C/C++ :: Print 10101 And 01010 Series Using For Loop

Apr 11, 2014


I want print above series using for loop.

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C/C++ :: Print Series Of Text From Loop

Sep 29, 2014

I'm attempting to print a series of text from this loop, but for some reason all I am getting is the sum total and the number 1, like this

1 5175.11

When I want to get it for each iteration of the loop. I've cycled over this and compared it to my other loops I've used and I'm lost as to why this isn't working. I also tried using a do while but that didn't work as well.

for (double total1 = 0; total1 < goal; total1 + save_amt) {
total2 = ((factor - one) * save_amt);
total3 = (total2 / fr_interest);
total1 = total1 + total3;
months_dis = (months_dis + one);
cout << months_dis << " " << total1 << endl;

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Visual C++ :: How To Print Mathematical Series On Screen

Nov 24, 2013

How do I print a mathematical series such as

1 + 2/2! - 3/3! + ...... n/n! //n is read from user

Not only we need to print the series on the screen but at the same time find the sum using simple loops.

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C++ :: Loop With Taylor Series

Feb 25, 2015

Write a function that computes the Taylor series expansion of ex using the following formula, where x is the exponent, and n is the number of discrete trials to run:
𝑒𝑥=1+𝑥+𝑥2+𝑥3+𝑥4+⋯+𝑥𝑛 =∑𝑛 𝑥𝑖 2! 3! 4! 𝑛! 𝑖=0 𝑖!
NOTE: This formula will NOT work if you calculate the numerator and denominator separately and then add the division result. You must use your knowledge of algebra to make sure you’re not calculating the entire exponent and factorial, but rather their factors per loop iteration.

Input prompt
Enter the values for x and n:
Output Prompt
Taylor series estimation is XXXX.XXXX

This is what I have so far for the function:

void getTaylor() {
double estimation
cout << "Enter the values for x and n:" << endl;
cin >> x >> n;
cout << "Taylor series estimation is" <<

I now need to create the loop so that I can enter in for my function.

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C# :: Fibonacci Series - Adding Value In Array Inside While Loop

May 27, 2014

I am making a program to run Fibonacci series. I have created 2 array.

1)- 1st array holds only 0, 1
2)- 2nd array holds other values eg: 1, 2, 3, 5..........etc

I am using while loop to get the febonacci series and storing it in a 2nd array called int[] numbers.

After getting value using while loop, I am joing both the arrays using int[] final = arr.Concat(number).ToArray();

At last, I have used foreach loop to add the febonacci series into the listbox.

The problem I have is that, I cannot able to concat both the arrays. I tried to assign number array at the top of the while loop. so that number variable will be accessible outside the while loop. But I am getting a error.

See the code below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

[Code] .....

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C :: Can't Get Strings To Print When Using For Loop

Mar 6, 2015

I am making a program that takes the user's family names, their ages, and where they live. At the end I will be eventually averaging out their age and also printing the names of anyone who lives in Kansas.

I can't seem to get the Kansas part to work properly though.. When I execute the code, everything else works perfectly, but the Kansas part doesn't even print. Is there something different I need to do when strings are involved rather than integers/floats?


#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
/* variable definition: */


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C/C++ :: Cannot Get Strings To Print When Using For Loop

Mar 24, 2015

I am making a program that takes the user's family names, their ages, and where they live. At the end I will be eventually averaging out their age and also printing the names of anyone who lives in Kansas.

I can't seem to get the Kansas part to work properly though.. When I execute the code, everything else works perfectly, but the Kansas part doesn't even print. Is there something different I need to do when strings are involved rather than integers/floats?

#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
/* variable definition: */


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C/C++ :: Why Does Printf Not Print After A While Or For Loop

Jul 1, 2012

I would like the following code to print: "Why doesn't this print?" and "I would like to print the sum of nc: 5". What am I doing wrong.

#include <stdio.h>  
//Use to test ideas and formats//  
main() {
    int c, nc;      
    nc = 0;  


My result as compiled by gcc -o testing testing.c

This prints.


I have not figured out how to sum and print as the above code indicates, which complicates my ability to do many of the exercises in "The C Programming Language". I am using a MacBook gcc compiler and X code as well. I cannot get the last two printf functions to work. I did the temperature example with "while (fahr <= upper)" and the printf printed.

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C :: Print Triangle Pattern Using One Loop And Recursion?

