C++ :: Create Two Vectors With 10 Elements And Input Random Numbers

Feb 9, 2014

I can't compile this code as I am at work and the computers are security protected, So i''l have to wait until i get home to test this, but I am pretty sure I am wrong. The problem is I have to create two vectors with 10 elements and input random numbers into it, then pick one of the elements of the second vector at random and append it to an element from the first vector at random. This has to be done 10 times and the I am assuming i have to print the 10 results. This is what I have:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> random (10);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sort Ascending Random Numbers - Vectors

Oct 21, 2013

I'm trying to sort random numbers in ascending order and I was wondering how I should go about that.

Here's what I currently have.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;


I'm trying to put our algorithm between the ////'s. We're only allowed to use for loops also. What I currently have is the minimum number finder and the use of temp to find the values. However, it doesn't seem to be working.

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C++ :: List Of Vectors (vector Of N Vectors Of M Elements)

Mar 19, 2014

I create a list of vectors (a vector of n vectors of m elements).

std::vector <std::vector <int> > vsFA (n, std::vector<int>(n));

How I assign values? I try below, but not worked

void armazenaFA( std::vector <int> &vFA) // this function only knows about vFA
{ vsFA[n] [m]= simTime().dbl();

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C++ :: Create Two Vectors And Then Loop Through The Vectors

Sep 19, 2014

This is probably a very basic question, but I need to create two vectors and then loop through the vectors and output each pair that is found.

The user will input min1 and max1 with step1 for the first vector and min2 and max2 and step2 for the second vector. Then the loops will go through and return the combinations will return each pair of the two vectors.

So if I input min1=1 and max1=10 and step1=1 and same for vector two the return would be:


This is for part of a homework assignment, but I can't continue on the assignment without first getting this simple part to work.

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C++ :: Generate Random Number Between Two Numbers (User Input)

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to generate a random number between two numbers that the user gives me.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void rand_int(const int &min, const int &max, int &val);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Search User Input Number In Array Filled With Random Numbers

Nov 6, 2014

I need to create A program That makes a 12x10 Array Grid Filled With Random Numbers From 0-99.

Then I need To Allow The User To Input A Number Between 0-99 And Then The program will then search through the array and count how many of the users number there is inside the array.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int input;
int number;
int row=0;
int col=0;
int Array [12][10];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Read List Of Random Numbers From Input File And Calculate Statistics?

Nov 11, 2013

I need my program to read a list of numbers from and input file, random.txt, and calculate the following statistics on those numbers:

A. The number of numbers in the file.
B. The sum of all the numbers in the file.
C. The average of all the numbers in the file.
D. The largest number in the file.
E. The smallest number in the file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>


This is what I have so far but I'm not sure if it is right. I can't get the input file to open.

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C++ :: Iterating Through Vectors - Print N Elements At Time

May 2, 2012

I am writing code to access vector elements as, to print first "n" elements of vectors out of its total N elements at a time.

For example, Total vector elements : N= 23
Want to print n elements at time : n =3

How this can be explored using vectors?

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C++ :: How To Scan Multiple Vectors For Common Elements Efficiently

Nov 6, 2013

we conform to the ISO C standard and this snippet of code : Code: vector<tree*> *leaves = new vector<tree*>[num_threads]; where num_threads is specified from command line arguments so not dynamically allocating it violates the standard.

Let's also assume num_threads is greater than one.

What I want to do is scan each vector in leaves for duplicates. If any two vectors in the set have matching addresses, they both immediately go onto the "unsafe" pile and will no longer be subject for testing.

If a vector clears one vector, we test it against the others in the set.

So if we have 3 vectors, A, B and C we test A against B then A against C. For efficiency, we then then just test B against C.

Like I said, I want a "safe" and "unsafe" pile. Every vector in "safe" is fully unique while every vector in "unsafe" is not unique.

I thought about just using a for-loop to loop through leaves and then iterate through each element but I'm not sure if that'll work just right out of the box.

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C++ :: Random Unit Vectors In N-dimensional Space?

Jul 21, 2013

I need a random unit vectors in n-dimensional space. how to build it in C++?

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C++ :: Make 10 Random Numbers Thus Making 10 Random Flips Of Coin?

Aug 31, 2013

I want to make 10 random numbers thus making 10 random flips of a coin. I am getting 10 tails or 10 heads!

Code: #include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])


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C++ :: How To Create Unordered Map Of Fixed Size Vectors

Sep 19, 2013

how to create an unordered map of fixed size vectors?


unordered_map<string, vector<int>> x;

x["mumb 5"][7] = 65; // this does not work since my vector size is not set.

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C++ :: Create A Function That Uses Dynamic Allocated Arrays Instead Of Vectors?

Feb 9, 2014

I'm trying to create a function that uses dynamic allocated arrays instead of vectors because I want to see how they work. Basically, this function asks the user to input how many people they are going to enter followed by their name; then, they enter how many of these people want to register for an ID followed by their phone #.

For example:

"How many customers will you like to enter? " 3 //user inputs 3
Bob Allen //user input
Ellen Michaels //user input
Jane Andrews //user input


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C++ :: Print Prime Numbers - Vectors

Jan 25, 2015

I am trying to print the prime numbers, so i put the numbers into the vector and then erase the non prime numbers. if i comment the break statement i get runtime error saying out of bound, but if i don't comment it out it prints the primes but it also prints the multiples of 3.

void Eratos( int length, vector< int > &v ) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<length; ++i) {
cout <<v[i];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Create A Program That Will Find Total Of All Elements In Array

Aug 28, 2013

I need to create a program that will find the total of all the elements in array. I need to use for loop and the array size is 10.The output should be like this: i used user input

Input array 0 : 2
Input array 1 : 4
Input array 2 : 6
Input array 3 : 7
Input array 4 : 8
Input array 5 : 9
Input array 6 : 10
Input array 7 : 12
Input array 8 : 16
Input array 9 : 20

Sum of 10 numbers in an array is = 94..Press any key to continue..I have a code but the output is not like that. Here is the code,

// Program to store 10 integers array
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int getArray(int x[]);


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C++ :: Create Simple Input Interface On Console - Allow To Input Values To Variables

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to create a simple interface on console to allow to input some values to some variables. For ex:

int main() {
double a = 1.5;
double b = 2.5;
double c = 3.5;
string x;

[Code] ....

