C++ :: Why Can't Perceptron Determine If Point Is Exactly On The Line

Jan 26, 2014

When I use my perceptron, it classifies everything appropriately, except it always says points that are exactly on the line are above it.

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C++ :: Comparing End Points Of One Line With The Start Point Of Adjoining Line

Feb 11, 2014

There are numbers of lines connected to each other. I've extracted the line start point and end points but i am confused how to compare the end point of one line with the start point of adjoining line.

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C++ :: Program To Determine Slope Of A Line - Stuck On Commas When Entering Numbers

Jan 1, 2013

The program I have is from a tutorial where the user enters two points on a line, and then the program calculates the mid-point and slope.

I want to modify it from it's initial form so that co-ordinates can be input in (x,y) fashion. Right now the user has to enter the x-coordinate, enter a space, and then enter the y-coordinate (lame...)

I saw people using SStream and using that to either write functions to ignore the comma or similar things for converting one file into an array, but not quite what I am trying here.

// program to determine slope of a line

#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <limits>

using namespace std;
void myflush ( istream& in ) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Finding Intersection Point Between A Plane And A Line

Mar 25, 2013

I'm following this example on finding the intersection point between a plane and a line. (it's about three quarters down) [URL] .....

However this seems to only show how to solve u.

1. I don't understand what u is.
2. How do I find out the intersection point, in terms of (x, y, z)?

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C++ :: Point / Line And Block - How To Design Data Structure

Mar 27, 2014

Suppose, I have point_c, line_c and block_c three classes:

class point_c {
double x, y;

class line_c {
vector<point_c> Pt;

[Code] ....

As you can see, lines are composed of many points, and blocks are composed of lines and points. And I defined some member functions, so that I can add points or lines as required by line and block.

But, here comes the problem, if I use line.insertPoints(), or block.insertPoints(), the points will be stored in line or block. That is not what I want.

I want have a single place to store all points, a single place to store all lines, and a single place to store all blocks.

Then I guess I need some global variables

vector<point_c> Pt;
vector<line_c> Ln;
vector<block_c> Bk;

And I should change the classes into:

class point_c {
double x, y;
class line_c {
vector<size_t> PtIndex;

[Code] .....

in this way, the member functions will create the real entities into the global vector and set an index pointing to that entity. But this approach just make me feel it is not OOP anymore. when people using these classes, they got be careful about the global variables.

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C++ :: Creating Template Of Array To Use For Classes Line And Point

Jun 14, 2012

I want to create template of of Array in order to have possibility use this template for classes Line and Point.

// Array.h
// Templated Array class containging Ts
#ifndef Array_H
#define Array_H
template <class T=double> class Array {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Write Multi-layered Perceptron

Jan 26, 2014

I recently wrote a perceptron that determines whether a point is above or below a line. I'm trying to write a multi-layered ANN so I can use it to solve more complicated problems than "is this point above/below this line?"

Here's my source code: [URL] ....

Considering that a A XOR B is simply (NOT A AND OR (A AND NOT , and both of those are linearly separable...

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C++ :: Cannot Seem To Find Logic Error In Perceptron

Jan 28, 2014

I can't seem to find the logic error in my perceptron. The perceptron's feedback function pushes back a bias of 1.0 into the input vector, and calculates the dot product of the input vector and it's weight vector, and returns 1 if the dot product is > 0, and -1 otherwise. This will determine whether the inputted point is above or below the hyperplane given by the functor.

The training function instantiates a trainer object , which feeds it a vector random numbers, along with the correct answer (in this case, whether the point is above or below the hyperplane given by a functor). It then calls the feedback function, and subtracts its answer from the correct answer, and updates the weights by adding the input vector to the weight vector, and multiplying the weight vector by the error, and by a correction factor, in this case 0.01.


#include <vector>
#include <random>
typedef std::vector<float> FloatV;
typedef std::random_device RNG;
typedef std::uniform_int_distribution<> UID;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Change MPI Broadcast Into Asynchronous Point To Point Communication

Jun 26, 2013

I have one code that use MPI broadcast and I want to change it into Asynchronous Point to Point communication. I am newbie in Parallel programming. Looking for implementation of one simple same program in broadcast and P2P ?

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C :: How Can A Multi-line String Be Read Line By Line

Mar 7, 2014

How can a mulitline string be read line by line

ex: str = "PERIOD="week"

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C :: ANSI Program To Print Out Each Command Line Argument On Separate Line Using For Loop

Mar 5, 2013

I need to write a ANSI program to print out each command line argument on a separate line using a for-loop. also it need to print the name of the executable .so far I have


#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;


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C :: Program Which Writes Out Its Command Line Arguments In Reverse Order One Per Line?

May 7, 2013

l need to write a program which writes out its command line arguments in reverse order one per line. The output from the program should look like this:

% a.out Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

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C :: Reading A File Line By Line (invalid Write Of Size X)

Aug 17, 2014

I am trying to read a file line by line and then do something with the informations, so my method looks like this:

void open_file(char *link) {
FILE *file = fopen(link, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file.

[Code] ....

1) The first complain of valgrind is at the line where I use fgets and its telling me (invalid write of size x), but I have allocated my line to 56000 and the read line is shorter, why is there a write size error then :S?

2) at the line where I realloc where I try to shrink the space he's telling me: Address .... is 0 bytes inside a block of size 56000, But I know i need only this space so why is there a write over space error :S??

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C :: Reading A File Line By Line And Storing It Backwards Into A List

Sep 25, 2013

So I'm reading a file line by line and storing it backwards into a list. So if the file has has this format...

