C :: Program Doesn't Print Data From Socket

May 7, 2014

I created a basic socket server, which listensing for incoming udp data. When I run the netcat program, I get a response:

$ nc -luv 1732
Connection from port 1732 [udp/*] accepted
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5|?>)
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5|?>)
^C |?>)

But with my c program it doesn't give the response. It should say something like "here is the message: " and then give a message.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>

[Code] .....

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C :: Printf Doesn't Print On Screen

May 23, 2013

This code runs. However, when I run it, the text from printf doesn't appear until after I type in the two numbers.

I use Wascana, will it run correctly on other compilers?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {


And this is how it turns out on the screen:



What size is the die:

how many dice to roll:

Numbers are 3d6
Rolling die no.1...
RolledDie: 4 DieTotal: 4
Rolling die no.2...
RolledDie: 5 DieTotal: 9
Rolling die no.3...
RolledDie: 5 DieTotal: 14

The total is: 14

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C :: Program To Read Binary Data And Print It - File I/O Error

Mar 14, 2013

Objective of this program is to read binary data from a file and print it.

#include <stdio.h>
void readFile(void);
int main(){
return 0;

[Code] .....

But When I Run This Code First It Print "Error." Then Rest Of The File.Say In My File I Have "I AM HUMAN", It Prints "Error. HUMAN"!!

I Cant Figure Out Whats Wrong In The readFile() Function.It seems right to me.

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C++ :: Streambuf For Socket - Send / Receive Data

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to make a streambuf for a socket, which will use either WinSock or POSIX sockets depending on OS. I understand about how to send and receive data via sockets, but I don't really understand how to put that into a 'streambuf'. What functions do I need to override?

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C/C++ :: Socket Program That Does Not Work On Windows Server

Apr 1, 2014

I have client-server program that written with c++. Both client and server program are working on my computer.Also, I test it on many computer.There is no problem with it.But, When I try to run that program on the my windows server 2003. I get error which on the below.

[URL] ....

I researched it and someone said that it is related 32-64 bit system . My windows server is 32 bit. And I am compiling as 32 bit. But I still get error , can not get any answer with it.

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C++ :: How To Send Yahoo Mail Using Basic Socket Program

Aug 6, 2014

I am trying to send yahoo mail using socket program.

Using the commands like ehlo, starttls, auth login, data,.,quit.

but starttls is error. yahoo close itself. one more thing i use this same method for gmail is working.

The problem is we must enable the ssl authentication. Like System.net mail in .net package smtp.enablessl=true. how i enable ssl authentication in starttls in c++ program

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C++ :: Program Compiles But Doesn't Run

Apr 28, 2013

My program compiles but doesn't run, Here is the screen shot of debugging

//DynBag.cpp : Implementation File
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include "DynBag.h"

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Socket Program - Lvalue Required As Left Operand Of Assignment

Feb 5, 2013

I got above error in my program. My program is socket program. I am using ubuntu 11.10.

#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

#define PORT 4547
/*int parseARGS(char **args, char *line) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program Doesn't Alphabetize Strings

Jan 18, 2015

I can't seem to get my program to alphabetize a vector string. It displays the names, but not in a sorted order.

void sort_names(vector<string> &nameList) {
int i, minIndex;
string minValue;
int size;
size = nameList.size();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program Doesn't Read The End Of File Sequence

Aug 16, 2014

i have a question, i'm studyng the string library type and i have to write this program :


std::string word;
while (std::cin >> word) {
std::cout << word << std::endl;
why if my input is :

hi my name is ^Z

the output is :


why the program doesn't fall out from the while loop ?

why my program does not recognize my sequence of end of file ?

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C/C++ :: Display Data From File Into 2D Array - Print Closest Bmi From Data

Mar 28, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int r = 0;
int c = 0;
int num[17][15] = { 0 };
[Code] ...

// Here is my code for displaying the data from the text file into a 2d array and height next to it, but I am not able to diaplay the height from 60 to 76 next to the row of the 2d array, as shown in the table below. This is my program:

Recently the health authorities have listed a new way to calculate the body mass index (BMI) of an individual.
Values of 20 – 24 are classified as normal, 25-29 as overweight, and 30-34 as heavy.

The table below is a portion of a typical BMI table.


