C Sharp :: Opening New Cmd And Writing The Text

Oct 17, 2012

I want to open a command prompt from a console application in a separate window and write some lines of text in the new command prompt.

In the Below code it is not opening the new cmd and not writing the text...

Here is the code:
public static int Main(string[] args)
int retValue = 0;
ProcessStartInfo MyProcess = new ProcessStartInfo();
MyProcess.FileName = "cmd.exe";


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C Sharp :: Opening A File By Using The Extension?

Apr 24, 2013

The code below is used to return a file path.

 private string BrowseJournalFile(string startRelativePath)
            string str = "Journal files (*.log)|*.log|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            return PathTools.BrowseFile(startRelativePath, str, this.RootPath);    

So once I click browse I get something like "E:New Files" But there is this .log file in this folder which I want to automatically store in this path.

Right now I have to click on this .log file and then select open. Is there a way I can directly load the file.I have been trying to use the FileStream but no luck.

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C Sharp :: Project Template Opening Error

Jul 18, 2014

Recently I tried a project template from infragistics

Infragistics Windows Forms -ProjectManager

every time I open the design form it desply this message.

What should I do to resolve it.

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C Sharp :: Opening And Importing Multiple Files Into DataGridView / Database

Mar 29, 2013

I'm trying to add a function now that lets the user open 1 or more files and import them to the database and dataGridView. Now the way it is now (should) work. But when it has finished with FILE1, it won't add FILE2 as it then gives me an error that the Column Date Already exists.

My code is below

private void btnOpenLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)   {
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Log Files (*.log)|*.log";
            openFileDialog1.Multiselect = true;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Opening And Reading Text File

Nov 6, 2013

My project includes opening and reading a text file ("customers.txt"). This is my text file:

P 10.02 Y
r 15.50 N
U 19.00 y
R 6.50 y
n 0 Y
p 18.27 N

I wrote this code, but it seems not to find the text file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inputFile;
int number;

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Writing Speech To Text?

Sep 13, 2013

How to write speech to text application? Without any plugin all code by myself like Google or Microsoft SAPI or Apple Siri

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C++ :: SFML - Writing Text To Screen?

Oct 19, 2013

I'm trying to output text to a window using sfml, but I don't know where to start. Using version 1.6 of sfml.

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C++ :: Reading And Writing Data In Text File

Jan 5, 2015

Code to write data(Double type e.g 12345.67891) in text file like pattern given below. Remember to put tab between each column.

Column1 Column2 Column3
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3
Value 4 Value 5 Value 6
Value 7 Value 8 Value 9

& Also how to read data from this file.

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C++ :: Writing Output Of While Loop To Text File?

Jul 30, 2014

[URL] when I try to write my output to a file. I am building a life insurance premium calculator with c++. What my calculator does is read in a text file called "policies.txt" containing a number of different policies. For example:

Pol1 M N 20 100000 1 .04 99
Pol2 F S 30 100000 1 .05 99
Pol3 M S 72 750000 1 .03 99
Pol4 F N 45 1000000 1 .05 99

And using this, it creates a single premium. Once the calculator calculates the premium of each policy, I want it to write out the premium amount of each policy to a textfile called "output.txt". The problem is that when I check my "output.txt" file, only the premium for the last policy shows up. It only reads:

Premium for Pol4 is 220384
When I want it to read:

Premium for Pol1 is 14101.6
Premium for Pol2 is 14221.2
Premium for Pol3 is 582391
Premium for Pol4 is 220384

How come only the last policy is showing up? and is there any way to make all four policies appear in my output text file? Here is my code:

double ratesmn[86] = {
#include "MaleNonSmoker.txt"
- 1


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C/C++ :: Writing Into A Text File Using Nested For Loop?

Nov 15, 2012

My program involves trajectory planning using cubic spline method for a robotic arm. In the process, I had to calculate joint angles for each point in the path. In the last few lines of the code I need to write the values for counter and theta1 into a text file which I called "Test.txt". I am doing this using a nested for loop(the counter runs until it reaches 19 and hence need 19 theta1 values corresponding to it). However, I can't get all the theta1 values transferred to the text file.The statement within my inner loop is wrong and don't know how to fix it.
            current_time = GetTickCount();  
            //joint[0] = mult_joint[i][0];
            //joint[1] = mult_joint[i][1];
            //joint[2] = mult_joint[i][2];
            //joint[3] = mult_joint[i][3];      

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C++ :: Writing Text Data To A Binary File With Fstream

Jul 9, 2014

fstream ifs;
ifs.open ("data.str", ios::binary | ios:ut);
char *data1 = "data1";
char *data2 = "data2";
ifs.write(data1, strlen(data1));
ifs.write(data2, strlen(data2));

when i this,data2 is not going under data1, i thought each write starts on a new line?

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C# :: Writing To Text File And Uploading It To Server Directory

Dec 25, 2014

I want to write a single line to a file and upload it as a .txt file to a server directory . I know the traditional way to upload a local file to a server

public bool ftpTransfer(string fileName){
try {
string ftpAddress = "test.com";
string username = "test";
string password = "test";

[Code] ....

is there anyway to change this so that I can write the contents of the file through the program and upload it directly without having a local file?

