C++ :: Compare Two Strings Of Numbers

Jan 4, 2014

I am trying to figure out how to go about comparing two strings of numbers. I have two files that both contain numbers 1-50, one file has multiple repeating numbers while the other one just has 1-50.

I want to compare the files and count how many of each number a occurred and make a chart with * next to the number. First I figured I would use the strings like an array and compare them using nested loops. Then I noticed I have single and double digit numbers. The numbers in the files are printed as:

1 44 5 34 4
2 22 7 55 4
...... etc

Compared too:

I thought about using string stream and converting the string to int but wouldn't it just be a huge number when set to the int variable? Then I thought about a array initialized with 1-50 and compared to the file but I still have the issue with single and double digit numbers.

My question is how can I just read one number at a time, either double or single digit?

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C++ :: Can't Compare Char Strings

Jun 13, 2013

I have two char* that have the same data in (hypothetically).

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "data", B;
B = Buff.at(0)

Where Split is a function that I made to split a string (Line in this case) into a char* vector, this string contains a line from a file. Line is char* too. The weird problem is when Buff data stored in its 0 position is given to B... because B is equal to A (hypothetically) but when this is compared to do certain functions they doesn't match!

Here an example:

std::vector<char*> Buff;
Buff = Split(Line, '.');
char* A = "map", B;
B = Buff.at(0) // Buff.at(0) should be "map" and is apparently "map"


NOTE: I didn't use switch to compare Cmd because I want it separately for easier debugging.

Is there something wrong with my codes?? or what happened here with those hex values before the string in my variables?

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C++ :: Rules To Compare Two Strings Object

Sep 1, 2014

In my book I have the following example : Code:

std::string str = "Hello";
std::string phrase = "Hello world";
std::string slang = "Hiya"; and i have these two rules to compare 2 strings object :

if two strings have different lenghts and if every character in the shorter string is equal to the corresponding character of the longer string, than the shorter string is less than the longer string.

if any characters at corresponding positions of two strings differ, then the result of the string comparison is the result of comparing the first character at wich the strings differ then my book says : if we apply the rules of the comparison we know that phrase is greater than str( ok i've understood this ) and that slang is greater than both slang and phrase ( why ?)

explain me rule number two ? in phrase and slang the characters differ and the first character that differ is not H so why my book says slang is bigger than phrase ?

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C++ :: Compare Two Strings To See Which Comes First In Alphabetical Order

Oct 14, 2013

How would you compare two strings in an if statement to determine which comes first in alphabetical order?

Try and keep it simple because i am currently new to the language

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C++ :: Compare 2 Dates From Strings / Char Or Int

Mar 16, 2014

i have been trying to compare a date format from SYSTEMTIME and a date from a text file(string).But its not working. I tried to change both to string(using osstringstream),char* and int(using sscanf) to do the comparison but with no luck. its pretty simple all i want to do is get the current system date and compare it with the date from the text file. Below is my code:

char szcurrentDate[MAX_PATH] = "";
char szdate_time[MAX_PATH];
GetLocalTime (&st);
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL,&st,"yyyy-M-d ",szcurrentDate,MAX_PATH); //current system date
//std::ostringstream mm;


note : i tried displaying just szcurrentDate and szdate_time they show the date exactly the same. in string,char* or int formats.

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C/C++ :: How To Compare Strings Ignoring Case

Oct 29, 2014

It should report whether or not, ignoring case, they are the same.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;


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C :: Compare 2 Strings And Print Out 1 If Characters Match And 0 If Not

Oct 29, 2014

This program is supposed to compare 2 strings and print out a 1 if the characters match and a 0 if they dont. It compiles but doesnt give me the correct output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void func();
int main () {
return 0;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Compare A String With A Set Of Strings That Have Been Stored In A File

May 5, 2014

I am trying to compare a string that i have entered with a set of strings that have already been stored in a file. I am using strcmp function but i am not getting the result.