MY task is to write a program that does the following things:

1.Produce the table by reading in the data from bmi.txt (on Moodle) into a 2-D array.

2. Display the table neatly on the screen, with row and column headings. The BMI should go from 20 to 34. The height should go from 60 to 76 inches.

3. Prompt the use for their height (in inches) and their weight.

4. Make the program print the closest BMI.

If their weight is lower than the values on the table, use 20 as the BMI.
If their weight is higher than the values on the table, use 34 as the BMI.

5.Loop the program so the user can find more BMI’s.

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C :: Program Doesn't Properly Compute Simple Polynomial

Feb 7, 2014

The program will ask for the user to enter a value for x, then compute the following polynomial: 3x^5 + 2x^4 - 5x^3 - x^2 + 7x - 6.However, when I double check it with my calculator I get a wrong answer for random values of x. To simplify my problem I'm using only integers.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int x, polynomial;


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C++ :: Program Output That Doesn't Wait For Replies But Still Captures Them

Jul 21, 2013

I am trying to write a program that can communicate over a very latent internet connection involving a cellular modem. I have some software packages that handle all the telnet like business and will pipe stdout and stdin to a program I can have it execute.

The problem I am running into is that I have to send about 900 ASCII commands to an instrument to request data but it takes about a second between when a command goes out and when a reply comes back. This will wind up taking a very long time and I am looking to speed it up. All of the commands are independent of the reply so what I need to do is create a program that can send all 900 commands with maybe 10ms break between them and to not wait for a reply. It then needs to read the replies and write them straight to a file.

It seems like this should be achievable in C++ but I only have a very basic understanding of the language and thus am not sure where to start.

I am open to using other languages but thought C++ would be a reasonably good start so I can distribute the program to my coworkers. All of our work machines are Windows but if there is a simpler solution from Linux, I should be able to work something out. I'm just trying to avoid complication.

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C++ :: Program Only Accept Integer From 0-10 But Doesn't Show The Factorial

Feb 28, 2013

using namespace std;
int main() {
int a[9],x,f=1;
cout<<"Please enter an integer [0-10 only] : ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program That Asks User For Numbers And Adds Odd Ones Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2014

Title is self-explanatory.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
float number;
float sum;
float divi;
while(number != -1) {

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Program Doesn't Accept Input Values True?

Nov 1, 2014

I am making a program which is going to print out a head image according to the input values entered by the user. Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void Sides()
// draws the sides to take proportion

[Code] .....

At first i tried to work program like:

cout << "plase enter which way you want to print out the head, with parted hair or bald." << endl;
cin >> headstyle;
if (headstyle != "bald" || headstyle != "parted hair" )

But it also had given the same mistake. The program compiles BUT; even if I put in the values bald or parted hair the program prints out "wrong input" then exits.

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C++ :: Copy And Paste Function From Other Source Program Doesn't Wait For Input

Nov 27, 2013

I'm working on a project that requires to make modifications to certain functions. So, I'll copy and paste the function to a new source code so I'm just working on the function with the entire program running. When I run the function by itself, it works fine. But when I copy and paste the function back to it's spot, the program doesn't wait for input at the cin.getline & it did wait when I ran just the function by itself. I'm using Dev C++ if that makes a difference.

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C Sharp :: Data Save But 2nd Record Doesn't Save

Jan 28, 2015

1st when i fill the things on form then saved in database after saving record when i want add another record it shows an error. after saving it saves new record refresh doesn't work

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C++ :: Print All Combinations Data

Nov 27, 2013

I wanted to create a 5, 3 combinations. i know how to calculate to get the number of combinations 5 3 would have (which is ten), but it seem it's a bit harder for me to print those data ...

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C/C++ :: Print Output With Append Data In TXT File

Oct 22, 2014

I was recently introduced to the fstream header file. I want to know is their a easy way to print an output with append data in a .txt file.

And secondly I am also having an error with my header file. It says error: cannot open source file "fstring" when I hover my mouse over "#Include<fstring>".

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C Sharp :: How To Print Entire Gridview Data

Apr 4, 2013

I have a gridview in which I show report data, I wanted to print this data, so I added print functionality. This print functionality does not print entire gridview data, it only prints data which is visible on the screen and skip the data which is under vertical scroll bar.

