C++ :: Boost Binding - Comparing String Using Strcmp

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to compare strings (char*) using strcmp but I am having a hard time doing it with boost::bind. It compiles but it crashes when I run it.

I have a std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<DeviceInfo>> cMonitoredDevices and one cCurrentDevices. I used a typedef DeviceContainer for std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<DeviceInfo>>.

DeviceInfo is a simply struct that contains a char[128] Name (and other fields not important for this issue) that I want to use to compare.

So I am trying to find the DeviceInfo (based on Name) that are in cMonitoredDevice but not in cCurrentDevices. My problem is retrieving the Name value for the strcmp. Here is what I have so far

for(DeviceContainer::iterator pDevice = m_cMonitoredDevices.begin();
pDevice != m_cMonitoredDevices.end(); pDevice++) {
if (std::find_if(cCurrentDevices.begin(), cCurrentDevices.end(),
boost::bind(&strcmp, boost::bind(&boost::shared_ptr<DeviceInfo>::value_type::Name, _1),
(*pDevice)->Name) == 0) == m_cMonitoredDevices.end()) {

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C++ :: Strcmp Function - Comparing String Data From Two Different Files

Dec 20, 2013

I am having a slight issue with the strcmp function. I am comparing string data from two different files. I want the function to output a set of information if the strings are the same and a different set of data if the strings are different. My issue is, the function outputs the data that's the same but not different.

I had an else statement that compared the data if it was NOT equal but it only duplicated the data in the file.

One file is a listing of 100 books with 10 lines of information and an assigned market. The second file is a listing of the markets contained in the books file. However, the books file has a market that is not located in the markets file. The "missing" market is what is not priting or displaying.

// final project2 file

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 500;
const int MARKET_ARRAY = 6;
ifstream infile, infile2;
ofstream outfile;

[Code] .....

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C :: Comparing Password With Strcmp

Oct 7, 2013

I'm a novice with C programming and i have to solve an error in the following code. The code works like you enter a password called "uoc" and it shows as OK. But surprisely when you entered another password as "Cambridge" it works fine too.

I think that the problem is in the array declaration but i'm checking resources and no success!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct {
char str[8];
char ok;
} data;

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Comparing Two Strings With Strcmp

Jun 22, 2014

I have trouble comparing two strings with strcmp. The bold part of the code are the parts that are not working and i hope somebody can explain to me what i did wrong. Goal of the code is to compare a city name with the name of already created cities and when two of them match to creat a Street between them. Depending on the street pointer different streets can be created

my vector containing all already created cities (it seem to work)
std::vector<city*> citylist;//all cities

find city using strings and creating a road between them:

bool Map::add_street(Street *street, const string firsttown , const string secondtown) {
city* hilfs1=Map::find_city(erste);
city* hilfs2=Map::find_city( zweite);
if (hilfs1==NULL || hilfs2==NULL)
{return false ;} // Problem :both pointers are always NULL

[Code] ....

Here is also my implementation of the getname function :

std::string city::getname() {
return this->name;

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C# :: Binding A String To A Textbox?

Aug 5, 2014

I have a textbox with XAML

<TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding Path = EventDate, Mode=TwoWay}" />

And the Property

[edit]Note that auto formatting has edited onpropertychanged to all lowercase[/edit]
/// <summary>
/// Date that the event took place
/// </summary>
public string EventDate {


In the constructor I have

EventDate = "Enter Date";

I have added a button

<Button Grid.Column="3" Content="Add Record" VerticalAlignment="Center" Click="AddRecordButtonclick"/>
public void AddRecordButtonclick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Debug.WriteLine("Date value: " + EventDate);

What I am finding when I run this code is that when the Add Record button is clicked, the output displays, "Date value: Enter Date" regardless of what text I have in the textbox bound to EventDate.

Is there something obvious which I am missing with binding of a string to a textbox?

I've added this to the xaml, but the property is still not updating in the debug line

<TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding Path=EventDate, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />

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C++ :: Strcmp On Linked List Data And String Constants?

Sep 28, 2013

why strcmp() doesn't return true when comparing a string constant with a string that was acquired via a linked list. By the way, the data in the linked list was taken from a text file. Does that imply that there's a new line () character in the string from the linked list?

struct Node{
char ACNO[15];
struct Node *next;


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C/C++ :: Comparing Input String To Type String Vector

May 29, 2014

I wrote a program that reads a list from a file and stores it in a string type vector. Now, I want the user to input a word so that the program can search the vector to see if that word already exists. I have used every possible way of reading input from the console and storing it in order to compare with the vector but it never results in a match. When I print the input string and the vector string they are exactly the same thing (or at least print to the console as if they were). I've tried using getline; using cin direct to a string var; using cin to a char array and then casting to string using string str(arr); I even added a newline at the end just in case and STILL I cannot get a match.

vector <string> currentSet; //read a list in from a file and has 9 items in it
string line;
getline(cin, line);
if(line == vector[0]){//if printed to console line is HEAT and vector[0] is HEAT

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C :: Comparing Of Characters In Given String From Input String?

