C# :: How To Make A Planet That Moves In A Circle Motion

Dec 7, 2014

i would like to make a planet that moves in a circle motion. I dont know how to start and how i can move a "planet" in a circle motion?

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C++ :: SDL Object Moves Too Fast

Jan 2, 2013

I am currently making pong using visual C++ with the SDL libary. I find that the ball moves too fast for the players and needs to slow down. The code for the movement is in a while loop and vairies speeds 1 - 2 (X and Y).


//ball movement{
ballX += speedX;
ballY += speedY;

ballX and ballY is the position of the ball.
speedX and speedY are the speeds. these change from 1 - 2

How to make the ball move less than one pixel or something along those lines.

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C++ :: Function Call That Moves Entity From One Vector To Another

Nov 15, 2014

Ok so I have a function call that moves an Entity from one vector to another, and if one doesn't exist then it creates one and moves it:

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> ActiveEntities;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> EntityPool;

// Creates a generic entity in the entity pool
void EntityManager::CreateEntity() {

[Code] .....

In this case it checks the entity pool for an entity, if one exists it moves it to the active entities and then returns the unique id, if one doesn't exist it creates one then calls itself to run the check again to verify and move the new entity.

My question is, is this a valid form of recursion since it only incurs a single loop of recursion, or should I reform the entire system to work differently? If so, how do you set this up in a way that does not cause recursion?

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C++ :: Writing A Program That Finds The Probability Of Moves?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm writing a program that finds the probability of moves a Knight can make on a chess board. The program asks the user to enter the row and the column and the program is supposed to output how many possible moves the Knight can make, but the output is wrong. Example(if I enter row 1 and column 1 the output is 8 and it should be 2) I know the problem is with my if statements.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int chess(int a, int b) {
int x =a;
int y = b;
int sum=0;


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Visual C++ :: CDialogBar Moves Content (other Windows) In MDI Application When Docked At Left Side

Feb 19, 2013

I have a question concerning the CDialogBar (:CControlBar).

I have a MDI application with a dockable toolbox (CDialogBar).

The user is able/allowed to move the DialogBar and to dock it at the right or left side When I dock at the left side, the content of my mdi-application (so all other open windows) are moved right (so the dockable bar moves the windows).

If i dock at the right side, nothing changes.

How can I change the behaviour of the bar, that the windows inside the application keep the same position when I dock left ?

(Problem is, that my windows are aligned on the right side of the application). When I dock the bar on the left, the windows are getting moved in the not visible area.)

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C++ :: SDL - How To Handle Mouse Motion Input

Oct 19, 2013

I am using SDL 2.0. But I don't know how to handle mouse input. Do you think you can explain of how to do that? Or give me a link that explains that really great?

I know how to handle a mouse button that presses down for a sec.

if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN){
if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT){
// Do something . . .

But not how to handle the mouse input of what the mouse is hovering over and that.

Like in a start menu of a game. I want a button for example to appear blue when I hover over it and when I click on it. It should start the game for example.

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C++ :: Visual Arrow Following Motion Of Ball?

Aug 25, 2013

I have created plane as floor and sphere as ball. I used physics equations to it and ball falls under gravity. Now i want to attach visual arrow to this ball which moves with it according to velocity direction. If ball bounces then direction of velocity is changed so does arrow.

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C/C++ :: Trapezoidal Motion Profile Using Discrete Method?

Mar 9, 2015

I'm trying to program an arduino to generate a Trapezoidal Motion Profile to control a DC motor with a quadrature encoder.

Essentially, the user will input the desired Target Position, Max Velocity and Acceleration (decel = -accel) and the code will calculate the target position versus time which will then be compared with the actual position. The result will then be subject to a PID calculation

My initial assumption was that I could use basic Newtonian physics to determine position (i.e. PT = P0 + V0T + 1/2AT2, VT = V0 + AT). However, after reading through documentation for pre-existing motion controllers, I discovered that the prevalent method was to use a discrete time method, which is as follows:

VK = VK-1 + A (A = Acceleration)
PK = PK-1 + VK-1 + A/2

I'm having a hard time understanding quite how this equation would generate the target position versus time. In the case of Velocity, it seems to just add the acceleration to the current velocity. But what about everything in between?

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C :: Arduino Programming - Control Motion Of Servo Motor

Jul 16, 2013

I am working on a project that requires using an arduino microcontroller to control the motion of a servo motor. The arduino language is pretty much C.

The original code is of the form:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
// a maximum of eight servo objects can be created

int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position

[Code] .....

But the problem is I don't want the motor's motion to behave linearly (constant increments of the pos variable). My desired motion is a sinusoidal like function. How to approach this?

I am quite new to programming, especially with microcontrollers. My guess is that instead of the pos+=1, I would need something like pos+=sin(argument). I am not sure what that argument should be.

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C++ :: Simulation Of Motion Of Magnets On A Rod - Long Double Not Working

Apr 25, 2013

I'm currently working on a simulation of the motion of magnets on a rod. As part of it, there are arrays of the properties of the magnets:

long double *accelerations; // These will later be dynamically allocated depending on the number
long double *velocities; // of magnets
long double *positions;

However, when I go to compile this, the compiler gives me these error for the pointers:

error: two or more data types in declaration of 'accelerations'
error: two or more data types in declaration of 'velocities'
error: two or more data types in declaration of 'positions'

Apparently, the compiler isn't recognising long double* as a type and is instead reading is as the two types long and double*.

My compiler is MinGW 4.4.3

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C Sharp :: Motion Of Controls - Picturebox Position In Form?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a form with a picturebox and some buttons to move the picturebox. I don't want the user to guide the picturebox out of the form even by dragging the form border picturebox moves just in the form border, and also there is a button to guide the picturebox to the start position (start choose by user). What can i do?

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C++ :: Visual Studio 2013 - Leap Motion Virtual Piano

Sep 10, 2014

I currently have a project that requires me to build a leap motion Virtual Piano. I am using Windows Visual Studio 2013 and i plan to use C++ to code it.

I assume my first step is to create a virtual piano using C++.. Then, link it with leap motion interface.

Can i know which audio library suits my project and how can i go about doing it?

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C Sharp :: Full Code For Webcam Alert Motion Detector?

Mar 12, 2013

i have webcam i need to make project when this webcam detect any motion in his spot give me alert ,,,

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C++ :: Moving In A Circle

Apr 15, 2014

I'm making this program to mess with people and make them think its a virus.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 //For hiding your console
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <WinBase.h>


At line 42 and 43 I want to make the cursor move around in a circle over and over again but I'm not sure how.

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C++ :: Calculate Area Of Circle Without Pi

Mar 22, 2013

I was given an assignment for class to calculate the area of a circle using only the radius as a user input and not using Pi in the code. I need to do this by calculating the areas of a series of rectangles under the curve and adding them together. Using nested loops to continuously reduce the size of these rectangles until the approximated area value is within a margin of error less than 0.1%.

using namespace std;
int main ()

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Find Each Pixel In The Circle

Jul 26, 2014

How can I find each and every pixel in a circle so that I can do some operations on it.

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C :: Printing A Circle In PPM Image

Oct 30, 2013

I'm supposed to print a small rectangle inside concentric circles that are inscribed in a rectangle.I'm not really sure where to start with printing a circle in a ppm file.

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C++ :: MFC Drawing Circle Instead Of Square

Mar 11, 2014

Found a good beginner's tutorial to learn Visual C++: [URL] ....

How to change the drawing so that instead of squares, the game draws circles. Can figure out that using Ellipse in the code results in circle outlines, but the fill remains as square color shapes.

The drawing code from the tutorial is below. How to substitute filled circles for filled squares.


// CSameGameView drawing
void CSameGameView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC){
// First get a pointer to the document
CSameGameDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Calculate Dimensions Of A Circle?

Jul 3, 2013


#ifndef CIRCLE_H
#define CIRCLE_H
class Circle {
Circle(double r);


The function isBigger() returns true (or false) if the radius of the Circle instance on which the function is invoked is bigger (or smaller) than the radius of the Circle instance passed to the function.: How to implement this function?

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C++ :: Creating Array Of Eight Circle Objects

Nov 4, 2013

Im supposed to create an to array of eight Circle objects initialized with the following radii: 2.5, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 5.5, 3.5, 2.0. Then use a bubble sort to arrange the objects in ascending order of radius size before displaying the area of each object.

The error I get is "Cannot open include file: 'Circle.h': No such file or directory". Do I have to create a separate file for it?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Circle.h"
using namespace std;
class Circle {

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Circle Fill Color In - FLTK

Aug 28, 2014

I installed FLTK 1.3.X (from here [URL] ...) on my visual studio 2012 compiler and use PPP book for programming (this: [URL] ..... ). My problem is about filling a Shape in. For example , this code:

#include <Simple_window.h>
using namespace Graph_lib;
int main() {
Simple_window win(Point(100,100), 1000, 600, "Binary_tree");
Graph_lib::Circle c(Point(200,200),50);

[Code] ....

When I run the program, All three Shapes are drawn but only the Rectangle is filled in! Why?

set_color works for the three and apparently the set_fill_color is defined for all Shapes and it too should work but why it doesn't work for Circle and Ellipse?

This is the .CPP and .h files [URL] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Draw Rectangle Inside A Circle

Jul 5, 2013

Write a program using turbo c to draw a rectangle inside a circle..........

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Visual C++ :: Radius And Centre Of Circle

Jan 22, 2014

I am drawing a circle using ellipse because there is no explicit command for this.

pDC->Ellipse(CRect(70, 170, 300, 400));

What is the centre of circle and what is radius in the above command?

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C :: Creating PPM Image - Black Rectangle With A Circle

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to create a PPM image for a class assignment. A black rectangle with a circle at the point 225, 175 with a radius of 75. I have to use certain specific methods, so I can't use like Bresenham's really famous method for creating a circle.

The problem is that it compiles fine, and transfers to an image fine, but always says that I have a negative or zero image size.


#include "shapes.h"
int main () {
int i, j, x, y;

fprintf(stdout,"P6 width height 255

[Code] ....

And my header is:

#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>
#define height 480
#define width 640
#define cy 175
#define cx 225
#define radius 75

The circle has to be filled in. I made it white. Also, i and j are unsused so far, so just ignore them.

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C :: Program That Calculates The Area And Circumference Of A Circle

Sep 27, 2014

I trying to write a program that calculates the area and circumference of a circle.

This is what I wrote so far.


#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int r;
int pi=3.14159265;
float cir,area;
enter the radius of the circle ");


the Problem is when I input the radius the answer I get is zero regardless of the the radius. Am I missing something?

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C/C++ :: Plotting Points On A Circle With One Fixed Axis

Oct 31, 2014

I am working on a computer program where I need to generate points on a circle. I am familiar with this kind of algorithm:

for(d=0; d<=2*pi; d+=0.01)
x = cos(d)*radius;
y = sin(d)*radius;

However, due to the specifics of the program I am writing, I need to iterate through a fixed number of points one at a time, like so:

for ( int x = 0; x < blockSize; x++ )
y = ???

This essentially "fixes" one axis of the circle, since I can't do: x=rx+sin(d)*r.

I have tried simply: "y = sin(d)*radius;" and I get a curved shape, but it's not a circle.

My question then is, how do I get the value of y in this situation, where the x axis is incrementing by 1 through a range of values? Is it mathematically possible?

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