Dec 18, 2013

Q.print triangle pattern using one loop and recursion

eg: 5


#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>
void pattern(int n,int N) {
int i,c=1;


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C++ :: Print ASCII Characters - Limit In For Loop

May 1, 2015

using namespace std;
int main(void){

[Code] ....

I am trying to print ascii characters but problem is If i put a limit in for loop to 255 or more than 126 the output don't stop it keeps on going

I know there is another way to this program but what i want to know this why this happen in this logic....it doesn't happen if a<=125 or less then 125.

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C++ :: Count Controlled Loop Than Can Print Char

Sep 27, 2012

Write a count controlled loop than can print "i" char. The user is supposed to input a integer and that integer is how many asterisks there is on the blade, in this case it is 5.

* *
** ** **---------------
** ** **
* ** * -10 Rows high
** -blade always connects on second row of handle

These are the steps he told us to do it in.

1) *

2) *

3) * *
** **
*** ***
**** ****

4) * *
** **
*** ***
**** ****
**** ****
*** ***
** **
* *

5)* *
** ** **
** ** **
* ** *

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C++ ::  Vertical Histogram - Variables In For Loop To Print Stars

Dec 6, 2013

I want to create a vertical histogram in my code. I already made it go vertical but not the way I want it.

I want it like this:

Range1 Range2 Range3 Range4

And asterisks under each one, depending on the user input. (My code is below and doing it on here doesn't make it come out correctly)

But what I've managed to do is this:





Which I don't want. I want everything else to stay pretty much the same since I can only use some features such as Arrays and really basic functions.

Here is my code: (Worked fine last time I used it and I am doing it on Visual Studio 2010 (at uni) and 2013 (on my laptop)).

#include <iostream> //Start of code
using namespace std;
int MarkValueInput; //Mark entered by user
//Counter variables for ranges in While Loop
int counterlow; //Counter for low range
int countermidlow; //Counter for mid-low range
int countermidhigh; //Counter for mid-high range
int counterhigh; //Counter for high range

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: For Loop To Print Given Character Number Of Times Specified By Integer

Feb 11, 2014

The function uses a "for" loop to print the given character the number of times specified by the integer.

How can I make a for loop to do that?

So.. my code looks like this:

// cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printMyInteger(int myInteger, char myChar) {

[Code] ....

So.. here is my error:

Error1error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ')'d:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp101Week 6
Error2error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ')'d:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp101Week 6
3IntelliSense: expected an expressiond:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp107Week 6

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C# :: Infinite Loop Random Boolean Print Statement

Feb 19, 2014

I am working on a small simple program my program fills up a air plane with customers there is 2 levels 1 and 2 and it will put that person in the spot depending on being picked.

So far i made a boolean airplane with 10 spots I can enter 1 person into the airplane with no problem but then after he sits down i get a infinite loop? I assume i maybe have to use the continue statement I feel like there is something simple that im missing i want to add more people. here is what i have

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
{ bool[] planeSeats = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false };


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C++ :: Print Each Percent Of Loop Breaks Down For Large Loops?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to make a percentage counter inside a loop, printing each completed percent of the loop as it goes. I've managed to write such code, but when I run it the percentage output breaks down (becomes negative!) for large loops. I have an example below.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std ;
int main() {


Compiling and running the above yields the output:


...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...-21% ...-20% ...-19% ...-18% ...-17% ...-16% ...-15% ...-14% ...-13% ...-12% ...-11% ...-10% ...-9% ...-8% ...-7% ...-6% ...-5% ...-4% ...-3% ...-2% ...-1% ...0% ...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...-21% ...-20% ...-19% ...-18% ...-17% ...-16% ...-15% ...-14% ...-13% ...-12% ...-11% ...-10% ...-9% ...-8% ...-7% ...-6% ...-5% ...-4% ...-3% ...-2% ...-1% ...0% ...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14%...100%

If I change the value of N to 1e7 instead of 1e8, the output is correct however!

...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...22% ...23% ...24% ...25% ...26% ...27% ...28% ...29% ...30% ...31% ...32% ...33% ...34% ...35% ...36% ...37% ...38% ...39% ...40% ...41% ...42% ...43% ...44% ...45% ...46% ...47% ...48% ...49% ...50% ...51% ...52% ...53% ...54% ...55% ...56% ...57% ...58% ...59% ...60% ...61% ...62% ...63% ...64% ...65% ...66% ...67% ...68% ...69% ...70% ...71% ...72% ...73% ...74% ...75% ...76% ...77% ...78% ...79% ...80% ...81% ...82% ...83% ...84% ...85% ...86% ...87% ...88% ...89% ...90% ...91% ...92% ...93% ...94% ...95% ...96% ...97% ...98% ...99%...100%

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C++ :: Print In Asterisks Oval / Arrow And Diamond Using For Loop And If Statements

Jan 15, 2015

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
return 0;

this is my main functions. I have problem making a program that prints in asterisks an oval, arrow and a diamond using for loop and if statements.

