Visual C++ :: Slow To Load Application With Windows Debug Symbols?

Dec 31, 2013

I dumped all symbols into C:WindowsSymbols folder, It takes more than 2 minutes to load an application which really surprises me. Why and when should I use those symbols?

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Visual C++ :: How To Recover Debug Symbols

Oct 6, 2013

The breakpoints I am setting are not caught by the IDE. Any how I can recover that.

I used to know I can delete the sdf file and rebuild. Just to make sure...

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Visual C++ :: Debug Occasionally Brings Up Disassembly Rather Than Windows Files?

Jan 15, 2013

On fairly rare occasions, when attempting to debug one of my MFC applications on VS 2010, a compilation error is encountered, and instead of bringing up the customary Windows or MFC file with a arrow pointing to the problem, a disassembly appears with an arrow pointing to one of the assembler instructions.

Since Windows assembly language is hardly my forte, I do not know how to interpret the error. Furthermore, the Output usually indicates one or more 'first chance exceptions' but little more, and the Stack output usually quite sparse and often refers cryptically to some ntdll.dll!7c92a82c().

How can I better define the compile error?

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Visual C++ :: MFC Child Windows Application

Nov 9, 2013

I am new in Visual C++ and I have to make an MFC application with "child" windows. Here is what i need to achieve - [URL] ..... As you can observe when you click on the cross of popup window or child window 2 both are closing.

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Visual C++ :: Receiving Windows Message In Console Application?

Oct 11, 2013

I'm trying to write a program that passes Windows messages back and forth from another program that controls a laboratory instrument. I was able to write a program that successfully passes instructions, as evidenced by the instrument doing what I tell it. However, I am having trouble getting a return status from the instrument. The manual instructs the following:

// demo code, etc.
// send message to the instrument operating software here...
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, tag, (LPARAM) &cd)

Either a completion message or return data is returned. Remote commands ReturnStatus, ReturnTiming, and ReturnData return data. In either case, data is received through an asynchronous windows message inside Win32 COPYDATASTRUCT type data packet.For example, a typical OnCopyData window callback is shown below, where the string data retrieved is finally stored into a Microsoft CString object. Note the use of variable replyTag, discussed above, which is used to isolate the correct windows message returned.

BOOL CUserDlg::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* cd) {
if (cd->dwData == replyTag) {
/* String pointing to status */
CString retStatus = (char*) cd->lpData;

I can't tell if my problem is in generating the replyTag, getting the HWND to my own console window, or the actual receiving part of the code.

When setting the replyTag, the manual instructs: UINT replyTag = RegisterWindowMessage(“SOFTMaxProReplyMsg”);. However, I have to put an "L" in front of the string or I get a data type error (can't convert const char* to LPCWSTR).

When setting a HWND for myself, the manual instructs: HWND MyWnd = GetSafeHwnd().

That produces an error because GetSafeHwnd is a function of the Cwnd class, and I don't have a Cwnd. I have replaced it with HWND MyWnd = GetConsoleWindow();

When listening for the reply message, the manual instructs what I quoted above. However, I again don't have a Cwnd. I therefore simply used

if (cd.dwData == replyTag) {
CString retStatus = (char*) cd.lpData;

The above if statement always evaluates false, and the cd.lpdata contains the message that I had sent out instead of a reply message. How to get a reply using my console application. Here is the full code of my function:

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
void SendCommand(string command) {
// Get tags to identify the receiving and sending messages


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C# :: Windows Form Application Using Visual Studio To Fetch Data From Web?

Aug 19, 2014

I want to write my own application which would fetch some data from a web site. I need to parse the HTML code of the web site and get the data.

About the application:A form (main form) that will contain data arranged in rows. Some of the data comes from a web site and some of it comes from a database.The data that comes from the web site needs to be updated every few seconds so I need to keep fetching the data from the web site.The main form will contain a button "add" which when clicked will add a new row. New data can be added to this row by the user.

I am not sure what to use for this. I have been writing the application as a Windows Form Application (Visual C#) but I do not know whether this is the best choice. Should it be a windows form application or web application? Should I use something else?

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Visual C++ :: CDialogBar Moves Content (other Windows) In MDI Application When Docked At Left Side

Feb 19, 2013

I have a question concerning the CDialogBar (:CControlBar).

I have a MDI application with a dockable toolbox (CDialogBar).

The user is able/allowed to move the DialogBar and to dock it at the right or left side When I dock at the left side, the content of my mdi-application (so all other open windows) are moved right (so the dockable bar moves the windows).

If i dock at the right side, nothing changes.

How can I change the behaviour of the bar, that the windows inside the application keep the same position when I dock left ?

(Problem is, that my windows are aligned on the right side of the application). When I dock the bar on the left, the windows are getting moved in the not visible area.)

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C++ :: Debug Multithreaded Application In Unix Environment?

Mar 3, 2013

How can we debug the multithreaded application in unix environment?

