C/C++ :: Replace Value With The Variable That Is Equal To It?
Sep 10, 2014
i would like to know how to replace a value with the variable that ii is equal, i mean like a=5 i want to be able to replace the number 5 by the letter a when needed in printf. ofc i want to use this for an actual purpuse and meaning what i gave was a mere example and thxx. BTW DONT jUst DROP a few lines of code that would make it work
I am trying to set a variable of type char equal to an element in an array of characters. For example:
char data[4] = "x+1"; char element; element = data[2];
This seems like a logical progression from number arrays, but when I print both element and data[2], I get data[2] as expected, but element gives a different character every time (I assume a garbage value).
I made my own function to search if two given strings in my function are equal but the problem is if i pass two variable like hello,hello ... result is string equal but if i pass hello , hello also give me string equal because last 4 characters same to last 4 characters of hello ...
Code: int getSimilarityOfTwoStrings(const char str1[],const char str2[]){ int str1Len = getStringLength(str1); int str2Len = getStringLength(str2); int i = 0; int j = 0; bool truefalse;
I'm making a simple calculator and have done it all right where you can input everything, all the functions are there, but when i run the program it will come to displaying the result and it will always equal zero, I just need it to say 8+8 = 16 rather than 8+8 = 0, i don't know whether its just displaying the results as 0, or not displaying it at all, the code will follow below:
int main() { int a=0, c, d, N, K; bool stopBool = 0;
This is supposed to find take a number N and K and find all numbers between 0 and N that equal K and cout the number of pairs that fit it but it doesn't work.
In my program I am supposed to call isEqualTo with a user defined class type, and print out if my two numbers being compared are equal or not. I had to write two versions of this, one with just a template which works fine, but when I implemented the class, all the sudden my program just spews out true no matter if actually equal or not. Here is what I have so far:
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include "UserClass.h" using namespace std;
template<typename T> bool isEqualTo(T value1, T value2){ if (value1 == value2)
how to split a file in equal size and when clicking on split button it split the files as well as encrypt split parts and the size information are automatically stored in groupbox and save all splitted files in folder.
I have an assigment to make program which deletes from sentence all words with character count which is equal to pair number , for example - [ I like C ] and the result of this program should be [I C] because the word like contains 4 characters which is pair and it should be removed.
So I started writing my program and I am stuck at this block of code -
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main () { char text[100], blank[100]; int c=0,d=0,i,j; gets(text);
[Code] ....
To explain what is happening - I go through all string and search for first ' ' space symbol and check its value. If it is pair then my program prints that it is not pair[because last character before space had not pair number of characters], but the hardest part comes in when i have two not pair words , because space takes one character and now when i check if i%2 == 1 the answer is false [0] for the second word .
Basically, the task is to replace tabs with spaces, ensuring that the number of spaces is appropriate to get you to the next tab stop (i.e. if you were only 4 spaces away from a tab stop, don't replace the tab with 8 spaces).i've seen have included character arrays, and many have included multiple functions. I realize the text says "these exercises suggest programs of somewhat greater complexity than the ones earlie in this chapter," but it seemed like a very straightfortward task.Have i oversimplified or something?
#include <stdio.h> #define TAB_STOP 8 int main() { int c, i; }
I am new to C, but I recently completed an exercise from a book that finds a string in another string, removes the string, and replaces it with another string.
I have an open file dialog that opend the xml file and store the path to the textbox, it returns the path correctly but when i need to store that xml file into the database it tells me that there is an error next to '' because when i try to debug it it gives me "C:\Student Results\FC2015.xml" this results then it breaks. here is my code:
I have a challenge to replace all the words "you" in a sentence that is entered by a user to "u". I have got this working but my code is also changing yourself to urself which it should not be doing.
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows){ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells["QtyOnHand"].Value.ToString())){ row.Cells["QtyAvailable"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtyOnHand"].Value) - Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtyOnHold"].Value) - Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtySold"].Value) - Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtyAvailable"].Value); } }
The problem is when any of the value on the right side of the equation is null, the whole equation is invalid. I need to replace the null values by 0 on the fly so that it can be calculated. Note that I do not want to actually replace the null values in the second and third columns of the table, just replace it in the equation whenever it applies to make the calculation work.
I'm having a bit of problem. I've set the string 'Absent' to all student in a file. However, I want to replace 'Absent' with 'present' when the correct ID assigned to a student is entered. In other words, 'Absent' will only change to 'Present' for a specific person at a time. I'm not sure how to implement this