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C/C++ :: Writing To Text File With User Declared Filename?

Apr 21, 2014

I am wanting to have a text file which is named with the user input and appended with .txt.

cout << "Please enter a new filename for storing new coordinates in: ";
char name[50];
ofstream output;
cin.getline(name, 50);
output.open(name + ".txt");

Get an error with this code on ".txt".

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C Sharp :: How To Get Text From Node In XML File That Contains Text And Child Node

May 21, 2013

I have a very big xml file. I read it using by xmlReader. I have problem when i reach to next line:

<title>Abasia<nemod>(-astasia) (hysterical)</nemod></title>

How I can read all that content. I have to have next string at the end: "Abasia (-astasia) (hysterical)".

I tried to use ReadElementContentAsString() for all elements, but elements like this has exception, because it has child element.

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Visual C++ :: File Stream Change Its Address During Writing Text Contents To The Stream

Apr 29, 2013

I wrote a program to write text contents to file stream through fputs, the file stream address was changed in the middle of writing text content to the stream (11% text content have been put into the file stream), that cause the file stream pointer can be evaluated problem and raise exception on stream validation code in fputs library function, my question is what things could go wrong to make file stream pointer changed its address to something else or a NULL pointer if the file stream have not been flushed and closed.

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C :: Writing A Simple File / Text Parser To Read A Config File

Feb 6, 2014

I am writing a simple file/text parser to read a config file for some code I am working on. It's dead simple and not particularly smart but it should get the job done. The code reads a config file:




Here is where it gets wierd. You'll notice that there is an unused variable (filepath) in the config struct. This variable is not referenced or used anywhere in the code, ever. Yet if I comment out the declaration of char filepath[1024], the code segfaults partway through the read_config() function.

My best guess is that there is a buffer overflow elsewhere and it just so happens that the memory allocated for filepath happened to be there to catch it up until now, but I can't work out where it might be happening. With the declaration commented out, the read_config() function gets as far as reading the "padding" variable before it crashes. Yet when the declaration is there, then all the variabled are read correctly and everything seems to work.

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C Sharp :: How To Update All Rows Using Text Box

Sep 12, 2014

I retrieve all the row values from database into text box.But I could not Update it.It shows error message is : The variable name '@value' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Must declare the scalar variable "@keyValue".

my code is here:

public partial class ECB_ECBConfiguration : System.Web.UI.Page {
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        DataTable dt = ECBDal.GetECBConfiguration();
       foreach(DataColumn col in dt.Columns) 
[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Get Text From Website To C# Application

Apr 20, 2013

I would like to know an easy way to let my application show in a label, some stats from a website.

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C Sharp :: Convert Multiline Text Box Value Into Byte

Aug 31, 2012

protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
 string pic = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(fileUpload1.FileBytes);
 TextBox1.Text = value.ToString();
//Here i get pic[40385]

[Code] ....

On two different event i get two different value which cause file not open due to file corrupted

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C Sharp :: Substring From Number In Text File

Oct 15, 2013

How to substring first 8 digits from number?

I have text file with around 10k lines. Each line contains number with length 12-14 digits. I want to take only first 8 digits from each number and writ it in new file.

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C++ :: Can Edit Text File Without Writing Content Of Whole File Again

Mar 28, 2013

Can i edit records stored in file without rewriting whole file again .?

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C Sharp :: Unable To Type Into Text Box While Running The Application?

Mar 24, 2013

actually it is the windows application .When i'm running my program it is not allowing me to enter the data into textboxes means the cursor is not appearing

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C Sharp :: Program The Text Import Wizard Of Excel?

May 6, 2013

I have a requirement where I have to import a lot of text files into excel. Up till now I can import the text files using visual studio C# but after importing the format is not exactly the way I want (mostly the delimiters). So I have to manually use the text import wizard and make the changes. I was just wondering if there is any way to program all of it. Delimiting the spaces, specifying the column widths, eliminating a few rows and columns.

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C Sharp :: Open New Cmd From Console Application And Write Text

Oct 23, 2012

I want to open one new CMD from console application, write text into the new CMD and then coming back to the control on the old cmd. (like interactively working on the both)

look into the below code

Process P1 = Process.Start(@"C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe");
P1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
P1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
P1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
StreamWriter wr = P1.StandardInput;
wr.WriteLine("First line in New Cmd");
Console.WriteLine("First line in Old Cmd");
wr.WriteLine("Second line in New Cmd");
Console.WriteLine("Second line in Old Cmd");

it is giving the exception "StandardIn has not been redirected"

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C Sharp :: How To Use Timer To Move Text Objects Around A Board Onto Textboxes

Apr 2, 2013

Every time the timer clicks it should show a text letter like (T) for tortoise and (H) for hare that moves around the board when the user hits go on the GUI.

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C Sharp :: Unable To Change Label Text For Certain Location On Web Form

Dec 7, 2012

I am trying to change label text on button click, the way label.text = "string" work well before but not in this case. I tried to put this on other method and it work..it is just not working on the button that I would like to fire..

C# code :

protected void btnTotalGroupMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string s = "there";
string[] words = s.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in words) {
Label1.Text = s;

[Code] ...

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