C++ :: Generate Calendar For A Year - Day Of Week Month Starts From
Oct 18, 2013
So for my C++ class I am required to create a program that will "Write a program to generate a calendar for a year. The program should accept the year and the day of the week for january 1 of that year (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.)" (problem statement) and I am completely stuck. I've posted what I have so far below:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
bool isLeapYear(int year);
int daysInMonth(int month, bool lpYear);
int printCalendar(int month);
int printDay(int dow);
Problem: Write a program to generate a calendar for a year. The program should accept the year and the day of the week for January 1 of that year (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.). The calendar should be printed in the following form:
I have wrote code that has three functions, one to print the month, one to print the days in month, and one to find if it is a leap year or not. I have gotten up to the point where I can print the 12 months with a for loop, but how to print out the days in the format above.
This is my code.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void printOneMonth(int month, int& dow, int year); void daysInMonth(int month, int year, int& dim); bool isLeapYear(int year); int main(){ int year=0, dow, count;
Whenever I run the program I get no errors yet it doesn't return a value for total it just exits the program. The program is supposed to output the number of the day based on the month day and year and check whether it is a leap year.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int totaldays(); int days(); int month, day, year; bool leap(); int main() { char dash; cout << "Enter the date in mm-dd-yyyy format to find out what day this is in the year." << endl;
I'm trying to determine the first Tuesday of any month in a given year.. I'd prefer to use my own functions to arrive at a solution, but logically I could sorting these things out.
In this assignment the student should develop a month calendar by designing a class called calendarType . This class uses two other classes (dateType and dayType) as described below:
1. dayType Class: This class has been designed by students in Lab1 exercises. Referee to it. 2. dateType Class: This class is designed and implemented to keep track of data. This class has been provided it to you. Study it first then add definitions and implementations of the following operations to this class:
- Test whether the year is a leap year. Leap year is identified by 3 criteria : - The year is evenly divisible by 4; - If the year can be evenly divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless; - The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year. - Return the number of days in the month. For example, if the date is 12/3/2014, the number of days to be returned is 31 because there are 31 days in March. - Return the number of days passed in the year. For example, if the date is 18/3/2014 the number of days passed is 77. Note that the number of days returned also includes the current day. - Return the number of days remaining in the year. For example, if the date is 18/3/2014 , the number of days remaining in the year is 288. - Calculate the new date by adding a fixed number of days to the date. For example, if the date is 18/3/2014 and the days to be added are 25, the new date is 12/4/2014.
To print monthly calendar using calendarType class, you must know the first day of the month and the number of the days in that month. Thus, you must store the first day of the month, which is in the form of dayType and the month and the year of the calendar. Clearly, the month and the year can be stored as an object of the form dateType by setting the day component of the date to 1, and the month and year as specified by user.
Design the class calendarType so that the program print a calendar for any month starting 1/1/ 1500 which is Monday. To calculate the first day of a month, you can add the 2 appropriate days to Monday of January 1, 1500. For this class identify and implement the following operations:
- Determine the first day of the month for which the calendar will be printed. Call this operation firstDayOfMonth. - set/get month. - set/get year. - Print calendar for particular month. - Add the appropriate constructors to initialize the member variables. - Write a test program to print the calendar for either a particular year or a particular month.
How to compare the time fetched from two week number of different year using C,C++.
I have used a naming convention for the files generated in a linux system. The naming convention will have the week number and date's day indication like Monday means M. I need to compare the two files of same week but on different years and calculate the time?
I'm trying to implement a Date class to create a simple application for " Major U.S. holidays calendar System ", that provides a list of major holidays for a given year AND prints the calendar for the given year either online or write to a file. I need to finish up the class date.h, which is
program that prompts the user to enter a person’s date of birth in numeric form such as 8-27-1980.The program then outputs the date of birth in the form: august 27, 1980.Your program must contain at least two exception classes; invalidDay and invalidMonth.
I'm trying to zoom into a fractal and to do this I'm using mouse click to calculate where the centre should be and then taking away 1 from the right and top and adding 1 to the left and bottom to make a zoomed in version. This works perfectly... for 15 zooms. When the value of the left and right meet each other the fractal starts zooming out instead of in. Through multiplication maybe?
I am supposed to create a program that simulates a random walk that starts with position 0. If its odd it moves to the right (add one) if the random number is even it moves to the left (subtract 1).
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; void main() { int num1, num2, num3, num4, i, rs = 12345 ; cout << " Please enter the number iterations to be executed: ";
[Code] ....
I'm getting an error when I try to run the program: error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value. So I don't even know if what I have is right.
I want to know if there is a function or library that starts counting time when the program starts. Because I'm making a program that is dependent on time.
Pseudo code
time starts if ( seconds % 2 == 0 ) { counter++; }
I'm having an issue with merging two files. Basically, my instructor gave me pseudocode and two files to merge together. Each file (a male client and a female client file) has three names and id numbers inside. The finished MergedClients.rtf should have all six clients in ascending ID order. I wrote the C++ code and after combing through a couple times to fix a few errors, it finally ran. The problem is it starts the process, but it doesn't ever finish.
