C :: Program To Read Binary Data And Print It - File I/O Error

Mar 14, 2013

Objective of this program is to read binary data from a file and print it.

#include <stdio.h>
void readFile(void);
int main(){
return 0;

[Code] .....

But When I Run This Code First It Print "Error." Then Rest Of The File.Say In My File I Have "I AM HUMAN", It Prints "Error. HUMAN"!!

I Cant Figure Out Whats Wrong In The readFile() Function.It seems right to me.

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C :: Unable To Read Data From Text File And Print It

May 12, 2014

I am having trouble in reading data from my text file and print it out exactly like how it looks like in the text file. The problem im having is it will not read the last y Coordinates of the point. it keep reading the second last point for y coordinates which is wrong.

my text file is
0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0
1.0 0.0(but it read until here)
0.0 0.0(suppose to read the last point which is here)

For your information, this is my 1st year degree assignment in C programming. It is to create a program which can read text file (manually create) and print it out in a program and calculate the area for the polygon using ADT function ( .c and .h files)

*This is the code for my read file function*

Basically this accepts a Polygon and a file pointer as parameters. It reads the polygon point data from the file, pass the read data to plg_new() to create a new Polygon and returns the new Polygon created.


polygon *plg_read(polygon *New_polygon, FILE *Coord) {
int i;
int numberofvertices=0;
int count=0;
char filename[50];
double xCoor[50], yCoor[50];


This is the second function my polygon new code. This ADT function basically creates a new Polygon with malloc(), initialize all ADT data members with its parameter values and returns the Polygon.


polygon *plg_new(double *xCoordinates, double *yCoordinates, int numberOfVertices) {
int x;
polygon *New_poly = (polygon *)malloc(sizeof (polygon));
if(New_poly->xCoordinates == NULL || New_poly->yCoordinates == NULL) {


This is the rest of the code if you need to refer to other codings.

*@file polygon.c
*@brief Functions for polygon / Struct has polygon numberOfVertices, polygon *xCoordinates and polygon *yCoordinates
*@author: Tan Xian Yao
*@id: 4323440
*@date: 22/04/2014


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C :: How To Read Data In A File And Print It Then Copy Contents To A File

Mar 8, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char buffer[256];
FILE * myfile;
myfile = fopen("read.txt","r");


I also got an error in printing wherein the data in read.txt is "Hello" newline "World" and my program prints world twice.

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C++ :: Open A Text File Then Read Data And Print It Back?

Nov 5, 2013

I am in an "intro" C++ course and am having trouble with a section of my current project.

We are required to open a text file, read the data from that file, and print it back.

However, we are supposed to let the user input the name of the file that is to be opened. This is the code I have so far. It is not opening anything.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int NUM_QUESTIONS = 30;
typedef char CharArray[NUM_QUESTIONS];
string fileName;


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C++ :: Read Data From File Then Make It Into Array Of Structures And Print Afterwards

May 13, 2012

I am trying to read from a data file that has input as :

12.0, 11, 123
14.0, 12.1, 3

And I want the program to read the data from the file and then make it into an array of structures and then print that array afterwards.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_INPUT 1000
int n =0;
int i = 0;
typedef struct {
double x[MAX_INPUT];

[Code] .....

The program when run gives the following output:

Ishtiaque-Mohammed-Khans-MacBook-Pro:Comp20005 IshtiaqueMKhan$ gcc -Wall -ansi -o ProjectB ProjectB.c
ProjectB.c: In function "main":
ProjectB.c:59: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of "print_array"

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Visual C++ :: Use For Loop To Read Certain Data From Txt File And Print To Console

Sep 28, 2014

I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.

Something like
3 // 3 represents the number of students.
George 97
Sarah 70
Maya 88

The data may vary but it's always in this format.

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C++ :: Read Byte Of Char Data And Convert It Into Text String Of Binary Data That Represents Hex Value

Dec 26, 2013

I am writing a program where I need to read a byte of char data and convert it into a text string of binary data that represents the hex value...

i.e. The char byte is 0x42 so I need a string that has 01000010 in it. I've written the following subroutine....

------------- My Subroutine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void charbytetostring(char input, char *output){
int i, remainder;
char BASE=0x2;
int DIGITS=8;
char digitsArray[3] = "01";

[Code] ....

When I submitted the byte 0x42 to the subroutine, the subroutine returned to the output variable 01000010... Life is good.

The next byte that came in was 0x91. When I submit this to the subroutine I get garbage out.

I am using a debugger and stepped through the subroutine a line at a time. When I feed it 0x42 I get what I expect for all variables at all points in the execution.

