C++ :: Linked List Pass By Address Error
Jul 24, 2014#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
How is this not working? just the add & display function.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
How is this not working? just the add & display function.
I am attempting to change the value of the head node in my list. I thought due to having pointer defined in parameter list I could change the address value of head node. The argument passed is a struct I did not have to use & in argument list to denote address of struct to compiler. This may have something to do with my problem. I did not include all routines called by main program just the deleteNode routine im having problems with.
bool deleteNode(struct node *head, struct node *delptr) {
node *cur = head;
node *tempNextptr= cur;
using namespace std;
while(cur) {
if (cur == delptr)
[Code] ....
I cant get my insert function to insert to the head of the list I dont think I'm passing the pointers correctly.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
struct list1 {
int data ;
list1 * next = NULL;
[Code] .....
I have a problem set where i have to read in numbers from a file as strings, convert from strings to integers, and pass the integers into a linked list, where each integer is a node. This is what I have so far:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# define MAX_INT_SIZE 10000
typedef struct integer BigInt;
struct integer {
[Code] ......
I have made a Template Class that I named ArrayList(to coincide with ArrayLists in Java)and it works for the primitive types string, int, double, etc.; however, when I try making the ArrayList with a class object instead of a primitive type it gives:
"error C2512: 'ArrayList<Missile>::listCell' : no appropriate default constructor available"
And I am not sure why. My ArrayList Class is defined by:
template <class type> class ArrayList{
struct listCell{
type dataStorage;
listCell *next = nullptr;
[Code] ....
The error takes place in the add method of the ArrayList class:
void add(type toAdd){
if (head == nullptr){
head = new listCell();
head->dataStorage = toAdd;
[Code] ....
only when I use a class object instead of a primitive storage type.
The class "Missile" has been defined and compiles successfully, and the code calling the add method is here:
ArrayList<Missile> missiles;
Missile *missile;
//Constructor and Deconstructor not shown
void fire(){
missile = new Missile(xPos, yPos, true);
why this causes an error?
I dynamically allocate a new list in the recMergeSort function which should run a constructor but when it get to the functions that use it, I get error C2065: 'otherHead' : undeclared identifier. I have tried setting it to NULL and it didn't work. I even copied the default constructor to a set function and I still get the errors.
template<class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::recMergeSort(nodeType<Type>* &head) {
otherHead = new nodeType<Type>;
if (head !=NULL)
if (head->link != NULL)
[Code] ....
wonder if I'm sending the correct data type. Here is the heading of the functions that I'm using from the book.
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::divideList(nodeType<Type>* first1,
nodeType<Type>* first2)
When compiling the source I get the following error
"pms_program.h:54:56: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘CourseType’"
the code you are looking for in pms_course.h ( there is a circular dependency between pms.h , pms_course.h and pms_program.h)
function prototype AppendProgram ( part of doubly linked list )
I have attached the full course code.
As much as I like I cannot change the structure of the startup code ...
please see attached zip file for the entire source code.
I am trying to make a linked list. When I compile my code, I get an error saying 'current' is not declared in this scope. I don't understand because I have declared in the first line of my functions body. The variable is local to the function so I don't understand what the problem is.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class LinkedList {
LinkedList() // default constructor makes an empty list
void search(int srch) {
if (isempty()) {
cout<<"No Record Found";
} else {
node *p;
while(p!=NULL || p->getroll_no()==srch)
[Code] ....
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void myfunc(int* ); // what do i put in these parameters to accept a mem loc of a pointer
int main () {
int x = 5;
[Code] .....
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Purpose to create a function that returns a pointer to a pointer
int** myfunc(int**);
int main () {
int x = 5;
[Code] ....
I am doing a piece of gui code on some embedded system.
I'm trying to find a way of eliminating the local variable kEvent:
EVENT kEvent;
xStatus = xQueueSendToBack(getEventProcessorQueue(),&kEvent, 0 );
I tried this, it doesn't work:
xStatus = xQueueSendToBack(getEventProcessorQueue(),(EVENT *)EVENT_UPSTREAM, 0 );
Shouldn't this work?
Why do we not pass the address of the string during printf or scanf functions like we do for Integer or float variable types?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to print a single linked list backward with functions/classes. I have created the main file and 3 header files. But I'm getting an error on one of the header files, linkedListIterator after adding #include "linkedListType.h". It says that "linkedLlistType.h" is calling itself. And when I try to run it, I get an error of "too many header files." I have tried changing the headers many times, but nothing seems to work.
.cpp file:
/*(Printing a single linked list backward) Include the functions reversePrint and recursiveReversePrint, as discussed in this chapter, in the class linkedListType. Also, write a program function to print a (single) linked list backward. (Use either the class unorderedLinkedList or the class orderedLinkedList to test your function.)*/
#include "linkedListType.h"
#include "orderedLinkedList.h"
#include "linkedListIterator.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct nodeType
[Code] ....
header files:
[URL] .... (error in this header file)
[URL] ....
I'm trying to write a function that takes two linked lists and creates a third one with only the common elements.
It assumes the first list (the caller) has no dups, but it doesn't seem to be working. The program doesn't crash, it just hangs when it is supposed to display L3 (the third list)..everything else runs and is displayed fine.
template <typename T>
LList <T> LList <T>:: common (LList <T> &B)//common fct
Node <T> *hunter1 = Head;
Reversing Linklist using Stack. I have created linklist using <list> STL. Now I want to push address of each node in Stack. For that I want address of 1st node so that I will assign it to "temp" and I can use following loop.
HTML Code:
while (temp != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
But I am not getting address of 1st node. I tried function l1.front() which gives 1st element but not address.
Why do most C examples pass a double pointer when manipulating linkedlists? Why can not we just pass a single pointer to the struct?I think using an external reference accessor for a linked list would be a more appropriate solution, yes or no?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a linked list comprised of chars like so...
node1 - "p"
node2 - "o"
node3 - "p"
I need a function that will take in three perameters...node *replaceChar(node *head, char key, char *str)Stipulations of this function. head is the head of the list, 'key' and 'str' are guaranteed to contain alphanumeric characters only (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9). str can range from 1 to 1023 characters (inclusively). So if I call this function with these perameters..
node *head == /*the head of the list to be examined*/
char key == "p"char *str == "dog"The new list will look like this...
node1 - 'd'
node2 - 'o'
node3 - 'g'
node4 - 'o'
node5 - 'd'
node6 - 'o'
node7 - 'g'
All instances of 'p' were replaced with 'dog' I have a toString function which takes in a string and converts it to a linked list and returns the head. So assume that you can call the function on str = "dog" so...
toString(str) == /*this will return the head to the list made from the str*/
If it's unclear what my question is...I am stumped on how to write the replaceChar function the one that takes in three perameters..
In C you can just load and call the address of a function without defining its arguments like this:
Code: int (__stdcall *pMessageBox)();
int main() {
h = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
pMessageBox = GetProcAddress(h, "MessageBoxA");
// MessageBoxA
pMessageBox(0, "MessageBoxA has been called!", "MessageBox Example", MB_OK);
return 0;
In C++ the same code gives "too many arguments for call" error unless you define the function first with its parameters.
Is there a way to do it the same way in C++?
I can't seem to figure out whats causing this error: statement cannot resolve address of overloaded function . Error is before line 14 in bubblesortrand function. Thnx in advance.
void bubblesort(int num[], int a_size)
int i, j, temp;
for(i = (a_size - 1); i >= 0; i--)
// Write a function called insertEntry() to insert a new entry into a linked list.
Have the procedure take as arguments a pointer to the list entry to be inserted (of type struct entry as defined in this chapter), and a pointer to an element in the list after which the new entry is to be inserted.
// The function dveloped in exercise 2 only inserts an element after an existing element in the list, thereby prenting you from inserting a new entry at the front of the list.
(Hint: Think about setting up a special structure to point to the beginning of the list.)
#include <stdio.h
struct entry1 {
int value;
struct entry1 *next;
This is a working version of the exercise, but I don't think I'm doing what's asked. I was able to add an element to the beginning of the list using an if statement, not creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list. How would I go about creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list to add a new element at the beginning of the list?
Goal: Use a struct that has 4 fields, input to those fields, and pass to function to display.
Problem: (38) : error C2365: 'displaySData' : redefinition; previous definition was 'data variable'
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void displaySData(MovieData, MovieData);
[Code] .....
In my project, GreedyKnap::calKnap(int nItem, int nCapacity, float fWeights, float fProfits);
This function include two array member pass as parameter. how can i do this?
I'm working on a linked list and was wondering how this looks to everybody else for a deleteList function.
void deleteList(Node* head)
Node* iterator = head;
while (iterator != 0)
I need to make the functions using these function prototypes. I am mainly having problems with GetFirst() and SwapData() but how to do it..
Header File with Prototypes
* @file
* This file provided a doubly-linked list implementation capable of storing any arbitrary data.
* The list implementation relies on a chain metaphor: a list is merely a sequence of links
* (ListItems) and there is no separate construct to represent the entire list, each ListItem in it
I read an article on linked list here: C Linked List Data Structure Explained with an Example C Program
struct test_struct* search_in_list(int val, struct test_struct **prev)
struct test_struct *ptr = head;
struct test_struct *tmp = NULL;
bool found = false;
What is "if(prev)"? Wouldn't "prev" always have the same value? Secondly, if tmp is NULL (which will be the case when the loop if(ptr->val == val) finds a match the first time it is run), is *prev assigned a NULL?
I'm having a small issue here with my linked list.I built a linked list with strings and it worked perfectly.Now since i'm using strtok() to separate the string.for now here's what i've got:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct dict_word *word;
typedef struct node *Node;
typedef struct double_linked_list *DLL;