C++ :: Create Structures To Store Information Of The People To Be Matched

Nov 9, 2014

I need to be able to make matches from the data i input, and also classifying between male and female. matches for person with specific traits (not one in the program) i really tried for the first part and now the rest is mentally disturbing me. and also to generate a report of partners found.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char username[20];
char storedusername[20];
char password[20];
char storedpassword[20];
int loginresult;
char name[20];

[Code] .....

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C :: Create A Structure To Store Information About Products For Sale

Apr 29, 2013

I am using Dev C++ compiler on Windows 7 and was programming a piece of code that is supposed to do the following -

Create a structure to store information about products for sale in a store. It should store information about the product name, the price, and the product number and then create an array of products called Inventory. Add five products to your inventory.

But for some reason, which is unknown to me, I always seem to get a compiler error. And this is what i have so far -

struct product{
char name[30];
int product_number;
double price;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Application Which Stores Information About People Along With Task List

Dec 19, 2012

Basically the question is to develop an application that allows: Create an application which stores information about people, along with a task list.

The user should be able to Store people's information

Telephone number,

-Retrieve information by entering name
- Remove a person's record by entering their name
-Return records for all people, sorted according to an information type other than age
-Enter a task which needs doing, a priority entered for its urgency
-View highest priority task on the list
-User should be able to remove highest priority item on the list

How to develop this application on a console command line interface style or any other style.

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C :: Declare Two 1-dimensional Parallel Arrays Of Integers That Will Hold The Information Of Up To 10 People

Jul 30, 2014

In pseudocode and in C code, declare two 1-dimensional parallel arrays of Integers to store the age and weight of a group of people that will hold the information of up to 10 people. Use a For loop to iterate through the array and input the values. This is the code i have, but my array is showing up as 11 and not 10?

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
//Define Variables
float Age_Data[10],Weight_Data[10];
float Age_Input,Weight_Input;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Array Of Structures - Storing Product Information

Nov 5, 2013

I have been dealing with this problem for quite some time, I've been assigned to develop a program that can store products' information within structures (the number of products is undefined). I thought I should use an array of structures, but I don't know how to declare it properly. This is what I thought would work:

struct product {
string name;
string in_stock;
float sale_cost;
int id; }
prod [n]; //n being the undefined number of products the user will register/delete/modify

I already saw an example of array of structures, but it uses a defined number.

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C++ :: Dynamic Data Structures And Information Input

Feb 17, 2013

I want to have input data stored in a database. All information entered is to be stored under a single block. That way whenever I want to recover that information all I have to do is point to that block. Think of it like this. I want a large square block that can hold certain information. Inside of that large block are a finite amount of smaller blocks in which the user entered information about a single subject. Lets say block 1 has a name, address, and phone number. The second block will have the same TYPE of information, but different values as entered by the user. I.E:

BLOCK 1: Name 1, Address 1, Phone 1
BLOCK 2: Name 2, Address 2, Phone 2

The large block contains all of the smaller blocks, we will name the large block "Address Book" ... How would I implement that? Of course it would be just a simple console program that would erase all information when the program shut down, but I've been trying to figure out how to do it, but just can't seem to grasp a good notion of how to do it. What would be the best way to do that? Structures? How would I make it dynamic so that I wouldn't have to define every block, so that it would be added on the fly when someone inputs new information.

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C++ :: Incorporate Array Of Structures To Read User Input Then Reprint That Information To Screen

Nov 18, 2014

I have to create a program that incorporates an array of structures in order to simply read input from the user and then reprint that information to the screen. This is a fairly simple problem, but the issue is that the professor requires that we solve it in a very specific way.

I must have three functions in total: one to receive input from the user, one to print the received values, and of course the main function which calls the other two. Also, the input and output functions must be defined using the following prototypes:

void inputData(Component C1);
void printData(Component *C1);

Where Component is a structure defined above as:

typedef struct// Component {
float cost;
int code;
char name[30];

[Code] ....

I know that this problem could be easily solved by simply passing the entire 'comp' array to the inputData function, or passing a pointer to it, or having it return a pointer, but I am not allowed to do any of these things. I must use the function as defined by the prototype.

