C++ :: Evaluating Logical Boolean Expressions
Jan 10, 2013
I am looking for a library to aid me in evaluating Boolean expressions. For example, i have an expression like this:
(1*(5+3)+9*65/5-(354*4565*5643+98) >= 12345) && ( 654*987+123 || (2345 > 23423 && 1 != 2)))
(It can also be much longer!) and would like to evaluate them to a true/false boolean.
There are tons of libraries to calculate the (numerical) result of a mathematical expression, but this is not what i want to do.
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Dec 3, 2014
Also, can't use namespace std for this.
[Code] ....
/* It will read in a infix expression from a text file.check if the parentheses in the input expression are balanced.convert the infix expression into a postfix expression and evaluate the expression.*/
int main() {
string expression;
string postfixExpression;
double result;
[Code] ....
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Feb 25, 2013
I have the following code to calculate arithmetic expressions :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
const char * expressionToParse = "6.5-2.5*10/5+2*5";
char peek(){
return *expressionToParse;
The problem is that it does not work properly with decimal numbers for example it evaluates 6-2*10/5+2*5 = 12 which is correct but for 6.5-2.5*10/5+2*5 it returns 6 instead of 11.5 .
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Jun 8, 2013
Let's say I have a product that needs service after 500 hours at 100 RPM. I can dsiplay the remaining hours only as an integer and we only have integer math. Management wants it to display 500 for the first hour, not 499 after the first minute is ticked off. But after a few minutes fullHours will be 499 and partialHours will have some value. I have 3 ways to determine displayHours to suit management and I want to know if the first is ligit.
short fullHours = 500;
short partialHours = 0;
short displayedHours = 0;
// Method 1 - Is is Kosher to cast a boolean as an int? Is TRUE always a 1 or is that a bad assumption?
displayedHours = fullHours + (short) (partialHours != 0);
//Method 2 - Works but some have disdain for the ternary conditional
displayHours = fullHours + (partialHours ? 1 : 0);
//Method 3 - seems a bit pedantic
displayHours = fullHours;
if (partialHours != 0) {
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Nov 3, 2013
i feel like im really close to completing this but i cant seem to get the result printed out i dont think im calling my evaluate function correctly and its not performing the operations..
#include <iostream>
#include <stack> //stack header file
using namespace std;
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Apr 12, 2015
I am trying to convert from infix to postfix, and then evaluating the postfix expression to get the final answer. I am having a severe problem though, because for somereason the conversion is not working at all. For example, when I input the first infix expression:
24 + 33 * ( 7 - 5 ) + 8 / 3 it ouputs 24 33 7 5 - 5 ) + 8 / 3( 7 - 5 ) + 8 / 3* ( 7 - 5 ) + 8 / 3+ 33 * ( 7 - 5 ) + 8 / 3 8 3/ 3+ 8 / 3
Which is obviously very wrong. I am not really sure where the problem is though.
Below I have included all of the code needed. I also had to create my own stack class, so I will include it too .
#include "stacks.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool IsOperand(char C) {
if(C >= '0' && C <= '9') return true;
if(C >= 'a' && C <= 'z') return true;
[Code] .....
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May 29, 2013
At one point in my C++, non-CLR program, the following code:
unsigned int size = 3;
float maxX = (float)(int(size-1))/2.0f;
std::cout << maxX;
outputs 107. Is it something about a conversion from unsigned int to float?
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Nov 27, 2014
int main() {
char *arr[] = {"Hello", "World", "Good", "Morning"};
The code works fine and prints the 4 strings. Where i m riddled is whether "ptr" in display function is a pointer or a string ? If it's a pointer then what is the type of the pointer? If it's an array, then as per my understanding, we cannot use an array name in expressions such as ptr++ (K&R).
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Dec 20, 2013
I wrote this program using an online compiler i am getting a lot of errors.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string birthmonth;
string birthday;
[Code] ....
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Mar 9, 2013
I've received a segmentation fault in this part of code:
for (; str[i] != '