However, I want these three to display at the same time (now they display one by one), and in the console window I can move the cursor between input place of a, b and c with "arrow key" of keyboard.

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C++ :: Take Max Of Multiple Elements In Multiple Vectors?

Mar 1, 2012

Say I have 5 vectors of unsigned char each of size 5. I want to take the max of each index and store it in a new vector. What is the most optimal way to accomplish this?

My slow code:

vector<unsigned char> vec1;
vector<unsigned char> vec2;
vector<unsigned char> vec3;
vector<unsigned char> vec4;


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C++ :: Create Random Number As Zip Code

Nov 21, 2014

I am trying to create a zipcode I write my code like that and it only show "-2" on the screen what happen to my code I can not find mistake!

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class Zipcode {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Create CPP File That Will Handle Random Number Generators

Jul 23, 2014

How to create .cpp file (new class) that will handle all the random number generators (<random> library) that main could possibly access. When I looked for a way how to implement random generators the examples were always in the main function or in a class in the main.cpp (with no header file and the generator was not seeded as I imagine it should be = only once in a program).

Questions follows after this malfunction code.

#include "randomizer.h"
int main() {
Randomizer randObject(0, 10, 125); //Set bounds and seed generator
int mainVar = randObject.getRandInt(); //Store newly generated random number for future work

[Code] .....

1) So I think that I should somehow declare these generators and distribution in the header file. Is it like declaring int a;?

I tried writing std::default_random_engine defGen; into the header file which only silenced compiler's errors but defGen wasn't seeded.

I have seen some examples using auto a = randInt(defGen); (or maybe with the use of auto a = std::bind.... But what does auto represent? I can't use it in the header file.

2) Can I ensure that the randObject is seeded only once? If for examle I need randObject2 with different boundMax, can I still use the same defGen which was seeded the first time? That should ensure better "randomness" through the program, shouldn't it?

3) Is there better way (and easy too) to "interface" random number generators? The class in the end should provide "get" function to acces int, double, bool, signed/unsigned... or some other specialities like random prime numbers, etc.

If it is anyhow related I am using Code::Blocks IDE with GCC compiler (4.7.1)

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C++ :: Unable To Create Random Array Of 100 Int Between 0 And 250 To Sort Them And Print

Nov 25, 2013

I seem to get an error after int main (void) saying 'a function definition isnt aloowed here before { token? And then also at the end of main saying 'expexted } at end of output?

My programme is trying to create a random array of 100 ints between 0 and 250, sort them and print them.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstring>
void bubbleSort(int *array,int length)//Bubble sort function {
int i,j;


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C++ :: Create Random Matrix And Print It Out In Text File

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to create a random 3x3 matrix and print it out in a text file using basic functions. My code below will not compile.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
//nxn Matrix = 3x3
const int ROWS = 3;
const int COLS = 3;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Create A File And Fill 6x6 Array With Random Positive Integers

Nov 24, 2014

This is my code!! but it's not working at all.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ofstream fout("datain.txt",ios::out);
int array[6][6];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Create A Button That When Pressed Selects Random Word From A List

Mar 27, 2013

I am currently using Flash. Here are two images I will be referring through without this post:

1: [URL] ....

2: [URL] ....

So basically, when I click the generate buttonon the first image it takes you to the second image. What I want is when I click the generate button it comes to this screen, aswell as choose a random word from each list that I will make (Who List, What List, When List, Where List, and Why List) and place the word next to its position. When you click New Idea I want it to also generate another set of random words from the lists. How can I do this?

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C++ :: Maximum Numbers Of Elements That Can Be Eliminated From A Set Of Sets?

Nov 17, 2014

I have come across a problem lately. You are given a set of n sets with m variables.. for instance {a,b,c,d}, {b,c,d}, {b,c}, {c,e,f}, {e,f}. And you want to eliminate elements from these sets with the restriction that you can only eliminate one item from each set and each item can only be eliminated from one set (i.e. if you've eliminated b from set {a,b,c,d}, then you cannot eliminate it from {b,c,d}). The problem is writing an algorithm which determines the maximum number of elements you can eliminate. And I'm hopelessly stuck... of course, you could backtrack it and determine this number but I feel it could be done more efficiently..

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C++ :: Looping - Input Numbers Until User Types 0 Then Output Product Of Non Zero Numbers

May 1, 2014

How to do the problem below using loop?

Input numbers until the user types a 0, then output the product of the non 0 numbers: e

E.g., if the user types 2 4 6 0, the program should output 48

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C++ :: User Input Loaded Into Array Of Elements

Mar 19, 2014

I am compiling using Microsoft Visual C++ and I am trying to create a program that ask's the user for 10 numbers, and these numbers will have to be loaded into a one dimensional array of 10 elements. I read up online as well as my book and looked at sample programs, then created mine which was similar to the sample programs I looked at, but the sample ones compile , while I get C2059 and C2061 Syntax Errors. I am new to programming so I understand it could be one small thing but I after looking over it I am completely clueless.

Heres my program:


[Code] .....

My program is also attached

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