How can we write resize function for Matrix2 class; where this function need to use Protected data members of matrix1 class? Only setters are available in Matrix 1 class but there is no getter function in Matrix1 class !
// How can we write resize function for Matrix2 class; where this function need to use Protected data members of matrix1 class? Only setters are available in Matrix 1 class but there is no getter function in Matrix1 class !
I made a resize function for my dynamic array template class that goes as follows. Note that the private member variables are T* arr, unsigned used, and unsigned cap.
template <class T> void darray<T>::resize(unsigned size) { if (size > cap) { T* temp_arr = new T[size];
[Code] ....
Whenever I use this function to increase the size of the array, it will work the first time I need to use it, but after that, Visual Studios will trigger a breakpoint at line 14, and if I continue past the breaks, I eventually get _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) assertion failure.
Ok so I am working on a game and I'm in the process of developing my Player class. Anyways, what I have is a keyboard function that is called in my main function to make a shape move.
void myKeyboardFunction(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { switch ( key ) {
But when I try to call it, trying to copy my previous method,
I get an error
error C3867: 'Player::playerControls': function call missing argument list; use '&Player::playerControls' to create a pointer to member
I get an error saying it can't convert parameters. I would just like to understand why the arguments become a problem when I make the function a member of my class, when the first method I used is so easy.
I can't seem to make the STL iterator class work how I need it to.I am implementing a multi list graph and I need to iterate through my STL list of Vertex pointer objects. I keep getting the error:
Error 1 error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::_List_iterator<_Mylist>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) and the same for != for my terminating condition.
template <typename V, typename E> void Graph<V, E>::InsertEdge(V from, V to, E edge) { list<Vertex<V>*>::iterator iter; for(iter = m_Vertices.begin(); iter != m_Vertices.end(); ++iter)
Well, sort of - my question is, since the destructor has to be virtual in order to be marked final (you get an error otherwise), does this cause virtual function overhead anywhere, or add a vtable?
Code: class X : public Y { public: virtual int query(int, int); // constructor X(int, int);
[Code] .....
And i construct my M and Nby calling :
Code: X Y(a,b); and afterwords by calling
Code: result = Y (c,d) i get my result.
The problem is I need to be able to call result = Y (c,d) from outside my main function and get results but i don't know how to do this. So I want to be able to do something like this.
make a class that you can make only one Object of it.
For example if you have Class A. Let's say you create one object A* a=new A();
Now the next time you, try to create another object. For example:
A* b=new A(); What will happen is that b will get the same object (or reference) as a. In other words hey'll be pointing towards the same place. So basically you'll only have one object of it created. I tried doing it but I couldn't quite make it.
Here is what I tried: (but couldn't complete the exercise)
class God { public: static int num; static God* god;
I am trying to re-size a bitmap image for a class.They gave us two options to use to do the program with: an array or move the file position indicator. I want to use the file option. All the bitmap header info is checking out. The file after being re-sized should be 822 bytes but it is 1.6 KiB and the image is distorted.
#include <stdint.h> /** * Common Data Types * * The data types in this section are essentially aliases for C/C++ * primitive data types.
But then the 2nd part of the question itself says that "Acno entered by the user". So we need to identify/search for an account with that Account Number. How can we do this without comparing Acno with S.Acno? I know that S.Acno is not accesible as it is a private member but then how to compare Acno without even using a member function(public) that can return the value of Acno?
When I use vectory.push_back(obj), if the length is out of reserved bound, it will deallocate the whole vector and reallocate a big piece of memory. From my understanding I think c++ only allocates 1 more place for the new obj. This is quite inefficient. Is there a way to set the step length whenever the size is out of bound? e.g. 50 more spaces.
When I try to resize my form, every time i try to resize it while running, the window blinks between original size and the new size it was given, when i release the mouse it either stay in its new size or shrinks back to its original size, What makes it return to its original size, maybe its something with the form_Resize function..
Is there any way to allow user to resize a CDialog only in one direction ? I mean, by width, but not by height ? How ? I noticed that overriding WM_SIZE, I can do nothing about this issue ...
I am currently working on problem set 4 for Harvard's online CS50 course. I am working on a program that resizes a bmp image by a factor of N. N in entered along with an in-file and out-file in a command line argument. The program needs to calculate the header file for the out-file and write it to the out-file. It then needs to actually resize the image and, again, write to the out-file.
The first question I have relates to the header file, here is my code for calculating the header file:
At this point I need to actually resize the image. As far as I can tell there are 2 ways to go about this you either have to use an array to store each line you want to print repeatedly (and then you can just write it repeatedly) OR you have to move the pointer back in the input stream and repeat the read/resize/write process each time you need to print the row.
It is this that I am stuck on, first of all, I am not sure what system would be better for resizing the image, although I am leaning towards using an array, and regardless, I don't even know where to begin when in implementing either.
So what I am asking for is, first of all, just a "double check" to make sure my header code makes sense. And second of all, a push in the right direction for actually resizing the image. Here is my complete code:
/**************************************************************************** * resize.c * * Resizes a BMP piece by piece, just because. ***************************************************************************/
#include #include #include "bmp.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // ensure proper usage if (argc != 4) { printf("Usage: copy N infile outfile