When I submit 0x91 When the line remainder = input % BASE; gets executed the remainder variable gets set to 0xFFFF (I expected 1). Also, when the next line gets executed..

input = input / BASE; I get C9 where I expected to get 48.

My question is, are there data limits on what can be used with the mod (%) operator? Or am I doing something more fundamentally incorrect?

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C :: Binary File Write By User Input Then Printing Binary File Data Out

Dec 6, 2013

Following is the program I wrote it basically takes 9 inputs and then save them into binary file. then print out the data stored in binary data and find inverse of it then print the inverse out. but its stuck in a loop somewhere.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a[3][3],i,j;
float determinant=0;
int x;
FILE *fp = fopen ("file.bin", "wb");

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program To Print Out Binary Value Of 16 Bit Number

Sep 22, 2013

Write a program to print out the binary value of a 16 bit number.

Create integers i, count, and mask.

Set 'i' to a hex value of 0x1b53.

Set mask to a value of 0x8000. Why?

print a line to show the hex value of i and then the leader for the binary value like this: Hex value = 1b53 Binary=

Use a for loop to loop 16 times and print 16 digits, using count as the loop counter

To test for each digit value, bitwise and 'i' with 'mask'

when the result for the bitwise and is true, print the number '1'

when the result for the bitwise and is false, print the number '0'

then shift mask one place to the right

print a new line and then quit

Use prtscrn and make a hard copy of the code with the console output.

Extra: use the modulus of count and print a space after every 4th digit to make the binary easier to read

The output should look like this: Hex value = 1b53, Binary= 0001 1011 0101 0011

so far this is what i have

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
int main() {
    int i, count, mask;
    //   1B53  0001 1011 0101 0011
    //   8000  1000 0000 0000 0000
    i = 0x1b53;

[Code] ....

it is telling me that there is an "else" without previous "if", also is the program that I wrote correct?

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C/C++ :: Display Data From File Into 2D Array - Print Closest Bmi From Data

Mar 28, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int r = 0;
int c = 0;
int num[17][15] = { 0 };
[Code] ...

// Here is my code for displaying the data from the text file into a 2d array and height next to it, but I am not able to diaplay the height from 60 to 76 next to the row of the 2d array, as shown in the table below. This is my program:

Recently the health authorities have listed a new way to calculate the body mass index (BMI) of an individual.
Values of 20 – 24 are classified as normal, 25-29 as overweight, and 30-34 as heavy.

The table below is a portion of a typical BMI table.


MY task is to write a program that does the following things:

1.Produce the table by reading in the data from bmi.txt (on Moodle) into a 2-D array.

2. Display the table neatly on the screen, with row and column headings. The BMI should go from 20 to 34. The height should go from 60 to 76 inches.

3. Prompt the use for their height (in inches) and their weight.

4. Make the program print the closest BMI.

If their weight is lower than the values on the table, use 20 as the BMI.
If their weight is higher than the values on the table, use 34 as the BMI.

5.Loop the program so the user can find more BMI’s.

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C :: Store Data In Binary File Then Use It To Find Inverse Of Matrix Form Of Data

Dec 6, 2013

I need to find inverse of a matrix data in binary file should be used to form matrix.its not finding inverse correctly rest is working good.

#include <stdio.h>
void createbin();
void display();
void inverse();
int main()

[Code] ....

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C :: Read And Print To File?

Jul 15, 2013

Ok, I think I got the main idea of the I/O chapter. Though I think I might be oversimplifying the program because I am getting an interesting error.

Goal here is to read numbers from a file and print the numbers with totals for two of the columns and a calculated average for of the totals.

NOTE: The tables for the info from file look a lot better on my end. [QUOTE] seems to mess it up a bit from copying and pasting.

Info from problem:

Car No. Miles Driven Gallons Used
54 250 19
62 525 38
71 123 6
85 1,322 86
97 235 14

carinfo.txt file:

54 250 19
62 525 38
71 123 6
85 1322 86
97 235 14

Code: updated code

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C++ :: Program Read In 15 Integers From User Then Store And Print Out Numbers

Apr 29, 2014

I want to write a program to read in 15 integers from the user, and then store them in a 5x3 array, and print out the numbers as a 3x5 array.

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C++ :: How To Read Binary Img File

Nov 24, 2014

When reading a binary .img why is it when you read it by slurping in the file, then save it to a string and cout, you don't see the binary but random garbage?

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C/C++ :: Program That Read A Number From Keyboard And Print Separated Digits To Screen

Feb 18, 2015

Basically this is what i need to do. Write a program that reads a number from the keyboard, separates it into its individual digits and prints the digits to screen, each on its own line followed by the same number of stars as itself.

