C++ :: Calculate Area For 500 Different Measurements For Playground Company In Region
Feb 13, 2014
You are writing a program to calculate the area for 500 different measurements for a playground company in the region. The company must calculate square footage of each prospective playground, as well as the total cost to mulch each area. The cost of mulch changes frequently, so the company would like to be able to input the current cost per square foot of mulch each time they run the program. Since the quantity of data is large, the input should come from a file called “measurements.txt”. You can assume the file includes the length of each prospective playground, followed by the width. The file will be in the following format.
Ask the user the name of the file they would like to write to, as well as the current price of mulch per square foot. Output the area of each playground, along with the total price of mulch to the file that the user specifies. The playground company would like each column of output to be 20 characters in width. Each column should have an appropriate heading in the output file. You should format your output data appropriately. For example, for the input data displayed above, along with a $2.00 per square foot mulch price, the output would be:
Area Total Mulch Price
135000 $270000.00
25200 $50400.00
This program in not completed. I am creating a large program in order to calculate a company's weekly payroll. For now I am filling in the separate functions piece by piece before the rest of the program is completed.
Right now I am trying to use separate functions to call other functions. I need to ask the user for the file name and then open the file. I am no longer getting any compiler errors however when I run the program all it displays is "Welcome."
So it's not actually calling the NameTheFile function and the OpenTheFile function. It just says "Welcome" and then closes down. Why is it doing this?
You work for a painting company. Your job is to calculate the amount of paint needed for every contract assigned to the company. This time, you need to paint an outside wall. The dimensions of the wall are 5 X 7m. The window is a circle with the radius of 1m. Write a program that would calculate the following:
The amount of paint needed knowing that you need 1 gallon per 10 square meters. The amount of time to complete the job knowing that it takes 1 hour per 10 square meters to prepare the surface, 5 minute per square meter to pant it and 5 minute per square meter to clean up the area.
I was given an assignment for class to calculate the area of a circle using only the radius as a user input and not using Pi in the code. I need to do this by calculating the areas of a series of rectangles under the curve and adding them together. Using nested loops to continuously reduce the size of these rectangles until the approximated area value is within a margin of error less than 0.1%.
Code: #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main ()
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std;
//prototypes for all separate functions int chooseFunc(int); int chooseMethod(int); int numRect(int);
[Code] .....
It seems that my program will ask the user for the number of rectangles and trapezoids but will fail to compute the area under the curve from the user input. Therefore, I believe I have a logical error somewhere or I'm forgetting to call something somewhere.
Write a program that prompts the user to input the length of a rectangle and the width of a rectangle and then displays the rectangle's area and perimeter. The program should be broken down in 3 parts:
1. Input the length and the width (two input statements)
2. Calculate the area & perimeter (results should be saved in variables
3. print results.
Format the output so the user can easily read the results. Use the tab escape so its easy to read. --------------------------------------------------------------- So here's what I have so far. I have been stuck for two days
#include iostream using namespace std; int main () { int double length; int width; int area; int perimeter;
[Code] ....
I dont want to get a zero for not turning this in...
I am writing a program to calculate a rectangle's area.
Eg. Enter top left point: 1 1 (User input) Enter bottom right point: 2 -1 (User input) Top Left x = 1.000000 y: 1.000000 Bottom Right x = 2.000000 y: -1.000000 Area = 2.000000 (Program output)
It keeps on prompting me my variable r is being used without being initialized, when I think I already did so.
So for my assignment, I have to write code to calculate the surface area and volume for a rectangular prism that involves the use of functions. I made the program without functions and it works perfectly but as I'm putting in the required functions, it conversely made it non-functional, ironically. How to call functions correctly and the online book we're using now is confusing me even more.