Below is the print grid view code in c# for WINDOWS APPLICATION.
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (printDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


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Visual C++ :: Print Sequence Data Structure

Sep 15, 2012

Printing out a sequence data structure. I am using a PC running Windows 7 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. This sequence has a dynamic array which stores a value_type which can be any of the built in data types for C++. Initially the sequence is 30 slots long. When the program starts the user starts at the beginning of the sequence by choosing the "!" option from the menu. The user will then insert a number such as 11 by selecting the "I" option (upper or lower case). Then the user will go to the next position in the sequence by selecting the "+" option then insert 22, then go to the next position and insert 33.

To show that the numbers are actually in the sequence the user goes back to the beginning of the array by selecting "!" and then select "C" to display the current number of 11. Then the user goes to the next position by selecting "+" and then "C" to display 22 and so forth. At this point the member function called current() works just find , but when trying to print the contents of the entire sequence the program displays garbage. Why?

// FILE: sequence_test.cpp
// An interactive test program for the new sequence class
#include <cctype> // Provides toupper
#include <iostream> // Provides cout and cin
#include <cstdlib> // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS
#include "sequence2.h" // With value_type defined as double
using namespace std;
using namespace CISP430_A2;


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C :: Unable To Read Data From Text File And Print It

May 12, 2014

I am having trouble in reading data from my text file and print it out exactly like how it looks like in the text file. The problem im having is it will not read the last y Coordinates of the point. it keep reading the second last point for y coordinates which is wrong.

my text file is
0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0
1.0 0.0(but it read until here)
0.0 0.0(suppose to read the last point which is here)

For your information, this is my 1st year degree assignment in C programming. It is to create a program which can read text file (manually create) and print it out in a program and calculate the area for the polygon using ADT function ( .c and .h files)

*This is the code for my read file function*

Basically this accepts a Polygon and a file pointer as parameters. It reads the polygon point data from the file, pass the read data to plg_new() to create a new Polygon and returns the new Polygon created.


polygon *plg_read(polygon *New_polygon, FILE *Coord) {
int i;
int numberofvertices=0;
int count=0;
char filename[50];
double xCoor[50], yCoor[50];


This is the second function my polygon new code. This ADT function basically creates a new Polygon with malloc(), initialize all ADT data members with its parameter values and returns the Polygon.


polygon *plg_new(double *xCoordinates, double *yCoordinates, int numberOfVertices) {
int x;
polygon *New_poly = (polygon *)malloc(sizeof (polygon));
if(New_poly->xCoordinates == NULL || New_poly->yCoordinates == NULL) {


This is the rest of the code if you need to refer to other codings.

*@file polygon.c
*@brief Functions for polygon / Struct has polygon numberOfVertices, polygon *xCoordinates and polygon *yCoordinates
*@author: Tan Xian Yao
*@id: 4323440
*@date: 22/04/2014


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C++ :: Open A Text File Then Read Data And Print It Back?

Nov 5, 2013

I am in an "intro" C++ course and am having trouble with a section of my current project.

We are required to open a text file, read the data from that file, and print it back.

However, we are supposed to let the user input the name of the file that is to be opened. This is the code I have so far. It is not opening anything.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int NUM_QUESTIONS = 30;
typedef char CharArray[NUM_QUESTIONS];
string fileName;


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C++ :: Read Data From File Then Make It Into Array Of Structures And Print Afterwards

May 13, 2012

I am trying to read from a data file that has input as :

12.0, 11, 123
14.0, 12.1, 3

And I want the program to read the data from the file and then make it into an array of structures and then print that array afterwards.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_INPUT 1000
int n =0;
int i = 0;
typedef struct {
double x[MAX_INPUT];

[Code] .....

The program when run gives the following output:

Ishtiaque-Mohammed-Khans-MacBook-Pro:Comp20005 IshtiaqueMKhan$ gcc -Wall -ansi -o ProjectB ProjectB.c
ProjectB.c: In function "main":
ProjectB.c:59: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of "print_array"

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Visual C++ :: Use For Loop To Read Certain Data From Txt File And Print To Console

Sep 28, 2014

I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.

Something like
3 // 3 represents the number of students.
George 97
Sarah 70
Maya 88

The data may vary but it's always in this format.

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