Feb 7, 2013

I am stuck in this program, Be given a string of chars, where each single char belongs to the following alphabet: a..zA..Z0..9 (So, in the string there are only lowercases, uppercases and digits. No blank, no comma, ...). For every char of the given alphabet, count how many times in the string

1-- the char belong to a sequence of identical chars whose length is at least three (i.e.: in the string cc74uyrpfccc348fhsjcccc3848djccccc484jd for three times the character 'c' satisfies this condition)



2-what is the longest substring of characters strictly rising interm of ASCII code(the following is greater (>) of the previous)

3- what is the longest substring of successive characters interm of given string rannge (i.e.: fhkjshdfruytyzABCDEfglsj => 7)

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C++ :: Write Program That Uses Boost Library To Input String Date?

Apr 23, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that uses the Boost library to input a string date in the format mm/dd/year and outputs to the string its corresponding day of the week. I wrote the program that I thought would accomplish this, but it doesn't seem to work. Below is the code I wrote:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"


When I compile this using codeblocks it gives me the error "In function `ZN5boost9date_time19month_str_to_ushortINS_9gregorian10greg_monthEEEtRKSs':|
osaDesktop est3........Liboost_1_55_0oostdate_timedate_parsing.hpp|67|undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::get_month_map_ptr()'". And it takes me to the file date_parsing.hpp and highlights line 67. I don't understand why this isn't working.

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C++ :: Comparing Parts Of A String With Another String

Dec 15, 2013

I am wondering if there is a way to compare two strings that aren't identical with each other.



if(str1==str2) {
cout << "It's a match";

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C# :: Comparing String Arrays To String

Mar 26, 2014

My program will scan a message sent over Steam (An online game distributor ) and I want it to check if the Message contains one of the elements in the array. I want it to compare the String of the message to the values in the String array. I have tried looking into it but have unfortunately found nothing that would go along with my program outline. Here is my code so far:

if (add == true) {
string[] itemNames = { "keys", "tickets", "nametags", "descriptiontags" };
string[] splitmessage = message.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in splitmessage) {
int strNumber;

[Code] .....

I am hoping for this to look like the picture of the code I wrote in the Attachments. [URL] .....

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C++ :: Comparing Two String In If Statement

Aug 31, 2014

i actually i want store string in r and try to compare other string (room_no) in function check but i try many time it still having error



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C++ :: Comparing Strings Against Static String?

May 20, 2014

I'm writing a code generator that produces a function from the strings to the ints. I'll be using the generated code as a "from string to enum" utility. For example:

Code: enum Color {
Red, Green, Blue, Banana
// The definition of colorFromString is generated somewhere.
Color colorFromString(const std::string & s);


The implementation of the generated code is a trie. I've seen implementations in the past (including the one at work that I'd like to replace).

Anyway, say you need to compare the region of the string

Code: const char s[] = "holiday"; from index 3 until before index 6 against the string "ida".

I can see two bits of code that my generator could produce. One is

Code: bool hasIda = std::equal(s + 3, s + 6, "ida"); and the other is
Code: bool hasIda = s[3] == 'i' && s[4] == 'd' && s[5] == 'a';

The existing code generator uses the latter method, claiming (I think) that the generated instructions are more efficient on some architectures. Is there any way to determine which is better generally, or do I have to examine the assembly produced on all target platforms?

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C/C++ :: Comparing Two String Arrays For Unique Words?

Oct 2, 2014

I'm looking to take in an array of less than 50 strings, and I want to find all of the unique words in that array (omitting the words that are repeated) and then outputting the unique words and unique word count. My code compiles, but my unique array is couting all of the words contained in the original array regardless of uniqueness.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Please type in some words." << endl;
cout << "Type END and return when you are finished." << endl;


This is what I get back.

You typed the following 14 words: red, green, blue, red, red, blue, green, blue, orange, red, reg, apple, banana, banana, END,

You typed the following 0 unique words: red, green, blue, red, red, blue, green, blue, orange, red, reg, apple, banana, banana, END

I'm not worried about the unique count yet, I just want to get the unique array containing the correct strings.

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C++ ::  handling And Comparing Large Number Initially In String Format

Feb 16, 2014

Suppose i have a very large number stored as a string, say

std::string str = "1000000000000000000000000000000000001";

And i use std::stringstream to convert it to int like this

std::stringstream ss(str);
uint64_t i;
ss >> i;

Then I would be maxed out right. so how would one practically handle things like comparison of two such numbers.

I could think of 2 approaches :

1) I can compare the numbers character by character.
2) I can put the results of ss >> i; into an array then compare each element of array

would there be any other methods??