****************************************************************** CSCI 240 Program 5 Part 2 Spring 2013
Programmer: Section: 1 Date Due: 3/1/13
Purpose: This program uses functions to calculate the surface area of various shapes. It is an exercise in learning to write functions. ******************************************************************/
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #define PI 3.14 //Symbolic constant for the value of PI
int Menu(); int getValue( string prompt, int lowerBound, int upperBound );
How would this look like in C? Develop an application to calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes. First the user is asked to enter a letter representing the shape. We use C for circle, R for rectangle and S for square. After the user chooses the shape, the program prompts for the appropriate dimensions of the shape accordingly.
For instance, if the user has chosen a square, the program will ask for a side. If it's a circle, the program will ask for radius. If it's a rectangle, it will ask for length and width. Upon receiving the appropriate dimensions, the program will calculate the area and the perimeter of the requested shape and print it on the screen. And again, the code will ask for another letter. If the user enters 'Q' the program terminates.
Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >S Please enter the side of the square > 8 The area is 64 and the perimeter is 32 Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >R Please enter the width of the rectangle > 5 Please enter the length of the rectangle > 7 The area is 35 and the perimeter is 24 Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >Q
I'm trying to use semaphores on three different processes so that each process won't enter the critical region at the same time and also go in the order: process 1 -> process 2 -> process 3. However, everytime i run the code the process 3 keeps going before process 2.
The first two numbers are the Particle ID and its Energy, the rest of numbers are the loss of energy(different in number for every particle).
I have to elaborate 1000 events like this and to create a function able to read every line and to count the number of the loss energy measurement.
I use ifstream to read a file text, but my problem is: my program how to understand that it's passing to the new line? I have to divided every events in Arrays of different length, so i have to count each data for every particle and then create the array.
Assignment: Design a class to store measurements. The class should have two data items, feet and inches, both integers. The class must make sure that the number of inches never gets below zero or above 11. If inches is outside that range, adjust feet accordingly. (Yes this means feet might be a negative number.)
Create a default constructor and one which receives one integer, a number of inches.
Overload the following operators: addition, subtraction, equality, inequality, incrementation (both pre and post) (should add one to inches), and output (in the form of: F’I”)
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class measurements {
private: int inches; double feet;
[Code] ....
I am getting a LNK2019 error and an LNK1120 errors:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
input values : a. Name of Employee b. Position in the company c. No. of hours worked d. No. of overtime hours e. rate per hour
formula: basic pay = number of hours worked x rate per hour ot pay = overtime hours x 150% of rate per hour gross pay = basic pay + ot pay tot deduc = tax + sss + med
tax can be computed based on the following table: basic pay tax 10000 or less 1% of basic pay 10001-15000 2% of basic pay 15001-20000 3% of basic pay 20001-30000 4% of basic pay 30001 or more 5% of basic pay
sss = 10% of basic pay med = 6% of basic pay
net pay= gross pay - total ded
*The payroll should have at least 5 employees in it.*
Build a class named "salesCompany". Save it's name with a string and an array with records which will be filled with values from sales in different cities of the company.
Build the constructor which must get as a parameter the name of the company and a text file which will fill the array. There is an example of the text file format. Every line saves the sold quantity of a product, identified by a code, in a certain city.
CodeCityQuantity 1a63bCity11200 45ab8City2550 #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; class salesCompany {
what should I add more and how can make it available for the user to enter as an input a text file.
I'm trying to get this program to return total taxi cab fair an infinite number of times, however, when I use the while statement after for and try to run the program, it just keeps displaying the first total fair rapidly.
specifications:A cab company needs a program to calculate the cost of a cab ride.
The driver will enter the length of the trip in miles.
The miles entered must be greater than 0.
Create a function to calculate the charge. The function should receive one argument, the length of the trip, and should return the total fare for the ride.
The taxi charges a fixed charge of $2.50, plus an additional charge of $1.85 per mile.
Allow the user to calculate any number of trips.
At the end display the total of all the fares.
here is my code:
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; //function prototypes double getLength (); int main () {
I have to obtain a check number from a datafile and then also get company information also from a datafile.
So my first question is about the:
Code: char outputFilename[]= "out.list"
Is this the name of the output file I'm going to write to? And also the file has to be created before being used...is that line of code creating the file or do i have to create it in notepad?