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C++ :: Debug Function For Application - Output Values List

Jul 11, 2012

I'm trying to write a debug functions for my application so I can see all the values I like to. My goal is it looks like this:

void Debug(std::message, ...)

So that I can call it like this:

Debug("Error: %i, %i", 34, 35);

How I can work with %i, or if there are better solutions. This is what I've so far (not much), just a basic idea:

void Debug( std::string message, ...) {
va_list list;
va_start(list, message);
??? va_arg(list, ?? );
// here message should contain everything and be ready for output ?
cout << message << endl;

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C++ :: Accessing Symbols In Application From Within Dynamic Library MinGW

Apr 17, 2013

I am porting an application from Linux to Windows. Since it is a GTK app most of the stuff works; I have to touch a little here and there. One problem though I cannot find the solution as it seems. The application uses a plugin system for easy expandable functionality. The interface to the plugin is very simple: an init function, a worker function, and a deinit function. The plugins shall have access to the main applicationsymbols (functions global variables). I cannot find a working (and feasible) way under Windows to make the linking work. I always get "undefined reference" errors for symbols which exist in the application. I am using MinGW 4.6.2. I made a stripped down demo application to be able to better (and faster) test the principle. I am using the dlfcn-win32 project from Ramiro Polla [URL]... for the dynamic loading stuff and it works like a charm.

Here is the project:

It tried a number of commandline options to the linker for the application (--export-all-symbols, --export-dynamic, -rdynamic (apparently not supported in MinGW)) as well as for the shared objects (--allow-shlib-undefined, --enable-auto-import, --enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc).

As you can see in the provided makefile under Linux it is just "-shared" for the .so. Under Mac OS X (Darwin) it is "-bundle -bundle_loader <app name>".

Either it is a different configuration / environment or I must have overlooked something. How to do this and if it is even possible in Windows?

Here is a .zip archive of the dlfcn stuff with modified makefile, which works on the cmd.exe command prompt; MSYS is not required. Just adjust the MinGW installation path in config.mak and type 'make" and 'make install'.

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Visual C++ :: Slow Performances Using Bitmap / GDI

Apr 17, 2014

I am trying to do this:

CaptureScreenshot (as BMP)
Convert screenshot to 24 bit instead of 32 bit
Resize screenshot size
Get the BMP bits array of the resized screenshot

I have it working but the best i could get is 18 iteration (screenshots) per second. This is what i do:

Start() {
ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken=0;
HDC mhCompatibleDC;
HBITMAP mhCompatibleBitmap;
HWND mhDesktopWnd;
HDC mhDesktopDC;
byte*piRGB=new byte[1200*900*3]

[Code] .....

Here i do things with piRGB but these things are not counted it the timer so you can assume here the code ends . As said as the code looks now, i can fill piRGB ~18 times (18loops) in 1 second. I must improve that...

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C++ :: Application To Load Other Applications In A Secure Shell Based On User Interaction

Jul 9, 2013

I will sketch the scenario I would like to get working below. I have one main application.

That application, based on user interactions, can load other applications in a secure shell. This means these child applications cannot interact with the OS anymore, nor with each other.

The parent program can at any time call functions of these child programs.

The child program can at any time call functions of these parent programs.

How to implement this in C++? Preferably both parent and child should be written in C++.

The performance of loading the child applications doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the performance of the communication between child and parent.

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C# :: Installing A Windows Service From Application?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a Windows desktop application with 2 projects. The main project, and a simple windows service project. I have written the service and the service installer. I have added code to my main window to start the service, but I can't figure out how to install the service when the application runs for the first time, or is installed. Ideally I would like the service to be installed when the application is installed, I'm just not sure how to do that.

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C++ :: How To Use String Variable In Windows Form Application

Jun 15, 2013

How to use string variable in windows form application?

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express And where to include libraries?

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C# :: MVP Design Pattern On Simple Windows Form Application

Nov 1, 2014

I'm building a Windows Form Application using MVP Design Pattern; the application is quite simple, it just calculates the sum of two number; So I have a form in which are located tree textbox: number1 number2 and result, plus a button to perform the action.

interface ICalcView {
string firstN { get; set; }
string firstN {get; set;}
string result { get; set; }

[Code] ....

Do you think that is a good base to start? Any code example to understand the execution flow and how to handle events?

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C/C++ :: Read Encrypted File Windows Form Application

Sep 27, 2013

I need to be able to actually read my encrypted file..

I have the decryption code and works perfectly when running it through console app c++.

But, the way I decrypt is to decrypt from a file, and create a new file which is decrypted.

I can't use that kind of code in my program in windows form app c++..

I need to read the encrypted text file and decrypt it in memory while using it for my program..

Some links to my codes I use at the moment.

My decryption coded in console application: [URL] ....

My decryption code edited for form application (Did not do anything) [URL] ....