The code should store each line in a list as such...
4, 3, 2 ,1

Instead the code will store the last variable in all nodes. So the final list will look like this...
4, 4, 4, 4

Here is my code...

struct node *head = NULL;
int i;
while(read(in, &i, sizeof(int)) != 0) {
struct node *temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
temp->line = &i;
temp->next = head;
head = temp;

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C :: Copying File Line By Line Using Dynamic Memory Allocation

Jul 15, 2013

I need to read lines from one file and copy them line by line into another file using dynamic memory allocation. It compiles but gives me a seg fault. Why/How?

int main(){
FILE *fp1;
FILE *fp2;
FILE *i;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Line Graph Using Single Line Values From Bitmap

Feb 3, 2014

I was loaded a bmp file in my mfc window and stored rgb data in a file.My image size is 320x240.

Is possible to pick a single point (location) from that bmp image (Not the whole window)?

i like to plot a line graph using the pointed single line data using the stored file data?

here R is X Axis and G & B is Y Axis.

If i have 2D array of data means how can i plot the line graph?

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C :: Fgets To Read A Line Without Returning New Line Char

Nov 5, 2014

I'm using fgets which will read a single line at a time, but unlike fgets I don't want it to return the new line char ( ) ?I want to be able to use printf to display the lines next to each other.

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C++ :: Read Line By Line From Text File To String

Jul 5, 2013

I have a text file (test.txt) with the following data:


I want to read this to one string called line. So far I have this code:

string line;
ifstream myfile ("/home/Test.txt");
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (myfile.good()) {
getline (myfile, line);
for (int a = 0; a <= 335; a++) {
cout <<line.at(a);
} }

so far its only printing the first line and then throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'

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C++ :: Read Txt File Line By Line Write To Vector

Oct 5, 2013

I need to read a text file which has various lines containing integers. I need to write those integers separately in a vector. Example, the first line of the text file contains 3 9 8 7 6 so vector[4]=3, vector[3]=9, vector[2]=8 and so on. Next read the second line 4 1 2 3 4 5 and write to another vector vector[5]=4, vector[4]=1...

I tried the code below but it will write from the second line, the whole line in one vector index.

int str; // Temp string to
cout << "Read from a file!" << endl;
ifstream fin("functions.txt"); // Open it up!
string line;
// read line count from file; assuming it's the first line
getline( fin, line );


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C/C++ :: Reading From A File Line By Line With No Specified Number Of Values

Apr 12, 2015

Im trying to read from a file, line by line, with no specified number of values in the file. Check out my code:

int main() {
string x;
ifstream fin;
int count = 0;
char ch;

[Code] .....

Now, this works great! However, its skipping some lines. And I dont know why. For example: Lets say that the input file is:

superman toy
batman toy
aquaman toy

Where it should output the above, instead it outputs every other one. Like:

superman toy
batman toy
aquaman toy

How can I fix my code so that it SIMPLY(i say simply because I am still a beginner coder) can read line by line?

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C/C++ :: Unable To Read Data From Buffer Line By Line

Jun 27, 2014

I'm reading strings one after another and trying to split it using strtok_r. This doesnot seem to be working

I have a .gz file from which I'm reading the data into the buffer in chunks.

The below code works fine only for the first chunk on data. Later it just breaks out.

while(1) {
char buffer[SIZE];
        int bytes_read = gzread (f, buffer, SIZE - 1);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Get Last Line 10 Char In Text File If Last Line Is Null

Aug 24, 2013

I can able to get the last line ten chars but i cant get if the last line is null.

here is my code

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

[Code] ....

here with i have enclosed my file where i am pick my last ten chars ...

Attached Files : log.txt (4.8 KB)

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C++ :: String Operation While Reading Line By Line From A File

May 12, 2014

I have to read the information about logic gates from a file. The file format is shown below:

gateOne = NAND(inpA, inpB)
3 = NAND(23,25,26)

As, it can be seen from the above structure that whitespaces are not same everytime. So, to deal with this situation, i am using boost library to remove all whitespaces from the line which is being read and then try to find the name of gate and its input. My code is given below which is able to correctly find the gate names and its first input...but my code is not able to find the second, third and so on input names.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/erase.hpp>

[Code] ....

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C :: Reading File Line By Line On Windows?

Oct 13, 2014

How to read a file line by line and then later access them by doing something like

lines[0] //Line number one
lines[100] //Line number one hundred and one
lines[100][0] //L
lines[100][1] //i
lines[100][2] //n
lines[100][3] //e
lines[100][4] //
lines[100][5] //n

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C :: How To Print Strings On The Same Line Without Moving To Next Line

Mar 12, 2013

Just working up for the google coding contest to start soon and have been practising some of the test questions however i make correct algorithms but my output is rejected because of the fact that my strings are printed on a new line so i wish to know a method to print strings using a printf statement or any other function on the same line ...

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C++ :: Get Last Line Displayed By Another Command Line Window

Apr 14, 2013

I write a program which now works perfectly well. However, I want to make it run at the right time automatically, instead of waiting for a user to start it when needed.

The basic problem is, that in a WinPE environment an exe is running. Unfortunately it would need critical input, which must be inputted perfectly. So, I wrote a program which gets the data and sends it to the other app, by bringing it to the front and presses the keys needed using SendInput().

However, this program should wait for it's cue, then get on the inputting part. It's cue should be the point where the program waits for the first user input with this displayed on the last line:


My question is: how to listen and check whether the last line displayed is "Text:"?

I've tried with AttachConsole(), but for some reason it opens a new console window. I checked and the PID I'm using is the console window's, so I don't know why that happens.

The few lines I'm trying with:

HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, "Administrator: Command Prompt");
DWORD process_id;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &process_id);

[Code] ...

Please don't criticize the first line. I know it can be ambiguous, but I modified it, When actually using it, the exe name will be in the title, so it will be unique.

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