Enter string:");
ptr_file =fopen("abc.text","r");

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Compare Two Strings To See Difference In Int Form

Apr 2, 2013

I want to compare two string, and want to see differeince in int form. For example,

string first_string="0002AE1";
string second_string="0002AE2";

How can i calculate difference between two string? It is obvious difference between above two string is 1/-1, but difference would be 1.

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Visual C++ :: Procedure To Compare 2 Strings With Specific Criteria?

Jul 10, 2013

Procedure to Compare 2 Strings with the following criteria

coding of the following function -

I have absolutely no clue where to start -

Given the following sets of numbers -

1154 1179 2154 2554 2484 2144 4515 1144 1517 4815 1481

Given the Index number of 1154

I want to search the numbers for the Index number of 1154

The search will return a True if I can find 3 or 4 same digits between the Index number and the 8 numbers

The search also have the following criteria -

meaning that -

1154 when compared to 1154 == true
1154 when compared to 1179 == false
1154 when compared to 2154 == true
1154 when compared to 2554 == false
1154 when compared to 2484 == false
1154 when compared to 2144 == false
1154 when compared to 4515 == true
1154 when compared to 1144 == true
1154 when compared to 1517 == true
1154 when compared to 4815 == true
1154 when compared to 1481 == true

the index number can also be of type - 1234, 1123, 1112, 1111

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C++ :: Compare Any Two Numbers Input

Jan 11, 2015

Program is about to compare any two numbers input. Then, it will display whether the number is minimum or maximum. Use switch statement.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main() {
int num1, num2;

cout << "Input 2 integers separated by a space. " << endl;
cin >> num1 >> num2;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Sum Up All Numbers Between Start And End And Compare This Sum To 1000

Oct 7, 2014

Sum up all the numbers between start and end. Lastly compare this sum to 1000.

--so i got the first part, but how to compare the sum to 1000.

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C++ :: How To Compare Two Max Numbers Out Of Four Numbers

Oct 4, 2013

i have trouble with comparing two of the biggest numbers out of four numbers. Im working on an assigment with a dice game where i need to tell the computer the following;

"if the biggest number out of dice_three and dice_four is the same number as the biggest of dice_two and dice_one, then loop1=true"

this is how i have been writing it so far ;

(MAXA(dice_three,dice_four) == MAX(dice_two,dice_one)){
lopp 1=true;

(as seen) i am using:

#define MAX(dice_one,dice_two) ( (dice_one) > (dice_two) ? (dice_one) : (dice_two) )
#define MAXA(dice_three,dice_four) ( (dice_three) > (dice_four) ? (dice_three) : (dice_four) )

to calculate which one is the biggest number out of the two pares. The code i have been writing so far seem to have the wrong syntax.

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C++ :: Add Two Numbers As Strings

May 19, 2013

I need to make a small program with a function with this prototype: void f(char *a,char *b) that adds two numbers represented as strings without using conversion operators or other tricks.

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C :: Adding Two Numbers Taken As Strings

Dec 13, 2014

I was trying to solve a problem that required to add one hundred 50 digit numbers. Since there is no way to hold such a huge number. I read that storing them in strings is the way to go. I was caught midway while trying to do the same.

Here's the source code;


const char * addTwoStrings(char *number1,char *number2)


And the text file is this. Code: 123465789 321654987 This isn't the exact huge number, but I wanted to try it out with lower number before trying out with the original huge ones.I am trying to store the numbers in a two-dimensional array. However when I and try to pass the single number as an parameter to the AddTwoStrings() method, It actually passes the entire number as such.

When I pass string[0],string[1] it should pass the first and second number from the files as the two numbers instead of the whole number as such.The function AddTwoStrings() doesn't do anything as of now, I encountered this error when I was testing the code till this part.

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C++ :: Adding Two Numbers Represented As Strings?

May 19, 2013

I need to make a small program with a function with this prototype: void f(char *a,char *b) that adds two numbers represented as strings without using conversion operators or other tricks.

