C :: Reading In Character In Program

Sep 10, 2014

I just took up c programming and like it so far. Now I got a problem reading in a character in a program. The program looks like this:


#include <stdio.h>
char c1, c2;
printf("Letter 1: ");
c1 = getchar();


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C++ :: Reading Data Character By Character From Text File

Jul 25, 2012

Double values are stored in text file. 23.5 36.8 34.2 ... My teacher told me to read them character by character and then make words, like i have to read "2" "3" "." "5" and now have to make it or treat it as word and then using atoi(). I have to convert it into double. but i dont know how to do this....

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C++ :: Error Reading Character Of String?

Jan 12, 2013

I am trying to record some information in a file and allow user to delete a record. I am facing this message in Autos section of MVS (Error reading character of string). Here is the code:

int removeRecord(string name, int &row)//remove a record
const string data="database.txt";
fstream records;
const string cpData="temp.txt";


If I delete the any row (except last roe) it works but then add a copy of last record (sometimes fully sometimes partially) at the end of the file!! if i delete the last record it does not do anything.

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C :: How To Prevent Fgets From Reading The New Line Character

Mar 12, 2013

i am trying to read a string using fgets and storing in an array i want to prevent fgets from storing the new line character on the array using the shortest means possible..

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C++ :: Reading And Storing Newline Character Alongside Data

Jan 6, 2014

I am reading data from a text file into a program. I am well aware of the subtle distinctions in the mode of data input/entry when using the stream extraction operator, the get() function, and the getline() function.

My problem is that all of them do not read and/or store the newline character alongside the data read!

Any function that reads and stores data and the terminating newline character together??

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Visual C++ :: Reading Character Symbols On Lines Of Text Position By Position?

Mar 4, 2013

What I have to do is write a small program in C++ to parse the symbols that are used on 5 different lines of text in each position until position 30 is reached on each line. The goal of the parsing program is to interpret the symbols (characters), if there are any per each position, on the 5 lines of text in order to output the actual data that the group of symbols represents.

My question for is this: Is there anything special from a C++ environment that should go in to something like this outside of using standard stuff like the math associated with the search algorithm that has to happen here? The symbols are located in a file, so I know I have to include "iostream" and a few other headers. But outside of header inclusions and the code necessary to iterate and streamline the search and interpretation process, am I missing anything special that I couldn't otherwise find through simple google searches?

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C :: Simple Character Counting Program

Dec 14, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
double nc;
for (nc = 0; getchar() != EOF; ++nc)
", nc);

It works well and I am using ctrl-D as my EOF. Now I understand that C is not really a language for dealing with text, which is why I am learning it more in depth, my degree was in robotics, and I think C is definitely the best place to be for me. So this may just be a quirk, but if I type more than 10 characters, I get the right answer from the program, however, if I type less than 10, for the sake of argument I type Hello and then return, if I at that point do ctrl-D, I get the answer 6D?

The 6 is right 5 letters and a return character, but what is the D?

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C++ :: Write Program That Ask His Or Her Name And Store It In Character Array

May 28, 2013

write a program that ask his or her name and store it in a character array

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C/C++ :: Output Of Program Shows Unknown Character When It Run

Mar 20, 2014

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
float CalcPriceMember1(int,float&,int&);
float CalcPriceMember2(int,float&,int&);
float CalcPriceNonMember1(int,float&,int&);
float CalcPriceNonMember2(int,float&,int&);


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C/C++ :: Program To Find Index Of Character In A String Gives Incorrect Output

Oct 28, 2014

I've been typed out a C program to let the user define the size of their string , and key in characters for this string , the program would then prompt the user for a character to search for in the string and return it's index value. Eg. Index of c in abc is 2. My code is as shown:

#define SIZE 20
int search(char x[SIZE+1] , int n , char s);
int main(void){
char x[SIZE+1] , s;
int n , index;

[Code] ....

However , after I key in my characters for the string , the program does not prompt me to input a character to look for, it just prints it out and returns some funny number. But the program works just fine is I move this portion to the top :

printf("Enter alphabet to find: ");

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C++ :: Multi-character Character Constant Error Message?

Sep 14, 2014

I keep getting this warning message and I do not know how to fix it. Is it because I'm using char to instead of strings to replace all 't' with 'lp'?

#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
char * scanf(char * a) {


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C :: Program To Accept Only Numerical Values And Gives Error If Character Or Symbol Entered

Nov 11, 2013

How can i make my program to accept only numerical values and gives a error notice if a character or a symbol is entered???

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C++ :: Program That Count Occurrence Of Character In Text File And Produce Histogram

Nov 18, 2014

Here is what i have so far:



I also need to do a loop that scan the count array and check if the element is bigger than the previous one.

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C :: Read From Stdin (File) Character By Character

Nov 10, 2013

I have to optimize a code for below scenario. I am reading stdin (a file redirected to stdin) character by character. How many chars are going to come is not known. After every few chars there is a seaparator. e.g $ as below


While reading, if the separator arrives I'm processing the string stored before that separator and then continue reading stdin in same fashion, till EOF. I am using getc(stdin) to read chars.

Using gprof I can see most of the program time is spent inside main() , for this reading logic. Rest of the program is just some insert and search operations. I am getting time of 0.01 secs at the moment, want to reduce further.

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C/C++ :: Read Input File Character By Character?

Aug 10, 2012

How do I write an a program that will read an input file character by character?