And this is the code I tried to read after it got decrypted (Reading file written in combobox_selectedindexchange: [URL] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Fill In HTML Textbox From Windows Application

Apr 19, 2012

1. Open a browser and navigate to a URL (manually)

I would like to do the following from a windows application:

2. I will click "Fill data" button from Windows screen,

3. We have to identify what are the browsers opened in the PC and which browser has correct URL

4. Once the correct browser is identified with the URL, we have to fill in data (received from scanner) in the html page opened in the browser.

How to achieve above functionality.

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C Sharp :: Displaying Image In Windows Form Application

Nov 8, 2012

i want to open image in windows from application but it's not showing the image. here is my code/////

using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
dlg.InitialDirectory = "c:";
dlg.Title = "Open Image";


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C++ :: Unable To Read A Certificate In Windows Store From Console Application

Sep 23, 2014

I have been struggling to read a certificate in windows store from C++ DLL, but its not happening. from console application I can but when same code built as a DLL and tried to access from a separate console application. I think its not going to windows store to read the cert.

pCertContext = CertFindCertificateInStore((HCERTSTORE)*pCertStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_ISSUER_OF, operator PCCERT_CONTEXT(), pCertContext);
int Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == 0)
LINFO << "
Signtuare is valid
LINFO << std::hex << Error << '
' << "GetLastErrorStdStr=
" << GetLastErrorStdStr();

it returns 80092004 GetLastErrorStdStr= C a n n o t f i n d o b j e c.

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C Sharp :: How To Give Line Break In Panel In Windows Application

May 8, 2013

I am creating windows application in that i wan create dynamic controls so that i want to give line break after each control in panel.I had tried

panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<BR>"));

but it gives error like : "The type or namespace name 'LiteralControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" Also have tried adding namespace for leteral control bt it not accepting.VS10 automaticaly get restart if i trying to add system.web.dll

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C Sharp :: Add Hyperlink In Gridview Column In Windows Application Developed In C#?

Mar 26, 2013

I am developing windows application using visual studio 2008 and c#.

I have a GRIDVIEW, but I am not sure how to make a specific column of gridview as hyperlink.

For Example: First column of my grid view is Item ID and if user clicks any of the value in this column a new form should open.

Below is the code of my GIRDVIEW

DataSet ds;
        DataSet ds3;  
        public void FillGridView(int LotID)  {
            clsPurchase obj = new clsPurchase();

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Save Back Color In Windows Form Application

Sep 28, 2012

I wrote this code behind a button
And I wrote this code in Form Load as well
this.BackColor = Color.FromName(File.ReadAllText("dlg.txt"));
but I got an error and I dont know what is this.... "Control does not support transparent background colors"

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Visual C++ :: Debug Assertion Failed With MessageBox

Mar 22, 2014

I am trying to use MessageBox in OnInitialUpdate function but its giving me "Debug Assertion Failed Message"

File: f:ddvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrcvsprintf.c

I am using the following code:

void CRotateImageView::OnInitialUpdate() {
int k;char str[2];
CString szStr,szstr1;

[Code] .....

However when i am using the same code in OnDraw its working.

void Csprintf_sEGView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) {
Csprintf_sEGDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
if (!pDoc)

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Debug Win32 Message Loop

Sep 28, 2014

You place a breakpoint at one of locations within the message loop. But I want the breakpoint to trigger when I click on the application window, for example. But I can't, it went so fast so long as I switch from VS to the application program, the breakpoint is hitted again, then the application is frozen again. I don't know how to setup a conditional breakpoint.

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Visual C++ :: Does Not Contain Debug Information - Press OK To Continue

Sep 18, 2012

i changed my code from release to debug mode. when i try to debug it shows a dialog box that '... does not contain debug information press ok to continue"..

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Visual C++ :: Debug Assertion On ActiveX Create

Oct 10, 2013

I have a MFC Com Dll that has a CDialog. In the OnCreate event I create an ActiveX control. The dll is hosted inside an executable of mine. In this scenario everything works fine!

The dll is also called from an external executable and then a Debug Assertion in OCCSITE.cpp occurs when I create the ActiveX control. I suspect that in the executable there is no AfxOleInit. I spend some time with this problem and tried to CoInitialize, OleInitialize, AfxOleInitModule and even AfxOleInit in the dll. But all that does not change a thing. If I understand the mechanics then this is an intended behaviour and should be done in the host exe.

What I observed in the OCCSITE.cpp:

_AFX_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetThreadState();
if (!pState->m_bNeedTerm && !AfxOleInit())
return hr;

In my executable m_bNeedTerm is 0 and in the external one (where the ActiveX does not work) it is -1. In AfxOleInit this is explained as a special flag to prevent the dll from doing an unnecessary OleInitialize. But as I said even if I call OleInitialize myself I get the Debug Assertion and the ActiveX is not visible.

Is there anything I can do to make the ActiveX control work in the external application? Obviously I cannot Change anything in the application...

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