C++ :: Given A String How To Find Longest Substring With All Unique Characters
Feb 9, 2015I am new to C++ programming, writing a program for the below question:
given a string, how to find the longest substring with all unique characters.
I am new to C++ programming, writing a program for the below question:
given a string, how to find the longest substring with all unique characters.
I am stuck in some logic and want to write a program to do following tasks : I have three string variables to be compared to each other,a string having sub string & hierarchy string!!
1.) name1=john name2=tom_john_tom name3=alextom_john
thus we need to search john from name2 and name3 and if name1 exists in both name2 and name3 then ok else check for step2
2.) name1=a.b.c.d ,name2=a.b.c.d and name3=a.b.c.d
we need to compare each string seperated by a dot in all three variables and we need to match each string seperated by a delimeter "."
if name1.a==name2.a==name3.a and name1.b==name2.b==name3.b ,name1.c==name2.c==name3.c and name1.d==name2.d==name3.d then its a match
else its a mismatch
Also,the catch is we can have name1 ,name2 and name3 in format name1=*.*.*.* and name2=*.*.*.* and name3=*.*.*.*
where * defines it can be any value to be matched
If operator wants to match only the second field , then the logic should be like:
If the Value is to be matched = (*.#.*.*)
then "matched"
its a mismacth
# => for this field of name2 and name3 shall be same
* => for this field name2 and name3 shall be ignored for comparison
to obtain option1 we can have find function and substr however pls suggest how to approach for second option !!!!
How to find the last longest word in a string when there are more of them (with the longest size)?
Here is the program for the longest without checking if last:
int main() {
char a[50],b[20],c[20];
int i,j=0,l=0;
printf("Enter a string:
[Code] ....
bool isUnique(string _str)
bool char_set[256];
int len = _str.length();
memset(char_set, '/0', 256);
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
[Code] .....
I came across this code to find if string has unique characters...i didnt understand why they subracted ascii value of character '0' in the statement int val = _str[i]- '0' and what is happening with the statements...
return false;
char_set[val] = true;
I take each character in the sting and traverse the whole string .and if count is 2 i use break and conclude that its not unique and not otherwise...can i use this method or this is not efficient????
Im supposed to find the common characters between two string characters, assuming that the user wont input duplicate letters like ddog. When I run my code I get an output of a question mark upside down. Here is my code with comments on what each part is supposed to do
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char str1[20], str2[20],remp = '