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C++ :: How To Read TXT File Character By Character

Oct 6, 2013

In my program, I'm supposed to read a text file (the name of which is given to me as a command line paramater, as long with an integer), and display the text in a specific format (each line can only be as long as the integer). However, I'm having trouble even reading the text file. I don't know the syntax. I'm only allowed to edit the function that does the formatting, and the code in that is

void typeset (int maxWidth, istream& documentIn)

I don't know how to 'read' the file, as most examples online are ifstream, or openFile or something like that. What I want to do is just read the first character of the file, and continuously keep reading characters until the end of the file.

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C/C++ :: Replacing Character In String With Another Character

Sep 13, 2014

So I'm trying to create a function that replaces any instance of a character in a string with another. So first I tried the replace() string member function:

In my implementation file

void NewString::ReplaceChar(const char& target,const char& entry)
this->replace(this->begin(),this->end(), target, entry);

Main program

#include "NewString.h"
using namespace ...;
int main()


Instead of replacing the the l's with y's it outputted a long string of y's. Also, NewString is derived from the string class (it's for the assignment). the header and whole implementation file, already tested.

I've also tried, instead, to use a for loop in ReplaceChar() but I need to overload the == operator and I don't know how I should exactly:

bool NewString::operator ==(const char& target)const {
if(*this == target)
return true;


I want the == operator to test if the value in the char array is equal to target but I'm not sure how to pass in the position. I'm guessing the this pointer in ReplaceChar() is not the same as the one dereferenced in ==() because target is never replaced by entry in the string.

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C++ :: Reading File Twice In A Program?

Feb 13, 2015

how to read file twice in a single program?

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C++ :: Program Not Reading TXT File

Jan 24, 2014

I have a program that makes a .txt file and I am trying to read it and it won't.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string fershizzle;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading TXT File Into Program?

Mar 19, 2013

I'm working with parallel arrays, one handles the titles and the other handles the ratings. Now everything works fine if the title doesn't start with a number, but if I decide to use a number infront of the title, when it reads it from the .txt file it thinks it is part of the rating.

Here is what I mean:

1. Add Movie
2. Print All
3. Exit
Enter 1-3 : 2
Hitch 98% FRESH
Happy Gilmore 99% FRESH
Transformers 2 100% FRESH
SpongeBob 10% ROTTEN


As you can see, the '2' from 2 Fast 2 Furious went to the rating in SpongeBob.

Here is what it looks like inside the .txt file:

Hitch| 98Happy Gilmore| 99Transformers 2| 100SpongeBob| 102 Fast 2 Furious| 100

Here is my code:

void SaveToFile(const string titles[], const int ratings[], int count)
string filename;
ofstream outfile;
filename = "tomatoes.txt";
PrintToText(outfile, titles, ratings, count);
WriteLine(cout, '=', 54);


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C :: Program Reading / Writing Files

Dec 10, 2013

program that I am working on. I want to use fgets() in my program so I could handle multiple words from a text(to be able to handle spaces). I get a weird result when running the program.

Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "kim.h"
#include <string.h>

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C/C++ :: Program Is Not Reading Data From DAT File

Feb 15, 2014

I'm not sure why my program isn't reading data from the dat file. I'm not sure if it's because I messed up my pointers, or I'm missing something. I know we usually use Infile >> blah >> blah >> blah; to get the data from the file, but my instructor showed an example that had the struct read it for you in this format and I could just call it with pointers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace System;
typedef int Integer;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Reading Number In CPP Program With Scanf

May 17, 2014

I'm using scanf() function to read numbers in my cpp program and, for example, if i want to read a string that is a complete name i could use

scanf("%[^]", x);

or if i want to read only vogals i could use

scanf("%[aeiou]", x);

Is it possible to read only positive numbers or only negatives numbers using scanf() and how to do it?

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C++ :: Reading Encrypted Text File In Program?

Oct 3, 2013

I need to decrypt my text file and make it able to read in my program..

What I have programmed so far is to read the encrypted file, create a new file, decrypt it and read the newly created file..

I need to decrypt the encrypted file without having to create a new file that reads the decrypted text..

Well, Let me show you my code:

P.S Most of the include is not needed and I already know that Visual studio 2010 Windows Form Application CLR

#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>


You have my decryption code and the code I want to use..

I have uploaded the code for you to use on your computer because it is fairly hard for me to explain..

I want to be able to read the encrypted file in my program, without having to writing a new file to decrypt it..

Decrypted & Encrypted .txt file Included (And images)

--> Program .rar pack link <--

Build it with Visual Studio 2010

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C++ :: Program Is Not Reading In Values From DAT File Correctly

May 20, 2013

We are supposed to split this lab into 3 files a .h and 2 .cpp's. The code I'll be talking about is going to be directed at the main.cpp file. Basically we are supposed to be able to enter as many classes into the program and when you are done the program is supposed to save the contents into a .dat file. This lab is working off of an older lab so I already have a .dat file I am trying to test with this program by reading it into my program when I first run it I prompt if the user wants to load previously entered courses and if they reply with a 'Y' the program will load the contents of the .dat file. Problem is right now when I load from the .dat file only the first class is correct. Every other class after that is just giberish. I've tried everything but can't get the restore part working. I also cannot get the save to .dat portion of this lab working either.Here is my code:

#include "Course.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::ios;


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C++ :: Reading Multiple Text Files In Program

May 31, 2013

I want to know how to read multiple text files in this program... I have 5 text files(order1,order2,...order5).

using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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