I now know how to count integers with while loop but I'm not sure how to count the integers with array.
So the question is:
1. program should keep reading integers as long as the integers are within [0,9999]
2. when user typed the integer not between 0 to 9999, the program print out the numbers of integers that were typed.
You entered 3 3 times.
You entered 9999 2 times.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i=-1;
int x;
int numbers[10000];
I have other stuff in the code, but basicly, at this stage i have a map of 1's,-1's and 0's in a 20 x 20 map. I just want to count the occurrences of each and basicly tally them in the 3 colums/rows at the end of the bloc. so far ive tried many different if statements, here is what i tried last.
I want to count the elements so if the server sends a bad item id it won't crash every client in range lol. I heard that the sizeof keyword returns the size of the array in bytes. I used to think the size of keyword would return the element count but found out it isn't.
I am having problem in writing the code for the problem "To assign the elements of 1-D integer array into 2-D array of integers such as if the array is 1,2,3,4,5,6 The resultant 2-D array should be like :
Objective: Write a function with the given signature that will take a sorted array of integers and return the array compacted. That is, given an array containing: 1, 2, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, when the function returns, the contents of the array should be: 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10.
Restrictions: Cannot use Distinct method
Signature: public static int[] CompactArray(int[] input)
How to solve this because i was not able to get the idea of using arrays in classes . Here is the Question :
The PVR Cinemas manager approaches you to develop a system for ticket booking. It has 5 screens each with a capacity of 500 seats of which 100 are platinum, 100 are diamond and 300 are gold. The cost of platinum, diamond and gold tickets are Rs.150, Rs.125, and Rs.100 respectively.
•Construct a class to model a screen with an array of integers for each category of seats. Provide a constructor to initialize the array to 0. •Include a member function bookSeat() that gets the category of the seat and number of tickets to be booked and then prints the seat numbers. The booked seats are marked by 1. If no seats are available then your program should display appropriate message.
Test the above class with a main program that creates an array of objects (size of array depends on the number of screens) and display the total amount to be paid by the visitor.
I am trying to find a way to do something like this:
input: 3 4 7 4 3 3 7 output: 3 4 7
So what I am trying to do is from an array of integers to take numbers that occur only once. If 3 is in that away I am trying to input it in a different array only once.
input: 8 3 2 9 8 9 2 output: 2 3 8 9
I cannot find a way to solve this, and I have been trying to solve it for a long time.
here is my problem given below Input values (say 10) from user in array, if the value is even then place at even index else at odd index. Then how could i solve this problem?
Suppose I wished to initialize a dynamically allocated array of integers to zero. Would I do better to use calloc() or malloc + iterate over all entries setting each to zero? Which one is regarded as a better approach?
I know strings are essentially just arrays of characters, so what would be the easiest way to take each individual digit and put it into a separate space in an array?
display the 3rd element of a two dimensional array of integers named T of size 2x5?? i don't know how to start because i'm just advance studying with array
How will you code a program that displays the maximum value in a two dimensional array of integers. the program will ask the user to input the 4x5 array?
i know how to code it. but i dont know what to do to find the maximum value. :( how to find the maximum?
I am new to programming all together but i have been writing a program in c++ and im coming up against an issue with my array.
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace int main () { int a ; int b ; char answer ('Y') ;
[Code] ....
I am trying to get the program to increase say year one by 1 when the condition is met i have tried
if ( a >= 70 && a <= 100 && b == 1) {grade [0][0] = 0 + 1;}
for (grade[0][0] = 0 ; a >= 70 && a <= 100 && b == 1 ; grade [0][0]++) {grade [0][0]= 0 + 1 ;}
Now all that i want is that the array will take the information from int a and int b and then add 1 to the appropriate part of the array . I have tried putting it in deferent places but its not working for ether. the program will run but it will not add to the array.
I'm a beginner at c++ and I need to write a program that reads a set of integers and then finds and prints the sum of the even and odd integers. The program cannot tell the user how many integers to enter. I need to have separate totals for the even and odd numbers. what would I need to use so that I can read whatever number of values the user inputs and get the sum of even and odd?
Write a program that asks the user to type 10 integers of an array. The program will then display either "the array is growing", "the array is decreasing", "the array is constant", or "the array is growing and decreasing."
(Hint: compare consecutive numbers in array and check whether it is increasing or not or constant) I wrote the program very well, but do I have to use "bool" like in c++ ? I haven't known how to code in c++ yet.So, I don't want to use "bool" in C.
I also wrote code about it but it looks like backslash and one,two,three,four,five how can I do it like this ?
what I need is to get the first integer from a file and assign it to a variable and the others integers to an array. Example: Thats my file content 5 4 6 7 8 0 and that would be the code:
In my program, I am fed a string that contains integers such as Code: *str = "45678" and my program is simply supposed to read the number in and store each given number in a separate spot in an integer array. So basically, when my program has finished running it should be stored like:
however, this just seems to return an impossibly high garbage value when I do. I'm assuming the way I'm trying to store it is 'illegal', but I cant seem to find online a proper way to do it.