For example, if the number is 2339 the program should print

9 *********
3 ***
3 ***
2 **

So far i have managed to separate the number and have them on different lines, but how to implement the stars onto each line with the number!

My code so far:

int main() {
int n;
printf("number? ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n > 0) {


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C/C++ :: Program To Read Sequence Of N Integers And Print Number With Maximum Occurrence

Mar 24, 2014

write a program in c to read a sequence of N integers and print the number that appears the maximum number of times in the sequence.

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C :: Any Way To Read Entire File And Print It On Screen

Feb 26, 2013

is there anyway to read an entire file and print in on screen? file consists of strings and integers!

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C++ :: Convert List Of Binary Numbers From A File Into Decimal And Print To Screen

Sep 23, 2014

I am trying to make a program that will convert a list of binary numbers from a file into decimal and print the decimal to the screen. I have no problem doing the conversion, the problem comes up when our teacher wants the input file in a format as such:


The first number is supposed to tell the program how many different 8bit strings it is going to have to convert, and then the following lines are those binary numbers.

I am not very experienced with file inputs, and I know how to open files and read lines in.. The problem is, how to say "ok the first line says 3, so now I have to convert the next 3 lines" . I am assuming it is just a simple loop that I am missing....

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C++ :: Read From Txt File One Bit At A Time And Then Write Into Binary File

Apr 22, 2013

I am trying to get the code to read from the txt file one bite at a time and then write this bite into the binary file but i cant seem to get it working.

FILE *fpcust, *fpcustbin; //<<<<<-----point to both sales and customers text files, and the new .bin files for both
char buffer;
int ch;
int ch1;
fpcust = fopen("c:customers.txt", "r"); //<<<<-----pointing to the file
fpcustbin = fopen("c:customers.bin", "wb"); //<<<<<-----pointing to the new binary file, opening in writing binary


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C :: Read Doubles From A Binary File

May 6, 2014

I use the following function to read doubles from a binary file:


int64_t read_current(FILE *input, double *current, uint64_t position, uint64_t length)
printf("asked for %" PRIu64" samples
printf("reading from %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 "
double d;
uint64_t i;


As long as position+length doesn't exceed the end of the file, all is well. However, if it does, weird things start to happen. In particular, the apparent length of the file (that is, the value of "read" after the function has finished) becomes dependent on "length"). I know that "position" is never past the end of the file.

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C++ :: How To Read Struct From Binary File

Oct 12, 2014

I have this file want to read it source code [URL] ....

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C/C++ :: Best Way To Read One Bit At A Time From A Binary File?

Nov 9, 2013

I'm trying to do file compression/decompression in C and I need to handle one bit at a time.

I currently try to do:

unsigned char byte = fgetc(fptr);

and later

byte >>= 1;

but the problem is that I have to use the first bit of the byte and then treat the next 8 bits as one byte. The byte usage keeps shifting over in this way. It's probably quite clear that I'm a bit lost.

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C++ :: Binary IO - Read 4 Byte Int From A File

Feb 26, 2012

Trying to write very simple code to read a 4 byte int from a file.


int tester;
FILE *fp;
printf("tested 1 byte read should be 1: %i",tester);

I have tried editing the binary file....it outputs similar large numbers

00000000000000000000000000000001 outputs 808464432
0x00000001 outputs 808482864
0x10000000 outputs 808548400
10000000000000000000000000000000 outputs 808464433
x01x00x00x00 outputs 813183068
x00x00x00x01 outputs 813183068 same....

etc.etc. It just keeps returning the same large integers. I thought they were memory addresses but its consistent output/input so I guess not.

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C :: Program Doesn't Print Data From Socket

May 7, 2014

I created a basic socket server, which listensing for incoming udp data. When I run the netcat program, I get a response:

$ nc -luv 1732
Connection from port 1732 [udp/*] accepted
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5|?>)
(?@??8?? ??.?n?5|?>)
^C |?>)

But with my c program it doesn't give the response. It should say something like "here is the message: " and then give a message.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Read From File And Print Output To File?

Apr 20, 2014

I know this is how you read from a file. I also want to print my output to the same name of the file plus ".txt". So if my file is called "text" I want to print it to a file called "text.txt".

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


Would it be something like this? Is it better to use "a" or "w" in the fopen? I want to write to it several times.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


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C/C++ :: Binary Search Tree Program - Segmentation Fault Error

Mar 21, 2014

I'm writing a binary search tree program and I got it to compile but as soon as I input something it returns a "segmentation fault error" . I suspect the issue with the code is withing my `add` function.

template<typename T>
void BinarySearchTree<T>::add(T value) {
if (m_root == nullptr) {
Node<T>* node = new Node<T>;
m_root = node;

[Code] ....

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