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C++ :: Using Arrays To Store Information?

Nov 5, 2014

I am trying to use an array to keep track of the numbers of channels created and how many times a particular channel has been copied. At the moment, the program sets a number for a new channel (1-20), but the user enters the channel name. The channel name is stored in 'ChannelName' variable and if the user copies the channel, it becomes ChannelName_Copy. I want to change the '_Copy' into an incremental identifier such as _C1, _C2, etc.. and to do this i would need to keep track of the channel name and the number of times it has been copied, which i planned to do using arrays but i am not quite sure how to approach this.

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C++ :: Structure To Store Information About Movie

Oct 14, 2013

Directions: Write a program that uses the structure named MovieData to store the following information about a movie:

Year Released
Running Time

Include a constructor that allows all four of these member data values to be specified at the time MovieData variable is created. The program should create. The MovieData variable and pass each one in turn to a function that displays the information about the movie in a clearly formatted manner. Pass the MovieData Variables to the display by value.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct MovieData {

[Code] ....

I sort of hit a wall did it do something wrong because the whole create two MovieData variables is confusing me.

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C++ :: Store Information From A File In Linked List

Aug 28, 2014

I'm trying to open a file (contains member information) and store the information in an object, which is then inserted into a linked list. However, the current code just leaves a blank command window hanging with nothing happening.

main.cpp - [URL] ....
MemberProf.h - [URL] ....
MemberProf.cpp - [URL] ....
LinkedList.h -[URL] ....

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C :: Take Personality Information From User And Store It In Text File

May 17, 2014

I was trying to make a program in C that could take Personality Information from the user and store it in a text file. Then, when asked, could compare the results to other entries in the so called "data-base" and tell which is the best match. I tried a whole lot but couldn't think of a proper way.

(Stings and File IO are not my strong points)

I am using Code Blocks 10.05 and the standard GCC compiler.

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C++ :: Read From A File And Store Information In Separate Variables?

Dec 8, 2014

So I have to read from a file, and store the information in separate variables. My problem is that for some of the information I need multiple words, and for others I don't, so I cant simply store 1 word into a variable and store the next in another in so on. To demonstrate what I mean let me give an example.

Dog Cat Blue Bird Snake White Horse

I am able to store "Dog","Cat","Blue","Bird"...etc in variables but I don't know how to make it so I can store "Dog" in one variable, "Cat" in a second variable. and "Blue Bird" in a third variable. "Snake" would be the 4th and "White Horse" would be the fifth. How can I read a file and manipulate the pointer to grab what I need?

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C/C++ :: Array Of Structs To Store The Information From Input File?

Mar 10, 2015

I'm trying to read the data from a file i/o and put them into an array of structs. But when I run the program, it gives me a bunch of "garbage" as an output. my code and see

#include <stdlib.h>


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C/C++ :: How To Read And Store Large Amount Of Information From TXT File

Apr 1, 2015

Im trying to read and store several students information so that i can have an options menu where i can enter a student number and the program prints all the information stored about that student. The way i have it set up now, doesn't work for this because all info is reinitialized to stud1. Is there another way to store this info other than defining stud1, stud2,.....,stud200?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
struct student_info {
char first[20];
char last[20];


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C/C++ :: How To Read Information From A Text File And Store It Into Arrays

Mar 28, 2014

how I can read information from a text file into an array so afterwards I can display the array and it will show the contents of the text file?

the information inside my text files consist of names and numbers like so: "Collins,Bills 80" should I separate the numbers and names into two separate text files one for names and one for numbers?

My code so far is this:

#include <iostream> //for cin and cout
#include <fstream> //for input/output files
#include <conio.h> //for getch


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C++ :: Use Circular Linked List And Data Structures To Store Tasks

Mar 30, 2014

The program use a circular linked list and data structures to store the tasks.

- Every task should include a task name, a name for the person assigned to it, and the deadline for the task.
- Variables should be dynamic and their sizes should be determined at runtime based on the length of user input.
- You should implement the following functions (with appropriate arguments and return types) for your structure: add(), remove(), search(), and list().
- The add()function should add tasks alphabetically by task name. You do not need to implement any file operations.
- The search() function should be able search for a task by the task assignee name or the task name.
- The list() function should print records to the screen in the order they appear in the circular linked list.
- You should successfully deallocate all of the allocated memory before termination of your program.