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C# :: WPF Binding List To ComboBox

Sep 30, 2014

trying to bind a List of Objects to a ComboBox (just for testing) but I can't seem to get it working :S

This is how my Object is setup:

public class User
public string ID { get; set; }


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C# :: Data Binding Using Entity Frameworks

Dec 9, 2014

I've got a datagrid setup and i'm using an entity model as the datasource, i thought i had stuctured my query so that i would only get a single column result but the display within the datagrid shows two columns?

here's the xaml for the form

<Window x:Class="UpdateAccelaAssets.winUsersRemove"
Title="Remove User" Height="300" Width="300">

[Code] .....

And I've attached a screenshot of the result.

Attached image(s)

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C# :: Get Selection From ComboBox / Getting Binding Path Instead?

Nov 19, 2014

I have a comboBox that I created in XAML using using binding and I'm unable to get the selection. I've tried everything I could think of or find on, but no luck.

Here's the relevant XAML and C# code for the comboBox:

<ComboBox Name="projSelected" Selectionchanged="projSelected_Selectionchanged" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="424,27,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="199" DisplayMemberPath="proj"/>
projSelected.ItemsSource = DAL.projectList;

Then here is where I try to check the selected value:

private void projSelected_Selectionchanged(object sender, SelectionchangedEventArgs e) {
projectDataList.ItemsSource = null;

[Code] ....

And here is my output in the MessageBox that I'm using to test the code:


project=Website selected=employeeProjects.project

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C++ :: Measuring Execution Time Of Static And Dynamic Binding

Jan 11, 2013

consider the code bellow

using namespace std;
class parent {
virtual void dynamic_display(){

[Code] ....

I am getting the following as output

Calculating....Static Function is called1times
The number of processor clicks is0time is0
Calculating....Dynamic function is called1times
The number of processor clicks is0time is0
Static Function is called2times
Dynamic function is called2times
Static Function is called3times
Dynamic function is called3times

I am actually trying to calculate the time to execute a statically binding method and a dynamically binded one.consider only the first four lines in my output. Why am i not getting the actual result.

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C :: Strcmp Of 2 Multidimensional Arrays

Aug 6, 2014

I have used strcmp before on one dimensional arrays but not 2 dimensional arrays.The problem is that I have one 2d array that has text with some misspelled words and I have to compare it to another 2d array and if the word from the first array (misspelled word) is not in the 2nd array then I print it to the screen instead of correcting the spelling. Here is what I have so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int read_dic(char [], char [][20]);
int read_words(char [], char [][20]);
void typo_check(char *, char *);


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C :: Searching Word Using Strcmp

Nov 15, 2014

I'm trying to write function that finds wheter the searched word exists or not. The compiler gives warning. Where is my wrong ?

|21|warning: passing argument 1 of 'strcmp' makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]|


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
int result;
char arr[]="sakir emmim evde mi evde mi dedik lan";
int size=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(char);
char key[20];
scanf("%s", &key);


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C :: Strcmp Return Value On Different Compilers

May 3, 2013

I'm having a problem with the strcmp return value. My compiler returns the correct value based on my research, but I tried to compile the code below on those online compilers and the result was 1.

My compiler gave me 10, which I consider to be the correct result according to strcmp - C++ Reference. So strcmp is not very portable?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) {
printf("Return value: %d
", strcmp("Rocks", "Rockie"));
return 0;

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C :: Strcmp Negative Value From User Input

Jul 24, 2014

I am studying c and I thought what would be better than using my pi to play with relays and c. I am used to PHP as a scripting lang and don' t do much programming. So I wrote this to use wirepi and ask the user "on or off" they type on or off and it does it. it does work but I know something is wrong when I use strcmp in the if statment I can -10 for a value. Here is the code.....

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char oo[100];
system("gpio mode 0 out");
printf("Do you want it on or off?

[Code] ....

This is what it outputs at the prompt

Do you want it on or off?

It is now on!

How can I just get Code: if (oo = on) {} and like so with off.

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C++ :: Seller Array - Error When Trying To Use Strcmp Function

May 1, 2014

I'm having an error when trying to use the strcmp function. Here's the jist of the code I'm working with:

class Seller
Seller( char [], char[], char [], double );

[Code] ....

I'm getting a
"[Error] cannot convert 'Seller::getID' from type 'char* (Seller:: )()' to type 'const char*'"
on this line of code:
"if (strcmp(sellerArray[i].getID, sellerArray[j].getID) < 0) "

How do i have this method able to compare these values in my seller array? Granted, there is more to the code and things actually in the seller array at this point. Is there something I'm not seeing??

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C :: Passing Arg 1 Of Strcmp Makes Pointer From Integer Without Cast

Jan 18, 2015


#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a=15 ;
int b =20 ;
strcmp((a, "20") == 0) {

[Code] .....

passing arg 1 of `strcmp' makes pointer from integer without a cast

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C++ :: How To Boost Up Execution

Feb 23, 2013

I wrote a program to run long simulations, in one cpu core computation. During the run, I checked the cpu occupation was always around 85%.

Since my simulation took time to run. How can I boost it up to make my cpu run at 100%? Is that because my RAM is not fast enough?

info about my laptop: cpu frequency: up to 3.2 GHz. RAM frequency: 1333 MHz.

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