C :: Write A Main Function That Parses A Text Document And Prints Out All Of Phone Numbers Found

Apr 21, 2014

You should implement the following function:

int is_phone_number(char* string)
This function will take in a string and return 1 if it looks like a phone number 0 otherwise. A phone number takes the form (xxx)-xxx-xxxx where the xs are digits 0-9. So for example (123)-456-7890 is a valid phone number while 123 456-7890 is not.

You should also write a main function that parses a text document and prints out all of the phone numbers found. Hint, look up the strtok function.

Sample input:
Please call me at (123)-456-789 sometime tonight.

Sample output:
Phone number : (123)-456-7890

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C# :: Emails And Phone Numbers - Output List Name Not Text?

Sep 11, 2014

Trying to output a .txt file of names emails and phone numbers, but this only outputs the list name: Email.PersonEntry.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DialogResult result;
string fileName;
//Find and Open File

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Numbers From A Text Document?

Oct 11, 2014

so the data file is a .txt that is going to be pre-written like this:


444223.123321 312233.31222 3232323.31122
332231.323223 333232.32323 3232322.32233

am i reading the txt correctly? why are the numbers so weird when i "cout" to check?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double mb1; //mass body 1


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Visual C++ :: Use CFormView As Main View Without Using Document Support?

Jul 17, 2013

Is it possible to use a CFormView as the main view without using document support. IE pointing CWinApps m_pMainWnd to the CFrameWnd derived MainFrame and attaching the CFormView from there. It does not seem to be working and I was wondering before I waste any more time on the solution if it is even possible. I know it is an easy solution if I create a true SDI application however I have no use for documents in this application.

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C :: Write A Program That Converts Alphanumeric Phone Number Into Numeric Form

Mar 6, 2015

i m learning c programming and i m stuck with this program for some reason.Write a program that converts alphanumeric phone number into numeric form:

Enter phone number: CALLAT 2255288
here is the code i have written:
/** compilers shows no error **/
and O/P I get is
Enter phone number: CALLAT
/**blank space***/


int main(void)
char ch;
printf("Enter phone number:");


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C++ ::  How To Write Label Name In A Word Document

Jun 9, 2014

I am facing a problem that I want to write the label name in a word document and the word is connected with the visual studio using COM option. Like if the name of the is Label1 and I want to write it in a word document using some code or something else.

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C :: Find Duplicate Numbers And Numbers Found Once In Array

Dec 7, 2013

Question: How to find a duplicate numbers and numbers found once in array.

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C/C++ :: Write A Program That Reads Four Float Numbers From The Input Text File

Apr 3, 2015

I need to write a program that reads four float numbers from the input.txt file, then it prints out the greatest of the four numbers into the output.txt file. I did everything, but the numbers don't print out.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
float number1, number2, number3, number4;


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C/C++ :: Better Way To Parse And Format Phone Numbers?

Sep 3, 2014

I'm a student. I've complete an exercise where the goal is to parse some user input to output phone numbers using EXACTLY this style (not including the quotes): "1-888-8888".

Some rules that I've set for my parser are,

1) the phone number can be mixed in with other text, e.g. "My number is 38888888" or "1asdfk8888888" and

2) the first number found must be a valid calling code (1-9).

I wanted the parser to be flexible. Is this nesting too deep?

std::string format_phone_num(std::string &s) {
std::string formatted_num = "";
bool call_code_found = false;
short num_count = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)


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C++ ::  Write A Program That Prints Out The Even Integers Between 2 And 100

Nov 4, 2013

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num = 2;
int count = 0;
while (num <= 100)


The code works fine but I need the results to print out like

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

instead of


I don't know how to do this.

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C/C++ :: Highlighting Text In Document?

Jan 17, 2015

make a text file full of vocabulary wordsRead in that file and allow the user to specify the .doc file (should be simple)Go through the .doc file and highlight all the words that appear in the .txt file green.Open the .doc after the process is complete.

After I accomplish that, I can try to make more tweaks by maybe using a database instead for my vocabulary words and implementing error checking to be sure there are no duplicate entries, specify a different color for certain words instead of using just one color, etc. First and foremost, however, I want to know if the bare basics would be possible. I'm new to C++, but I have about 2yrs of Java under my belt, so I should be able to catch on relatively fast.

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C :: Possible To Mix Characters And Integer Values In A Text Document

Jul 23, 2013

I was just wondering whether or not it is possible to "mix" characters and integer values in a text document that is to be read by C.

I am to read and use values for length around the hip, neck and such, however, most of the tutoring examples I am finding online seem to strictly deal with either integers or characters alone.

Basically my text file looks a bit like:

Abdominal length: 90.000
Neck length: 26.500
and so on

So, before I move further into this subject, is it possible at all to isolate and use only the double values or will I have to format my text file differently?

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C :: How To Create A Document Where All Text Is Normal But One Word Is Flashing

Feb 18, 2013

So i have to create a document where all the text is normal, but on the sides one word, a important word flashes...

how would i code that in c ?????????

oh yeah i am useing complier Bloodshed Dev C++ on windows 7

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C/C++ :: Program That Reads Data From A Text Document And Allows To Modify

Apr 30, 2015

I'm trying to make a program that reads data from a text document and allows me to modify it. I am stuck with the display() function. I can get the printf statement to display all my array values except the char AD value. When I include flight[i].AD it causes the program to crash. When I run the program to only display the AD variable I get a bunch of weird symbols. I'm not sure where the program is going wrong because it seems to be storing values properly except for the AD variable.

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//named constants
const int MAX=100; //maximum flights
const int SIZE=20; //maximum characters
//struct definition
struct FlightType
char name[SIZE];


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C/C++ :: Search For Word In Text File And Display Entire Row Once Found

Apr 1, 2014

i've been trying to figure out to search for a word in a text file and then display everything in the same row as the word found int ie this is whats in the file

john doe 3/21/1920 tech support review team 45,000

so user wants to find tech..and everything associated with it.

so program search for tech, when it does it then display the whole row.

john doe 3/21/1920 tech support review team 45,000

I can figure out how to search for a word, but no clue how to get it to then print out the row. This is all I can figure out to do.

ifstream FileSearch;
{string letters;// search word would be store here
string row; ??stores entire row as string


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C++ :: Program That Prints Out Random Numbers

Nov 1, 2013

output should look like this -

So far i have this

[code]#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {

[Code] .....

I am getting these errors when i compile it

random.cpp: In function âint main()â:
random.cpp:23: error: expected â,â or â;â before numeric constant
random.cpp:24: error: âRâ was not declared in this scope
random.cpp:25: error: âRâ was not declared in this scope
random.cpp:26: error: âRâ was not declared in this scope
random.cpp:27: error: âRâ was not declared in this scope
random.cpp:28: error: âRâ was not declared in this scope

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C :: Write A Program With Two Functions Both Called From Main

Mar 14, 2013

Write a program with two functions both called from main(). The first function just prints "Hello". In the second function ask the user to enter a number. Calculate the square root of the number and return the result to main(). In main() print the square root value.


float fun3 (float );


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C :: Printf Alignment - Prints Out Text In The Center Of Window

Jul 19, 2013

I'm trying to find out, how to do printf so that it prints out text in the center of the window. I know how left and right justifyment is... but how to get to the center? C...

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C++ :: Ask User For A Positive Integer Value And Then Prints Out All Perfect Numbers

Sep 17, 2013

Write a program asks the user for a positive integer value and then prints out all perfect numbers from 1 to that positive integer. I have been trying for some time, i found a way to check if its a perfect number or not but could not find a way to prints out all perfect numbers from 1 to that positive integer. I am here so far.

using namespace std;
int main(){
int n,i=1,sum=0;
cout<<"Enter a number: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Change Making Program Prints Correct Values But Prints Them In Loop

Jan 27, 2015

I have a program that makes change from an amount. It works fine, but the output is the correct output looped over and over. I have tried everything, but it still doesn't work. For example, a amount of 98 should print

3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickles
3 pennies
but instead it prints
3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies
0 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickels
3 pennies

Why it's doing this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int coinscount(int& amount, int value) {
int tracker = 0;
int amountdimes = amount;


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C :: Reverse Function That Inserts And Prints Binary Function Correctly

Nov 3, 2013

I have written a function that inserts and prints a binary function correctly.

For example a tree like this [URL] ..... would print like this

node: 10
node: 7
node: 6
node: 8
node: 9

[Code] ....

Here is my print function

void prt_tree(struct node *tree) {
if (tree == NULL) {
printf("Null Tree

[Code] .....

Could I just make some adjustments to my function to reverse it? and if so, how?

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C++ :: Program Prints Correct Result But Prints It Over And Over

Feb 9, 2015

I have a program where the user inputs a line of integers, and then all unique ones are outputted. It works fine-almost. It prints the numbers correctly, but prints them more than once and I'm not sure why.

Code: #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {


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C++ :: Binary Search Function - Return True If Element Inputted By User Found In Array And False If Not

Nov 9, 2014

I was instructed to write a binary search function which would return true if an element, inputted by the user, was found in the array, and false if it was not. I'm not sure why, but my function always returns false. My code is as follows.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
//binary search function
bool search (int array[], int item)

[Code] ....

Why my code does not fulfill it's purpose???

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C :: Counting Function - Prints All Input Lines That Are Longer Than 80 Characters

Jan 10, 2014

I'm doing an exercise that prints all input lines that are longer than 80 characters. I rather not use any libraries so I decided to write my own function that counts characters to use it in my main program. However when integrate things my function returns zero all the time.

Here is my full code:

/* Exercise 1-17 Write a program to print all input lines that are longer than 80 characters */

/* Declarations*/
#define MAX_STRING_LEN 1000
int count_characters(char S1[]);
int main() {

[Code] .....

So I was trying to debug my count_characters() function and this is the code if I was to run it seperately:

#include <stdio.h>
/* counts character of a string*/
main() {
int nc = 0;
int c;
for (nc = 0; (c = getchar()) != '
'; ++nc);
printf("Number of characters = %d
", nc);

which works...

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C++ :: Keyboard Function That Is Called In Main Function To Make Shape Move

Jan 19, 2013

Ok so I am working on a game and I'm in the process of developing my Player class. Anyways, what I have is a keyboard function that is called in my main function to make a shape move.

void myKeyboardFunction(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
switch ( key ) {


But when I try to call it, trying to copy my previous method,


I get an error

error C3867: 'Player::playerControls': function call missing argument list; use '&Player::playerControls' to create a pointer to member

I get an error saying it can't convert parameters. I would just like to understand why the arguments become a problem when I make the function a member of my class, when the first method I used is so easy.

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C++ :: Develop A Function Which Prints A Binary Tree Using Post-order Traversal?

Feb 26, 2013

I am trying to develop a function which prints a binary tree using post-order traversal (left, right, root) but I am experiencing some troubles. The code is compiled but when I run the program it crashes right before printing the post-order traversal.

Below you can find my code and the output from debugging.

Program which represents a Binary Search Tree and is modified with the following functions:
- smallest() - member function which searches for the smallest element in the tree.
- preorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using pre-order traversal
- postorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using post-order traversal (to be completed)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class TreeNode {


This is from the debugger log:

Child process PID: 5720
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:316
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:317
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:318
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:319
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:279

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