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Visual C++ :: Use For Loop To Read Certain Data From Txt File And Print To Console

Sep 28, 2014

I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.

Something like
3 // 3 represents the number of students.
George 97
Sarah 70
Maya 88

The data may vary but it's always in this format.

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C :: Loop Statement To Print Numbers From 1 To 10 In Reverse Order Separated By Star

Apr 21, 2013

Write a for loop statement to print the numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order separated by star :


i try to do it but it show me like this :


how do i write to show me like the first one ?

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C :: ANSI Program To Print Out Each Command Line Argument On Separate Line Using For Loop

Mar 5, 2013

I need to write a ANSI program to print out each command line argument on a separate line using a for-loop. also it need to print the name of the executable .so far I have


#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;


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C++ :: Program To Get Sum Of Series

Feb 26, 2013

Why isn't this program working?

void main() {
int n;
float x, t, sum=0;

[Code] ......

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C# :: Approximating Value Of Pi Using Leibniz Series

Oct 1, 2014

Write a program that approximates the value of π using the Leibniz series and compares the Leibniz series approximation against the known value of π and two other common approximations of π (22/7 and 355/113). The program must prompt the user for the desired number of terms (n) to use in the approximation (as an integer) and calculate the approximate value of π to the given number of terms. The program must display each approximation of π and display the difference between each approximation.

I understand how to prompt for the number, what I don't even get how to start is to use it to approximate the value of pie in that given number. Also how to tell the difference between each approximation...

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C/C++ :: Pi Approximation With Fibonacci Series?

Oct 11, 2014

I can't seem to get the math portion right. It is supposed to approximate pi using (sigma,i=-1 to infinity)(-1)^(i+1)(4/(2i-1))=4(terms of pi). And what I have does some math but it is incorrect because I get a negative value for pi and one that is entirely too large at that. The precision is also to be at 20 decimal places. I also need it to end immediately after if I get an invalid input, but I can't seem to get it to end after trying a few different things it will say that it is an invalid number, but will continue to run the math loop. I also need the final cout to print all the terms that is multiplied by 4.

[code]#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int nterm, numerator;
double sum = 0.0;
const int upperBound = nterm * 2;
cout<<"This program approximates pi using an n-term series expansion. "<<endl;


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Visual C++ :: Calculate PI Value Using Series

Mar 3, 2013

in code my prompt said :

(computing Π (PI) ) You can approximate (PI) value by using the following

Π = 4( 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 + ... - 1/(2i -1) + 1/(2i + 1)

Write a method that calculate value of π by using the above series, using

the following header:
public static double pi()
assume i = 1000000

ok so I have been testing it but I really did get any far :

for ( double i = 1; i< 1000000; i+=2) {

// with these I try to increment the value of i to get to the series. I did these after and test it and the output is all wrong and I know it

sum = (1/((2*i)+1));
sum = sum + (1/((2*i)-1));
sum ++;
double pi = 4*(sum);

// I know is wrong I but I can't figure it out what to do.

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C :: Algorithm To Find Kth Term Of A Series

Dec 8, 2014

I want to write an algorithm to find the kth term of a series given by the following recursive formula:

a_0=1 and a_(k+1)=a_k+1/k!

My code (part of it responsible for calculating the value of a series) does not want to compile:


float series(int n)
float F0 = 1;
float F;
unsigned int i;
if (n == 0)


thus my question is why it does not want to work properly and what should i change (for certain factorial function is OK)?

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C++ :: Create A Program With Trigonometric Series

Mar 30, 2014

create a program that trigonometric series ∑(k-3)sin(π/k-3) with k = 4 until 13..

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C++ :: Lowest And Highest Number Of A Series?

Feb 26, 2013

I'm having trouble, I want the inner loop to display the lowest and highest score. If I assign initial values for the high and low score, it won't always work (because if no/ all scores are above/ below my initial values...)

But without assigning initial values for highscore and lowscore, One of them will always be undefined during the first runthrough.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int AGRADE = 90;
const int BGRADE = 80;
const int CGRADE = 70;
const int DGRADE = 60;
int main() {


how do i set this up so it stores a low and high score, and then compares those to each next number in the series?

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