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C++ :: How Can Numeric Values Stored As Strings Be Converted To Numbers

May 16, 2013

I need to check my understanding from some questions about strings. How can numeric values stored as Strings be converted to numbers?

a)vector of required numeric data type
b)atoi function in cstdlib library
c)cout statement with required numeric data type

I picked b), I am aware of atoi, atol, and atof as methods to convert, but are there other methods?

What is the purpose of strncat function?

Combines n characters from source string into target string

C++ string provides:

a)convenient way to declare and manage character arrays
b)functions to manipulate strings
c)all of the above
d)none of the above

I picked c)

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C++ :: How To Append Strings To The Front Of Other Strings

Apr 7, 2013

I am programming a translator, and I have it so that it detects words with spaces both in front of and behind them, so I did "string.append(space);" where space equals " ". That added a space to the end, but I still need a space added to the front.

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C/C++ :: Print More Strings (the Strings May Contain Spaces)?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a problem who must print the sentences who have lenght more than 20 characters. I dont know why, but it prints just the first words. Look what i made.

int main()


For instance :

Give the number of sentences : 3

First sentence : I like the website bytes.com
Second sentence : I like more the website bytes.com
Third sentence : bytes.com

After I compile the program it should print the first two sentences.

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C :: Can't Compare 8 Bit Value With 16 Bit Value

Jun 24, 2014

Apart from compiling i am running a software to test for compliance with standards. I always get the following warnings.Implicit binary conversion from one (type) to (type). The type in general can be unsinged int, long etc. There are several cases in which this happens. Like in an if statements, i made sure that both the types are of the same type by type casting.Is it true that i cannot compare an 8 bit value with 16 bit value? I cannot compare a signed value with an unsigned value?what are the exact rules for this?

In an assignment operator i cannot assign a bigger value to the smaller value. Am i correct?Suppose if i multiply a varaible with constant then the constant should be type casted to the same value as the variable?Also if i am shifting a variable say test1 << 1. Then should 1 also need to be typecasted. How to handle situations if the variable is a complex structure or union? i am very much cofused not able to follow definite rules and mostly trying trial and error and i dont want to do that way.

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C++ :: STL Map Compare Operator

Jun 13, 2012

In stl map, if I insert two keys, say a and b. It looks like compare operator is called twice. First time a<b is called and second time b<a is called. Why are both a<b and b<a called?

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C++ :: How To Compare Two Double Values

Mar 24, 2014

I want to compare two double values

double x = 3072.00000000;
double y = 3072.0000000;

when checking with if its not working

if(x==y) it not working

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C++ :: Compare Function On Sets

Oct 18, 2014

How can I declare a set of strings that i want to be ordered by a boolean function Comp? Like the one you would write in

sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp);

I tried
set<string, Comp> S;
but it doesn't work

And the same question for priority queues, can you specify the function you want your elements to be sorted by?

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C++ :: How To Compare Similarity Of Two Vectors

Mar 8, 2013

This is possibly more of an algorithm question rather than c++ related.Suppose I have two vectors:

std::vector<double> first = {1.0,2.01,3.05,4.05};
std::vector<double> second = {1,2,3,3,4}; // very similar except no decimals and a second "3"

And now I want an algorithm that will tell me how similar these two vectors are. That is, I want to know how much of first is similar to second.

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C++ :: OOP Compare Member Function

Feb 10, 2015

I have an assignment in my OOP c++ class and I had to create a class called date and one of the member functions is a compare function that compares two dates that are taken in. It is suppose to be something like this:

Date d1(12,25,2003);// Dec 25, 2003
Date d2(5,18,2002);// May 18, 2002

d1.Compare(d2);// returns 1 (since d2 comes first)
d2.Compare(d1);// returns -1 (calling object is d2, comes first)

Then if d1 and d2 are equal then it returns 0.

This is what he gave us to start with the function:

int Date::Compare(const Date& d) {

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C++ :: Compare Value In Switch Statement?

Sep 23, 2013

is it possible to compare value in switch statement? i.e: a > b

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