get from the code so far by typing in "hello cplusplus 123 c++" CTRL + D.

The string had:
Alphabetical characters...: 0
Numbers...................: 0
Blanks....................: 3
Total amount of characters: 20

So I can't seem to find a way to count the amount of alphabetical characters and numeric characters.

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string tecken;

[Code] ....

The reason why I declared cctype is that I think I should use the isalpha, isdigit and isblank functions but how I am supposed to do that.

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C :: Counts Keystrokes / Alphabetical Characters And Vowels - Press Enter To Exit A Loop?

Oct 28, 2014

So I have been assigned a program that counts keystrokes, alphabetical characters, and vowels. I have the program working as desired but I just can't figure out how to make it end upon ONLY the "return" key being pressed.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main ( void ) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Append Strings To The Front Of Other Strings

Apr 7, 2013

I am programming a translator, and I have it so that it detects words with spaces both in front of and behind them, so I did "string.append(space);" where space equals " ". That added a space to the end, but I still need a space added to the front.

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C/C++ :: Print More Strings (the Strings May Contain Spaces)?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a problem who must print the sentences who have lenght more than 20 characters. I dont know why, but it prints just the first words. Look what i made.

int main()


For instance :

Give the number of sentences : 3

First sentence : I like the website bytes.com
Second sentence : I like more the website bytes.com
Third sentence : bytes.com

After I compile the program it should print the first two sentences.

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