I tried changing some of the bool expressions thinking I mixed up the true and false parts. After that the program ran and it created the new output file, but the file was empty. So, I don't think I mixed any of those expressions after all.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ ifstream inFile1; ifstream inFile2;
I have a function and i want to delete a file when the function is called and starts it's loop i have used this code but unfortunately the file is not deleted ?
Code: void evaluate(void) /*evaluate the population */{ int mem; int i; double x[NVARS+1]; char buffer[101] = {"save.txt"};
I have been given the task of creating a frog leap game that starts at 1 and finishes at 12. The layout is as follows. The '@' symbols are just included to show blank white space.
Each number within the game will represent an object, the user will have to reach the 12th leaf start from leaf 1. the frog can only move in the directions of forwards backwards, left and right. Any starting points? E.g. using and array or list? i have a feeling this is going to be a big task. is inheritance possible?
I've spent some time trying to performance test various methods of loading / accessing a file, either into memory or through a memory mapped file, but I am having some trouble.
FILE * pFile; std::ifstream ifs; MapViewOfFile
I'm have trouble because Windows appears to cache the file, so I am getting very mixed results. Sometimes a huge file (100's MB's) will load quickly, other times almost instantly.
How to stop Windows from doing whatever it's doing, so I can see the real time taken to load/access a file from disk?
I write this program to print the number of days for the month when the year and the month enters. This is not giving any result and i think that problem is with calling functions.
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; int leap_year(int year); string days(string mounth); string feb(string fab1); void main(){ int year;
I am having trouble associating the month names with the month numbers. When the program runs, it should output the date in three styles.
Also I do not know if my input validations work correctly(day cannot be greater than 31 or less than 1, month cannot be greater than 12 or less than 1).
#include <iostream> using namespace std; char again; class Date { private: int month; int day; int year;
The objective is to build a month class that hold data on the number of the month and the name of the month. Using constructors and overloads, set it up to where you can input either the month or the name and it will output the results for both the month number and name.
Here is the code I have so far:
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Month{ private: string name; int monthNumber;
[Code] ....
It is almost fully compiled if I go by the error list. The only problems I see to be having are with the prefix and postfix overloads.
I just dont see what the issue is here. I have stared at this thing forever. Im trying to make a calendar from scratch so I can be prepared for my second test on Friday.
Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(void) { int i, n, s;
I am trying to format a Gregorian Calendar that accepts only the year as a user input, but I want the display to show 3 months on one row. I can get January to display correctly, but the February and March months do not.
I think my loop inside of my calendar1 function specifically is the issue:
//Is day before Sat? Else start next line Sun. if ( ( day + daycode ) % 7 > 0 ) cout << right << setw(3);
The object is to have the user enter in the number of days then the day the calendar would start on. This part I was able to achieve and run okay. Once I wanted to get the values/days that were prime to have a P besides them this is where I ran into trouble. In this case P stands for prime numbers.
The issue I have is that some of the values that are prime have the correct P but others have the P as well such as 9, 15, and 25 - which are not prime numbers.
I was able to create a program that checked for prime numbers separately but I had issues merging them. Below is the merged code followed by the prime checker.
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int i, N, Start; int j, GetNumber, PrimeNumber = 0;
In this project a user needs to enter a numeric month and a year. The output is a single calendar month with the name of the month followed by a grid of the days. My issue is that my day alignment is off. for example: if you enter the month of December (12) and this year 2014 it says the month started on a Wednesady when in fact it started on a Monday. I am not sure if its my leap year calculaion or what.
(I'm using visual c++). Write a program that calculates the balance of a savings account at the end of a three month period. It should ask the user for the starting balance and the annual interest rate. A loop should then iterate once for every month in the period, performing the following:
A) Ask the user for the total amount deposited into the account during that month. Do not accept negative numbers. This amount should be added to the balance.
B) Ask the user for the total amount withdrawn from the account during that month. Do not accept negative numbers or numbers greater than the balance after the deposits for the month have been added in.
C) Calculate the interest for that month. The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by 12. Multiply the monthly interest rate by the average of that month’s starting and ending balance to get the interest amount for the month. This amount should be added to the balance.
After the last iteration, the program should display a final report that includes the following information:
• starting balance at the beginning of the three-month period. • total deposits made during the three months • total withdrawals made during the three months • total interest posted to the account during the three months • final balance.
What I need is to solve that particular problem using a class. Here is the code solved for the problem not using a class:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double annulInterestRate, balance, monthlyInterestRate,
I have this project, The problem is I have most of the code written, I am just having trouble setting it up correctly and placing it correctly. My code is rather long but as I said I know this is the longer and harder way to go about this.
//This program will be used to find out the day of the year #include <iostream> int month, day, year; bool isALeapYear(int year) { //Check if the year is divisible by 4 or is divisible by 400