My colleague and I have been given a task to create a list with the employes of a company using binary trees. Each employee/node has to contain the following information:
- Employe name - Rank - ID Number - monthly Salary
We have to write a C program (using Codeblocks) which builds the company tree with the information above and afterwards lists all the employes who have a salary bigger then a number specified by the user.
So far so good. We've had a look on the examples on the internet and after finding one which looked friendly enough we started working on that one to suit our needs. Credits for the original source code to: C Program to Implement Binary Search Tree Traversal - Basic C Programs | C Programming Examples
We've reached the point where we're able to insert the required information but being able to list all the employes who's salary is bigger then the number given by the user seems to be rather difficult to achieve. I'll include the code next. We have left almost the entire pieces of the original code and we are aware that the are still things which are not required for our assignment, which only requires to enter the 4 information above and afterwards display the employes with the before mentioned condition concerning their salary.
Code: # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> # include <stdlib.h> typedef struct BST
You are required to write a program for a Used Car Dealer company. In the system you need to maintain the cars’ inventory and details. Each car in the company contains the following details:
• Car Registration Number • Car Make or Brand • Car Model • Car Colour (eg. Silver, Black , Red) • Year of manufacturing (The year the car was manufacture) • Engine Capacity (in cc) • Transmission (manual or automatic) • Cost of the car (SGD)
The Car Registration Number is in the format of AAA1234 or AA1234A or A1234A which is accordance to the Malaysia car registration format. The A alphabet is in accordance to the registration number for respective in Singapore. (eg. AEW9829 or W1212Y or MCD1177). Note the A and the 1234 total count in the registration number can be less than 3 like AT9829 or BHY280. The Car Make is for the identifying the manufacturer of the car like Honda, Toyota, Proton..etc. The Car Model is to represent the Manufacturers’ respective model like Honda City, Honda Civic, Honda Accord, Toyota Vios, Toyota Camry … etc.
You are required to create menu and operations for:
1) Create a new Car account 2) Edit existing Car account details 3) Remove a car account from the system 4) Search for cars in the system (based on Car Make, Model, Year of manufacturing or Price) 5) Check total inventory in the system
Summary: 6 companies have a product in 5 different warehouses. Each company is identified by a positive ID number and each warehouse is identified by a number (1 for the first, 2 for the second,…)
Object: the object of this assignment is to write a C++ program which asks the user to enter a company ID number, and the number of products in each of the warehouses. It then computes and prints the total number of products for that company
If the total number of product is less than 100, it prints the message “place a new order”
Input: for each company, its ID, and the number of products in each warehouse with appropriate prompt messages. Example: Enter company ID number: 101 Enter number of products in warehouse #1:30 Enter number of products in warehouse #2:60 Enter number of products in warehouse #3:0 Enter number of products in warehouse #4:5 Enter number of products in warehouse #5:27 The total for company 101 is:122
Output: for each company, the total number of product, and the message “place a new order” if the total number of product is less than 100.
Method: 1. Define global variable, int total_prod to hold the total number of products for a company 2. define the function void compute_total() that uses a loop to read the number of the products in all warehouses for one company, computer the total number of products and store it into the global variable total_prod. 3. Define the function void new_order() that determines if a new order need to be placed as follows: if the total number of products (in the global variable total_prod) is less than 100, it prints the message “place a new order” 4. Your function main does the following in a loop: - read a company ID number - call function compute_total() to read the number of the product in all warehouses for that company, and to compute their sum - print the total number of the product for that company with an appropriate message - call the function new_order() to determine if a new order need to be placed.
I am having trouble with my C++ program. My program asks the user to enter any number greater than 0 and less than 20, and if the user enters any number(s) outside the acceptable range, the output should display:
input outside of exceptable range > 0 and < 20 length: 1 width: 1 area: 1 perimeter: 1
But in my program, this output displays no matter what the user types (even if the numbers are in the acceptable range, when it should be displaying the length and width the user enters and also displaying the calculated perimeter and area whenever the user enters number(s) in the acceptable range. Here is my code: