C :: Create List With Employees Of Company Using Binary Trees

Dec 5, 2013

My colleague and I have been given a task to create a list with the employes of a company using binary trees. Each employee/node has to contain the following information:

- Employe name
- Rank
- ID Number
- monthly Salary

We have to write a C program (using Codeblocks) which builds the company tree with the information above and afterwards lists all the employes who have a salary bigger then a number specified by the user.

So far so good. We've had a look on the examples on the internet and after finding one which looked friendly enough we started working on that one to suit our needs. Credits for the original source code to: C Program to Implement Binary Search Tree Traversal - Basic C Programs | C Programming Examples

We've reached the point where we're able to insert the required information but being able to list all the employes who's salary is bigger then the number given by the user seems to be rather difficult to achieve. I'll include the code next. We have left almost the entire pieces of the original code and we are aware that the are still things which are not required for our assignment, which only requires to enter the 4 information above and afterwards display the employes with the before mentioned condition concerning their salary.

# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct BST

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Payroll Program Of A Company That Have At Least 5 Employees

Oct 1, 2014

Make a c++ program of the payroll of a company

input values :
a. Name of Employee
b. Position in the company
c. No. of hours worked
d. No. of overtime hours
e. rate per hour

basic pay = number of hours worked x rate per hour
ot pay = overtime hours x 150% of rate per hour
gross pay = basic pay + ot pay
tot deduc = tax + sss + med

tax can be computed based on the following table:
basic pay tax
10000 or less 1% of basic pay
10001-15000 2% of basic pay
15001-20000 3% of basic pay
20001-30000 4% of basic pay
30001 or more 5% of basic pay

sss = 10% of basic pay
med = 6% of basic pay

net pay= gross pay - total ded

*The payroll should have at least 5 employees in it.*

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C/C++ :: Printing Binary Expression Trees

Mar 18, 2014

I am working on a program that needs to take any infix expression as an input. And the display the expression tree of it on the console as an output. For example the input goes (a+-(c*d) should output:

+ *
a b c d

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C :: Search And Delete Function For Binary Trees

Apr 1, 2014

I had an assignment that I completed and it was just inserting values into a binary tree and then displaying it. I was wondering what the code would be if I wanted to delete a number in the binary tree, or if I wanted to search for a number. Here is my code for my assignment.

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct bt_{
int value;
struct bt_ *right;
struct bt_ *left;

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  Binary Search Trees - Counting How Many Levels Are There

Jan 29, 2013

So I have this code that I wrote that pretty much makes a binary search tree with one node per element that holds the data int, one pointer for left, and one pointer for right. My tree is set that if you give it a number it starts as root, then afterwards any number you give it will either be placed left or right if it smaller than the current node or bigger respectively until it hits a pointer that points to NULL.

I was able to get my code to display the numbers in order no matter how bad you inserted the numbers to throw me off. My question now is this, how can I make it count how many levels there are? I'm not sure if this is clear or unclear but I want it to take all the paths and return to me the longest path and that should be how many levels there are.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class binarySearchTree {
class node {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Make Own Binary Trees And Encrypt Messages

Jun 8, 2013

I'm having some trouble with my binary tree for school. It is a data structures class so we are working on learning how to make our own binary trees and encrypt messages. Everything so far is working, except for my delete node function. I'm trying to do it recursively. Parts of my code.

/******** Node *********/
struct node {
char data;
node* right;
node* left;
/******** Binary Tree Class *********/
class BinaryTree


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C++ :: Making A Table For 10 Employees

Apr 22, 2014

I have to make a table for 10 Employees to look like this:

Employee ID Gross Pay Net Pay
101 540.58 480.80
158 796.32 630.20

How can I do this? This is my code so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void get_emp_rec(int &id, double &prate, double &hours) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Create Binary Search Tree Template To Be Used To Create AVL Tree

Feb 10, 2013

For my data-structures class, I am attempting to create a binary search tree template to be used to create an AVL tree. I've written a Generic_Tree template for the BST to inherit from, and before I jump into implementing the AVL tree I'm testing the BST member functions. Everything was compiling fine until I added the BST insert() function. Now, I'm getting the following error message from my linker:

undefined reference to 'BST<void>::insert(int, void*)'

Stemming from the call in main line 16.

my makefile compiles with:
g++ -Wall -g Generic_Tree.cpp BST.cpp barfing.cpp main.cpp


template < typename NODE_DATA, unsigned MAX_KIDS >
class Tree {
struct NODE {
NODE_DATA* contents;
Tree* child[MAX_KIDS];
Tree* parent;

[Code] ....

I'm use to c and havn't used classes or templates before (except for declaring instances of them). The whole syntax is mystifying to me,.

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C++ :: Using Overloaded Function To Calculate Weekly Rate Of Employees

Aug 5, 2013

The question involves me writing a program using a overloaded function to calculate the Weekly rate of employees but they get paid hourly and weekly. I get this error but do not know why,

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int calcWeeklyPay(int paidWeekly, int annualSalaryWeekly)
//Returns the Weekly salary of weekly paid Employees
int calcWeeklyPay(int paidHourly, int annualSalaryHourly)
//Returns the Weekly salary of Hourly paid Employees


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C++ :: Calculate Wages For Employees - Loop Closes Before Finishing

Dec 11, 2013

I'm writing a code that's suppose to do a payroll for my intro cs class. At first it was working fine until I had to add the part that made sure a user couldn't enter a wage value below $6.00 and now it stops the loop right after that part for some reason.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int const HR = 7;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Create A Binary File Based On HEX Data

Apr 24, 2013

I want to create a binary file based on some hex data :

Ex Input Hex :54313032202020303030

Out put like :6      

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C++ :: Create Binary Tree From Preorder Traversal

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to read/write binary trees to a file for a little project I'm working on for fun. I got frustrated and gave up; now, I am trying again! So I am writing the tree to file (or, rather, to string for now) like so:

string wBinTree(node *p)
string str = "";


But now I'm completely lost as to recreating the tree from a string. I thought of perhaps using an array/vector/string of 1's and 0's or trues and falses to keep track of where I was in the tree, but it's really beyond me.

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C/C++ :: How To Create Function To Delete Record Of Binary File

Aug 17, 2013

I want to create a function to Delete , Edit record of Bianry File in C++, I have tried again and gain but not success .

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C++ :: Saving Info Like Trees And Such In A File?

Aug 13, 2013

I'm intrested in creating programs of games and such which learns while playing and saving the information for further use. For example a tic tac toe game where the program saves evry game it won or lost and creates a tree of some kind that store the information of the game and save it in a file when the program is being quit. The problem i'm having is how to save a tree in a file efficently.

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C/C++ :: Disease Prediction Using Decisional Trees

Oct 19, 2014

I have made cancer prediction based on symptoms using decision trees but i am not able to run my code ...
using namespace std;
struct dectree {
    char symptom[50];  

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Deleting Node (With Two Child) In Trees

Sep 20, 2013

I have Problems with deleting node in trees!my first problem is I don't understand the algorithm of deleting a node with two child! I write some kind of code that delete a node with two child but I think (maybe I should say I am sure ) that it has runtime or logical errors or something like that!

My second problem is my code doesn't work if my node is root of tree!because I don't know if it is root what should be the parentPtr in my code! I set parentPtr to NULL in this situation but I know it is wrong!

Here is my Code :

#include <iostream>
#include "TreeNode.h"
using namespace std;
template<typename NODETYPE> class Tree {
void insertNode(const NODETYPE &);

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Red / Black Trees Value Deletion

Nov 26, 2013

I've been working on my deletion function for Red and Black trees but can't seem to get it to work. From what I can tell, the remove function, instead of deleting the single value that will my prompt by the user, will delete all the values that are in the red and black tree.

bool RedBlackTree::remove(int x) {
return false;
} else {
Node* z = new Node(x);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Build A Sales Company Class?

Jul 1, 2014

Build a class named "salesCompany". Save it's name with a string and an array with records which will be filled with values from sales in different cities of the company.

Build the constructor which must get as a parameter the name of the company and a text file which will fill the array. There is an example of the text file format. Every line saves the sold quantity of a product, identified by a code, in a certain city.

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class salesCompany {


what should I add more and how can make it available for the user to enter as an input a text file.

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C++ :: Cab Company Program / Endless Loop?

Jan 14, 2015

I'm trying to get this program to return total taxi cab fair an infinite number of times, however, when I use the while statement after for and try to run the program, it just keeps displaying the first total fair rapidly.

specifications:A cab company needs a program to calculate the cost of a cab ride.

The driver will enter the length of the trip in miles.

The miles entered must be greater than 0.

Create a function to calculate the charge. The function should receive one argument, the length of the trip, and should return the total fare for the ride.

The taxi charges a fixed charge of $2.50, plus an additional charge of $1.85 per mile.

Allow the user to calculate any number of trips.

At the end display the total of all the fares.

here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
double getLength ();
int main () {


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C++ :: Create Simple Payroll Management Application Using Concept Of Binary Tree?

Apr 2, 2013

Create an a simple Payroll Management Application using the concept of Binary Tree. The program will allow you to add, sort, view, search record. The application have also the capability to save and retrieve data in a file.

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C :: Obtain Check Number And Then Company Information From Datafile

May 13, 2013

I have to obtain a check number from a datafile and then also get company information also from a datafile.

So my first question is about the:

char outputFilename[]= "out.list"

Is this the name of the output file I'm going to write to? And also the file has to be created before being used...is that line of code creating the file or do i have to create it in notepad?

FILE *ifp, *ofp;
char *mode = "r";
char outputFilename[] = "out.list";
ifp = fopen("in.list", mode);
if (ifp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file in.list!

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculate Area For 500 Different Measurements For Playground Company In Region

Feb 13, 2014

You are writing a program to calculate the area for 500 different measurements for a playground company in the region. The company must calculate square footage of each prospective playground, as well as the total cost to mulch each area. The cost of mulch changes frequently, so the company would like to be able to input the current cost per square foot of mulch each time they run the program. Since the quantity of data is large, the input should come from a file called “measurements.txt”. You can assume the file includes the length of each prospective playground, followed by the width. The file will be in the following format.


Ask the user the name of the file they would like to write to, as well as the current price of mulch per square foot. Output the area of each playground, along with the total price of mulch to the file that the user specifies. The playground company would like each column of output to be 20 characters in width. Each column should have an appropriate heading in the output file. You should format your output data appropriately. For example, for the input data displayed above, along with a $2.00 per square foot mulch price, the output would be:

Area Total Mulch Price
135000 $270000.00
25200 $50400.00

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C :: Create A Linked List And Then Reverse It?

Apr 9, 2014

I am trying to create a linked list and then reverse it. So far I have created the link list however I am having difficulties figuring out the steps to reverse it. What is the logic behind reversing this linked list. I am not able to use recursion. I am supposed to create a copy of the linked list with the nodes reversed.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct charNode {
char data;
struct charNode *nxtNode;


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C++ :: List Of Functions That Can Create A Unique ID

Nov 4, 2014

I'm working on a list of functions that can create a unique ID for a computer. Here's what i have so far:


Are there any other functions that do this?

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C# :: Create A Button For Each Item In A List

Jan 26, 2014

Basically, the program is just sort of a soundboard. The way it is now, it just reads all the names of the files in a particular folder (all .wav files), and then adds an entry to a listBox for each file found. What I would like to do, is instead of a listBox, have buttons for each one. Is there any way to iterate through a list of items and create a button for each one? The main problem I see is placing the buttons. It would have to have some sort of grid to place them in I would imagine...

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C :: Binary Search Tree In Linked List

Feb 25, 2014


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct bst {
int val, level;
struct bst *left, *right, *parent;


The code above is supposed to be a binary search tree. The main outcome for this program is to display the tree in C each time the user inserts or deletes a value.

Since I am a newbie in C programming, I first tried creating a code that would simply display the values in the tree after a user inserts and deletes, before I proceed to displaying the exact tree.

But when I run it the following output shows:

And when I try to insert another value, It won't display anything and won't respond to any keys pressed.

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