C :: Subtract Two Time Intervals?

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for simple code that subtract two time interval. I have time t1=5hour 30 minute and other time in 24 hour format. This code i written but it not working as expected. it not printing 5:30 minute subtract

main() {
int hour=10;
int minute=5;
int second=13;
int h;int m;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Subtraction - Two Time Intervals

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for simple code that subtract two time interval. I have time t1=5hour 30 minute and other time in 24 hour format. This code i written but it not working as expected

main() {
int hour=10;
int minute=5;
int second=13;
int h;int m;

[Code] ....

Is there any easy way of doing above code. Above two code section not working....

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C :: Printing Current TIME At Regular Intervals

Aug 22, 2013

Its a code in module of my program, where I need to print current time (HH:MM:SS) at regular intervals.

void delay(unsigned int t){ // loop for some delay.

[Code] ....

But when I am running this code I expect this to print difference in time due to delay. But it doesn't enter the delay loop, why ?

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C++ :: OpenMP - Intervals Assigned To Threads?

Feb 6, 2014

Is there a way of knowing which indices a thread is assigned in a parallel openMP scope?

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C++ :: Getting Multiple Objects To Move Randomly At A Designated Number Of Intervals

Jan 9, 2015

I have a piece of code which gets multiple objects to move randomly at a designated number of intervals. I want to create a function which calculates the distance between each pair of points after that number of steps. so the distance between object 1 and object 2, object 1 and object 3, ..., object 1 and object N. then object 2 and object 3, object 2 and object 4, ..., object 2 and object N. then then object 3 and object 4, object 3 and object 5, ..., object 3 and object N and so on until the distance between all the pairs of points have been calculated.

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

double dist(int a, int b);
int X(int x1, int x2);
int Y(int y1, int y1);

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Subtract Evenly

Feb 20, 2015

how do I subtract this so that I use the smallest number of $20, $10, $5, and $1 to pay $93? The book tells me to "Divide the amount by 20 to determine the number of $20 bills needed, and then reduce the amount by the total value of the $20 bills. Repeat this for the other bill sizes."I think the part in bold throws me off. What IS the total value of the $20 bills if I use $93 as the example? Is it $80, the highest we can go with $20 bills? Is it 4, the number I got from 93/20 after cutting off the decimal places, also the total number of $20 bills I can use?

I know how to do it and can do it in real life. It's like, "Oh, I need to pay $93. So I use four $20 bills, which brings me to $80. Using one more would bring it to $100, which is too much. So now, I need to use a $10 bill, which brings it to $90. Oh, so now, I need to use three $1 bills, which brings me to $93."But how do I tell that to a computer? It seems like I would have to put some kind of limits on it, or string code lines together,Here is the code so far:


#include <stdio.h>int main(void)
int amount, twenty, ten, five, one;
printf ("Enter a dollar amount:
scanf ("%d", &amount);


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C++ :: Subtract In A String With Decrementation

Nov 24, 2013

Here's my code :

std::vector<std::string> x = split("3 5", ' ');
int total = 0;
// then we loop over the elements
for(size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
// convert the string to an integer
int n = atoi(x[i].c_str());
total = total + n;
std::cout << "total = " << total << std::endl;

So, as you can see, this will add 3 to 5. However, I would like it to do the inverse (3 - 5). How I can do that?

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C++ :: How To Subtract A Set Value From Each Character In Array

Mar 16, 2013

this function subtracts a given value for each element in an array. I If the array is: hellohowareyou, and the value is 6 then result will be : 6 characters from each letter in the initial array

and the prototype of it is:

void minusFromArray(char arr[], int size, int value);

how do i convert each element in the array into ascii and subtract the values from those ascii characters?

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C/C++ :: How To Subtract Two String Containing Numbers

Mar 29, 2014

I have a code for subtract of two char arrays(size of each is 50).but i want to write this program with string and i should be consider that size of each string may be not equals.for example we have s1=4777 and s2=55.and we should be subtract them. This is my code.

char* sub(char x[50],char y[50]) {
int i,j,temp=0;
char z[50]={'0'};

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Function That Subtract Value From Each Character In Array

Mar 17, 2013

I have to write a function Subtracts val from each character in the array

// If the array is: abcdefghi and value = 5, then result is: 5 ascii characters subtracted from the given array
// note: Make sure the character remains in the ' '
// to '~' (inclusive)
// If character < ' ', then add 95
// If character > 126, then subtract 95
// to put back within the range, and repeat as needed
// all printable characters are between this range
// ' ' is the 1st printable character (32)
// '~' is the last printable character (126)
note: subtracting values from the char will cause an overflow.

the prototype is: void subtracting(char array[], int size, int value)

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C++ :: Add And Subtract Two Sets Of Integer Arrays?

Apr 24, 2013

Ok so I am currently trying to add and subtract two sets of integer arrays. When I run my program, the program does not subtract the numbers from the first set with the numbers from the second set. Could anyone here take a look at my code and help me figure out what the problem is?

#include <iostream>
#include "SafeArray.h"
using namespace std;


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C :: Why Program Can't Subtract Negative Number From Positive One

Feb 2, 2015

My program uses a while loop to eventually get to an error of zero and a root of sqrt(3). I'm not understand why after the third iteration the program fails to compute a new x value. I'm using Visual Studio 2013. The code tag instructions were dubious.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
main() {
/*This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots.*/
printf("This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots. Enter your estimate of the root.
float x,y,z;
int num;
num = 0;


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C++ :: Program That Add / Subtract / Multiply Or Divide Two Integers - Incorrect Answers

Oct 7, 2012

Create a program that adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides two integers. The program will need to get a letter (A for addition, S for subtractions, M for multiplication, or D for division) and two integers from the user. If the user enters an invalid letter, the program should display an appropriate error message before the program ends. If the letter is A (or a), the program should calculate and display the sum of both integers. If the letter is S (or s), the program should display the difference between both integers. When calculating the difference, always subtract the smaller number from the larger one. If the letter is M (or m), the program should display the product of both integers. If the letter is D (or d), the program should divide both integers, always dividing the larger number by the smaller one."

And here is the test data. I am posting the results from my desk-check table.

operation first integer second integer answer
A 10 20 30
a 45 15 60
S 65 50 15
s 7 13 6
G -1
M 10 20 200
d 45 15 3
d 50 100 2

Then, I transferred my program into a source file. Here it is:

//Exercise16.cpp - display answer of two integers

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//declare variables
int firstInteger = 0;

[Code] ....

After putting in the data, everything worked fine, except the last two operations, which are M (multiplication) and D (division). All the answers for the last two operations essentially give me a 0.

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C++ :: Calculator That Takes Two Large Numbers In Linked List Then Ask User To Add Or Subtract

Dec 30, 2012

What I'm trying to do is make a calculator that takes two large numbers in a linked list then ask the user if they wish to add them or subtract them.

using namespace std;

class Node {
int value;
Node * next;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Round Robin Execution With Gantt Chart - Arrival Time And Burst Time

Mar 10, 2015

This is a round robin execution. with gantt chart. arrival time and burst time. I think there is an error in my formula to get the right answer,i cant resolve it but my program is running. What is the code or the right formula??

int main(){
int i,j=0,n,time,remain,flag=0,ts;
int sum_wait=0,sum_turnaround=0,at[10],bt[10],rt[10];
int ganttP[50],ganttStartTime[50];
printf("Enter no of Processes : ");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Use Time For Time Based Movement

May 1, 2013

So I'm trying to learn how to use time for time based movement and what not. I did this only knowing the command time(&variable)

time_t timer;
int I, X;
void main() {
while(I==5) {

[Code] ......

There's probably some other better way to do it... Obviously but for now I see it as putting current time in X.

start while
take in time constantly until I is 5
constantly asking is time>X(preset time 5 seconds ahead)
if it is
display message and add one to I

Why doesn't this display my message after 5 seconds?

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C++ :: Time-in Time Out Function?

Mar 18, 2013

make a time-in time-out fuction which extracts the no. of hours and minutes from a string entered by the user.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C# :: Design Time And Run Time

Mar 6, 2014

when we would use add items at design time and when we would add them at run time

does it have anything to do with the page load method? if so, can i type this in source code instead?

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C++ :: Why NGrade Comes Out As 0 Every Time

Nov 13, 2013

why nGrade comes out as 0 every time?

Its as if im not inputting the values into the dynamic arrays in int main.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void Calc(int a_anScores[], int a_anPerc[], int a_nTotal){
for( int iii = 0; iii < a_nTotal; ++iii){
a_anScores[iii] = (a_anScores[iii] * (a_anPerc[iii]/100));
int nGrade=0;


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C++ :: How To Add The Time Into Function

Jul 23, 2014

I have created this code with the classes for time and message. Basically the point of this code is to give the information of the sender, recipient, time, and message and im having issues with the time part.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>


so when you run this you can see i left a spot for the time but I just cant figure out how to figure out the Time part of this.

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C/C++ :: How To End A While Loop After Set Time

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to make this while loop cut out / self break after 3 seconds. It is part of a simple game I am creating that gives the users 3 seconds to react otherwise it moves on to the next part.

while(1) {
if(key=='a'||key=='k'||key=='g') {

All I need is it to end after 3 seconds, the rest of the code is working fine.

This sort of thing:

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //fetch starting time
If it IS for C, then I implemented it wrong or something.

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C/C++ :: Time Conversion Between EST And UTC

Apr 1, 2013

I want to convert time from est to utc. Is there any function for this.

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C++ :: Coding And Debug Time Per LOC

Mar 23, 2013

I just spent 3 hours writing and debugging 37 lines of code. Is this normal or am I "below average" in coding abilities. I come from a C background and decided to write C++ code that I finally got right as shown below for the specific example:

Code: #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#define SPACE_SEARCH 10
using namespace std;


I think it was more the learning along the way that consumed atleast 75% of my time for this specific case. But then again, I read that programming always entails learning along the way and so its somehow no excuse for the long time taken in this specific case.

So as a matter of interest, what pace do all of you operate on, on average? i.e. LOC/day, Debugs per day or any other indicator of productivity?

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C++ :: Simple Calculation Going To 0 Every Time

Aug 8, 2013

I tried to write a simple program to calculate monthly yield, APR, and principle in various directions. Anyway, here's some code to get the APR from the principle and monthly yield. When I run it though, it spits 0 at me every time! What the problem is; the other functions work just fine and the code line for the APR calculation is just what it ought to be - I see neither a math nor tech problem here.

Here is the offending function:

void calculateAPR() {
int principle, monthlyYield, apr;
Please input the principle:";


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C :: Trigger Different Timers At The Same Time

Mar 6, 2015

The issue is that I am trying to run a code which can trigger different timers at the same time. That is, when 3 is typed by the user, the firstimer is triggered. If before expiration another 3 is introduced, the second timer will be launched, and the difference between both triggers will be shown. Under this circumstance, timer_gettime only works once. I tried all the things I could imagine but still, it_value_tv_sec and _nsec return zero after the first expiration.

-Theoretically, and following the manuals, once the timer is restarted the gettime function should work as it does the first time.
-I have also tried to removed the timer and start it again, but in this case the timers are still being triggered, but the gettime outputs(even the first time) are nonsense.

Here is the code I am testing: [CODE]#include<stdio.h>

timer_t firstTimerID;
timer_t secondTimerID;
timer_t thirdTimerID;

[Code] ......

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C :: Possible To Display Time Continuously

Feb 20, 2013

I created a program to display time continuously so it auto updates every sec but the issue is i cant integrate the code in the main program because to make time update continuously it needs a loop a infinite loop so none of the rest program gets to work. My q is : is it possible to display time continuously and make the rest of program continue normally? like a multi thread program because i want to display time every sec in the bottom of program. By the way this is console app not gui

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