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C++ :: Create Dynamically Allocated Array And Input Some Information

Feb 25, 2013

I am having some trouble on understanding how to create a dynamically allocated array and then inputting some information in to it from a text file.

Example text file:
John Doe saving 135246978 300 0

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C/C++ :: How To Create A Txt File - Read / Write And Open For More Information

Jan 25, 2015

How do i create a text file read and write in it but every time i reopen the program i must not override the data in the text file .

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C# :: How To Create Event To Notify And Save / Write Information To File

Feb 24, 2014

I am writing a program that models the ups & downs of a particular stock. Everything is pretty much done, except that I need to create another event to notify that saves the following information to a file when the stock's threshold is reached: date & time, stock name, initial value & current value. I have something like this so far:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;


I feel like i need something along the lines of

s.stockEvent += new Delegate( ???? ) in my myFile class so it know when the threshold is reached, to write the information of the current stock to the file.

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C :: Accept Password From Standard Input And Goes Through All Possible Combinations Until It Matched

Dec 24, 2014

I've been experimenting a bit and can't find a decent way to make a brute forcing script that accepts a password from standard input, and goes through all possible combinations until it is matched. How to structure the code?

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C :: Create Program That Takes In Information And Formats It Into 3 Columns - Float Variable Not Working

Dec 12, 2013

Here your supposed to create a program that takes in information and formats it into three columns.

I can't seem to use the float variable unitprice with decimal places here for, if I try to use %.1f and type in an input, the program seems to skip over the second scanf function, not allowing me to put input into the third scanf function as the program runs before I can.

I can use %f on its own and it works but this creates too many zeroes(and you're supposed to set the currency limit to $99999.99).

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int itemno, month, year, day;
float unitprice;


So the output should look like three columns. It's just the float that is the issue here....

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C++ :: Create New Data Type To Store Big Integer?

Oct 17, 2014

i need to create a new integer data type called BigInt to store a big big integer, which includes Dint(8 bytes) and Qint(16 bytes)

here is the hint/

typedef struct BigInt {
Int data[2];

How can i "scanf" and "printf" them????

void ScanBigInt(const char *format, BigInt &x)
if format is “%dd” -> input Dint, if format is “%qd”--> input Qint
void PrintBigInt(const char *format, BigInt x)

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C++ :: Program That Prompts User To Specify People And Cars

Feb 10, 2014

Implement a class Person with two fields name and age, and a class Car with three fields:

The model
A pointer to the owner (a Person*)
A pointer to the driver (also a Person*)

Write a program that prompts the user to specify people and cars. Store them in a vector<Person*> and a vector<Car*>. Traverse the vector of Person objects and increment their ages by one year. Traverse the vector of cars and print out the car model, owner’s name and age, and driver’s name and age.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class Person {

[Code] ....

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C :: Accept Information Of 5 Students And Display Information Of First 3 Students - Unable To Get Output

Aug 15, 2013

Code to accept the information of 5 students and display the information of first 3 students......

main() {
struct stud {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float per;
char grade;

[Code] ....

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C :: Create Function To Create A Dynamic Array That Fill With Randomly Generated Integers From 0 To 50

Oct 26, 2013

I have a struct called Array and I'm to create a function to create a dynamic array that's fill with randomly generated integers from 0 to 50 (inclusive) and a function to destroy the array for freeing its memory. Below the code that I have written so far.


* Struct */
typedef struct {int *pArray; //the dynamic array
int length; //the size of the dynamic array}Array;
/* Function to create a dynamic array */
Array *initializeArray (int length) {int i;


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C# :: Create Project That Create Automated Backup Of File

Apr 10, 2014

I need to create a project that create a automated backup of a file.

i will get the file from C:/Folder/file.exe and move for a other created folder, but.. in every time that user make this backup, a folder will be created with year, month and date, like: C/Folder2/2014/April/16:42/file.exe.

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